Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 104, the pupil of destruction

104, the pupil of destruction

"No, Miss Uncle, please pay attention to this... there are men here."

The nun raised her eyebrows a little, and she smiled: "Oh, that's it. Sister, did you just want me to undress in front of these men?"

"Huh? No... I am not..."

"Sister, you are really interesting. You insulted my eyes and couldn't see, so you deliberately poured tea on my body and burned me, and then tricked me to undress here?"

"No, no...I...I don't..."

"Could you please call the palm of the car? I think the next topic should be the content of my direct negotiation with the palm of the train."

The nun's words are still very soft, without the slightest tone. But these words made the maid pale with fright, and quickly pleaded--

"Miss priest, please... please don't think so. I need this job for the sake of a goddess. My family... There are three younger brothers in my family waiting for me to raise..."

The nun frowned slightly and said, "Yes, for the goddess' sake. You have soiled my clothes. If I can see it, I can wash it myself. But my eyes can't see it, so , You can only wash me. But on this train, I don’t have any other nun clothes to change, and as a maid of a goddess, I can’t wear other unmodest clothes. You... Are you embarrassing me?"

Xing had been listening to her, but now she couldn't stand it anymore. But when she was about to stand up, the knight guarding her stepped forward to dissuade her. After all, it was the maid who was wrong first, and the nun was always very polite, and it was not too much to ask the conductor to come.

Finally, the head of the maid came. The little nun and Yan Yueshen told the person in charge what had just happened. But there was no hint of pleading for her in his tone. After listening, the person in charge immediately yelled at the maid.

"What's the matter? Did you work as a errand? If you soiled the nun's clothes, you still lied to undress in public.

"Woo...I didn't...I...I didn't..."

"Not yet? I'm really sorry, Miss Priest. Then, look...what should I do with this matter?"

The little nun smiled slightly and said: "The goddess is tolerant. Anyone's mistakes are forgiven. As long as they make up for the losses of others, then all the unhappiness will disappear."

The person in charge nodded repeatedly and smiled: "Yes, yes, then, please ask the priesthood lady to go to the box and undress. I must order this naive girl to wash your clothes for you."

The nun nodded and smiled: "Well, please as soon as possible. In addition, I hope that the clothes can dry faster. So, can you please hang my clothes out of the car window? If there is the wind blowing in the train, It must be dried soon."

The maid nodded, held up the nun with tears in her eyes, and left with the person in charge. The car that was still noisy just now immediately became quiet, this matter... should be considered solved.

Bread and walnuts breathed out and finally walked into the dining car. Xing turned her head and was shocked the moment she saw the walnut.


"Huh, do you still have my aunt in your eyes? My lovely little niece"

Walnut stepped forward, grabbed Xing’s face with both hands, and pulled it apart. At the same time, some green veins on his forehead violently, and said: “You run out without saying a word. You are more fierce than aunt before. It’s just the wind blowing the sand. But you’re fine, now that you ran away from home, you just ran out of the city? Why didn’t you see you so'wild' before?"

Xing held her face pulled apart by Walnut and wanted to talk, but she didn't know what to say for a while. At this time, the guardian knight next to him also came up to persuade. But as soon as Walnut saw them, he immediately made the two kneel down.

"You two also saw the princess running out instead of stopping, but helping her? Do you think the world is peaceful? Just you two, you dare to run outside without even a master?"

The two knights are also among the best in the sand. But now hearing Walnut say this, I feel a little uncomfortable. But for the eldest princess, they didn't dare to speak, they could only lower their heads. On the contrary, Xing said, "Auntie, these two people are very strong. They are both members of the First Knights. They are powerful fighters under the father..."

"What powerful fighter? This world is not as safe as you think. At least, at the very least, you have to tie a peerless master to act with yourself. Otherwise, how can safety be guaranteed? Aunt can be a lesson from the past, if not In the past, when a master of the world was often **** to travel with your aunt, my aunt no longer knows how many times he died."

The idiot who was reading the documents in the front carriage sneezed, rubbed his nose, and continued to read the documents.

The apricots here do not know what to say. I can only lower my head and not speak. Seeing that his lesson had worked, Hu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, tell aunt, what is going on? Let you run out like this?"

There is no need to conceal walnuts and apricots. She took out the little book and handed it to Walnut. Walnut just turned it over and was immediately shocked. Because the handwriting inside is exactly that of her father, the first emperor Buck.

"Auntie, this is Grandpa's diary. I accidentally found it in the father's room. According to the above, it should be the diary 20 years ago. On page 124 of it, Grandpa's sword is described in detail. It was given to the father as a birthday gift. It simply mentioned that the sword was cast by a'caster of the steel city'."

After seeing this page, Walnut glanced slightly, and said, "So, you sneaked out?"

Xing nodded: "I want to help King Father recast a matching sword. I want to surprise King Father again. So, I sneaked out."

Walnut looked at the two guardian knights suspiciously, and the two guardian knights said: "Back to the princess, although the princess's actions are ill-considered, we thought about it. If the Lord of Steel City knew that the stag had sent the princess to go. With regards to condolences, you might be grateful and return to the territory of the Bucks. After all, the Dark Deer Empire is not orthodox. Therefore, we made this decision in private..."

Walnut frowned and looked at the little niece in front of her, not knowing what to say. You know, the current steel city is full of disorder, bandits and all kinds of unimaginable difficult environments. Plague, robbery, theft, an environment where a piece of food may be able to kill. In such an environment, this little niece would rush over in a hurry? ............ Cough, there is no way, it seems that I have to find that big idiot again when I go back. Anyway, you have to tie up that idiot's actions on yourself and your little niece. With his protection, I can feel a little more at ease.


The idiot rubbed his nose and took a breath.

(What's the matter? I caught a cold? Oh, I almost forgot, ‘idiot’ can’t catch a cold~~~ And it can make you such a monster cold virus, I really want to see and see.)

The idiot ignored Dim's words and continued to read the files in his hand. He didn't put the files away until his eyes were a little spent, and wanted to go to the toilet for convenience. At this moment, the toilet door opened, and a person came out and passed by the idiot...

Bun stepped forward to hold Xing's hand and shook it firmly. When Xing felt strange, she put up a sign--

"Princess, do you want to save people?" 》

"........................This is for sure. Such a big disaster, as the Buck Princess, I should make a contribution."

Walnut nodded, and Bun immediately took the hands of the two of them and shook them firmly. At this point, her alliance has been formed. This time she has to ask the idiot to save more talents. Otherwise, such a catastrophe would not be a minority

At this moment, the car door opened, and the nun just now, already wearing a clean nun uniform, returned to the dining car and sat down. Just when everyone thought how fast...


One thing hit the car window outside. When everyone turned their heads, they saw that the maid just now had her whole body flying out of the car window. At this moment, her hands were tightly holding the window, her body was flying backwards along the train, and her face was full of pain.

"How is this going?"

The maid outside the car window made everyone nervous immediately, and everyone started yelling. Xing stared blankly at the maid with a painful expression. After staring for a moment, she immediately yelled: "Open the window and pull her in."

Saving people is like fighting a fire. The two knights rushed to the window immediately, reaching out to pull up the window. But at this moment, an unbelievable scene appeared

I saw that the maid’s body was stretched bit by bit, her skin was slowly splitting, and the muscles inside were also torn apart bit by bit, as if something was pulling her. 'S feet, pulling her desperately behind the car

"Save people quickly—"

The knights hurried to unlock the locking device of the car window, and everyone looked at the maid who was constantly being torn apart. Her expression was painful, sorrowful and angry, and there was endless terror in her tearful eyes. She stared at someone in the car window tightly, and she kept shouting in her mouth.

What is she shouting?

Blocked by the heavy window glass, it is hard to hear. The only thing that can be heard, seems to be her waist that was instantly torn.


Although her spine is still connected, her waist is already split.

The internal organs and blood poured out the window like splashes. There was blood flowing from her mouth, and her painful expression made everyone watching it feel terrifying. The window of the car was immediately stained with a heavy layer of blood red, and an intestine was dragged out of her body, like a banner, flying in the wind.

Inside the carriage, there was a scream and panic. At the moment that the car window was finally opened, the maid’s body was torn to pieces with a scream, her limbs and blood flew back along the high-speed car window, using blood to bring this originally peaceful night away. , Dyed red...

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