Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 114, the troubled city

114, the troubled city

On the desolate and broken street, Lancer walked forward alone.

He was very happy. Although there was no news of rescue, he also found someone to fill his combat power. In this way, the garrison that can be mobilized is finally hundreds of people. After thinking of a way, it should be able to withstand the bandits.

Lancer took a relaxed pace and walked quickly towards the church. He was a little worried about his wife, she hadn't slept for several days, and if this went on, he would worry about whether she could still support her. But just when he passed through a broken wall...

A hand suddenly stretched out from the shadow, grabbing Lancer's clothes corner, and dragging him into the shadow.

"Who is it?.................. It's you......"

Lancer looked at the man in the shadow, his original vigilant eyes, and now slowly relaxed.

"What are you doing here. Didn't I say you don't want to come here again? No matter what you say, I won't go with you."


"Enough is enough, what do you want? It's fun to make fun of me like this, isn't it?"

Lancer looked at the figure in the shadow, his body suddenly excited. He punched the broken wall beside him, looking excited.

"I will not betray my wife. I love her. All you tell me are lies. I treat her sincerely. We have been married for 16 years. I will never betray her."

When the shadow in the dark moved, Lancer's pupils instantly enlarged.

"Don't don't want me... count me please... don't"

He held his head, the original dignity turned into horror at this moment.

"Don't go to Yueming... I beg you, don't go to her, I can promise you whatever you want... Just beg you not to find her"


"No... I beg you... Please let me go... I just want to be with my wife... As long as you don't go to my wife, don't ask me to leave with you... anything Can I promise you money? I have some savings over the years, and I can give you all of it. Just beg you not to pester me again."


"Memory...? Memory from sixteen years ago? actually...investigated so many things? Sixteen years ago...? I...I don't know...I don't know who I was 16 years ago. Who...but...but...I don't need to know that my life is very good now...I will never let you destroy my family"


"Regret... Regret? You said I would regret it? No, I will never regret it........................ No...... I regret it...... Please...... Don't do this... Then you give I have some time...give me some more time and I will consider what you said...but I have a condition"

"Don't tell my wife...Don't go to see her...and don't show up in front of anyone...I don't want them to know that I am that kind of person and I am not that kind of person...I am not...I am not... ……………"

Lancer was lying on the ground and also in front of the figure. The shadow was silent, and after a while, "she" completely disappeared in the dark shadow. Lancer was left alone, trembling all over, lying there...


In the early morning of the next day, the Iron City, which had been silent all night, once again ushered in a tragic day. In such a severely affected area, it is so difficult to sleep peacefully. Naturally, people are required to forcibly hold back the pain in their hearts while working hard to survive, without giving them any time to rest.

The tent was tightly covered. Walnut was buried in a sleeping bag and covered with a black cloth, leaving only two small holes to vent his breath. She continued to keep the tradition of sleeping during the day, but the two little girls started to help at this moment.

They wandered around the ruins and collected some cotton wool and cloth. As the Holy Eve Festival approached, the sky was already covered with snowflakes. Walnut leaned back into the tent with his little hands, holding the apricots, filling all corners of the tent with those cotton wool, preparing to welcome the coming snow and wind. After all this was done, Little Bread poked her head out of the tent, and just in time, a piece of snow fell on the tip of her nose, and she immediately withdrew from the cold.


"what happened."

Xing dignifiedly sat in the tent. After losing her panic of light, she once again showed rare composure. Walnut touched his nose and looked at the apricot again. Suddenly, a smirk appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she tiptoedly walked behind her, raised her hand, and hugged her neck. At the same time, he pressed his face to Xing's cheek.

"Ah so cold"

Xing yelled, her neck shrinking. Seeing Xingtao's performance was very interesting, Hu Tao held her arms tighter, and at the same time, the palms reached directly along her collar and grabbed her soft chest.

"Ah~~~ let go... let go, don't touch it~~~"

Xing blushed and started to resist instinctively. But the bun was wrapped around her neck. Once Xing’s strength became a little bit stronger, the palm of her hand that was inserted into Xing’s clothes immediately grabbed the top and pinched it hard. Xing immediately blushed, her whole body numb, and her hands were lowered. Seeing that the bread worked, he fumbled around in Xing's clothes even more unscrupulously, making Xing feel painful and crisp, and he couldn't resist.

" like so't...don't touch there...ah~~~~"

Bun was stunned for a moment, and stopped with his hands holding Apricot chest. She pulled out her right hand and let Xing take a breath. Afterwards, she put her right hand on her chest and pressed...


No, compared to earlier this year, it should be considered a little bulging, right? Bun rubbed his chest, which was only a small bag, and then touched the soft touch of Apricot's chest. With a small mouth, he immediately gave up his chest and put his hand into Apricot's collar again to make a mess.

The idiot came back carrying a pile of firewood and heard the noise coming from the tent. He was worried that something might happen, so he quickly opened the tent cloth and looked inside.

Inside, Xing's clothes had been pulled down by the bread, and the upper half of her small body was also half-covered, half-naked in front of the idiot. Apricot couldn't see, so there was no reaction at all, but continued to push the bread, moaning in her mouth.


Seeing that the girl of my own house pressed the girl of the royal family under her body and forcibly removed the clothes, the idiot gave a cold cry.

The bread was taken aback and hurriedly let go. Xing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the idiot's voice. She didn't realize that her upper body was almost naked, so she just turned around and said in the direction of Bread: "You're so rude. Next time, don't do this again. "

Bread touched the back of his head, looked at the idiot's cold eyes, and looked at Xing's disheveled clothes. After hesitating for two seconds, she finally rushed forward and pulled up Xing's bottom coat and her coat to cover her body. In this way, it is settled.

At this moment, Xing felt the clothes she had just taken off. She blushed, and immediately slapped Bun with her backhand. Bread was beaten upright, she clutched her red cheeks and smiled embarrassedly. After that, she immediately climbed in front of the idiot, pointed at her breasts, then pointed at Xing's bulging breasts, ahhhhh.

"Why the chest of bread is not as big as an apricot? 》

Holding the sign, Little Bread's eyes showed a strong thirst for knowledge.

The idiot glanced at the apricot who was nervously tidying up his clothes, stretched out his hand, gently touched the bread's hair, and said--



"You eat too much chili and get angry, boil the water in your chest and evaporate it."


In a word, the bun was immediately like a bolt from the blue sky. She opened her mouth, held the sign, and her eyes were dull. The idiot still maintained the poker face, touched her head, closed the tent cloth, turned around, and walked towards the scheduled meeting place.

Today, all rescue work has stopped. All those who could act began to look for anything usable among those ruins. The idiot went all the way and swept all the way. But no matter how you look at it, the figure in the lock robe still doesn't move.

When he arrived at the meeting place, with him, a total of a hundred people ranging in height had already gathered here. However, contrary to what Lancer said, these fighters were sluggish, and some of the so-called armors worn on their bodies were also dilapidated. The weapons in their hands were either rusted or broken, and they could not be used at all.

Seeing the idiot coming, the sergeant named Felwood raised his head lazily and glanced at him. No questioning, no questioning, he just randomly dropped a set of ragged armor at the idiot's feet, took two bricks from the side, and threw it over.

The idiot caught it, and then the sergeant said--

"There are no useful weapons. You are responsible for throwing bricks behind."

After speaking, he turned around and sighed: "Ah... what are you struggling with... They are also trapped in this mountain, and we can't survive without robbing us... How can we people live together? Are they fighting?"

Felwood should be talking to himself, but his voice spread like a plague in this frustrated atmosphere. The other warriors who strayed sighed and shook their heads in frustration.

When everyone arrived, the simple patrol mission began. Ten of these one hundred people wandered in the ruins of this large steel city. Obviously, Lancer made a mistake in his decision. These people are actually the same as others, and they don't even mean to patrol. Once separated, everyone began to rummaged among the ruins for anything useful. If you happen to pick up a pile of rotten and moldy bread, you might fight each other.

(Ha funny. This is the end of hypocrisy.)

An Mie showed blood eyes from the chains and sneered. Looking at the fighters without fighting spirit, the ridicule and ridicule in its laughter became more obvious.

(The soldiers who don’t provide food, only have a sense of honor. Who is going to be such a guard? The scheme devised by the hypocritical priest is doomed to only lead to failure. It turns out that his so-called kindness cannot be popularized at all. People. Although others respect his actions on the surface, they still violate the Yin and Yang in secret. This is a fact~~)

The idiot glanced at Dimie, and simply left the patrol team and walked on the path alone.

(You seem to be uncomfortable with Lancer.)

(Oh, of course, as soon as I see these priests, for goddesses or something, I feel sick and want to vomit God? God can't save these people. Only we demons will "save people" if these people agree to surrender to me... No , Now, it should be your feet, if you accept the baptism of devil blood, I can give them the greatest "gift" hehe, this gift is enough to make that scarlet tumbler roll away immediately.)

The idiot shook his head, unconsciously, he walked to the church quarter again. He looked at the dilapidated church, and after hesitating for a while, he walked in. As soon as I entered, I saw the priest's wife, the doctor named Yueming, and the girl with a turban wearing glasses, dressing up some wounded.

The glasses are now bowing their heads, concentrating on dealing with the suppurative wounds of the wounded. Doctor Yueming looked up and saw the idiot, a smile appeared on his tired face, and nodded at him.


The idiot looked around, made up his mind, and said, "I'm here to help."

The glasses raised his head, glanced at the idiot, and continued to lower his head to deal with the wounded.

Yueming smiled. She saw the armor on the idiot and said, "I would like to ask you to check the safety of the city. I believe there must be a better place for you to do than here."

The idiot nodded and turned to leave. But at this moment, Yueming called out as if thinking of something.

"Wait a minute, kid."

Yueming stopped the idiot, took out a package of herbs from her arms, stuffed it into the idiot's hand, and said, "Can you give this package of medicine to my husband for me? After the lord left, he was the leader of the place. Father, there are too many burdens on his body. You must watch him take this package of herbs, so that you can regulate his body and relieve his fatigue."

The idiot nodded and reached out to take it. The glasses over there also turned his head and glanced at the idiot before continuing to work.

Taking the herbal medicine, Yueming smiled again, and went back to deal with the patient. The idiot put his hands in his pockets, slowly moved out of the church, and while looking around, he walked towards the residential area where Lancer should be.

(Human kid, are you going to keep looking for the guy in the strange robe like this until the end?)

(……………………There are 50,000 people in the Iron City. I must search them all again.)

(Cut, I'm too lazy to care about you. If you have such a good perseverance, why can't you practice the fifth prison more? It's spectacular~~~It's cool~~~It's also very bold~~~~~)


(Okay, okay, don’t practice, if you don’t practice, you will always have a little bit of practice. In, we seem to finally wait for some interesting things to do~~~~)

The dim voice fell, and the idiot had already heard it.

From a distance, a loud sound of horseshoes came from the residential area over there. The sound of horseshoes was mixed with screaming and crying, and there were many sounds of things falling over. The idiot was shocked, and immediately rushed forward. Because in that direction is the direction of the tent where the bread is

"Hahaha today's defense? Didn't you form an army to resist us? Where is the defense?"

Dozens of riders rushed over from there. The leader wears a purple hat on his head, and a colorful feather is inserted into the hat, which seems to be the leader of this group. He rode a horse and rushed toward this side in a rampage. The people dressed as bandits behind him continued to whip the people around with their whips and laughed.

"What are you doing? are too lawless"

In crying, Lancer finally got out of a tent receiving prayers. Seeing the destroyed temporary residential area in front of him, he yelled and stood in front of those people. But after seeing Lancer, the lead purple hat not only didn't stop the horse, but ran into Lancer in a straight line. He jumped to the side and hurriedly avoided the collision.

"Oh, isn't this the great priest? Are you doing your useless prayer again today?"

The purple hat sneered, and the whip in his hand was raised, and a woman who couldn't avoid it, pulled her over. He was also not polite, in front of everyone, his big furry hand immediately pressed on the woman's chest and rubbed it honestly.

"Help Help"

The call spread, alarming many people. The idiot ran over immediately after seeing that the tent where the bun was located was safe and sound. Even Yueming and glasses, who are taking care of the wounded in the church, are now putting down their work and gathering here.

"Wife, let go of my wife"

Seeing that his woman was molested by a purple hat, a man rushed forward, ignoring his injuries. But before he ran there, a bandit behind him bent his bow and took an arrow, and an arrow pierced the man's neck. Amid the women's screams, the man's throat spurted a blood arrow and fell down.


As someone died, the surrounding refugees immediately stepped back. Lancer was the only one standing in the front. At this moment, Lancer's face turned pale, his body trembled, but he resisted the fear and said, "You...what do you...what do you want to do?

"Oh, what do you want to do? You know it yourself, why ask me?"

The purple hat pinched the woman unconscious, placed her on the horseback in front of her, and sneered--

"Woman, food. In addition to these, what do you think you can offer us? If you are acquainted, let all women over ten years old and under thirty years old come out and everyone will carry no less than one kilogram. Food, if we go back with us...hehe, let’s blame our Lord Thunderhoof for slaughtering your so-called steel city into a city of blood and water.”

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