Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 115, the hero

115, hero

More and more people gathered around, but even with so many people, no one dared to step forward to stop them in the face of those tough bandits. Everyone was afraid, trying to hide behind others, hoping to avoid the greedy eyes of the bandits.

Lancer's hands trembled.

He tightly squeezed the cross on his chest, angrily unable to speak. At this time, those bandits had already begun to act. They jumped off the horses, carried their weapons and started kicking the tent around, searching for the pitiful food. Once a woman was found in the tent, she immediately pulled up and roared wantonly without saying a word. The steel city turned into ruins seems to have become their playground, where they can do whatever they want.


Lancer squeezed the cross tightly, and when he saw the two bandits started tearing at the women's clothes in the middle of the road, he finally couldn't help but lifted the cross and rushed forward.

"How can you be so bold you are not afraid of the goddess' punishment?"

Lancer yelled and went up to grab the wrist of one of the bandits. But the thief slammed him hard to the ground. Lancer, who was weak, immediately vomited blood, and two of his ribs seemed to be broken. The pain made him lie on the ground and couldn't even stand up.

"Huh, I don't have the strength to learn to pretend to be a hero. You deserve it. I tied all the women to me, boss, but I'm impatient waiting for the drinking girl."

The purple hat yelled, and the bandits around became even more crazy. But at this moment, a scalpel flew out from the crowd and directly pierced the purple hat.

"Huh? Sneak attack?"

Zi Cap's skill is not bad, he clamped the scalpel in his hand with two fingers. Looking at the scalpel, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled and threw the scalpel to the ground nearby.

"Well, who did I think it was? Isn't this Miss Yueming?"

The onlookers turned their heads and saw Yueming holding a scalpel in each hand, biting her lower lip, and walking out nervously from the crowd. She cautiously came to Lancer's side, her face was blue, and she said loudly: "You...stop it or... I'll fight you."

" come out...? Hurry...go back..."

Seeing his wife out of the queue, Lancer didn't care about the pain in his chest and hurriedly called. But Yueming didn't move at all, and instead stood in front of her husband, holding a scalpel.

"The glasses took my husband down and healed his injuries"

The turban girl rushed out immediately. She turned Lancer's body, connected his broken ribs in twos and twos, and dragged him back. After her husband returned to the safe area, Yueming moved back. It is a pity that before she quit one step, four strong bandits have surrounded her with a laugh, and their eyes are full of greed and filth.

"Miss Yueming. Although our boss's recruitment requirement is from 10 to 30 years old. But compared to those little girls, you really dominate the group of women~~~ Look at this skin care, Who can tell that you are in your early thirties and the mother of a teenager?"

While talking, Purple Hat stretched out his hand and pinched Yueming's chin. This action immediately made Lancer yell at the back. He desperately tried to struggle to get up, but the glasses and a few other refugees were firmly in control of him and kept him from moving.

"Yueming Yueming, you are not allowed to approach my wife Yueming--"

In Lancer's call, Yueming's face rarely held a touch of calmness. She tightly squeezed the scalpel in her hand, and said nervously: "I...hope can give it to you, but absolutely...cannot take away one person."

The purple hat sneered. He shook his head and touched the feathers on the brim of his hat with his fingers. Then he smiled and said, "Since it's Miss Yueming who speaks, then we don't want to sell this face. Well, not only do we not bring people. , I didn’t even bring food... Miss Yueming, you should know what to do? Our boss looks forward to the stars and moon, day and night, since the misunderstanding four years ago, Our boss is always thinking about when I can apologize to you in person~~~"

Yueming's face paled when she thought of her unfortunate sister who had died young. She gritted her teeth and looked at the purple hat angrily. But due to too strong fear and good cultivation, she finally failed to scold it. At this moment, the people around finally knew what the purple hat intended, all of them lowered their heads and sighed.

"Yueming can't us... We fight with them, you can't do this... Go there, you're so wicked."

Yueming turned her head sadly and smiled bitterly at Lancer, who was exhausted. After laughing, she resisted the fear and tears, and allowed the bandits to come up. After pinching her hands, she put a heavy harness on her hands.

The purple hat laughed, and he blew a whistle, letting the bandits under him press the only but most important trophy this time. Lancer called out loudly, and the more he called, the more it affected the wound. The more he affected the wound, the more pain he felt. At this moment, he began to hate his incompetence and why he was so incompetent. Even the most beloved wife can't keep it now, so she can only look at her and was **** and sent to the bandit leader.

Save her... Who is... Is there anyone who can come and save her...?

Save my us all...

Is there anyone... who... can come to save people... save people...

Prayer, is it useful?

Everyone bowed their heads. Nearly a thousand people were present, but they could only watch the dozens of people leave under Yueming, the priest squeezed the cross in his hand and tears fell. And the cross, which originally symbolized suffering, was also bent and broken abruptly by him at this moment...

at last……


Just as the purple hat got on the horse triumphantly, a snowball hit the face of the horse he sat down heavily. The horse hissed and stood up immediately. The purple hat on its back was caught off guard and immediately fell off.

Everyone on the sidelines was stunned. Because they saw that a ten-year-old girl with pink hair actually stopped in front of the horse, holding a slapped snowball in her hand. Although she is very beautiful and pure in appearance, she can faintly detect a trace of evil from the little girl's eyebrows.

"The dead girl dare to get Lao Tzu off the horse?"

Purple Hat climbed up from the ground, and when he saw that it was a little girl who was still stinking, he immediately became angry. He strode forward, raised his hand and waved to the little girl's face, vowing to twist the little girl's delicate face.

Faced with that big fist, everyone around was shocked.

Seeing this little girl, how could she withstand such a heavy blow from this fist?

Some timid people have covered their eyes, and many have even chanted the name of the goddess silently in their hearts. Pray for this little girl who is about to die.


Unlike the noise of the people around, the little girl did not have the slightest fear or fear on her face. She didn't even go to dodge, but still with the faint evil spirit in the corner of her eyes, smiling like a flower, watching the fist fly over.

Because she knows that her face can be slapped by Xiao Xing, walnut can be pulled, and anyone who loves her can touch it. For all the above, one person will allow it. But the fist alone can never reach


One person, one wall.

The fist raised did not hit the soft face. Instead, he was firmly caught by one palm.

The owner of the palm of his hand looked cold, and the darkness from his pupils was enough to swallow any noise. Only the most basic things are left to the world...



There was a crisp cracking sound in Purple Hat's ears, which sounded like the sound of some kind of shortbread crumbly in his hands. But soon, he realized the pain coming from his right hand and looked down, and saw that his fist was in the palm of the opponent, and it had been completely crushed. The palm of the opponent was slowly closed. Close up for one point, and the pain in his palm will increase. Finally...


The purple hat screamed, and the horrible scream made the people around him unable to react. However, the person who crushed his palm was not so kind to let it go. He pulled the purple hat over. The black dagger lay firmly on his neck, moving lightly and skillfully, as if it were taken for granted.


Little bread, smiling. The evil spirit in the corner of the eye was satisfied and disappeared.

But the idiot glanced at her and said faintly: "You, ask me something again."

As the voice fell, the dagger was pulled aside, and the face of the purple hat was instantly distorted. He clutched his neck, staggered forward two steps, and then...


The red liquid spouted from his neck, dyeing the snow falling from the sky and the ground under his feet.

This scene happened too fast, and it made people unable to react quickly. Not only the surrounding people, but even the bandits were all stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the spray of blood.

However, in front of the sewer rats, there is absolutely no time for honoring you to breathe.

After pulling out the knife, the idiot immediately reached out and drew the dagger around the waist of the purple hat, and quickly threw it at a bandit. Before the bandit could react, when the door was stabbed by a dagger, he quickly pulled up the dagger behind the purple hat, and the person rushed to the two neighboring bandits like lightning. The sword was lifted at the same time and plunged into the necks of both of them.

In an instant, the four bandits had corpses all over the field. The bandits who had been stunned finally woke up and pulled out their weapons one after another. Several of the stone verticals took out the guiding stone in a panic and drew a road map nervously.

The idiot knows the power of the guiding force, and before the route drawing of the few stone verticals is finished, a black light has already volleyed down, smashing their route map. The same was split, and their bodies, sprayed with blood, fell down.

" stand still...or I will kill him"

The extremely fast speed and fierce strength shocked a bandit in a very short time. He smoothly pulled a little boy from the crowd beside him and held it with a knife.


The idiot's eyes were cold, and he didn't even care about it. After avoiding the three bandits that came up, Diamie immediately shrank, and his body also curled up accordingly. When the bandits thought they were successful, the long-simmering afterimage appeared like a ghost, passing through them, and before the hostage bandit had time to react, the sword had already pierced his throat.

These bandits actually don't have much abilities. Except for the purple hat headed by a little bit of strength, the strength of the others is like a living sacrifice under Six Swords. Some of them had been frightened by the weird swordsmanship and wanted to escape, but they forgot one thing.

In nature, what is the easiest to slaughter and the easiest to be a target of culling?

Forever, it will be the prey that lags behind to escape and completely loses defense.

Afterimages and storms lingered in this land, cutting through the remaining bandits. Suddenly, flesh and blood flew across, and the limbs were scattered. The shadow of death has been completely shrouded in this piece of snow.




The storm stopped.

The place that was originally full of roars has now become deadly still.

The surrounding refugees stared blankly at the only boy still standing in the field, at his blood-stained sword, and his cold face that was bloodshot but without any expression from beginning to end. Now, holding a sword, he slowly walked towards a fish that slipped through the net, and walked towards a man lying on the ground and moving his body with both hands.

Da da da……

Footsteps, composure.

The bandit heard footsteps and turned his head. After seeing the idiot walking towards him, a layer of desperate fear immediately appeared on his face. He crawled backwards desperately, losing a little bit of spirit as a person in his confused eyes.

"No... don't... don't kill me please don't kill me"

The sound of pleading, but could not stop the sound of forward footsteps. It didn't take long for the idiot holding the sword to stand in front of the bandit, and the blood pupil at the hilt of the sword opened and moved flexibly. After seeing this human being trembling with fear under the sword, the corner of Blood pupil's eyes showed a refreshing sneer.

"Don't... don't kill me don't kill me..."

The bandit raised his hand and waved continuously. But what was waiting for him was the idiot slowly lifting up and Dimming, without the slightest pity in the expressionless pupils.

"You don't want me to do anything, I just beg you... don't kill—"

The sword penetrated his throat. The last word, forever, stuck deep in his throat.




The battle is over.

The idiot slowly retracted Dim Mie from his hand, turned around, and looked at the surprised people around him coldly. He casually wiped the blood on his face with his hand and walked to the bread.


Xiao Bread knew that his disobedient intrusion would result in more trouble. She also knew that she shouldn't learn from Walnut in everything, and jumped out if she didn't follow the rules of behavior. But if she really wants her to die like an idiot, she really can't do it. Now, she can only stick out her tongue and keep silent.

But, next...


"Praise the beauty god"

"This is really the miraculous goddess who didn't abandon us"

"Praise the great and merciful goddess, praise the great gods, thank you for not abandoning your people"

At that moment, the refugees who had been oppressed by bandits all around shouted. They cheered and threw at the idiot. The color on their faces was nothing but excitement and joy. They shouted and raised their hands. Not only did he not have the slightest fear of the blood-stained idiot, but he was more intimate.

The idiot had never accepted such support from others. For a while, he was very nervous, and Dian Mian saw that he would pull out his hand again. Fortunately, Bun hurriedly pressed the idiot's wrist, so he could not pull out the sword. It was this pause that the refugees had already swarmed over, held up the idiot, and threw him high.

"Hero Our Hero"

"The great goddess gave us the savior"

"Hero, you are so strong, what do you need to do to become as strong as you?"

"Hero, please accept me as a disciple? I also want to learn your swordsmanship. After I finish learning, I will definitely rely on it to protect my family and streets, sure."

To the noisy crowd around, the idiot seemed extremely uncomfortable. He looked a little nervous, and he maintained a sense of vigilance for these people who kept coming to him. With his left hand, he held the bun tightly, for fear that the people who came over would be unfavorable to the bun.

Compared to the nervousness of an idiot, Little Bread looked much easier. Since she was little, she has never enjoyed being so praised by others before, and she couldn't help but start her nostrils upright and enjoy herself.

This is the first time since the earthquake that refugees here have won a complete victory against bandits. These bandits took advantage of the natural disasters to rule the king and dominate them almost every day. Those who have managed to escape the disaster have to endure such an unsuspecting disaster, it is really itchy. However, due to the strength of the opponent's single body, everyone was in a post-disaster state, very fragile, and unable to resist at all. Now, seeing these gangsters who misbehaved each other was dying, who could not be happy, who could not be encouraged?

The crowd came to the scarred Lancer surrounded by nervous idiots. At this moment, the priest was in emergency treatment for two women, glasses and Yueming. Seeing the idiot coming, he ignored the wound on his body, stood up forcibly, came to the idiot, and took his hands.

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