Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 117, Pink Hot Spring

117, Pink Hot Spring

The water temperature is very suitable.

Submerged in the pool water, the idiot can feel his body is relaxing.

He leaned against the broken wall behind him and straightened his body. Do your best to recover from physical fatigue so that you can restore yourself to the best condition.

But he kept his eyes open and kept the minimum vigilance to observe the movement around him. Even the drop of a stone, the unnatural air current blowing in from the crack, will raise his most basic vigilance to the highest height.

However, everything is normal and nothing unexpected happens.

The idiot wiped his body, just five minutes was enough for him to take a shower. Therefore, he stood up, ready to leave this relaxing entertainment prepared by Father Lancer.

At this time...

A person, wrapped in a bath towel, appeared in front of the idiot in a steady pace.

The water in the hot spring is warm...

There is not much water vapor permeating, and the vision is very good.

The broken building without a zenith made the snow drift down slowly from the sky, and it melted before it fell into the pool.

But on the edge of the pool, snow still spread a white carpet there, which looks like silk...

That girl, barefoot, stepped on this white carpet.

She looked at the idiot and also saw his naked body.

But the girl didn't stop in the slightest, her pace still kept the same as before. The pink nails set off the white snow under the feet, forming a beautiful scene. It an angel.

Yes, a barefoot angel.

Come to the world with the most innocent steps.


The idiot looked at the girl, and through her pair of plain glasses, stared at the pair of brown behind, without any expression in her eyes.

He did not evade, nor did he squat down to hide his body in the pool.

He was still standing, and then moved his right hand to his back, Dimie, already holding it in his hand.

The glasses didn't respond to the idiot's vigilance. She looked at the idiot, and then slowly released her hand holding the bath towel. As the bath towel fell, a flawless body also appeared in front of the idiot against the backdrop of this snowy night.

Idiot, silent.

He glanced at the pure flesh in front of him, and then his gaze condensed on the face of the glasses.

The girl walked down to the pool like no one, step by step towards the idiot. Her steps were as light as she was on the shore, without any hesitation or panic in her movements. Slowly... She stood in front of the idiot, standing where he could reach as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The girl stretched out her hand, and slowly, took the idiot's left hand.

Her movements are very light, without the slightest tough attitude. The idiot also looked at her, let her grab her own hand, and then put it on her own chest.

Tentacle, soft...

The idiot looked at his hand, and what he saw in his sight was still more gloomy and indifference than the surrounding snow. In the next moment, his left hand suddenly pulled away from her hands, left her chest, caught her throat in a thunderous manner, and lifted the barefoot angel high. The darkening of the right hand also turned into a long sword at the same time, and it was accurate, reaching her heart.

The next step is to wait.

Idiots are waiting for a reason.

He did not deliberately pinch the trachea of ​​the glasses, so her breathing is not difficult.

If the girl wants him to let her go, the only thing needed is a reason to convince him.




The neck of the glasses is tilted up.

Her gaze was looking down.

There was still no expression on that face, and the eyes still contained feelings that even an idiot could not guess.

She just looked down quietly, without any struggle with her hands, obediently drooping. If it weren't for those eyes that were still open, the idiot could still feel the vibration of her breath coming from her throat and her chest was still rising and falling, maybe he would think that what he was holding in his hands was a dead person.

Feixue, hovering in this pool, descended.

It fell on the girl's head, shoulders, and also fell on the idiot's arm and sword.

Then, forced by the heat, it melted...


She opened her mouth, but there was no sound.

It's just a mouth shape, a shape that can only express meaning.

And since meeting this girl, the idiot has never heard her voice. Even if it is dumb like bread, it should be able to make a sound similar to ahhhh. However, there was no sound in her mouth.

"Hope you……"

The shape of her mouth slowly changed. As if to make the idiot see clearly, it becomes very slow, but every change is clear.

The idiot looked at her mouth, and at the same time paid attention to her lowered hands and surroundings, being alert to any possible danger.

"Leave Immediately..."

Her request was "said".

The requirements that an idiot is prepared to make are not excessive at all. The idiot even has some unexpected requirements.

However, even if this request is so "reasonable", the idiot still did not nod.

He needs a reason.

I need a girl who doesn’t know the voice, the name, the details, and the reason why the girl in the past gave this result.

" are willing to leave..."

The girl slowly changed her mouth, and in the silence, this seemed to be the only "voice".

"Then I...belong to you..."

The idiot stared at her, and the snowflakes fell on the Dark Annihilation. There was already the only place where these white crystals would not melt.

"My body... my heart... everything... belongs to you..."

The girl gave a "reward".

"You can... do anything to me... as long as... you are willing to leave..."

"Horse? On? Leaving?"


The melting snow water slid down the black hair of the idiot, making ripples in the silent pool.

The sound is crisp, but it sounds so sweet under this night.

The idiot thought, her dark pupils were also staring at this girl who would not hesitate to exchange his actions with her body.


She still did not give a reason.


So the idiot asked.


Maiden, there was no answer.

The eyes behind the lens continue to maintain peace and coldness, and there is no emotional change in them.

She closed her mouth tightly, and the idiot couldn't see if she refused to answer the question or was weaving a reason that would convince him. But no matter which one it was, it was certain that she could not tell him this reason. So, whether she said it or not, it made no difference.




For a long time, the girl's mouth remained tightly closed.

Seeing this, the idiot's fingers tightened slightly and began to compress her windpipe.

Her face turned red little by little.

The ups and downs of the chest also began to intensify.

But even so, she still did not say it, as if she died, she would not tell the idiot the reason for this request.


Finally, the idiot released his hand.

With a crash, the glasses fell into the pool, and the beautiful body was soaked in the clear warm water, bringing some dreamlike colors.

She was breathing heavily, clutching her chest, and gasping nonstop. The idiot looked at her, and Diamie slowly retracted into her arm.

He will go.

However, he would never take this woman away.

Since she wanted to leave immediately, she might as well postpone some time later. The idiot originally planned to leave at nine o'clock, so now, it's better to be delayed until twelve o'clock before leaving.

The idiot glanced at the girl, walked around her, keeping her distance. The young girl slowly straightened up, leaning on a high upright broken wall in the middle of the pool, and got up with difficulty. The idiot turned his back to the door, stepping back step by step, hoping to leave here before any changes occurred around him.

"Idiot are you in there? Let me tell you, we will come in immediately with a bath towel."

But at this moment, there was a call of walnut outside. The idiot opened her eyes, and her spirit was immediately tense. The girl also heard Walnut's voice. She turned her head to look at the idiot, and then hid behind the broken wall very interestingly. That is, at the moment she was hiding, bread was pulling apricot, and walnuts followed behind them, and the three had already walked in.


Seeing the warm water pool, Xiao Bread cried happily. All three of them were wearing swimsuits that idiots had never seen before. But this is of course, otherwise, the walnut would not come in so generously.

After entering, Walnut covered her eyes with her hands, and slightly separated a gap between her fingertips. After seeing that the idiot's lower body had been wrapped in a bath towel, she was relieved to let go. She was wearing a black and purple swimsuit. After seeing the warm water, she hugged Xing and walked down quickly, squatted down, and immersed her whole body in the pool.

"Woo~~~ So comfortable~~~ It feels like it's resurrected"

Xing stretched out her hand to touch, and slowly squatted down after touching the water. Her cheeks were red, which was probably the first time an idiot saw her with such a relaxed expression since her eyes had an accident.

However, the idiot has some questions. He looked at the swimsuits on the three of them and slowly said, "How did these swimsuits come from?"

Walnut straightened her body while soaking in the hot springs, and said, "I borrowed it. I asked the priest's wife and sister Yueming borrowed it. Sister Yueming said that she has many girls in her family, and there are many kinds of swimsuits. Fortunately, the damage to their house was not too serious, and the clothes in the closet did not suffer much, so they loaned it to us."

The idiot stared at the swimsuit on Walnut with cold eyes. Walnut didn't take it seriously at first, but as the idiot's gaze time extended, she couldn't help but flushed and stretched out her hand to cover her chest.

(Could he...have a special interest in swimsuits, right?)

"You...what do you want to do? Or... do you think...think we would wear no clothes... come to bath with you?"


Xing fumbled and grabbed Walnut's hand next to her, complaining a little bit about her inadvertent speech.

"Other people's, are you not afraid that others will poison your clothes?"

The idiot said coldly.

Walnut was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to open his swimsuit and looked down at the neckline. But then she noticed that her action was too unsophisticated, and quickly let go, turned her face away, and said, "What...what do you mean? What is poisonous? We are just...just..."

Since the idiot left, Walnut thought about it and got scared. Without the protection of an idiot, she took care of the two little girls with her own strength. If something happened, there might be no call for help. So after thinking about it, she thinks it's better to go bath with the idiot. At least as far as he can see, his safety can be greatly guaranteed.

Therefore, she explained the idea in her heart to the other two little girls. Although Xing was a little unwilling to bathe with men, she had no choice but to reluctantly agreed at this point. As for the small bread, it didn't matter at all, I wished to rush here to meet the idiot.

Of course, these reasons cannot be told to idiots. Although Walnut also knew that her self-esteem was boring, she was boring, so what could she do, she didn't want an idiot to know how much she cared about him, how scared she was. She is the eldest princess of the stag empire, and there are two princesses here, the current stag princess, but she can't overpower a small guardian knight who doesn't even have a title?

"Anyway...Anyway, you rude common people, Xing and I can come to have a bath with you, you should be happy but it is too late to ask so much? What do you think I want? Can you control it?"

The idiot glanced at the broken wall slightly, and nodded, it was the reason for acquiescence of walnut. In this situation, he must be careful not to allow Walnut and others to express their intention to escape. In order to prevent trouble, he must also take care not to let Walnut find the glasses behind the broken wall. The glasses are now completely naked, if Walnut finds out, maybe something will go wrong. It was hard to get her to completely obey her instructions, and the idiot didn't want to make any further problems.

"Hurry up and wash, don't bother others too much."

The idiot leaned against the broken wall and said while listening to the voice behind.

Xiao Xing buried her head in the pool and began to blow bubbles. The bread is combing his pink hair with his fingers, and then lying on his back on the water, letting snowflakes fall to the tip of his nose, floating comfortably. Walnut is also very relaxed swimming in this not too deep water, slowly, swimming to the side of the idiot.

With a snap, the idiot grabbed Walnut's arm and stopped her from continuing to swim. Walnut was taken aback, but before she was surprised, the idiot pulled her over, put her hands on her shoulders, and looked at her.

Where did Walnut ever think that an idiot would suddenly be so active? She looked at the idiot's close eyes and was stunned for a moment. After a while, her cheeks quickly turned red, and she quickly reached out to push the idiot's chest.

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