Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 118, the previous marriage...

118, the previous marriage...

"Let go of me... you... let go..."

The idiot let go of his hand, Walnut put his arms around his shoulders, and backed away in fear. Xing heard Walnut's cry, and quickly reached out to explore, and nervously asked what happened. Little Bread smiled, swam over, and wrote gently on her back with her fingers—

"Ba Ba forcibly stripped off sister Walnut's swimsuit, ready to commit violence"

"What? Bold and shameless common people, dare you touch my aunt with a finger and try aunt, be careful, be careful—"

"Don't howl, I'm fine"

Listening to Apricot’s voice, Walnut knew that the bun must be messing with information. She hurriedly told Apricot her safety, and at the same time told the bun to stop messing around. After the bread stuck out her tongue, she lay on her back on the water again, closed her eyes, and went to sleep her "water sleep".

After scolding the bread, Walnut looked at the idiot again, waiting for his confession. But after waiting for a while, the idiot still didn't intend to say anything, and didn't intend to do anything. She couldn't help being angry secretly, pouting, and swimming behind the idiot again. But just as she was about to swim over the broken wall, the idiot once again grabbed her, and at the same time, held her tightly in his arms.

At this moment, Walnut was completely stunned.

She blushed and her mouth was so nervous that she couldn't even speak. Her hands symbolically pushed the idiot's chest, and after she couldn't push it away, she let the idiot hold it. Enjoying his body temperature and broad chest.

it is true? This idiot... he... does he really have an inexplicable interest in swimwear? So... so he suddenly became so active now? How to do? Walnut, you have to calm down, what should you do next? Are you going to continue to resist a few more times? Or do you want to seduce him? ...Really, what am I thinking, how can I... How can I seize the opportunity to seduce him? This kind of thing...I can't do it...I can't make him think I'm a slutty woman

…………Ok…Ok…I’ll do nothing… and don’t resist so that he will suddenly let go again. I will resist nothing... and leave it to him...

Father and queen... Mother queen... Brother Mudu... Brother Xiehuo... Walnut tonight... Walnut may really be... to become a woman tonight... Please bless me... Definitely... Bless me~~~

Walnut closed her eyes and trembled nervously. She waited, the deer in her heart rammed around, clutching her thighs tightly with her hands, her body tight.

However, the development of things may always be somewhat unexpected. After the idiot hugged her, there was no scene that children prohibited. Instead, he hugged her and walked to the edge of the pool, pressing her next to Xing. Then, in order to prevent accidents, the idiot stopped leaning against the broken wall over there, and sat directly in front of Walnut, staring at her.

Quietly) Hurry up and get out of the shower. We are going to run away quickly."

Walnut's mind has already been stuffed with a lot of messy things, and when an idiot said this, her heart immediately became cold. She raised her head, looking at the idiot with some dissatisfaction, and some stubborn attitudes couldn't help but rise again.

"Hum, why should I finish the wash faster? I just want to wash it slower today, can you manage it?"

Hearing Walnut's resistance, the idiot quickly approached her and continued to stare at her with those eyes. Walnut looked at these cold eyes, she couldn't help but was taken aback, and immediately thought of what she had promised in her heart, and quickly lowered her head and stopped talking.

Whispering) The wall has ears. We cannot guarantee whether someone is eavesdropping outside. So, it's best to talk in a low voice.

Walnut gritted her teeth and nodded, but she still wanted to discuss about the bath, and whispered: "Then...let's take a few more baths, okay? We haven't taken a bath for half a month. Stinks...just one hour...we only wash for one hour... OK?"

The idiot kept silent and stared at her. The corners of Walnut's mouth twitched--

"So... fifty minutes?"


"Forty minutes?"


"Thirty-five minutes will do..."


"Thirty minutes can't be less and it must be calculated from now."

The idiot originally wanted to remain silent, but at this time, the little bread floated over and looked at the idiot with an imploring look. So did the apricots over there, squatting in the water and blowing, looking reluctant. Seeing this, the idiot sighed. In order to prevent them from rioting, they only nodded and continued to spend with them here. I can only hope that the girl behind me won't be too late to wait during this period of time and just walk out.

The idiot pulled the bun to help her wash her hair. This is to clean the girl's hair on the one hand, and to prevent her from drifting around. Walnut saw her and pulled apricot to help her clean her hair. Two big, two small and four people were silent on the edge of the pool, doing the same thing.

However, the silence did not last for much time. Walnut finally couldn't help it. She raised her head and glanced at the idiot. After hesitating for a long time, she reluctantly spoke and said timidly: "Hey..."


"You just... hugged me... what... what...?"

The idiot's hand paused for a moment, and then said calmly--

"At that time, I became lustful and wanted to give a hug."

The answer is straightforward, and besides being very trivial, it has no flaws. Regarding lies, Dimie couldn't help but praise idiots for being so free and comfortable even in lying.

Walnut was dumbfounded, his face turned red into a persimmon. But Xing, under her finger, slowly raised her head and said, "Mr. Idiot, I hope you can treat my aunt with a little respect. Although you are forced to act as our protector this time, you are Commoner, my aunt's identity as a princess will still remain the same."

The idiot didn't speak, Bread smiled when he heard Xing's words, stretched out his hand and directly pinched her chest. This action shocked Xingtao and immediately retracted into Walnut's arms. The bread didn't care about it at this time, and I continued to rush to find the apricot trouble.

"Well, you two bread, don't always bully our apricots. If you want to touch it, just touch your own."

Walnut snorted. After hearing these words, Bread was stunned, then lowered her head and looked at her "poverty" breasts. The corners of her eyes slowly turned red. Then, she wowed and threw back into the idiot's arms. , Cried.

"I will not eat chili anymore, I will never eat chili again"

In the sad weeping, Bread did not forget to raise a sign to declare his determination.

The walnut brand of bread was inexplicable, but she didn't care about it either. After everyone was quiet again, she blushed and slowly said, "That...idiot, you just...have a bad idea...?"

The idiot nodded. Do not deny.

The walnut surface was red, and he said with a little joy: "Then...then you are because...the object is"


The idiot confessed. It's better not to disobey her anymore at this time. Anyway, these words will be fine. Even if she repents in the future, Walnut is helpless.

Walnut was even more excited when she heard it. She also bury her whole body in the water like an apricot, just blowing bubbles. After a while, she raised her head and her voice trembled--

"Then... now... do you still have... that... impulse?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Walnut immediately regretted. Ask him if he still has the urge? What does it mean? What should he do if he says there is still? Help him resolve this "impulse"? If I don't plan to help him solve it, what does it mean to ask?

"No more."

The idiot answered calmly, with a steady tone.

At this moment, Walnut was paralyzed. Although she put a big rock in her heart, she didn't know whether she was more relaxed or disappointed.

At this time, Xing felt wrong again. She pulled Hu Tao's arm and said, "Auntie, although it's very untimely to ask. But...what is the relationship between you and this idiot?"

Walnut blushed, and it didn't matter what she wanted to say. But just before the words were about to be spoken, her eyes rolled, she quickly took Xing’s hand, and said nervously, “Xing, this gentleman and I are an unmarried couple. Do you understand?”

In an instant, Xing was stunned.

Not only the apricots, but also the bread. This little girl looked back at the idiot when she was surprised, with a questioning look in her eyes. Facing all this, the idiot still seemed very calm.

"Unmarried... husband and wife...?"

With great difficulty, Xingcai recovered and repeated it.


Walnut quickly affirmed, while looking at the idiot, observing his expression. Unfortunately, his expression did not change in any way.

"How come they are unmarried couples? Aunt, please explain to me well. I will tell my father about the situation as it happens."

"Just say it anyway...I'm not bragging"

Walnut thought for a while and said--

"Idiot, do you still remember what you promised me at my seventeenth birthday party a year and a half ago? At that time, in order to fulfill my father's last wishes before his death, I announced the martial arts contest. At that time, you were personally. What you said to me, that you will win the game and then come to marry me, isn't it?"

There is such a thing, the idiot nodded. But for this answer, Xing was even more confused.

"Aunt, isn't it? I know about that too. At that time, two random entrants defeated one hundred candidates. One of these two entrants was Duke Dylaw Goodsay and the other. ...Is it him?"

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