Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 119,... broke


"Yeah, yeah, it's just that he doesn't look at this idiot so indifferently, and he is not famous at all. In fact, his strength is ~~~Xiao Xing, you haven't seen it with your own eyes~~~"

When the words were spoken, Walnut immediately realized that he had said something wrong. When Xing, who had been fairly peaceful, heard these words, she immediately lowered her head, and her expression became depressed again. Walnut hastily apologized, and finally cheered Apricot again.

"Auntie, this is not right. Even if Mr. Idiot was indeed one of those two people at the time, it was only one of them. Later, if I remember correctly, Mr. Idiot became a suspect in a certain case because of being framed. Started to escape. Later, because there were no other candidates, Duke Della Goodsey became the final victor. In other words, Duke Goodsey was your real fiancé. But because you were kidnapped to death later Mian Empire, so this incident has not been publicly acknowledged. In other words, the so-called marriage contract between you and Mr. Idiot has never been realized at all?"

Sometimes, Walnut really hates smart people. Because smart people are very good at rejecting dreams, and they like to pierce the dreams of others. They will always use various rules and facts to combine theory and practice to tell you that the world is not so beautiful. That's the case for idiots, and now, so is her niece, Apricot. A good-looking marriage contract with an idiot was actually twisted by her into a marriage contract between himself and that Dai Lao? How can she endure this?

"Idiot you promised to marry me, right"

Walnut started to mess up and shouted directly.

The idiot finally nodded slowly after thinking about it. Seeing him nodding, Walnut finally breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of his marriage contract, as long as the big idiot admits this, then she is not afraid, even if the guy Dai Lao really relies on the power of the family to marry her, she believes that the idiot will also come forward. I think, at my wedding, if the two fight for themselves...they are wearing white gauze skirts, and then weep lightly beside the altar, watching the idiot ignore the entire stag army for himself, alone The situation of a single sword charging into the battle...Oh, think about it, it feels so romantic~~~

Xing felt Walnut's happy movements and knew that the idiot was nodding. However, she is a pragmatist, and even if her aunt really has her own heart, she still has to confirm the wealth of the man in front of her.

"Mr. Idiot, if you really want to marry my aunt, I want to ask you some questions, I hope you can answer."


"Excuse me your life experience. And who you learned from. What do you do for a living?"


"Please explain."

Walnut became nervous. She knew the details of the idiot. He was a beggar who had been in Senag. But if this kind of life experience is said, then Xiao Xing tells her brother about the matter, how much can this marriage be?

But, just when Walnut was about to export for the idiot...

"I am the prince of the Republic of Viswell. I learned from my mother. Currently, I make a living by opening the museum and accepting students."

Walnut was dumbfounded and opened his mouth.

Xing frowned and said, "The Viswell Republic...This country is said to have been destroyed twenty years ago?"

The idiot nodded: "Yes. My father was killed due to the subordinate's rebellion, and the queen took me away from the palace and lived in seclusion. In the days that followed, my mother and I had a hard time, relying on the swordsmanship left by my father. With the teachings of my mother, I learned swordsmanship."

Walnut stroked his forehead, unable to keep up with the idiot's thinking. Xingyi could not find any evidence to refute this answer. She can only ask Walnut, and Walnut can of course only echo the words "Yes, that's it". As a result, these seemingly difficult questions were gently taken over by the idiot.

As for the future? After this level, how can an idiot care about the future? God has given people the ability to lie just for use. If people are responsible for each of their lie, wouldn't they be exhausted?

After Xing was silent for a while, she felt that there was really nothing left to ask about her life experience. They have noble blood and good backgrounds, what else do you want? After hesitating for a while, she decided to ask two more questions, which was the end.

"Then... Mr. Idiot, may I ask..."

Xing thought for a while, suddenly her heart throbbed, because the girl's heart appeared, she couldn't help but have some expectations for this "prince and princess match". So this issue has become less serious.

"Excuse me, is my aunt your first love?"

A smile appeared on Xing’s face, and it was obvious that this question was no longer so serious.

Walnut is also very interested in this question, opening her eyes wide, looking at the idiot expectantly.

But, as a result...


The idiot's always cold eyes gradually dimmed...

Walnut was stunned, her expression slowly drooping. She said awkwardly: "Ah... it doesn't matter, I don't mind. After all, it is a minority to combine with the first love, I... don't mind... When is that? Are you before ten? "

Walnut has known idiots since he was a child, and it has been ten years. Therefore, even if the idiot has first love, she thinks it should be at least before he is ten years old. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel relieved again.

"No, just in the first half of this year," the idiot said slowly, "to be precise, it was nine months ago."

"Nine months ago... nine months ago?"

Walnut was stunned and said loudly: "Nine months ago? promised to marry me but even took advantage of my being frozen in the wind and This big carrot"

Xing became interested and immediately asked: "Then Mr. Idiot, how is your first love now? What kind of attitude does she report on your marriage contract with my aunt?"

"…………………………She is dead."

The idiot raised his head and looked up at the snowy sky. In my mind, the beautiful singing and the shallow smile echoed.

"Dead...?" Walnut paused, she clutched her chest and hesitated for a while, "How did she... die...?"

"I killed it myself."

Snow fell, slowly landed on this warm pool, was steamed by the heat, floated slowly above everyone's heads, and then slowly melted...

Walnut covered her mouth, while Xing kept her mouth open. The two girls didn't know how to ask this topic. But Bun was very considerate, turned around and gently hugged the idiot's body and buried his head in his arms.

"You... why are you killing her...?"

It took a long time for Walnut to ask this question.

The idiot breathed out slowly, and his gaze fell back to Walnut's face. He was silent, and after a long time, he slowly said——

"This is a not too long story. If you are interested, I can tell you slowly."

A story about romance.

A story about the blood-stained lake.

A story about a singer, and a demon who couldn't help falling in love with her.

It is also a story destined to end in tragedy...




The story of the idiot is over.

Walnut and Apricot's originally surprised expressions turned into sadness and silence at this moment. I am afraid they will never think that a person's first love will end in such an end. And this idiot was silently bearing all this without any objections.

After listening to this story, Xing, who originally had some objections to the combination of idiot and walnut, is no longer maintaining that kind of "rationality" at this moment. She reached out her hand and fumbled towards the idiot. Bun quickly put her hand on the idiot's chest. After touching it, Xing lowered her head and murmured softly, sorry.

Walnut lowered her head, although her first love, which was a bit of an idiot, was not taken away by herself, but by an illusory image. But then I thought about it, the big idiot I cared about was visible and tangible. Compared to him, I was too happy, too much...

"Sorry, idiot...that...just now...I actually misunderstood you. I'm really...sorry..."

Walnut lowered her head and gently told her apology. The idiot shook his head, sighed again, and said--

"Okay, after washing, let's go."


The four stood up, ready to leave. But at this moment, Walnut suddenly noticed that the water behind the broken wall shook a bit, but she didn't wait for her to say that it was strange that a beautiful woman with a naked body had already walked out from behind.

At this moment, the world in Walnut's heart was suddenly shattered. She looked at the idiot blankly, and then at the naked girl. Thinking of the scene when he wanted to swim past, but was hugged and put here. Could it be that... Could it be that?

In a moment of silence, the glasses walked up to the idiot seriously and bowed. Then, she opened her mouth and "said"—

"I misunderstood you, His Royal Highness Prince Westwell. Unexpectedly, you are so serious about love and righteousness, deliberately coming to Yin* You are mine. Please when I said nothing, then, goodbye. I wish you and your Royal Highness a happy marriage. 》


After bowing his glasses, he left in front of the four with a big stab, and walked out grandiosely. It wasn't until her figure completely disappeared from the wall that the eyes of Walnut and Bread slowly shifted to the side of the idiot, and the two girls stared at him at the same time.

"Aunt? Aunt? What's the matter? I feel as if someone is walking out, who is it?"

Apricot can't see and can only ask. Under her question, the idiot took a breath and said calmly and calmly--

"Listen to me."

"You liar don’t have to explain what prince, what your majesty, what first love is a virtual illusion, all are liars, you idiot, I... I really hate the marriage contract you just mentioned just as I said that I would never marry. Absolute for you——————"

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