Demon King Dad

: The Sixth Year Story 121, Signal of Massacre

121, Signal of Massacre

Bread Jian Yueming seemed to mean something to say. She looked at the idiot and asked for advice. The idiot was noncommittal, set up a bonfire, had taken the hare, opened his stomach, and was ready to barbecue.

After thinking about it, Xiao Bian finally stepped forward. She took off the rags from Yueming's mouth, and then watched. As long as she wants to bite anyone, immediately seal her with frozen ice.

"Huh, suffocating me~~~Little girl, thank you for taking this thing off for me."

Yueming didn't get angry. This girl who still looks only twenty-four-five or so smiles very sweetly and very touchingly.

Bun smiled, shook his head, and then squatted behind the idiot, watching him go to dissecting the rabbit. After struggling for a while, Yueming finally leaned against the tree and straightened up. She sighed, put aside the hair on her face slightly, and watched the idiot's movements. Then he smiled and said, "My child, you can see that you are not a person who pays attention to delicious food."

The idiot didn't answer, and continued to take care of the hare.

Yueming's eyes turned into a crescent moon with a smile. She turned her side slightly, showing the gentle side that is unique to women, and slowly said: "Can you... loosen the tie for me? Look at you kids like this. , I really don’t worry. As a thank you, I will take care of this breakfast, how about it?"


Xing had been sitting by the campfire and asked suspiciously—

"Aunt Yueming, why is it thank you? Don't you blame us?"

"Blame you for what? Auntie is not an unreasonable person, and I have figured it out." Yueming exhaled and smiled faintly, "Actually, I already knew that the current Steel City was a dead end. I got excited, but after thinking about it carefully, I knew that I had escaped from that deadlock and there was no more danger to my life. Since I can still live, I certainly want to thank you~~~

After hearing the walnut in the tent, he asked loudly: "So, you...don't worry about your husband?"

Yueming shook his head gently, the expressions on his face were natural and unpretentious: "The husband and wife are birds of the same forest and fly separately. I'm worried about what's the use? Besides, my husband has no money and no power, too. A good old man without much use. With the beauty of the aunt, why can't I find a better man outside? However, I will pray here for his soul to reach the goddess as soon as possible, which is not a waste of our husband and wife. ."


After hearing what Yueming said, Walnut almost rushed out of the tent with anger. Xing's face also became cold, and she no longer had much sympathy for Yueming. On the contrary, it was an idiot and a father and a daughter, and their expressions on Yueming remained unchanged. The idiot is expressionless, and the bread is always smiling.

"Okay, can you help me untie the rope? I have been **** overnight, and my hands and feet are numb."

Yueming asked softly again, her voice was very soft, it sounded like she was acting like a baby to her lover, very nice. The idiot still had no response to this, but Bread, nodded immediately, walked over and untied her rope.

Yue Mingshu spread out her limbs and patted the dust on her body. She did not run away, but stood up, twisted her waist, and turned her neck. Then she walked to the idiot, squatted down, and looked at him grinningly.


After the idiot was silent for a while, he finally handed over the hare in his hand. Yueming nodded, and then began to look for things like knives everywhere. The idiot looked at her, and finally took out Xing's saber and handed it to her. She was obviously inconvenient for this sword, but after cleaning the rabbit's internal organs, she set up water in a pot and burned it.

"The air in the early morning in winter is very cold. Make some game soup for everyone to get rid of the cold."

Yueming manipulated it skillfully, and it could be seen that this former good wife and mother could indeed take care of his family. She cut off the rabbit meat in small pieces and put them in the water. Then, she picked some plants and wild herbs that could enhance the taste near the idiot's lead, and put them down together. After her simple cooking, the aroma in the pot slowly radiated, making everyone around her hungry.

"Come on, this bowl of soup with leg meat is yours, lovely little princess."

Yueming handed a bowl of soup to Apricot, and Apricot stretched out his hand hesitantly. But at the moment before she touched the bowl, Yueming suddenly stopped, and kindly said "carefully burn". When Xing's hand touched the edge of the bowl, it was indeed a little hot, and she shrank back. Yueming was not afraid of trouble, so she took out a spoon, took a few mouthfuls of the soup, and handed it to Xing's mouth.



Her movements are very gentle, like a mother taking care of a child. When Xing Zhang opened his mouth and swallowed the soup, Yueming quickly wiped the juice from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, and then fed it again bite by bite.

"Hehe, so cute. Looking at you, it reminds me of my good girl who refused to eat when she was a child~~~"

Apricot slowly chewed the rabbit meat in his mouth. It tasted good and the meat was also juicy. She almost can't wait to swallow the food. Then, he took the initiative to open his mouth, waiting for food like a chick waiting to be fed.

Yueming did not refuse her begging and started feeding again. The idiot watched coldly, but never said anything.

Yueming wiped her mouth gently after feeding the apricots. Then, the gentle woman took another bowl and passed it in from the tent. At the same time he smiled and said, "Do you need me to feed you?"

"Who...who wants to feed, I'm not a"

Walnut yelled and stretched out his hand, but his hand was burnt accidentally. She hurriedly pinched her ears and shrank to the corner of the tent. Yueming smiled, turned her head and looked at everyone. After a while, the girl inside stretched out her hand and took the bowl carefully.

Yueming nodded, then walked to the side of the pot, scooped out two bowls and handed them to the idiot and the bread. The idiot just nodded and told her to put the bowl down, still drinking cold water and eating dry food. The same is true for the small bread, the two did not even touch the steaming soup.

After eating, the bun stretched out and went into the tent with the yawning apricot. After Yueming saw that the bread and the idiot never meant to touch the broth from beginning to end, she finally started to feel a little anxious. She said, "You two children, why don't you eat faster? The soup is cold but fast."

The idiot did not respond to her words. After Yueming said it again, he glanced at Yueming, then picked up the two bowls of soup and poured them directly back into the pot.

Early in the morning, the mountains began to fog. In the dimness, snoring has been heard in the tent. Apricots and walnuts sleep the deepest and are the most sweet. Smiles appeared at the corners of their mouths, and they seemed to be immersed in some very beautiful dream...

The fog in winter has turned white all around.

Snowflakes in the sky slowly fall in this white world, dotted with this world.

Surrounded by the extinguished bonfire, Yueming and the idiot faced each other. She looked at the idiot, but what the idiot looked at was the thick fog before her eyes that didn't know when to dissipate...

Yueming gritted her teeth and slowly moved back. Soon, her figure retreated to the edge of visibility. She nodded silently and turned around suddenly...

The figure of an idiot appeared in front of her without knowing when.

"You get away... you hear me."

Yueming raised Xing's saber, her hands trembling. The idiot looked at this inaccurate sword. Only a moment later, his body appeared on Yueming's left side again. He grabbed her hand and pressed it hard. Yueming cried out and let go. The idiot snatched the sword in her hand gently and skillfully, inserted it into the scabbard, and threw it into the tent where the three girls were sleeping.

Yueming, who had lost her weapon, bit her lower lip tightly, and her eyes were a little moist. She looked at the idiot, her beautiful face revealed something called resentment.


"Because once you leave, our camp here will be exposed."

"How could I say? And, in such a thick fog?"

"If you can go back smoothly, you can bring people to find us smoothly. I won't take risks."

Yueming gritted her teeth. After thinking about it, she immediately began to run wildly, but she had just taken a step, but the idiot had reached out and grabbed her wrist, buckled it back, and covered her whole body. Pressed firmly on the ground. At the same time, he also took out the rope and tied the lady up.

"Let go of me, let me go even if I die... I have to die with my husband. Since you don't plan to help me at all, why can't you even meet my last request?"

Shouting, shouting. Yueming's beautiful face was almost distorted. She couldn't resist the idiot's power, so she could only let him tie herself up. As the restraint of her body became more and more serious, her tears finally flowed out of her eye sockets uncontrollably.

"Husband...husband...I...what the **** did I do...? family has to leave me one by one...let me live alone in this world?"

"Husband... Moon Shadow... And Knight... You are all gone one by one... I'm left alone... What's the point? I'm still living in this world... What is the point... ?"

The idiot ignored Yueming's pain. After he tied her up, he took the rag again and put it in her mouth. Afterwards, he opened the tent cloth and took a look at the already crowded space inside. After thinking about it, he decided to stuff this guy in, even if it was to keep warm. However, just as the idiot moved the fainted walnuts and apricots inside and tried to make a room out of it, she was cold-hearted, and Yueming outside suddenly turned over and rolled straight down the mountain.

After the idiot came out, seeing Yueming, who had disappeared, his indifferent eyes turned into coldness again. At this moment, he quickly pulled out the dark, the chain lifted into his chest. Afterwards, he inserted the Dark Annihilation into the ground in front of the tent, and the chain full of barbeds immediately dived into the ground, surrounding the tent like a net that could be activated at any time. After doing this, he withdrew Dim Mi with confidence, and quickly went down the mountain following the broken blood stains.

(Human kid, you are really hardworking~~~ She walks if she wants to go, you still want to stop?)


(Hahaha, well I know that I know that woman is very concerned about the safety of her husband. Once she sees the bandit, she will immediately rush out and tell the other person where we are here. So, I can understand what you think I want to track my mood. But well...)

Dimie sneered.

(Can’t you be more generous? Let the bandits kill you. You occupy the top of the hill, taking advantage of the fog, can’t you still be able to deal with more than 500 bandits? You know, you were an enemy a thousand earlier. I won it~~~)

(………………With one enemy a thousand. Then, nine deaths a lifetime.)

The idiot said this sentence coldly.

Although the battle on the water stage ended in his victory, his injuries were really serious. His ribs were broken, he lost blood, he was hit with a sword in his stomach, his limbs were broken to varying degrees, and his head was cracked. Even if he was given ten lives, he didn't want to fight like that again. If one misses, then the only thing waiting for oneself is death.

Dashing down the hillside, when the thick fog showed no signs of dissipating, the idiot's right eye slowly turned scarlet. Under the gaze of this eye, the dense fog no longer constitutes any obstacle, and he can easily cross the barrier. Soon, he noticed a rope that was torn by a Li Shi, with blood stains on the stone. Obviously, Yueming injured his finger to understand the rope. Just follow the **** handprints to search faster. To the goal.

However, the idiot is still not familiar with this mountain. The topography on the map was completely unreferenceable after the earthquake. But Yueming was extremely familiar, with injuries, in the thick fog, the idiot still couldn't catch up with her immediately. And when he finally saw a running figure in front of him, the hillside had become a gentle slope. This also means that the idiot has returned to the steel city.

Rumble rumbling————

As soon as he came out of the mountain, he heard the sound of horseshoes.

The idiot squatted down quickly, and through the thick fog, he could clearly see hundreds of knights swarming down on that side of the mountain. Each of them had weapons in their hands and was making noise. This team did not stop immediately after reaching the edge of the city, but rushed in. Those small tents were hooked open by the first person. The refugees inside didn't know what had happened, and the riders who came afterwards took a knife and took their lives easily.

The screams, the calls, rang into one. This wanton slaughter suddenly fell on the refugees who were still unaware. Although Yueming could not see through the dense fog, she knew what was going on when she heard the faint voice. At this moment, she didn't care anymore, but ran directly from the hiding place, clutching her shoulders, and rushed to the Iron City.

(Why, don’t you catch up?)

Diane opened his eyes and looked at the idiot playfully.

The idiot was silent, after thinking about it, shook his head.

(Oh, then, what do you want to do now? Capture the thieves first? Or set up traps? The worst thing is to rush to direct the battle. If you don't even want to do this, then what else?)

Through the thick fog, the **** right eye could see everything ahead. His excellent eyesight also allowed him to see the middle-aged man who rushed forward with his hands on his chest, riding the biggest black horse, and his body was as strong as a giant bear. That person should be the leader of this band of bandits, the scarlet tumbler——Thunderhoof.


"Help, help—"

Cries for help, screams, rang.

The refugees evaded one after another, but they were still unable to escape the attacks of the horses and knives. Where the team of more than 500 people passed, the refugees were either dead or wounded. In almost no time, dozens of grievances were easily lost, putting another touch of red on this disaster city.

Lancer was wearing dilapidated armor at the moment, holding the two scimitars that looked like toys at the moment in both hands. He and other priests and the remaining soldiers under Sergeant Felwood huddled behind a broken wall, nervously waiting for the bandits to rush over. After their horses arrived, Lancer immediately yelled, and everyone immediately rushed out from both sides and killed the bandits.


The bandit leader Thunderhoof, who was as tall as a giant bear, leaped from the horse the first moment Lancer and the others rushed out. Before Lancer could react, he had already rushed in front of him. With a press of the huge palm, Lancer's neck was pressed accurately and firmly to the ground. Other soldiers and priests were still amazed at their leader's sudden defeat, and dozens of bandits jumped off their horses and rushed into the crowd like a hungry tiger rushing to kill.

Father Lancer thought he could succeed in a surprise attack, and in this way, with complete failure, the curtain was pulled down...

"It seems that you have learned how to find death, haven't you."

Thunderhoof held Lancer's face with one hand and lifted him up. Lancer waved two short knives in a panic and stabbed Thunderhoof's arm. But what surprised him was that the flesh and blood body was harder than the steel in his hands, and it just couldn’t penetrate.

"Lancer Krisevich. I will give you a chance, and I will give all the survivors in this city a chance."

Lei Ti coldly looked at the weak priest in his palm who was completely inconsistent with his body, and his voice was full of flames of revenge.

"Hand over the man who killed my more than fifty brothers. Otherwise, everyone in this city will be buried because of your persistence."

The next moment, a huge weapon commensurate with Thunderhoof's huge body was pulled out of his horse. It looked like a sword, but the blade was completely wrapped in a heavy bandage. He held this sword, which was almost beyond imagination, directly against Lancer's chest, steady and motionless.

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