Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 122, the return of the savior

122; The Return of the Savior

Lancer grabbed Thunderhoof's arm hard, but there was not even a scratch on the iron-hard skin. Faced with Lancer's struggle, Thunder Hoof threw him into the sky. When he was about to land, the black sword-shaped object held by his right hand slammed and hit his belly heavily with the side.

How can Lancer, who has never practiced martial arts, withstand such a major impact? He couldn't help but vomit blood, and his body flew to the side like a broken kite, slamming against the ruins. For a while, his head was battered and he was seriously injured.

The bandits around had stopped killing, they sneered around, watching Lancer struggle there. As soon as Thunderhoof raised his head, two bandits rushed over, picked up Lancer, who was already in a semi-conscious state, dragged him back again, and threw him in front of Thunderhoof.

"Father, if you still want me to have the last trace of respect for you." Thunderhoof lifted Lancer's collar with a sword and raised it high. In contrast to his huge body, Lancer is simply Small as a dwarf.

"Just ask you to spread your so-called goodwill and give me the people who killed my brothers. Don't your clergy often say that those who do evil will be punished by the goddess? Then, that person For killing so many of my brothers, he deserves to be punished, right?"

Lancer dropped his hands and couldn't even raise it. His breathing also appeared to be very rapid, obviously his ribs had been broken, and he was probably inserted into his lungs. Faced with Thunderhoof's question, the priest finally mustered up the courage, took a mouthful of blood and spit it on Thunderhoof's face.

"The goddess...will"

Thunderhoof's face was stuck with the blood vomited by the priest, and his face did not show anger or loss of control. Instead, he quickly retracted his hand and let Lancer fall to the ground. Afterwards, he looked to the left and right, pointed at a woman who was holding her baby in panic, and hooked her.

"It's the boss"

The bandits on both sides immediately rushed up and escorted the woman directly. The woman's face turned pale with shock, and she screamed in horror. But how can she be as powerful as the two bandits? After being dragged over by a raw pull, Thunderhoof grabbed her hair with one hand and lifted her in front of Lancer.

"Father, the situation is very simple now. Tell the murderer within ten seconds, and this woman can survive. After ten seconds, she will die. You, decide. One."

With the countdown from Thunderhoof's mouth, the fear on the woman's face can no longer be expressed in words. She kept struggling, begging.

Lancer looked at everything in front of him, how could he not worry? But even so, he still clenched his teeth, trembling hands clasped the blood-stained cross on his chest, and prayed silently.



"Father please save me. I don't want to die yet, my child... My child needs my priest to call the savior out quickly, please--"



"Why... why did the priest refuse to say? Why did the savior refuse to come out? What is going on here? Father Lancer"



"I see... you did it on purpose... right? What kind of compassionate priest... you don't have a past... you don't know where you come from, bastard, you want someone to be protected by the savior, right? I just want you alone, okay?"


"I curse you, what priests and priests are all false, I curse you... Curse you, cruel and selfish fellow. If this person is a demon, then you are also a demon. You are the devil who can't save you. —"


"Please... please save my priest... I still don't want to die the priest priest————————"


Lancer closed his eyes and held the cross tightly. Thunderhoof didn't give the priest any chance to repent, and pulled out the child in his arms, holding the giant sword with a slight force...

With a brush, the bandages on the giant sword were all stretched, revealing the huge black blade inside. Thunderhoof pushed the woman away slightly, raised the sword without hesitation, and slashed at her head on


The sound of broken limbs seemed more terrifying than an earthquake.

The woman's blood splashed on Lancer's face and body, and at the same time, it splashed on the cross in his hand...

"The next ten seconds, it's this kid."

Thunder Hood raised the crying baby and looked at Lancer coldly.

"If this child doesn't work, then there will be the following ten seconds. Until you are willing to say it, or until all the people around you die. Father Lancer, is he determined to go his own way against the goddess's purpose of saving all living beings? Or die to save all the people? You can choose for yourself."

The countdown started again, and the child's cry echoed in Lancer's ears. Does the baby feel that the mother is dead? Have you already sensed that your life is about to end?

The surrounding sounds are noisy, noisy, full of ruthlessness and misery.

These people who are incapable of fighting have no ability to fight back when facing this group of fierce bandits.

Is it over...?

People are thinking about such a question in their minds.

Yes, it's over.

In this reality without a savior and no hero, everything is over...


"Hold on"

Suddenly, a female voice pierced in from outside the crowd. If someone else shouted, Thunderhoof would never stop. But this voice is different.

He stopped counting and turned his head. The person in the direction of the voice couldn't wait to step aside, for fear that he would look at the tall giant. Through the unobstructed air, Thunderhoof and Lancer simultaneously saw the woman making the sound.

"Yueming? You... why are you... coming back...?"

Seeing his wife standing there now with all her wounds, Lancer's pupils were wide open. He wanted to struggle, but he was seriously injured and couldn't even stand up. Excited, he affected his chest injury again and began to cough loudly.

Yueming clutched his shoulders and bleeding hands, and when he saw Lancer coughing, he rushed over and checked his wound nervously. After preliminarily determining that his rib was broken, the wife immediately turned her head and shouted at Thunderhoof: "You devil, must not die."

Thunder Hoof snorted and threw away the baby in his arms. A bandit saw it really, and immediately pulled out a force gun to shoot at the baby in the air. In an instant, blood was splashing.

"You finally came out."

With a dark face, Thunder Hood strode forward, grabbing Yueming's hair, and pulling her up. Seeing this scene, Lancer couldn't support it anymore and began to cry out loudly.

"Lancer, I think you should know? Your woman is also the woman I dream of."

Thunderhoof pulled Yueming's hair up high, and stared at Lancer who was unable to move below.

"So, I'll give you another chance. If you still don't say anything, I will be here, in front of you, playing games between men and women with your women."

Lancer's pupils dilated, and his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

"If you don't want to see your wife being **** by me in front of you, tell me immediately the answer I want to know. You have time to choose, but this time, it's only three seconds."

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, Thunderhoof's huge palm was already stretched out and grabbed Yueming's skirt. As long as she pulls hard, Yueming's body will be completely exposed to everyone. Lancer was crying and yelling, his love for his wife and promise to an idiot made him waver for the first time. At the moment when the "one" in Lei Ti's mouth was just uttered, his decision finally collapsed...

"Don't me say..."

"He escaped. He escaped from that direction up the mountain"

But before Lancer's words were truly spoken, Yueming had already betrayed the idiot without hesitation. She grabbed her hair that was being pulled, turned her head to look at Thunder Hood, and said loudly: "They are camping on that mountain now. They are four people, two big and two small, three girls, two small girls and one eye. Blind, with a dumb mouth, and another big girl didn’t know what was wrong. I didn’t see the sunshine. Two of them had been put to sleep by me with herbs, so they definitely couldn’t set off now. Just look in this direction. Within hours, I can guarantee that you will find them"

Lei Ti silently listened to these words of Yueming and looked at her, as if he was distinguishing the truth from the false. After staring at it for a while, he finally nodded and put Yueming down.

"Since it's what the woman I've dreamed of said, then I'll assume I was cheated by you once. Father Lancer, you are really not a man."

The bandits laughed loudly and mounted their horses one after another. Yueming hurriedly returned to Lancer, tears streaming down his face, apologizing, and laying him down. At this time, the glasses finally got out of the crowd and helped take care of Lancer together. Beside them, more than a dozen bandits have rushed into the dense fog on horseback and rushed in the direction that Yueming pointed out.

Lei Ti glanced at Yueming slantingly, and also at Lancer, who was caring for her at the moment. After the tall bandit leader snorted coldly, he stared at Yueming again for a moment. Then he walked back to his tall horse and jumped on it.



The scream, accompanied by a shout from Thunderhoof, came from the thick fog over there.

These shouts were made by the bandit who had just rushed in. As the screams fell, the sound of horseshoes that should have faded away...At this moment, it disappeared as if being pinched in the throat...

The surrounding fog still did not dissipate.

The sky that should have cleared up is still covered by gray clouds at this moment.

The white snow flakes flying and falling from the sky, slowly, blending with this thick fog...




The world after the scream, for some reason, is unexpectedly quiet.

Even the bandits who had laughed out loud are now silent one by one.

They all looked in that direction, looked at the dense fog... as if they already knew something, quietly, waiting...




Their wait was not disappointed. A slow sound of horseshoes came out slowly from the thick fog.

This is just the sound of ordinary horseshoes... But now, why does it sound like every step is like beating a drum?


A horse walked out of the thick fog.

It was the horse of the bandit who charged away just now, but compared with the horses just now, it was a little different.

The body of this horse is obviously much taller. The original brown hair has completely turned black at this moment.

The horse wore a set of black armor at some point, almost covering the entire body. At the seams of the armor, some black chains were hung on it, and as the horses approached, they made a rattling-hulling sound.

Of course, the most obvious change is the horse's eyes.

The blood-red eyes that emerged from the black heavy armor looked so strange in the thick white fog.




A person, sitting on a horse, came slowly. His right eye was shining with a more pure blood red than a horse, and his left eye was a darkness that was harder to discern than the dark night. This young man rode this horse, which he didn't know if he could still be called a horse, and went straight to Thunderhoof. Stand still.

The temperature in the air... seems to be getting colder.

Those snowflakes that were originally freely flying, at this moment also seemed to be hiding something, scattered to both sides, not daring to fall on the young man with two-color pupils.

On this winter day, the cold radiating from him was obviously a hundred times, a thousand times colder. Even the refugees who originally wanted to cheer the arrival of the savior after seeing him are now closed with cold, leaving only surprise.


Thunder Hoof suppressed the horse under his crotch. This horse named Lei Chi had always accompanied him through battlefields of all sizes. But now, when it faced the opponent's horse with blood-red eyes, it couldn't help but retreat. Thunder Hood hurriedly tried to comfort the mount, just such a move immediately caused this tall man to fall into a short-term disadvantage in front of the opponent.

"You are the culprit who killed my brothers?"

Holding the horse, Thunder Hoof lowered his head and looked at this young man who was almost two-thirds the size of himself. At the same time, the five hundred bandits immediately formed a big circle centered on this young man.

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