Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 123, the devil

123, Devil Emperor

The people around looked at the idiot on the horse, and joy and excitement rose from their hearts. But because of fear, they dare not say anything, and can only secretly celebrate this time they are finally saved.

The idiot on the horse slowly raised his head and looked at the tall bandit leader. Regarding the surroundings, his cold face did not show any fear. He just slowly led the horse and took a few steps toward Thunderhoof again. It wasn't until the distance between the two of them was less than three meters, when the magic horse with blood-colored pupils under the seat was almost against the face of the other's steed, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Thunderhoe? Kajal. The first general of the original Kuanglei Empire."

Thunder Hood looked at the young man in front of him, the black big sword in his right hand was already squeezed.

"Since you know, then come here more prepared. Young people, if you want to take my first class, you have to weigh your own weight."

"I don't want your first level."

The idiot looked at this big man coldly--

"What I want is yours. As your new master, as your majesty, I want you to work for me."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was shocked. Even Thunder Foot himself was slightly taken aback by the idiot's remarks. But after a while, the middle-aged man who had always been unsmiling finally raised his head and laughed.

"Boy, you can't help but be too embarrassed. Now, I am the master here. No one can come back to be my master and rely on you? Is the height so small that my shoulders are less?"

"Just rely on me."

In an instant, the chain on the idiot's right arm began to fly. Such a weird scene immediately frightened the bandits around who were still a little ridiculed. Even Thunder Hood himself couldn't help pulling the horse back, looking at what was happening in front of him with some surprise.

The original young man is now "changing" surrounded by those chains. His human hands slowly turned into dark claws of the devil, and the muscles of his arms began to expand and expand.

His body began to grow stronger, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth slowly appeared. Two pointed horns also emerged from his forehead

Only in an instant, the original young man who was less than two-thirds of Thunderhoof's height has turned into a terrifying demon whose head is one head taller than Thunderhoof.

Not only the bandits, but even the refugees who had some joy in their hearts, can't help but feel scared at this moment. Lancer and Yueming stared at the demon blankly, not knowing what to say. The glasses were still expressionless, and she couldn't see the feeling in her eyes.

It was under the eyes of everyone that the huge black magic horse under the devil seat raised its forelimbs, and screamed up to the sky. With its roar, the horses under the thunderhoof seat could not withstand the pressure and snapped. Kneeled down. He also made Thunder Hoof fall from the horse and lie directly in front of the idiot.

"right now--"

"I am not qualified enough—"

"Where to be your king?"

The demon with red and black pupils was condescending, and said this word slowly in a hoarse voice. Hearing his voice, Thunder Hood, for the first time in his life, felt the kind of feeling that filled deep in his heart... named "fear".

"Huh... Want me to submit? First defeat me and then speak"

Even with fear in his heart, Thunderhoof is not a person who can be surrendered so easily. He shouted, holding his black epee without edge in both hands, and vigorously swung towards the mount where the demon was. His arm strength is really extraordinary, the huge gust of wind from the place where the giant sword broke through the air rang, piercing people's eardrums.

However, his sword is big, and where is the devil's sword...?

On the back of the devil's right hand, a blood-red pupil radiated light. It was just an instant. A chain was wrapped around the hilt of a sword. The sword was engraved with many large swords with unknown characters. The sword that suddenly pierced the thunderhoof from the palm of the devil was already considered to be a big one. The sword was bigger and more bold. Thunderhoof was holding the sword with both hands, while the demon held the sword with one hand. He raised his hand and waved it to block his chopping.


The chain hits on the sword. After the demon on the horse blocked the sword of Thunderhoof, his arm was horizontal and he swept Thunderhoof aside. Originally, only Thunderhoof could open others like this easily. But this time, he himself was pushed away as light as a feather, and the shock in his heart was naturally beyond words.

A lot of...strength? the legendary...demon power? ? ?

"Human, answer me."

While Thunderhoof was still in consternation, a terrible voice suddenly fell from the sky and he stayed, and hurriedly raised the sword in his hand to resist. It was only a moment before and after, the demon who had jumped high had already swung the magic sword in his hand and hit it heavily on the huge sword of Thunderhoof.


The sound of an explosion pierced the eardrums of many people around, and the rocks at the feet of Thunderhoof shattered at this moment. With him as the center of the circle, the surrounding ground quickly cracked, rocks and ruins were shattered, and the huge air wave generated when the two swords touched also shook all the bandits around.

"I am not qualified enough--"

Thunderhoof's hands were numb, and his bones rattled. He tried his best to support the sword with both hands, but the demon still suppressed him with only one hand.

"Be your king?"

After a long period of time, the surrounding damage was considered to subside. Looking around, the ground under Thunder Hoof's feet has been forcibly sunken. He gritted his teeth, every joint in his body was aching, and every muscle was enjoying the pain of tearing. He looked at the palms of his palms that were supporting the swords. The palms were bleeding, and the blood dripped down his arms and dripped onto the broken ground under his feet. At this moment, he looked up at the blood-red right eye, gritted his teeth, and then...

He knelt before the devil.

"My Majesty..."

"From today... My life, Thunderhoof Wind Kajal, will be completely yours... Please allow me to show you my loyalty..."

"My master……"


"His Majesty……"

The chain lifted again.

As the chains were raised this time, the sword in the demon's hand slowly retracted into his palm. The black skin on his body also slowly shrank, and the sharp corners and fangs on his forehead slowly retracted.

The idiot carried his hands on his back and looked at the man kneeling in front of him coldly. Only obedience and obedience emerged on this man's face. This giant bear is now completely obedient, and should, no longer resist.

The bandits around are also kneeling now. Kneel before their new king. Some of these people were originally soldiers, but it was because of helplessness that they followed Thunder Hood to occupy the mountain as king. Now, they looked at their new master, and after realizing how strong he was just now, not only did they not have too much resentment in their hearts, but on the contrary, they were complacent about taking refuge in a powerful master.

Facing the bandits' obedience, the idiot nodded. After turning around for two steps, he stretched out his hand to start the third prison. The chain stretched out from his arm again, and got into the ruins. In a moment, the corpses of many victims were dug up from the ruins. The next moment, the remaining flesh and blood on their bodies was like torn, quickly peeling off, leaving only the thick bones.

These bones began to gather in front of the idiot, forming a high throne. And he also slowly stepped onto the throne, turned around, pressed his hands on the two skulls at the armrest, in the snow, looking down at the people kneeling below.

(Okay, good, good, I can’t help but applaud)

The idiot's expression didn't change, but the dimness in his mind was ridiculing at this moment.

(Human kid, your acting skills are really admirable. I didn't expect that you would have thought of quelling this inevitable battle in such a bloodless way? Very good, really good)

(But...hehehe, presumably, you should not be able to stand up now? The burden of the third **** and demonization is still so heavy for you. Hehe, who told you not to give me your heart completely, Must use the human spirit to control the body of this demon? If you leave it all to me, you will definitely not be so tired now)

(But I'm going to come back again, you just managed to sustain such a huge burden, and depending on your physical condition getting stronger and stronger over the years... I guess you don’t need to rest for ten and a half days like before to recover. Right? So what do you do next? Once these people realize that your body is actually very weak, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not immediately defect.)

(But I’m more interested in why you suddenly thought of coming out to save people? Also subduing these human warriors? Is there any reason for this?)

(Hey, I, looking forward to it.)

The idiot tilted his head in the snow. The last trace of bright red in the right eye has now faded and returned to darkness. For those who were kneeling in front of him, he just nodded slightly—

"Get up."

"Thank your majesty."

With permission, Thunder Hoof stood up again. He looked at the idiot on the throne, and there was no feeling in his eyes that he wanted to try again. On the contrary, there seems to be a hint of joy.

The demise of the Kuanglei Empire was precisely because of the incompetence and weakness of the king that gave other countries a chance. Now that he sees that his new king is so powerful and that he has a "devil body", how can this make him uneasy? How can I be unhappy?

"My Majesty, what should your subordinates do next."

The voice is respectful, and dare not disobey the slightest.

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