Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 126, Holy Night

126, Holy Night

The shocking and destructive force stunned Lancer and Yueming. The others screamed loudly after witnessing this incredible scene.

Lancer's expression was extremely frightened. It was obvious that he was also frightened by the sight in front of him. Looking at the empty chasm, just the bandit who evaporated from the world in an instant. Also, it was the thunder hoof that pushed his wife away, but the body was replaced by thunder hoofs.

All this seems to be impossible.

But now, these "impossibles" appeared in front of him abruptly, telling him that these were not only "possible" but also had already happened.

"How about it, big brother. Do you remember anything?"

Sasha smiled and said, "Remember your true identity? Remember that you were sealed by the hateful birdman for more than a thousand years. After waking up from a deep sleep, you don't remember these things?"

"Remember your own noble lineage and mighty power?"

"A arsenal of all demons, the owner of the Sharktooth Treasure Map, the eighth demon in the sequence."

"The devil named'Forge'."

Sasha said her words very easily. But Lancer didn't care about what she said. He still gritted his teeth and looked at Sasha in fear, not knowing what to do.

"What forged demons, what treasure map, I don't know what exactly you...what did you do? Why do they...they...?"

Sasha was taken aback for a moment, then sighed. She slowly said in a slightly coquettish voice——

"Brother, it seems that your illness is really serious. In this case, more blood must be used to wash away the seal on your body."

While Lancer was stunned, Sasha turned her head and opened her eyes to the refugees who were running around and yelling.

Wherever the line of sight passed, **** also descended.

The raging flames began to burn from everyone's body outwards.

These **** fires swallowed everyone's body and tortured everyone's soul.

There are flames everywhere, screams everywhere. Many people kept rolling on the ground, but they still could not extinguish the flames on their bodies. They watched as their hands and feet were like candles, melting in the flame and falling. Unspeakable pain filled their throats, but because their throats were melted and glued, they couldn't make any noise.

With those eyes, death came.

"Hahaha, it's funny, brother, did you see it? It's really funny~~~"

"Looking" at hell, a happy expression appeared on the little nun's face. It was like seeing a fluffy toy, with a sweet and simple smile.

"Well, seeing this, will you be able to restore your memory, brother?"

Sasha closed her eyes and faced Lancer again. But now, Lancer was already surprised and speechless.

"That's it... Brother still hasn't awakened... It seems that the stimulation is still not great enough, and we have to think of something more. Um... Right."

After that, Sa Xia's face slowly turned to Yueming, who was also dumbfounded. Lancer noticed that, leaning on crutches, screamed at his wife regardless of physical pain. However, his speed is still too slow. It was just an instant, Yueming's body was completely exposed under those blood-red pupils...


Suddenly, Yueming spit out a mouthful of blood, she was clutching her belly, and she collapsed instantly with exhaustion. Lancer was crying and screaming, and finally reached out and hugged her when her body was about to touch the ground, and screamed loudly in his arms.

"Yueming? Yueming, how are you, Yueming, please don't scare me. What did you do to my wife? What did you do to her?"

Lancer cried and hugged his wife who was constantly spilling blood from the corner of his mouth, distraught. But Sasha just smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother. I only destroyed a small part of her internal organs. For this woman who sealed her brother, I wouldn't kill her so easily. I will kill her. Take a good torture and avenge your brother."

Sasha smiled, sweeter. She didn't pay attention to Yueming, whose internal organs were destroyed, and Lancer, who was crying bitterly, but instead aimed completely at the refugees who were scurrying.

The pupil of extinguishment opened.

This petite girl with an angelic face was so excited that she opened her forbidden eyes, looking at everything in front of her.


Soon after, a loud noise came from the city once named the Iron City. The huge explosion even tore through the clouds in the sky, destroying the sky that was supposed to snow.

The idiot who was about to go to bed was awakened by a violent earthquake. The glasses that were going downhill to return to the steel city were overturned by the sudden heat wave, and they turned over in the air before standing steadily.

When they stood on the top of the hill and looked in the direction of the steel city, the only thing they could see was a familiar semi-circular energy sphere, which was shrouded in the city, and the huge heat shredded everything in it. , Turning everything into nothingness...



"Idiot, what is going on?"

"What's the matter? Aunt, what's the matter?"

The idiot did not move and did not answer.

He knew exactly what happened there, and he knew exactly what was in the center of the energy ball.

He squeezed his fists and began to work hard to arouse the strength in his body. But it’s a pity that his stamina has only recovered 20-30% now, and it is impossible to cope with the great devil in perfect condition.

The energy ball continued to revolve there, destroying, and endlessly. In the face of that terrible power, the idiot's brain is thinking quickly what to do. But just before he came up with the answer, three figures supporting each other appeared at the foot of the mountain not far from him. A closer look reveals that it is the glasses and her shoulders are bearing the weight of Yueming and Lancer respectively, rushing towards here like flying trot.

Seeing Yueming vomiting blood at the corner of her mouth, Walnut immediately greeted her. Together with Little Bread, she took Lancer from the arms of the glasses and laid him flat on the grass. The bun quickly performed emergency treatment. After confirming that Lancer had not suffered any major injuries, everyone immediately focused on Yueming's body.

"What's going on? Yueming sister...what happened to her?"

Walnut was busy wiping the corners of Yueming's mouth with a towel, and Xiao Bian looked at Yueming, who had no trauma, but couldn't do anything. He could only use his "strength stone" to relieve the pain as much as possible. Although the glasses still had a cold face, it was the first time that an idiot could see from her actions, and she was obviously panic now.

"Save... my wife... she... her internal organs... body... internal organs..."

When the idiot heard it, his right eye was instantly scarlet. Through this eye, he could easily see the internal condition of Yueming's body. Dimie also saw through his eyes, and the magic sword immediately screamed for misfortune.

(Hahaha funny, her digestive system from the stomach to the large intestine is blown to pieces, so pitiful~~~ Hahaha, this woman is not long enough to live, the big devil is really interesting, I can think of using this Methods to torture people. Just imagine, this kind of pain is a hundred times more cruel than "abdominal pain like a knife", a thousand times the pain is now in this woman's body, ah, this can be regarded as our demons about The model of how to torture others will be taught)

Dim Mi smiled very happily, very cheerful. The idiot glanced at his right arm, and then told everyone what he saw. Everyone was shocked to hear that Yueming's body was destroyed in this way. Lancer was even more excited to get up, but the incomplete wound on his body made him lie down again.

Bun gritted his teeth and fought each other with his hands.

Maybe, she also knew that she shouldn't be kind to her casually. But at this moment, she still decided to try her best to cure this sister's pure white light from overflowing from her palm, her hands separated, and a white sphere full of warmth was suspended in it. She compressed the sphere as hard as she could, and as the light became more concentrated, the sphere became more dazzling. The sweat on the bun's forehead also rolled down uninterrupted at this moment.

Finally, all the light was compressed into a sphere the size of a mung bean. Panting, Bun slowly pressed the little sphere into Yueming's stomach. The moment the ray ball just entered the body, a burst of blood overflowed from the corner of Yueming's mouth. Little Bread hurriedly used force to suppress the injuries in her body with all his strength. It wasn't until the tip of her nose was stained with sweat and her little face was as white as prostration, that Yueming's complexion was slightly restored, and she was no longer so pale.

It is impossible to save it completely.

The idiot knows this, and the little bread knows it. All she can do now is to continue her life with all her strength. As for how much time can be extended, it is unknown.

Exerting too much force, the bun slumped backward. The idiot quickly hugged her shoulders and gently hugged her in his arms. After seeing Yueming's face turning rosy again, Walnut screamed in excitement. When Lancer heard that his wife was rescued, he finally let go and exhaled.

After all, the idiot still didn't tell them the real facts.

Since they think there is salvation, let them hold on to this illusory hope.

After stroking the bun's hair, the idiot raised his head, wanting to take another look at the direction of Steel City. But when he looked up, he also noticed something.


Where did she go?

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