Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 001, the forgotten battle

001, the forgotten battle

Smoke and dust filled.

In the broken clouds, the timid figure of the three-round bright moon appeared.

As if afraid of something, the clouds made up again. After another while, those snowflakes that were once refused to fall still continue to perform their duties and fall from the sky...

The moon is over, and the Holy Eve Festival has passed.

Now it is a new year. A brand new moment.

January 1, 1190, midnight.

A city that was once called the Iron City on the map has now completely disappeared.

Instead, it was a super-large pothole that existed in the original place of Steel City.

Here, there are no bodies, no ruins, and nothing striking. The only thing there is the clean and tidy soil that spreads out, burning red and emitting heat...

It was very quiet all around.

There was no sound, and even the sound of the wind was gone on the broad ground.

The whole world fell into silence...

A kind of...

Facing terror, after the shock, silence...

Sasha finally closed those eyes. She gently pulled the hat of the nun's robe and held the cross on her chest with her two small hands. She stood in the center of this wide, empty field, kissed the cross lightly, smiled, and raised her head.

"It's a pity, I was so happy to play, but my brother ran away when I was not paying attention."

Sasha shook her head in frustration, but soon her face filled with a smile again.

"Forget it, brother must be awakened soon. At that time, he will come back to accompany Sasha. As long as Sasha waits, someone will be with him soon."

It is Sasha's good habit to be able to figure it out. She has been wandering on this continent for nearly a thousand years. In the past, because her strength had not recovered, she had to pretend to be weak, pretend to be a Virgin, and protect herself by deception. Recently, my strength has finally recovered, of course I have to play around~~~

Therefore, Sasha was relieved. If the only thing that made her feel a little uncomfortable, it was probably the mountain surrounded by faults. Because later she will have to crawl out by herself. But forget it, then level the mountain together. In this way, there is no need to climb mountains.

Oh, yes, yes. In addition to leaving here, there is one more thing to be resolved.

That is……

Sasha lowered her head and put down the cross in her hand. She turned around slowly, with a smile on her face, her eyes closed, facing the distance, facing a person there...

The wind finally blew.

Blowed the edge of the cloak.

The lock pattern on the cloak swung up and down in the breeze, making a rattling sound.

The hat of the robe was pulled up high. Snow flakes fell on the cloak, temporarily dyeing it white.

The cloak that doesn't let in light naturally cannot see the figure inside. I don't know if the person wearing the lock robe is a man or a woman, whether he is young or old.

The only thing he knew was that this man didn't hesitate in the face of Sasha, who was so destructive.

He lifted his foot and walked towards Sasha.

He walked very slowly.

The lock robe shook with his footsteps.

Wherever the footsteps landed, ashes and smoke rose up, but the mud that still exuded red luster could not stop this person's steps at all.

He was still step by step...step by step, and came over.

Sasha didn't move.

She is bored, so she needs to have some fun.

Faced with the only person in front of her who could provide her with fun, she was not in a hurry to destroy him instantly.

She wants to play well and find some happy games on this person.

So, she is waiting.

Wait for the opponent to enter his "burst" range.

Before that, the only thing she needed to do was to wait.

Slowly, the comer approached.

When stepping into Sasha's burst range, his movements did not accelerate or slow down. It's still so unhurried.

And Sasha, after the opponent stepped into the range of her own eyesight, a sneer overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

"How about an arm?"

Suddenly, the pupil of extinguishment opened, and the blood-red pupil completely enveloped the cloaked man. At this moment, the cloaked man suddenly moved aside by more than two meters, but such a short distance could not take him from Sasha left with her eyesight.


However, the cloak man raised his foot and took another step forward.

Even though his body was still shrouded in Sasha's line of sight, he did not suffer any damage. Even the corners of the cloak were not damaged.

Sasha was stunned. She immediately moved her pupils and set her eyes on the cloaked man's left shoulder again. But the moment her pupils moved, the person also slid to the side. This time, the distance he slid became shorter, less than 1.5 meters.

Everything, there is still no change.

The man in the cloak continued to move forward, as if he didn't feel like walking through the gate of a ghost at all, he still wandered leisurely.

But Sasha was stunned. Her eyes can almost be said to be the strongest weapon, but why... why are they not effective against this person now? This person just moved to the side, left and right, can he continue to walk towards him like this unharmed?

Sasha's teeth began to clenched unconsciously. Her line of sight is constantly betting on the body of the visitor, but as the distance gets closer, the distance that the visitor moves to the side is getting shorter and shorter. When the distance between the two of them became less than five meters, the man in the cloak only slightly tilted his shoulder, and could continue to walk towards him in strides?

Finally, Sasha stopped being careless. Although she didn't know who the person came, but now she only felt that the person in the lock-up robe was very disgusting. She didn't want to play with this person anymore. The only thought that flashed through her mind was just one word--


Sasha took a step backward and her blood-red pupils stared at the center of the incoming person's body. At the same time she took a step back, the man in the cloak immediately moved a step aside, and then, with a kick on her feet, she quickly rushed towards Sa Xia.

The two sides finally made contact.

Looking at the man in the cloak who came to him almost instantly, Sasha gritted her teeth tightly. She is not good at close combat, and just because she is not good at it, the cloak man's heavy punch has hit her abdomen without surprise. This little nun's body flew like a broken kite, but at the moment she flew away, she opened her eyes again, but the target was not the cloak man, but the ground in front of the cloak man.


The cloak man just wanted to chase forward, but the ground in front of him burst open suddenly. The gravel flew out and hit his body directly. The man in the cloak was wrapped in a lock robe, and he didn't know if he was injured. After enduring such a blow, he rushed forward again, raised his fist, and aimed straight at Sasha

At this moment, Sasha no longer dared to underestimate the enemy. She put away all her playfulness, pricked her ears and listened carefully to the footsteps of the man in the cloak. At the moment when the opponent's left foot was just lifted, but the right foot was still in the future, Sasha opened her eyes again and stared. The cloaked man who lives there


A crackling sound came from the cloaked man's chest. The cloak man's footsteps stagnated a little, but the next moment, he pounced at a faster speed, like lightning, and the heavy fist struck Sasha's chest once again. Shasha knew that the punch was powerful, and immediately stared at the ground. The exploding stone became a wall, and although the fist penetrated the rock, it was still printed on her chest. But the strength has been reduced a lot.

Bloodshot flew from the corner of Sasha's mouth.

With a punch from the cloaked man, she flew back again to open the distance. At the same time, because she had been prepared, she opened her eyes at the moment the bomb flew, staring directly at the cloaked man, vowing to kill the opponent in one fell swoop.

The man in the cloak obviously didn't expect Sasha's reaction to be so fast. Right now, he could not hide it. Within that fleeting time, he immediately swung his fists and hit a huge stone slab on the ground. Jin shook directly, blocking Sa Xia's sight abruptly. But the man in the cloak was also uncomfortable. As the slab exploded and shattered, at such a close distance, the flying stone in his body was also extremely heavy and fast. After blocking the blow, the man in the cloak couldn't help but bend slightly and almost fell to his knees.

"Can't kill... why... why can't you kill...?"

Sasha flew back and hit the ground several times in a row. Finally, she stood up again with difficulty, covered in dust.

The corners of her mouth were bloodshot, and the pain in her chest continued to torment her. The exhaustion of physical strength made her have to close her eyes, breathe, and then hurried up.

Thousands of years...

More than a thousand years have passed since the last war ended

In these thousands of years, Sasha has never encountered anyone who could hurt her.

All those who dare to offend her will be destroyed by her pupils of destruction. This is her first time...

For the first time, I used eyes so many times to deal with a person

As a result, he can only hurt this person, but still can't kill him?


Sasha's steps were tired, and the blood from the corner of her mouth stuck to her nun's robe. It was also when she was struggling to stand, the man in the cloak over there also tried to support her body. Did the breathing under the cloak also start to become rush? His injury is definitely not much better

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you--"

At this moment, Sa Xia straightened her body abruptly and screamed out. At the same time, a pair of jet-black bone wings formed from behind her and opened. Along with the expansion of the bone wings, her eyes opened again where the scarlet gaze could reach, and a round energy ball once again enveloped this no longer existing steel city. Of course, it also enveloped the cloaked man who could not evade, vowing to destroy any existence in it.

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