Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 002

002, there is no ambiguity

Destruction is an instinct.

The demon derived from this destruction instinct possesses the most powerful destructive power.

The already devastated valley was once again shrouded in immense energy, and the heat in it burned everything and shred everything.

Centered on this demon named "Big", vowing to destroy any enemy who dares to invade its sanctuary

Sasha gritted her teeth, and the crimson pupil released the destructive power to her heart. She is confident, that human beings who cannot judge her strength can never be able to beat her destructive power derived from her destructive instinct, so...

Everything will end after this attack.

The spherical energy slowly disappears.

The earth was melted and the rocks turned into magma.

In the scorching center, Sasha stood panting and closed her eyes.

Although she was tired, she still had a smile on her lips. This is the smile that belongs only to the winner. Only the winner is worthy of possession

Wow! ————————

However, a burst of metal interlocking sound rang from this lava land where there shouldn't be any living creatures. The smile of the original winner at the corner of Sasha's mouth disappeared at this moment.

She faces there, although she can't see it, she can still feel it, there is something...

A cocoon.

One, a giant silver-white cocoon made of steel

At this moment, this giant cocoon is constantly separating to the sides, and the sound of clatter comes from this.

What surprised Sasha even more was that after these slightly melted and broken giant cocoons separated, it was a...wing made of steel?

And the owner of this pair of wings is that...the man in the cloak who can't see his appearance?

In the snow, the wings of steel behind the cloaked man flapped. The clean snow flakes contrasted with the bright feathers, bringing out a different kind of beauty. He didn't give Sasha too many opportunities to be surprised. Following the instigation of Steel Wing, the man in the cloak rushed to Sasha in lightning speed, and a hand with leather gloves also grabbed Sasha's throat.

Sha Xia was taken aback, her eyes opened immediately. But after all, she was still a step slower. In a flash, her throat and chin were caught by that hand, and the cloak man’s hand moved up and forced her face to the sky.

With opened eyes, the only thing I can see is the clouds in the sky. In an instant, those clouds were destroyed and separated, and huge water droplets fell from the sky.

Sasha grabbed the cloak man's hand with both hands, trying hard to get her under her head so that she could see the opponent clearly. Seeing Sasha's resistance, the man in the cloak immediately pressed the hand holding her neck down and blasted Sasha's body directly into the rock pile below. The next moment, he forcibly dragged Sasha and rushed towards Sasha's body like a plow , It just pulled a deep gap on the hard ground

"Damn...birdman...damn... Protoss..."

When approaching the edge of the pothole, the man in the cloak grabbed Sasha and smashed her heavily on the edge. Sasha was severely injured, and the blood in her mouth continued to overflow. A lot of her nun's robe has been burned away by the lava on the ground, revealing a lot of skin inside. And the impact on the wall of the pit made the cross on her neck unbearable and broke.

"I... won't die... I... won't be... sealed by... you... back then... brother... but I... different from everyone... I... will never be sealed by you— ———————"

The black bone wings behind Sasha also opened her hands and grabbed the hands on her neck violently at this moment. A sudden force made her fingers slam down. With a cluck, the cloak man’s arm was immediately Break off. Losing her restraint, Sasha immediately lowered her head, and opened her eyes to the cloaked man in front of him without hesitation.

A scarlet light flashed, and the man in the cloak was startled, stepped lightly, and quickly fled to the side. However, his speed was still half a beat slow after all. The half of the steel wing behind him suddenly shattered at this moment, and the pain of folding the wing also caused the cloak man's movements to stagnate for a short time.


Sasha raised her foot and kicked the cloaked man's belly heavily. The body of the man in the cloak flew back under the blow, and the torn and withered steel feathers scattered. After pulling the distance away, Sasha pulled out her body from the deep pit wall, her bone wings fluttered, and her whole body immediately flew into the air.

"Steel Angel, I will not be defeated by you...Today, it is definitely not me who will die here...but you...but you——"

Condescendingly, his pupils opened. next moment……

The ground that could be regarded as lava was immediately surrounded by a huge beam of light

The ground is gone, the rocks are gone. The huge light and heat tore through the sky, illuminating the midnight of the moving day like a summer day. Does this moment also symbolize this battle, finally... over?


A figure flew into the air quickly.

With half of the incomplete wings, his balance was very poor, but she still maintained this difficult movement, rushing towards Sasha with her eyes wide open. And his right hand also stretched out **** and directly inserted into her round eyes


Half a wing, the speed is still too slow.

At that moment, Sasha quickly turned her head, and her eyes also accurately captured the fingers of the man in the cloak, and the corners of her mouth showed a sneer...

"Finally, I caught you~~~"


The explosion sounded.

The entire right arm of the man in the cloak was also shattered and scattered under the sound of the explosion.

Wings broken, arms broken, and serious injuries. The cloak man who was abruptly shaken by the explosion no longer had any capital to fight back. This time, he is really...

The remnant wing whirled, the body twisted. At the moment when Sasha closed her eyes, the **** of the cloaked man's left hand have also been firmly inserted into Sasha's eyes.




"Woo...... Yeah——————————————"

Screams sounded in the night sky.

As the fingers were pulled out, the two bloodshots were also pulled out.

Those snow flakes fell again, and each snow flake was like a mirror, reflecting the two faint bloodshots, reflecting the opposition that lasted for a thousand years, and the hatred produced in this life.

Sasha clutched her eyes, struggling constantly in the air. The blood kept flowing from her fingers, and the pain she had never had before enveloped her whole body. She yelled, waving the bone wings behind her back and patted around. The fear and fear that had never been before had completely occupied this little girl's mind.

The man in the cloak struggled to maintain the flying posture. From beginning to end, he never said a word. No one knows what kind of expression is hidden under that cloak.

Is it the joy after victory?

still is……

Finally, the man in the cloak raised his left hand, and a silver-white spear slowly appeared in his palm. There are many incomprehensible words engraved on the gun body. The next moment, he waved his wings, rushed towards Sasha with his spear, and without hesitation, pierced the spear into Sasha's heart.


The spear stabbed in, and the man in the cloak flew away again. Then, the remaining half of his wings stretched out, and many steel thorns immediately appeared around his body. The target of these steel thorns was not Sasha, but the bottomless pit under her feet.

As the cloak man's palm pressed down, all the steel thorns quickly flew into the pothole. He kept generating steel thorns, and kept filling them. In a short while, the originally bottomless pit was filled with various crisscross steel bars, which looked like an unfinished construction site.

Sasha, who was pierced into the heart by the spear, couldn't help herself, and was dragged by the spear to the pit. In the intertwined steel bars, a shield instantly emerged, hanging in the air. The long spear also stabbed on the shield firmly, nailing Sasha to it.

"Hilalil's gun? No shield?"

Sasha clutched the spear in her heart, struggling hard. She kept shaking her body, but at this moment, any of her struggles seemed so weak.

The man in the cloak looked condescendingly at Sa Xia, the palm that was originally upward was also covered downward at this moment. With this action, four huge steel pillars emerged behind him and inserted into the surrounding hills. In an instant, the earth shook. Between the steel bars above the pothole, iron pieces began to fuse with each other, and gradually, Sasha was buried.

"Don't... I don't want to be sealed, don't--"

Without her eyes, Sasha became like a fourteen-year-old girl. She cried and stretched out her hand to the sky, and kept crying.

"A thousand years... I'm looking for everyone... a thousand years... But why... why should I seal me?"

"Is it Sasha who is not good? Isn't it because Sasha has killed enough people?"

"Brother... why did you refuse to recognize Sasha in the end? Why...why?"


The steel spread quickly, covering a large area.

Snow fell into the pit and fell on Sasha's outstretched finger...cold.

The blood rolled down from the corner of Sasha's eyes.

Now, I don't know if it is blood or her tears.

Only knowing that the blood ran across her cheek, accompanied by her almost imploring cry. She stretched her hand upwards and stretched out to the sky that symbolizes freedom.

But the only thing that responded to her expectation was that cold snow, falling on her face and hands, mixed with her blood and tears, melting...

The pothole was finally completely covered.

The exhausted man in the cloak could no longer support it, and fell straight on the smooth ground. The wings on his back slowly gathered and disappeared. He also clutched his lost right arm and slowly stood up.

Lock the robe, slowly fluttering in the wind and snow.

This battle, which was destined to be unknown to anyone, also brought down the final curtain at this moment...

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