Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 003, after the disaster

003, after the disaster

On the hillside, everyone was still busy looking after Yueming and Lancer. They have no interest in paying attention to what happened in the Iron City just now. Anyway, the demon was just messing around there.

The snow is heavy. The mountain has been covered with a layer of white yarn.

Idiots and others moved Lancer and Yueming into the tent, and the buns looked after them all night to prevent any accidents.

Late at night... Tiredness and sleepiness finally began to spread.

Walnut hugged apricots, wrapped in a blanket, and rested in a simple tent set up with leaves on the tree. The bun was also leaning on the tent and fell asleep. All of them seemed to have fallen asleep, but there was still one person, still with his eyes open, sitting by the extinguished campfire.

(………………You, why didn't you tell me earlier. He is the forging demon in the eighth sequence.)

(Hehe, tell you earlier? What do you plan to do if you tell you earlier? Avoid it? Human kid, anyway, we have been together for ten years, what will be in your mind as a kid, I am more or less Can be considered a little guessing.)

(If I tell you the truth from the beginning, if this priest is the eighth demon in the sequence, you will be afraid to avoid him~~~ And once you know his identity, you will hold him in any way. Look at it with colored glasses. Even if he just eats a bite of food, you will wonder if he is thinking about something bad, right?)

(Hehehe, so I won’t tell you anything at all. In this way, you will naturally not pay much attention to him. You can observe his situation after being sealed in your usual words and deeds. Facts have proved that he is really harmless now. When I heard his words "for the people", it was disgusting to vomit)

(……………………Now, what do you want.)

Dimie sneered, opened his pupils, and said coldly--

(Originally, I wanted you to subdue him immediately. But the specific know. This guy seems to be bound by a very deep seal. The report I got is that he was previously caught by three angels. Besiege, and was sealed by the opponent's combined efforts. It seems very difficult to unlock the seal. To be honest, I am not sure what to do.)

(……………………………………and so.)

(So, the situation is very simple, as long as you can rely on your three-inch tongue, let this guy follow you without knowing anything, live, just let it go.)

(………………Do you think I will persuade.)

(Hahaha, you certainly won’t. In fact, I don’t approve of you to persuade him. Now, the forging demon is completely sealed, and he is a pedantic priest who is useless at all. Let such a guy follow, I still I'm upset, and even if I let him follow, I can't unlock his seal. Everything depends on him.)

(……………………You are rare to be enlightened.)

(Cut, I’m just talking about the matter. If you have this spare time to see and regain him, it’s better to take that big devil little girl. Hey, human kid, hurry up, now she’s almost destroyed, it feels like It's boring. If you invite her, you will probably succeed~~~)

The idiot exhaled and continued to defy the words of Dim Mie as before. Just when he looked at the sky and was about to make breakfast...

In the morning snow at dawn, a person slowly walked over from the fog.

The idiot stood, staring at the person who gradually came over. Soon, her figure appeared in front of the idiot.


However, the current glasses came limply. Her body was bruised and muddy everywhere. And what idiots care the most is...

Her right arm is gone.

The girl glanced at the idiot and still didn't say anything. She walked slowly into the tent, looked at the sleeping Yueming and Lancer, then walked out, pulled the blanket over, covered her body, leaned against the tree, and closed her eyes.


Early morning came, and the first day of the new year looked very cold.

After waking up, everyone could vaguely hear the footsteps coming from the mountain road.

Lan Se hopes the stars and hopes the moon, the rescue team who has been waiting for a long time, finally appears from there at this moment.

A large number of rescue forces saw the survivors here, and they shouted and expressed their joy. At the same time, it was a nervous inquiry. In response to these inquiries, the idiot simply took out his mission profile that he was also a rescuer, and said that he did not know what had happened.

The complete disappearance of the Iron City has become a mystery that may never be solved. The smooth steel floor has rejected the judgment of many people, and of course, it has also rejected Lancer's own description of the unknown blind little girl.

"The Iron City was sinking due to a massive earthquake and the entire city was buried. Nearly all 150,000 people died in the city, and only a few survivors survived."

The above sentence naturally became the headline news of major newspapers. People on the sorrowful continent were all surprised at the horror of this incident, and at the same time, they also had new fears about the unpredictability of natural disasters.

This matter is over here.

After leaving the mountain, the idiot took a chance and disappeared from the rescuers with bread, walnuts, and apricots. As for how Lancer, Yueming and Glasses will be dealt with in the end, that is no longer what he will care about.




The wind blows the sand, getting closer and closer.

The dry sand in the air has also proved this.

There is home.

But now, the closer he gets to this home, the more he is unable to raise money.

In an oasis town near Fengchuisha, she stayed in the hotel for an excuse, and did not return to Fengchuisha before dawn. Under the bright moonlight, she stood by the big pond in the oasis, trying to keep her eyes open and looking ahead.

Of course she can't see any scenery. No matter how she opened her eyes, how concentrated she was, everything in front of her was black. Opening her eyes hurt, she couldn't help closing her eyes again, gritting her teeth.

Walnut stood in the distance worried, she could feel this feeling. When you lose something very important, and finally become no longer "complete", the feeling of facing the end is really beyond words.

Little Bread was holding Walnut's hand, and her other hand was holding the corner of the idiot's clothes.

Three people stood side by side in the distance, looking at the little girl. Wait and see her next action.


Xing opened her mouth and let out a soft breath.

Afterwards, she bent down, picked up a stone from the bottom of her feet, and threw it into the sky. After that, she clenched the hilt of the sword at her waist and waited for the stone to fall.

The stone rises.

Xing pinched the sword, concentrated on her ears, trying to listen to any abnormal noise in the air.

Stone, falling...

When the stone fell in front of Xing...


The stones fell in the lake in front of the apricot.

And the sword in her hand still did not swing out.




The ripples in the water slowly dispersed.

Apricot's small face also became pale as the ripples spread.

Little Bread was worried and wanted to step forward. But the idiot still caught her and prevented her from going up.

Walnut clutched her chest and looked at Xiao Xing. There was worry in his eyes.

Apricot gritted her teeth, her long eyelashes closed, and her face was pale. She bent down again, picked up a stone on the ground again, and threw it into the sky.

Xing continued to maintain the posture of drawing the sword, and continued to concentrate and hold her breath. This time, her sword was finally swung out, drawing a perfect arc in the air


However, the timing of the sword was too fast. Almost after her sword was completely swung out, the small stone had just begun to descend from the commanding height and fell into the water.

Fail...Try...Fail again...Try again.

Constantly trying, the results can be obtained, but still failure.

Xing's face became worse and worse, and finally, she bent down angrily, grabbed a lot of rocks with both hands and threw them into the sky. After that, she held the sword and started to wield it...

Patter. Patter patter...

The stone fell, hitting her head and body. She listened to the sound of stones in her ears, and slowly, the corners of her closed eyes began to shine and tears overflowed. She swings the sword even harder, and there are no rules for her movements. It was no longer a sword swing, but a pure vent.

Walnut released the bread's hand and stepped forward. Gently, he hugged Xing's shoulders from behind and hugged her into his arms.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Xing held the sword in both hands, hanging down. The sword is half buried in the water, refracting underwater.


"do not be afraid."

Walnut stroked Xing’s hair lightly, and pressed against her teary face. At this moment, there is no need to say anything, the only thing needed is mutual dependence and comfort between family members. For the two who have also lost the light, the skin-to-skin blindness of each other is enough to replace any words...

The idiot looked at these two people. Suddenly, he felt the bread holding his little hand began to tighten. He lowered his head and looked at the little girl, only to see that Little Bread also looked up at him. After that, the little guy threw himself into the arms of the idiot and buried his head deeply. Occasionally, I stuck my head out and looked at the two people over there.

Things must always be resolved.

What we should face, we still have to face.

The idiot stepped forward and patted Walnut on the shoulder. At this moment, the sky is about to dawn, so let's stay in the hotel in this oasis for one night, and wait until tomorrow night, and then set off for Fengchuansha.

Walnut nodded and held the apricot. After a long time, Xing also finally agreed to this proposal. A group of four, holding hands with each other, walked through the silver sand paved by the bright moonlight, and walked towards the hotel over there...

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