Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 008, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (2)

008, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (2)

Marquis Vivienne flicked his sleeves, clutching his painful shoulder and left angrily. Seeing this, Xingli quickly took a step, opened her mouth, and wanted to apologize...

Now, her sister has returned. Therefore, she is no longer the first heir to the earl. And in front of her, was the Marquis of Goodsay's house, whose title was much higher than her own. This was enough to move her, even if she was dissatisfied, she must be forced to bow her head and apologize.

However, she finally did not say it. For this disgusting and disgusting Marquis, she still could not apologize to him without her own heart. This is no longer an economic problem, but another personality problem. Therefore, she just clenched her fist and watched the Marquis leave her shop, but she just stood there without saying a word.

The idiot pulled the little bread, and the two of them looked at Xingli.

From the beginning to the end, Xing Li didn't show to herself that she needed help. The idiot knew that Xing Li was thinking of herself, and don't just have trouble with the Marquis. She wants to shoulder all the problems on her own body. However, the result of this is...

"You bastard"

After a while, an old man who got the news came to this shop in a wheelchair, driven by Quilin.

" are so courageous that I finally managed to establish a relationship with the Goodsey family, and asked you to go to Marquis Vivienne's house as a guard. But you...Hello, did you hit someone?"

Count Rooney replied looking at Xingli who was standing in the shop, his face covered with disgust. Quirin, who was behind him, looked at it, and couldn't help but secretly worry, and wanted to speak out for comfort.

"Dad, Xing Li has always been very gentle, if it weren't for that Marquis deceived people too much, I believe Xing Li would never do anything..."

"Even if she deceives too much, can't she bear it?"

Rooney replied that Earl raised his cane and stood up with difficulty. He came to Xing Li swayingly, raised the crutch with his other hand, and knocked directly on Xing Li's shoulder. Xing Li gritted his teeth, did not dodge, and withstood the blow abruptly.

"The Marquis of Goodsay values ​​you so much, and the adult who wants to promote our family even said that as long as you behave well, he is not unable to suggest to your Majesty that I, the earl, should be promoted to the marquis. Glory, but actually hit someone? You filial thing, you brute—"

The walking stick kept falling on Xing Li's body. She gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and silently endured her father's beating and scolding. That delicate shoulder bears the father’s consistent punishment. From the past to the present, maybe in the future, it will still bear the same...

After beating for a while, Rooney replied that Earl Rooney saw Xing Li not moving, but his seemingly weak body showed no signs of discomfort. Seeing this, the fire in his heart was even greater. Thinking that the Gao Sheng he had gotten disappeared for no reason, he was even more furious. After seeing the things in the store, he immediately shifted his target and smashed the crutches into the glass display cabinet over there.

"Telling you to do these profiteers' activities will tell you to come out and laugh again"

Xingli didn't expect that her father would hurt her merchandise. She had always endured it silently. She finally couldn't help it. When the crutches were about to fall, the silk scarf in her hand sprang out and stood in front of the crutches.

"Father, don't even know...that person...that adult, he didn't want me to be a guard at all but...but..."

Xing Li couldn't say it. The thought of the way the Marquis touched her body just now made her feel nauseous even thinking about it.

"But what? People are big people and some big people have more or less weird interests. Do you know how much time your ancestors spent to climb to the position of earl? How much energy did they use? Before that, compared to This is the worse thing we have encountered in the Rooney family. What are you? What are you?"


"Step aside"


"Okay, you are strong, and you don't listen to me anymore?" Rooney answered the earl with his crutches and pointed to his broken leg, and said loudly, "If it weren't for my begging before your majesty, we A family has long been regarded as a traitor and hanged for this family. I have lost my wife and a leg. Now... you beast doesn’t know how to repay you, but instead you pay back your gratitude?"

Xing Li bit her lower lip without speaking. But the silk scarf in front showed no sign of retreat. Seeing this, Rooney answered the earl with a sudden wave of his hand, and shouted at Quilin behind him: "Teach me a lesson about this ignorant beast."

Quilin was taken aback, looked at her father and then at Xing Li. Originally outgoing and optimistic, she couldn't make a choice for a while, with some help-seeking eyes, she looked at the idiot next to her. But after Rooney replied to the earl again, she finally gritted her teeth, shaking her hands in the air, and dancing two ice ribbons out of thin air. The ice ribbon slapped Xingli's straight ribbon, and the pink ribbon that solidified in an instant shattered, and there were no obstacles in front of Earl Rooney.

The next moment, there was an uninterrupted sound of glass breaking in the small shop.

Little Bread hid behind the idiot, afraid to look at the scene before him. The idiot stood silently, without saying a word. Quirine held on to Xing Li, who was trembling slightly on his shoulders, while Xing Li was holding back his grievances, with tears in his eyes, watching her efforts become vain under the waving of the crutch.

Wu Ji... is over...

Although it hasn't started yet, Xing Li's martial arts festival has already come to an end.

Among the broken glass shards, among the doll shards scattered everywhere, this originally grand festival also came to an early end.

After smashing it, Earl Rooney answered that he looked at the dilapidation in the shop, and finally he smiled with satisfaction. He put away the crutches again, slowly returned to the wheelchair, exhaled, and looked at Rooney in front of him earnestly.

"Xingli, you are not cruel for your father. You are really too young to know how difficult it is to climb up. Although the earl's rank is already very high, but in this wind and sand, the earl can almost be Eat. Which of the residents in the aristocratic zone has a good face? How many men, sons, and earls do. Everyone here wants to climb up and get ahead as quickly as possible. , For the sake of my own family. Everything I do now is for your good, do you understand?"

Looking at the mess all over the ground, Xing Li's body trembled. But she still forcibly swallowed all the grievances and nodded slowly.

"Haha, good boy. Now that you understand, then you can behave well. Don't open a store for this martial arts festival. Such a splattering job is not for you. Go, Kuilin, take her to dress up and take a shower. Take a bath, take a good rest. Tomorrow, change into beautiful clothes and go to the martial arts celebration. After you find Marquis Vivienne, you must confess your mistakes to the adult and stay with him. We can get to know the people of the Gudsey family, that’s Unspeakable blessing. You must never let your father down again, okay?"

Xing Li sobbed, but in the end, she finally nodded. She couldn't defy her father... She couldn't defy the relative who dragged herself up. She also knows that her father loves herself, and it is precisely because of this love and affection that she cannot disobey her father. I can only... do what I don't want to do.

Rooney answered the earl nodded in satisfaction, turned the wheelchair, and left the shop. Staring at the mess all over the floor, Xing Li also stepped forward. But before leaving, she took one last look at the idiot next to her...

Tears like pearls rolled from the corners of his eyes. The idiot only saw this drop of tears falling from her chin, and Xing Li had already resolutely walked out of the shop, and left with Quilin...

(You won’t help her? In this case, most people will be heroes to save the United States~~~)


(Cut, you boring fellow. I really don’t know what you are thinking. Forget it, I’ll just wait for a good show, this martial arts festival)


The next day, the martial arts festival began.

The idiot came around the martial arts field early in the morning and looked at the shop. In the surroundings, all other shops are thriving and open. However, Xing Li's shop remained silent. Opened the door and went in, the mess on the ground was still there, and the broken glass cabinet had not changed at all. It can be seen that this store is no longer open.

"Baba, what shall we do now? 》

Little Bread raised the sign, a little worried.

After thinking about it, the idiot only shook his head. Turned around, walked to the large martial arts arena that had been grandly opened there, and went to watch the game.




Today's martial arts festival is naturally very lively. Colorful **** and banners are hung everywhere in the grand open-air martial arts venue.

This martial arts arena, which could seat thousands of people, was already too anxious. Various people helped the old and the young, huddled together and cheered for the grand martial arts banquet. The shouting, shouting, loud noises, all kinds of pleasant sounds intertwined, forming a unique lively scene.

The idiot took honey pear, Toran, and small bread, and the four people sat in the corner of the conference hall. Because of Xingli's affairs, the idiot today canceled all his original reservations and became very idle. Since it's okay, and the little bread is clamoring to join in the fun, Mili and Tolan usually don't have much entertainment, so they agree to come out. In addition, the idiot was also a little interested in the actions of the Dark Deer Empire, so he came here to watch.

"Hey, you said, did His Highness Evil Fire come to show good this time, or did he come to demonstrate?"

Tolan bought a large basket of popcorn, handed it to the three of them, and said with a smile.

Mi Li frowned, thought about it, and said, "Well... it's not clear. The relationship between the two countries is actually quite awkward. After the split, only one-tenth of her own strength is not enough. The Dark Deer Empire did not send troops to engulf the stag empire, nor did it send a special envoy to coerce the stags as a subject of Dark Deer, and provide annual financial contributions. For the stags of China, fight and not fight, and again They don’t get along and don’t communicate with each other. So...the real purpose of this martial arts festival right now, I’m afraid I can only see it after the competition is over."

The idiot glanced sideways at Mili and Tolan, and the two of them noticed the idiot's eyes and quickly stopped. Mili lowered her head even more worried, and said, "I'm sorry... Your Majesty... I... I shouldn't be a mess..."

Mili's words were not wrong, and Anlu's current attitude was indeed very uncertain. What kind of attitude does Evil Fire have towards the Bucks? If he wanted to send troops to attack immediately, then he didn't need to think too much, and immediately evacuated from the wind and sand with his small bread.

If the Dark Deer wants to maintain a peaceful relationship with the Bucks in a certain sense, then the Dark Deer Empire is on the periphery of the Bucks. Under the rule of Evil Fire, the Dark Deer Empire is definitely not in charge of Mudu. Because of the domestic and foreign difficulties of the stag empire, other countries naturally did not dare to think too much about Dark Deer. In this way, the idiot can naturally continue to live in this nest without any problems.

The idiot was thinking about the situation of the stags at the moment, and also thinking about the people of the royal family of Frihus. Xie Huo is undoubtedly very capable. Although it seems cynical, if he really wants to do it, his dominance is definitely not under the first emperor. The idiot must also admit that he rarely seems to be able to see through the Emperor Xian and Xie Huo. These two people act decisively, dare to act, and have the same line of decision-making wisdom, and they have a true king style.

And Mudu is a lot dull. It is quite easy to see through him, although he will be a good king who rests with the people in a peaceful and heyday. But at critical moments when important decisions need to be made frequently, his honesty and dullness may often make many impulsive mistakes.

………………………… Upright, dull……

She... and Mudu are really alike.

The same innocence, the same one-sided thinking, sometimes doing things only by intuition, without the brain.

I don’t know... Since she came back, how is she now...

The idiot was thinking, and performances had already begun on the martial arts field. All kinds of juggling make people feel refreshed. In the gap between the performances, the participants of the fighting also walked in one by one.

The one in front of the team is naturally the representative of the Bucks Empire. The handsome and handsome Carol Speedfender walked in the front of the team as the leader. His appearance first made the women in the audience cheer. But Miss Qiang, who came out afterwards, with her beautiful face and repellent look, also made many men in the audience crazy.

As soon as the two came out, they occupied a lot of cheers. But after that, when the delegation of the Dark Deer Empire appeared...

The entire martial arts field was quiet in an instant.

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