Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 009, the legendary murder of the ghost ship Blood Eater (3)

009, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (3)


Walking in front of the Dark Deer Empire was a man with long silver hair.

It was not an ordinary man, but a man with these two ears, slender, fair-skinned like a girl, and beautiful.

At this moment, another girl with the same ears popped out of the idiot's mind, the half-mermaid half-blood who owned the half-mermaid blood, and now the head of the hidden current knights who disappeared-Deviance.


That delicate appearance made Carroll, who had already captured the attention of many people through his handsomeness, be instantly compared. People can't help but wonder, how could there be such a handsome man in this world.

The man who appeared to be of elf descent lowered his head, showing indifferently to the surrounding environment. He stood quietly beside the stags, holding the flag in his hand. At this time, everyone knew that he was not a player, but the leader of the coach. But maybe it is because of his appearance that other people no longer have time to watch the players of the Dark Deer Empire.

(Elf? Heh, this is really interesting. I didn’t expect our Evil Fire His Highness to be really good. Even the elves are willing to do things under his hands?)

An Mie snorted, noncommittal. The idiot glanced at the players on the field, then raised his head and began to look around the audience. Soon, he was in the main stand of the Goodsay family over there and saw his goal.

Sitting at the top of the main stand is naturally the current king of the Bucks Empire, with a stern look of Mudu. Beside him, is the hero, Earl Dylaw Goodsay. Among the many Goodsey family members sitting under Dylau, Marquis Vivienne Goodsey was also there. Sitting next to him, he looked indifferent, wearing a Ling Luo Jin-embroidered long Sogla dress with star glass showing his shoulders and back. She looks more beautiful and brighter today. Enough to completely overwhelm that Miss Weiss. But her cold face completely subverted her usual tenderness.

Marquis Vivienne seemed to be in the crowd at this moment, so he didn't dare to act too presumptuously. And the idiot noticed that every time he tried to lean over, the ribbon on Xing Li's suit would involuntarily raise. The idiot thought for a while, and felt that it was impossible for that guy to get anything cheap from Xing Li. The only thing Xing Li needs to be patient with now is to continue to be like this with the other party, and then wait for this **** martial sacrifice to end.

The game started and the two sides started to fight.

The idiot sits in his seat, constantly observing the surroundings in a hot environment. Looking at the behavior of the delegations of the Dark Deer Empire, I wanted to guess the intention of the evil fire from their behavior. As for the rules of the game and the conditions of victory, it has nothing to do with him. Just take a look and forget it.

For a week, the martial arts festival continued.

Idiots go to the sidelines every day, watching those battles that look like performances. But after watching for a week, he still didn't see anything.

Although Xing Li sits with the Goodsay family every time, her clothes are different every day. But judging from the face of Marquis Vivienne that was becoming more and more red every day, it seemed that he was about to be made intolerable by Xing Li.

On several occasions, the idiot even caught a glimpse of him taking medicine in Xingli's drink without paying attention. But just when he thought he could succeed tonight, Xing Li always inadvertently swapped their cups. Then while the Lord Marquis was asleep, he walked away. By the next day, she would look at Lord Marquis with a regretful expression, and then said something like a small woman. From Vivian's expression, it was only more itchy in his heart, but he couldn't get it every time.

In this way, Wu Ji came to an end without incident.

The final victor was the Stag fighter of Carroll. At the moment when the champion was decided, the entire martial arts field was boiling, and the night sky also burst into brilliant fireworks. Even Mudu, who had always had a sullen face, showed a rare smile at this moment. He should feel that his own people are arguing for himself.


In the sky, there are bright fireworks everywhere.

The idiot and the other four walked on the busy streets with endless crowds, and left while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the sky. At this moment, Xiao Bian noticed the back of the martial arts field, stretched out his hand, and pointed.

The idiot took a look, and saw that the male elf was directing his team members to a long carriage over there. The team members cried and got into the car unwillingly. The direction the car was heading was the direction of the magic train station that was rarely opened because of the martial arts festival.

This is actually nothing, because the martial festival is over, so they should also go back. But what the idiot really couldn't think of was another thing. I saw that the victor Carroll and the first beauty in the Bucks camp, Weiss, also got on the carriage.

Has nothing to do with yourself?


But when the dark deer's attitude is unclear, any subtle intelligence can provide a basis for the idiot's decision. He immediately asked Mili and Tolan to go home first and follow them by himself. Little Bread grinned and grabbed the idiot, and the idiot didn't refuse, leading her to act together. Tolan originally wanted to protect as a guard, but on the one hand, the idiot did not need protection, on the other hand, the idiot didn't want too many people, so he didn't force it and went home directly.



The splendor in the night can not illuminate all the dark corners.

She curled up in the corner.

Bare feet, wearing a plain skirt. On his head, he was wearing a worn hat.

She shivered and shrank there.

The light is too far away from her, she even almost forgets what the warm sun feels like.

Now she can only curl up here, crying and dare not move.

"Idiot... where are you..."

There is no idiot in the martial arts field.

After sneaking out, she wanted to find her only safe haven, a place where she would still accept herself even if she was a monster...

However, inside the tree house, it was extremely quiet.

I can't see a person, let alone any light. In the darkness, she thought that tonight was the end of the martial arts festival, so she hurried to the side of the martial arts field.

But... she didn't dare to go in.

When she looked through the crowd and saw Mudu who finally smiled in the main stand, she finally... still couldn't go in and look for it.

She hadn't seen Mu Du's smiling face for a long time...Since Xing's eyes went blind, Mu Du's eyes always gave her only indifference and disgust.

She can't bear it... Whenever the night is quiet and the whole castle falls into a drowsy sleep, she is the only one who maintains the highest level of sobriety. What is it like?

Wind...very cold...

But the grievances in my heart and the pressure that was almost overwhelming her were colder than the wind, and it hurt more on my body...

So hungry...

Inside the belly, there was a hungry voice...

She can't remember when she last ate.

The throat was dry and there was no saliva in his mouth.

Such days are so painful, so unbearable.

She glanced over the table in the room and saw the fruit bowl there. She took an apple, raised it up, and finally opened her mouth and bit down...


Sour and bitter.

The unpalatable feeling made her spit out the apple.

She knew that it was because of the pressure for too long that her sense of taste was disturbed. The only way to recover is to eliminate the stress and then slowly recover.


"Monsters only belong to the dark monsters and leave my daughter's side, the monsters that took my daughter's light away get out of me—"

How can this pain... be eliminated?

Her body shrank tighter in the corner. But at this moment, there was a door opening in front of the door. What followed was a scent of alcohol.

"Hiccup you...are you here? Little beauty?"

A soft voice came from the door, and she shrank up nervously, not daring to speak.

The man swayed and walked in step by step.

"Not here? **, little beauty. Hiccup today, I will not let you run away again. We...hehe...must...melt...we"

She panicked. She didn't know what happened, so she could only continue to hide in the corner.


The man finally touched the switch and turned on the light. She couldn't bear this sudden light, and quickly reached out her hand to cover her face.

"Haha are here"

But what she didn't expect was that her hands suddenly grabbed her shoulders at this moment. The next moment, it was a mouth full of alcohol, kissing her face madly.

"No... don't... let go of me, you admit the wrong person"

She was frightened, and quickly reached out and pushed. But what she didn't expect was that the drunk incoming person was so powerful that it was not pushed away, but directly reached out and reached into her clothes.

"Haha so soft... well... fragrant again... fragrant fragrant"

She was panicked when her chest was touched. But the visitor ignored her resistance and directly stretched out his hand, tore her clothes to pieces, and exposed her body directly in front of her. Afterwards, the visitor laughed, hugged her, and pressed her directly on the bed next to her.

"Don't Don't"

Struggling, it seems that it can only be exchanged for more crazy people. The clothes on her body were finally completely torn apart, and she was like a baby and couldn't resist. The drunk man lowered his head and kissed Walnut's face madly again. The sharp goatee stabbed her tender skin and it hurt.

"No? Soon... hiccup you will... arguing... I'm coming to sleep with you, my... hiccup... little beauty"

The visitor took off his shirt and began to take off his pants with both hands. His body pressed her tightly, making her unable to avoid or break free. And his face was close to her, kissing her neck frantically.

Fear will give people the instinct to defend themselves.

With her hands and feet weak due to hunger, the only thing she can use is the last weapon.

At this moment, she finally didn't care about anything, she opened her mouth and bit on the shoulder of the drunk man fiercely.


The man woke up a little from the alcohol and jumped up because of the pain. He clutched his neck in a panic, and saw blood on his hands under the light.

"You **... dare to bite me?"

The man raised his head and looked at the naked **** the bed, as well as the bloodshot in her mouth. Finally, the depression that had been unable to get what he wanted for a week erupted into anger. He took off his pants, held the thing around his waist, and rushed to her on the bed.


Man, indeed drunk.

Because he was drunk, he did not see the look in the eyes of the **** the bed at the moment.

In those little chestnut eyes, in addition to the original panic, a strange color has already diffused.

Surprised. shock. as well as……


Looking at the naked man who rushed forward. The girl stayed where she was and did not respond.

Her mouth was full of blood.

She stretched out her hand, gently wiped the bloodshot from the corner of her mouth, and then put it in her mouth...

So sweet...

Salty...sweet...and a bit of wine...

So fragrant... so slippery...

In the belly, hungry.

The long-term pressure finally completely smashed the last trace of reason in her mind at this moment. Facing the fear of being imprisoned, facing the unbearable hunger in his belly, and then feeling the... sweetness that filled his mouth.

Little chestnut eyes lifted up.

What reflected in the pupils was the blood from the neck of the goatee man.

The seems to be...



Small mouth, open. Contrary to the man's expectation, the girl not only didn't evade, but directly rushed forward. Of course, he was overjoyed at this point and quickly opened his arms and hugged tightly. Immediately afterwards, he could feel the girl kissing his neck. That feeling... That feeling...


"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--

With unbearable severe pain, the man was frightened from his neck in an instant, and hurriedly pushed the red girl in his arms. But what surprised him was that the girl was now using the strength of a breastfeeding and clutching his shoulder.

The throat was bitten off.

A man can feel that a lot of life is flowing from his body. He felt that his hands and feet were rapidly cold, and he was about to stand unstable. He hurriedly pushed the nephrite warm fragrance in his arms, and rushed to the door in horror.


However, at the moment he approached the gate, his footsteps finally staggered because of blood loss.

His body slammed into the light switch, and the whole room was once again shrouded in darkness.

He was lying on the ground feebly, his mind gradually drifting away. After a while, this noisy room finally became quiet...

In the darkness, only the young girl remained, still lying beside the man, hugging him, and "kissing" the outline of his throat.


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