Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 010, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eating monster (4)

010, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (4)

The taste of darkness is so wonderful.

In this pitch black that no one can see, there is only a space that belongs to him completely.

Darkness, this kind of thing will not expose all your sins to the sun like the sun during the day.

No, it will not betray you, nor will it expose you.

On the contrary, not only will it not betray your "evil", but...

Will also be gentle to help you, forgive you, forgive you...




The bottom of the body is shaking.

Walnut held his head and shook it hard.

She felt that her body was heavy and her head hurt. Reached out... I seemed to have a fever.

"Woo...Where am I...?"

Slowly, Walnut sat up. At the first moment of regaining consciousness, she first had to feel very comfortable.

She felt very comfortable in her stomach, and she no longer had the hunger that had bothered her before.

I am also very comfortable. Looking at this duvet and enjoying the feeling of being heavily wrapped is really good.

"Huh...? I'm not wearing clothes... sleeping naked?"

Walnut lifted the quilt and looked at her body. After that, she casually raised her eyes that hadn't been fully awake, and looked around.

This is a well decorated room, but it is a small room less than ten square meters in size. There are murals on the walls of the room, and there is a small table in the center. Above his head is a large shelf filled with various large and small travel bags. There is only one window in the whole room, which is pulled by curtains. But judging from the slight light coming through the curtains, it is already daytime.

Kang Dang-Kang Dang-Kang Dang-

The room was shaking, and some familiar sounds came.

"I'm on the train...?"

Walnut held her slightly feverish head and shook her head again. Afterwards, she lifted the quilt and planned to get out of bed and look for her own clothes. At this time, she also noticed a lot of mess under the bed. Bottles and cans, various small suitcases, everything.


The toes are very soft.

The girl looked down. This glance made her previously interrupted memory connected again...



A pale, lying corpse appeared in front of Walnut.

This... Is this...?

Walnut covered her mouth and rushed back to the bed like a conditioned reflex. She looked at the corpse on the floor in horror, and the memories of last night flooded into her mind like a tide

I was frustrated because I didn't see an idiot.

Seeing the magic train, thought of leaving.

Get in the car and hide in the room.

Then, hungry and tired, I ran into this drunk man

And then...and then...

Out of human psychology, Walnut became nauseous for a while. She couldn't believe that everything last night was a fact, and everything that happened at that time was like a nightmare

I killed him...? Did I kill him?

No... more correctly... I... ate him?

I......killed...and...drank human blood?

Walnut was holding his head, with a splitting headache. The unacceptable fact impacted her heart. She couldn't believe that she would do such an evil thing and eat human blood... How is her behavior different from a real monster? Or is it...I really...have become a real monster?

Bang bang bang.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Walnut was shocked and hurriedly shrank on the bed, not even daring to move.

"Mr. Goodsay, are you awake?"

What sounded outside the door was the voice of an unfamiliar man.

Walnut clung to the bed sheet tightly, not daring to let go. For fear of people coming in.

"Sir, are you still sleeping?"

The man's voice asked again. After receiving a silent response, another woman's voice sounded outside--

"Forget it, the old man drank a lot of alcohol last night, and maybe he is hanging over now. Anyway, we still have a lot of time, and we can't talk about it until he wakes up."

"That's true."

The men and women outside slowly left. Walnut finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the footsteps go away. After the initial panic, she was finally able to boldly observe the man on the floor again.

Vivienne Goodsey.

This man Walnut knew him. Although he was a man of unrighteous character, he was still a marquis.

Now... I killed him in panic... and ate him...

Walnut will never forget the position of the Goodsey family in the Bucks Empire. In recent years, due to the repeated outstanding achievements of the Duke De Lao, the attention of his brother to his family has completely surpassed that of the Norius family. If someone else knows that they are here to kill their people with this strange method...

Walnut knew that she was a princess.

However, she was a princess who was completely hated by her brother and completely abandoned. Under this circumstance, the shield of the royal family is no longer valid. If the Duke Durao Gudsey knew about the heinous crime he committed last night, then God knows what punishment his brother will give him.

Slowly, Walnut calmed down.

She covered her face and slowly lowered her hands.

Although she was still a little scared, she began to stare at the corpse on the ground, and then at the whole room. Start thinking.

Dispose of the body...

When nothing happened, no one died...

Dispose of


The idiot is very depressed.

What he was depressed was not about why the two stag fighters were with the fighters of the Dark Deer Empire, but his current situation.


The bun is very happy. She lay on the car window, looking at the scenery outside. Of course, what made her happy was not the yellow sand that I had seen so many times, but now, not only idiots accompanied her, but also Xingli who was still yawning over there.

"Bread, come here."

Xingli smiled and beckoned, and took out a golden hairpin from her package. Bun jumped from the window, got under the table, and climbed to the seat of Xingli opposite.

Xing Li smiled and reached out to help her tidy her hair. Pull up the hair of her temples and clamp it with a hairpin. Then, she took out a mirror from the bag and placed it in front of the girl.

Little Bread looked at herself with the hairpin in the mirror, and looked left and right. The bunny-shaped hairpin is very cute, and she naturally becomes happy. Sure enough, every time I stay with sister Xingli, I can get some good things~~~

"Don't spoil her too much."

The idiot leaned against the window and said coldly.

Xingli glanced at the idiot and combed Bun's hair while saying: "If you don't pet her, who do you favor? Bun is so cute, in a few years I'm afraid she will become a beautiful woman who will fascinate all men. . I do not spoil her, do I spoil you?"

The idiot sullenly turned his head away and looked out the window.

Xingli smiled, and while tying her hair into a long braid for Little Bread, she continued: "Girls should be rich and make her eat and drink. In this way, she will not grow up. If you are abducted by other men with a small favor, you have to remember, Little Bread, there are so many emotional crooks in this world, and you are so beautiful, the more you have to be careful, and you must never trust people indiscriminately. A boy or a girl can’t just believe it, you know?"

Bread was looking stinky in the mirror right now, and she didn't know if she listened, but just nodded casually and agreed.

After tying the braids, Xing Li patted Xiao Bao on the shoulder, and Bao turned his head to see her new image now. A long braid hangs down from the back of the head, and the hair no longer flies around. It is very obedient. It feels really good. And the hand feels very textured~~~ Now, she happily went back to the idiot from under the table again and let him touch her hair.

Looking at the little bread and the idiot over there, Walnut smiled slightly. After teasing that an idiot would not dress up for Bun, she finally started to get into the topic.

"By the way, it was really an accident to meet you on this train. Is there anything wrong with you on the train? Go to the Dark Deer Empire."

The idiot is fine in the car. It was purely because the bread girl saw Xing Li got on the car at the station, so she slipped into the car by an idiot without paying attention. At that time, the car was about to open, and the idiot had no choice but to buy the tickets together. If there were no accidents, he would have stopped at the next stop and then took the train in the opposite direction to go back.

"How about you."

The idiot felt that his reason was really not worth speaking out, so he asked a question.

Xingli dragged a slightly tired eyes, smiled, and said, "I'm running away...fleeing from my father."

As she said, she stretched her waist, leaned completely on the chair, and slowly exhaled. The golden eyes looked at the ceiling and continued--

"I'm so tired during this time... You know the reason, I was forced. So, I got up when this train started. I plan to go to the Dark Deer Empire for a tour and play around. By the way, look at other things. Are there any special products or profitable businesses in the place? I will not go back until I feel completely relieved."

The idiot nodded, and he touched the braid of the bun. After a long time, he slowly said: "Then, you will have a long period of time without giving bread lessons."

As soon as Xingli's eyes rolled, the corner of his mouth immediately contained a smile. She supported her chin with her hands and brought her face closer to the idiot. The feet under the table also rubbed the idiot's legs with interest, and smiled: "That's it~~~ Looks like you are going back on the next train back? Hehe, do you miss me?"

The idiot glanced at her, serious, and nodded.

"Oh, it feels so awkward. We are not a couple of men and women. How weird how to say it. Mr. Bai, you are really serious. You are usually very serious, but you like to make such cold jokes at critical moments."

Xingli retracted her upper body, and her feet under the table did not move. She stretched again, and she yawned again as she watched the sun gradually setting outside the desert horizon.

"Let's go to dinner. Even if you want to go back at the next stop, you will definitely not be there today. It will be the last meal before we parte. I will treat this meal."

Xingli straightened up and walked out from the seat. The idiot nodded and then stood up and came behind her. At this moment, the train shook suddenly, and Xing Li's steps were unstable and fell backward. Upon seeing this, the idiot hurriedly opened his arms and put her firmly in his arms.

Gentle body, and light fragrance on the hair. In the past week, the idiot has witnessed how she was dealing with the Lord Marquis. No, maybe as early as a week ago, even a month ago, two months ago, she was worrying about these things. Therefore, her current body has become so weak.

The tremor of the body stopped.

Xingli held her dizzy head softly against the idiot, and she couldn't stand up straight for a while.

The idiot naturally hugged her shoulders, until her body was able to recover, he could just hold her and hold her like this.


At this moment, a surprised sound came from the door of the seventh carriage in front. The idiot looked up, and saw the girl from the high-level Zongshi family named Weiqiang looking at this side with wide eyes. For this movement of the idiot holding Xingli now, there seemed to be infinite reverie in his eyes.

" two are in this relationship"

Xing Li is a celebrity in the wind and sand, and many people know her. Now, as soon as she heard the surprised voice of the girl named Weiss, her face flushed immediately and she came out of the idiot's arms. She began to deliberately keep a certain distance from the idiot, and raised up: "That...Miss Weis? Qiang, you have misunderstood... things are not like that..."

Weiss's explanation for Xing Li was just covering his mouth and smiling. Before Xing Li could speak more, she immediately waved her hand and said, “It’s okay, don’t worry, I won’t go to trumpets indiscriminately. Regarding your romantic affair with'Senior Sister’, this kind of thing will always be the same for the students Will never know from my mouth"

Xing Li's face was weird, and the feeling of indescribable feeling entangled in her heart. At this moment, Carroll, who is also a Bucks fighter, came from the ninth carriage behind. After Wes saw him, he immediately ran over with joy, took his hand and pointed directly at Idiot and Xingli. side.

"You said you can't play speakers?"

Xing Li's face turned redder. She simply lowered her head, squeezed her fists, and walked straight to the seventh carriage in front. The idiot and Little Bread glanced at each other, followed behind them, and left the two stag people talking to each other behind.

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