Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 013, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (7)

013, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (7)

Walnut was agitated, she suddenly took the idiot's hand, her hands tightly pinched. If she changed to the usual, she would never do this kind of thing in public. Even if you do it subconsciously once in a while, I'm afraid they will separate immediately. But this time, she no longer ignored Xingli next to her, and tightly took his hand.

Xing Li was a little embarrassed after hearing these words. She smiled, and then she was about to leave the room. After thinking about it, the idiot finally decided to stay here, letting her hold her hands.

"If I said, you told me the truth, I won't leave. Then, would you tell me."

The idiot's eyes were still cold as usual, those black eyes that seemed to be able to perceive any secret were projected directly on Walnut's eyes, and the cold in it went deep into the deepest. Walnut shook, and the hands holding the idiot's hands were suddenly separated. She also retreated to the bed, sat on the bed, and said nothing.

The next thing is silence...

Walnut's arms encircled her curled legs, and she began to count her fingers sluggishly. Seeing this, the idiot stood up and walked towards her. But before he could approach, Walnut suddenly hugged his head and exclaimed

"Don't stay close to me. I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to—"

Walnut yelled loudly, which made the idiot's footsteps stop instantly. He looked at the girl who was going crazy in front of him who was tortured by panic and pressure, and then at the closet on the right side of the room. Finally, he made up his mind and walked to the closet again...

"Is it here?"

Suddenly, the door was knocked open with a bang. The dazzling sunlight immediately penetrated the darkness and shone in from outside. Walnut was the first to bear the brunt. At the moment when she was exposed to the sunlight, she yelled again, and hurriedly pulled up the bedding to cover her body, hiding in the bed shivering. The idiot watched the door opened, rushed to the door, stopped the person who wanted to come in, pushed him out, and closed the door with his backhand.

Looking closely, it was not someone else who appeared in front of him, but Carroll, Weiss and seven or eight other passengers. After the idiot closed the door, Carroll, who was just pushed out, grabbed the idiot by the collar and said loudly: "What's going on inside? What's going on with the scream just now? Get out of the way."

At this moment, the sun was shining in the aisle of the sleeper compartment, and the idiot stubbornly pulled the compartment door and did not let go.

"The people inside hate the sun."

"Hate the sun?"

"So you can't go in during the day."

Carol and Wes winked at each other. After that, Carol sneered, grabbed the collar of the idiot, stared at him with a handsome face, and said, "Boy, it seems you don't know what I am. Who, right?"

The idiot's face was still calm, his hand just pulled the door that had been smashed, and he didn't mean to let go.

"I know. The overall champion of the martial arts festival, Mr. Carroll from the martial arts department of the university department. I have already witnessed your toughness in the martial arts field."

"In this case, do you dare to stop?"

"It's true that the people inside can't see the sun. If you have anything to verify, please allow me and the lady inside to explain, and then you can come in carefully."

"Sorry, we are very anxious to find someone, Weiss, come on"

Following Carroll's order, Wes next to him quickly took out a guiding stone from his arms and threw it on the door. The idiot pulled the doorknob, and before he could react, the guiding stone was already installed on the door. In the next moment, the car door was immediately thrown into the small compartment with a huge sound of the entire explosion, accompanied by the dazzling sunlight.

Walnut was hiding in the quilt, but even so, she seemed to be able to feel the stinging light. As the door opened, her body in the quilt became tighter, and painful screams came from the quilt.

Seeing this, the idiot hurriedly released the doorknob, rushed to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand and hugged the trembling walnut tightly. She felt someone holding herself, instinctively resisting, screaming loudly. But after realizing that she was holding her as an idiot, she immediately hugged the idiot's waist from the quilt, shaking with fear. The idiot also wrapped her tightly in a quilt, while blocking the direction of the door with his body, rejecting the sunlight.

Carroll saw that there was really no one in the room, and there was still a vague female voice from the bedding. After thinking for a while, he took off his hat and saluted Walnut and the idiot.

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me for my rudeness. Because I am indeed very anxious. Then, I will disturb both of you."

"Get out."

The idiot did not accept his apology, but pointed directly at the door and said two words coldly. Carol's mouth twitched. Although his face was a little frustrating, he was still very gentlemanly ready to leave. But at this moment, Weis next to him quickly glanced at the room, and then said something in Carroll's ear.

"Well, it makes sense. Don't do it, don't stop."

After that, Carol walked straight to the closet where the walnut had always been hidden, with his hand already holding the door handle...

"What are you doing"

At this moment, Xingli, who went out for a stroll and came back with a small bread. She saw that the door to Walnut's room was open and the sun was exposed to the sun, and she rushed over. After seeing the scene inside, she raised her eyebrows and shouted: "What a bold princess' room, how can you break into it?"

Xingli's words stunned Carol who was just about to open the closet. He turned his head and looked at the beauty in front of him who could eclipse Wes in an instant, and was a little surprised--

"Rooney...Rooney answered...? The eldest princess? Could it be... Could it be that...?"

In surprise, his gaze began to look at the bed, looking at the girl tightly wrapped in the quilt. Seriously, looking back now, the woman's voice just now seemed to really resemble a walnut. In shock, he quickly released his hand and retreated to the door.

"The eldest princess? Really... is the eldest princess?"

In panic, Carol knelt facing the bed. Weiss and the other passengers knelt down in a panic after hearing this.

"It's me... it's me you guys go quickly... leave here and close the door for me... close it—"

Now the voice finally understood, it was indeed Walnut Carroll who didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore. After bowing, he quickly evacuated. Weiss also smiled awkwardly. She ran out the door and looked around. Finally, she found a shower curtain from another room and hung it on the door, which meant it was acting as a temporary door.

Finally, the light in the room dimmed, and Bun ran to the bed, reached into the bedding, and gently touched Walnut's fingers. Finally, Walnut was a little more relaxed, crying, poking his head out of the bed.

Her face was covered with tears, and her arms were burned by the sun. Even when the darkness had returned completely now, she was still nervous and looked around with horror in her eyes.

"Really, I don't know the rules at all. It's okay, Your Royal Highness. They won't harass you again."

Xingli walked to the bed and comforted softly. The idiot slowly pulled away the shocked walnut in his arms and looked at her face. After a long time, she stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes.

"have a rest."

The idiot looked at Walnut's burned arm and said this lightly. After being silent for a while, Walnut finally nodded, pulled the quilt, and lay down. But when the idiot was about to get up, she grabbed his hand, her eyes full of expectation.

"Don't go...accompany me...I...I'm so scared..."

Facing Walnut's request, the idiot nodded. He gently opened her hand and said, "I'm right outside."

After leaving this sentence, he walked out of the room. Walnut originally wanted to pull, but seeing his firm back, finally, he still didn't speak.

Xingli carefully pulled up the shower curtain that blocked the sun, sending the idiot out. She looked back at the walnuts, and finally walked to the table, pulled out an apple and a fruit knife from it, and smiled: "Well, princess. I will peel an apple for you first. You will sleep well after eating. How about a nap?"

Walnut poked her head out of the bed. After seeing the apple and the knife in Xingli's hand, her expression changed and she shouted: "Get me out."

Xing Li was startled, so scared that he couldn't even release the apple and the knife, and hurriedly fled outside. The small bread naturally slipped out at the same time, and didn't dare to stay in it anymore.

Outside, is an idiot.

He looked at Xingli, and after Xingli saw him, he could only give a wry smile.

"Let the princess rest for a while. Mr. Xiaobai, seeing the princess now looks like this, I start to be a little worried. You...can't you not go back? I can see that as long as you are by your side, she is still able to Hold on. If you leave, I'm afraid she will be crushed by some pressure that we don't know about in two days."

To be honest, idiots are also thinking about this issue. Although the reason is not known, it is an indisputable fact that walnuts are in poor condition. Do you really need to take a trip to the Dark Deer Empire by the way? Look after the walnuts on the one hand, and check the situation between the two countries on the other?

Can't decide yet. It is late now, and it will be less than six hours to reach the port city. Before boarding the ship, think about how to deal with this matter...

Seeing the idiot lowered his head to think, Xing Li knew he was considering this issue. She smiled and played with the apple in her hand, and then threw it in the air, lifting the fruit knife in her hand, aiming at the apple falling from the sky and cutting it away.


However, what sounded was not the joyful splitting of an apple, but a sound equivalent to the impact of a blunt object. The apple was not divided into two halves, but slammed down after hitting the knife. Fortunately, the bun’s eyes were quick, and he reached out to catch it in time to prevent the apple from landing.









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