Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 014, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eating monster (8)

014, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (8)


Bun tossed the apple in the air, spread his hands, and waved at the top of the apple. Two wind blades passed the apple with ease, Xing Li reached out to catch it, and the apple had split into four petals.

"Wow~~~ The buns are amazing~~~"

Xingli applauded and applauded. The bread was praised, his nose began to turn up, and he took two slices of apple from Xingli's hand and ate it.

"Come on, don't worry about it, just eat a slice of apple."

Xing Li put away the knife, pinched the apple and handed it to the idiot's mouth. The idiot was thinking about the problem and opened his mouth unconsciously. Xing Li also stuffed the apple into his mouth and ate the last apple by herself.

In the end...Would you like to accompany Walnut?

Chewing the apple in his mouth, the idiot pondered this question. Seek answers.

at this time……

"How is it possible? The train is so big, where else can he go?"

"It's not... escaped, right?"

"Escape? Why did you escape? Nothing happened, and it came out smoothly. In this case, the ghost will escape."

Wes and Carol were talking and came over from there. Weiss' attitude is very tough, while Carroll is a little worried. The idiot saw what they looked like and thought of their behavior just now. However, he will not be nosy. But he doesn't care, doesn't mean that Xing Li next to him won't care. She took a step and stopped in front of the two.

"What the **** was going on just now. Is there anything I can help?"

Perhaps it was Xing Li's sincerity at the moment that dispelled Carroll's guard. After thinking for a while, he glanced at Wes. Wes looked at Xingli, then looked at the idiot. He also folded his arms a little discouragedly, as if by default.

"Actually... it's not a big deal. We are looking for someone."

"Find someone?"

"Yes. The one who lives in this room..."

Carroll came to the room to the right of Walnut, pointed to the opened door, said with a sad face--

"My...a friend. I saw him just two days ago when I got in the car. He seemed to have a hangover yesterday, and he seemed to have slept for a whole day. But today I think I should wake up no matter what the hangover. But I came to see him. At that time, there was no one else."

Hearing this, the idiot was slightly startled, and immediately followed the two of them to the room. At first glance, he even thought that this room was carved out of the same mold as the walnut room. Only the left and right directions are completely reversed. After that, he immediately walked out of the door and stared at the walnut door next to him. In his black pupils, he didn't know what was thinking.


Xingli was slightly stunned and said, "How is this possible? This train hasn't stopped all the way since the wind and sand left. So people must still be on the train. The train is that big in total. How could it be missing?"

Weiss sighed and shrugged his shoulders and said, "We thought so too. So, we looked for it in the car. Coincidentally, when we finished searching in front of car No. 6, when we planned to go to the restaurant to search for other cars, it just sounded There was a scream in the eldest princess's room. That's why... we were rude."

Xingli smiled and forgave them on behalf of Walnut. But at this moment, the idiot who was looking at the neat bed and the neatly stacked sheets suddenly spoke and said--

"Is that friend of yours a man, and is his **** life very disorderly?"

As soon as he said this, Xingli immediately blushed, turned his head, and became angry at the idiot. Weiss also looked embarrassed and looked at Carroll next to him.

"This... this friend, how do you know?"

"You told me."

The idiot looked at the hard carpet under his feet, which was completely different from that in the walnut room, and said.

Carol was even more confused. He frowned and said: "Please be clear. When did I tell you this kind of thing?"

The idiot finished touching the floor, stood up, stared at Carroll and Weiss, and said, "It's very simple. Contact your actions and your words, you can easily come to this conclusion. First of all, you tell me your friend is missing , And then you started looking. When you heard the screams of Princess Hu...the princess, you even broke in at the door."

"Yes, is there any problem with this? Why do you rely on this to show that we are looking for a man?"

"Your behavior."

The idiot put his hands in his pockets, raised his head, looked at the luggage rack above the bed, and slowly said——

"If you are looking for a woman, then after listening to the scream of the princess, and immediately breaking in, your behavior is completely normal here. However, afterwards, you have a long body completely wrapped in a bedding. The princess did not take a look, but concentrated on searching for anyone else in the room. If you were looking for women, you would know the princess who had no face at the time and could only hear the vague voice through the bedding. Just ask to check it out immediately."

"But you don't. From this we can see that you are not looking for a woman, but a man."

Carroll stroked his chin and nodded. At this moment, Weiss couldn't help but say: "Even so, why do you say that our friend's **** life is indecent?"

"It's the same question."

The idiot walked behind the door and looked at the door handle carefully. The place is very clean, there are no fingerprints on the reflective iron material, and the same is true on the switch next to it. After reading this, he continued to say——

"Since you are not looking for women, why did you rush in after hearing the women's calls? There is only one reason. You think this woman is being violated. When you were eager to find someone, Will jump out to follow the women's cry for help, and it is still in broad daylight. The only thing I can think of is that the friend in your mind must be very unscrupulous in **** life, and even if it is unscrupulous, it will be right in broad daylight. The extent of female violence."

Xingli listened to the idiot's explanation. After a moment of silence, she squinted and looked at Carol and Weiss: "You... are you friends with such a person?"

Carroll and Weiss looked at each other, and then Carroll first said: "What is such a person? What kind of people are we friends with and what does it have to do with you?"

"You are not friends."

At this moment, the idiot spoke again. He opened the closet on the left side of the room, looked at the various clothes stacked in it, and said--

"This so-called friend of yours is at least thirty-five years old or older. He belongs to two generations with you. Moreover, he is noble and does not know how to martial arts. When he goes out, he likes to use jitong tools instead of walking by himself. In addition, There will always be someone by his side, who should be like a bodyguard."

Weiss stopped Carroll with an indifferent expression: "What do you mean."

"First of all, shoes."

The idiot pointed to the shoes beside the bed and said--

"This is a pair of high-barreled leather shoes. It is very particular about the materials and the workmanship is also extremely meticulous. From this it can be judged that your'friends' are rich and have noble status. And this style of shoes is not among young people Someone wears it too. In contrast, middle-aged men who call themselves gentlemen wear it."

"There is no wear and tear on the shoes, and there is no dirt on the soles. If this person is not a maintenance and caregiver, then he is a person who does not know how to walk on his own. As for he does not know how to use martial arts, it is these clothes. ."

The idiot pointed to the various dresses in the closet and continued--

"These clothes are decent and glamorous. But in many places, there is a feeling of tightness to the body. It may be nothing at ordinary times, but for people who need a wide range of exercises, these clothes are purely a burden and hinder movement. This shows that , This person is definitely not a person who knows martial arts. Since a person with noble status, no martial arts, and a wealthy person who uses jigsaw tools when going out and walks, he often takes bodyguards when he goes out, that is nothing wrong with him. Up."

The idiot closed the closet, went to the car window, and pulled it. The windows of the car seemed to be broken and locked very hard. After confirming this, he turned to look at the two of them, and concluded--

"So, he is not your friend at all. You and his identity should be more similar to the relationship between bodyguards and the protected person. What I said is wrong."

For the idiot's conclusion, Carroll and Weiss looked at each other. After a long time, Carol finally let out a chuckle. He clutched his forehead and laughed, laughing while shaking his head.

"Oh, I really didn't see it. It turns out that you, an inconspicuous fellow, are still a detective? Yes, you are right. But I have to correct it. We are not his employment. It's because we are also on the same road, so we just protect him by the way."

The idiot looked at Carol in front of him coldly, and when his voice just fell off, he said, "Who is he."

Weiss laughed at this moment, she covered her mouth and gave a hehe.

"I'm sorry, it is not convenient for us to tell who our'friend' is. You are so smart, don't you guess by yourself?"

Idiot, silent. He looked at the two people in front of him and was silent. That is, when the two sides were in a stalemate, Xingli held his chin and looked at the room. Suddenly said: "It's really easy to guess who it is. However, I don't think we should do this kind of thing. After all, it is never a good thing to cut people and money."

The expressions of Carroll and Weiss changed, and Xing Li knew that his bluff was working. Right now, a person with status and status disappeared from the train out of thin air. Judging from Walnut's flustered expression, she knew something out of all likelihood. Moreover, what may be known is still very "important." To help her, the first thing to do is to confirm the identity of this person, and then draw a targeted conclusion.

However, from the beginning of these two people's prevarication by using the word "friend", they definitely did not mean to tell the truth of the matter to an idiot. Therefore, he exposed their lies and summarized the general situation of the missing. The purpose is to discourage them and force them to tell the missing person's information. But now they still didn't say anything. Seeing this, Xing Li immediately bluffed and added a stone to their hearts.

After the search was completed, Idiot and Xing Li came out. Carol and Weiss stared at them with sullen faces. After a while, the two immediately turned and left without saying a word, and never looked at Idiot and Xingli again.

Unconsciously, it was past noon. The train will be docked in less than three hours.

Idiot and Xingli stood in front of the door, listening to the croaking-croaking-sound coming from the soles of their feet.

at last……

"Mr. Xiaobai, the missing person, I'm afraid..."

"………………Ah. Judging from the existing signs, the possibility of death is very high."

The eyes of the two men went to the walnut room next to each other.

"Then, the corpse...I'm afraid it is..."

Xing Li was halfway through, and then stretched out her finger and pointed at the walnut carriage secretly. The idiot had no objection to this, but slowly nodded...


The creak of the train slowly stopped.

The sunset finally reached the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it was about to disappear on the other side of the mountain.

As the voice lessened, Walnut slowly woke up from his deep sleep. At the first moment when she opened her eyes, she felt terrified again. This horror made her quickly get up and search for the idiot.

Of course there will be no idiots in the room. But Walnut settled down. Because the bun was sitting next to him, holding the drawing board in his hand and scribbling continuously. Since she is here, the idiot certainly won't go too far. Hu Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay back on the bed, clutching her faintly painful arm, and staring at the ceiling blankly.


Seeing that Walnut woke up, Xiao Bread also got up from his seat with a smile. However, instead of looking for an idiot or Xingli, she jumped directly to Walnut's bed and sat down steadily.

"Sister Walnut, did you sleep well? 》

On the sign, gentle words were written. There is also a small heart at the end, showing the naughty of the bread.

Walnut exhaled, forced a smile, and nodded.

"what time is it now?"

"It's almost six o'clock. Sister Walnut, you slept for a long time~"

Walnut closed her eyes and felt very tired. Even in her sleep, she can still recall everything before. And in the dream, all that became more terrifying and more eloquent, swallowing her will in the name of a nightmare.

"Yeah... I slept for a long time... Idiot... Xing Li... What about them?"

"Baba and Sister Xingli went to buy tickets. 》

"Really... he... he finally... still has to leave..."

Little Bread grinned and turned over the sign.

"No, Ba Ba is going to buy ferry tickets. Soon, I will be able to cruise with Sister Walnut~~~ So happy.






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