Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 015, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (9)

015, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (9)

Walnut was taken aback, looking at the writing on the bread sign. How can this be? In the morning, the idiot said that he would go back. Why did he not leave at night? How is this going? ? ?

Walnut was surprised. But besides the surprise, it was a joy raised from the bottom of my heart.

She doesn't want to be separated from the idiot... She knows her condition, if she really separates from the idiot, then her condition will definitely get worse not only physically, but also psychologically and spiritually. Everything will get worse

However, it doesn't matter now. If the idiot doesn’t leave, as long as he doesn’t leave, Walnut can still have confidence in life as long as he doesn’t leave...

"In the fifth carriage, a nobleman is missing"

Before Walnut laughed happily, Xiao Bread suddenly raised the sign and looked at her seriously.

Walnut was startled, and she swallowed the smile that was about to reach her lips. She turned her head, she didn't even dare to touch Little Bread's eyes, and said, "Then...missing? I don't know...I haven't seen him or know him...I don't know where he went...and I live. This is the sixth car. What happened in the fifth car... I really don’t know..."

The bun turned over the sign and showed the back to Walnut——

"I know. Sister Walnut has nothing to do with this of course. It's just that this matter is strange, so I just talked about it. Sister Walnut, do you want to hear this story? 》

Walnut covered his eyes and went back into the bed, and said loudly: "I don't want to hear that I am, I don't want to hear those ghost stories"

"Not a ghost story. 》

Little Bread climbed onto the bed, pushing the walnut, while pushing the brand to the walnut.

"Moreover, regarding the ins and outs of this disappearance case, I have already found Sister Walnut through the investigation. Would you like to listen to my conclusions? 》

Walnut was shocked again, turned her head and looked at the smiling little girl. After a long time, she nodded and said with a trembling voice: ", write about it..."

Little Bread grinned, began to sit on the edge of the bed, and began to write with a pen.

"This disappearance case looks very strange at first glance. Everything happened after the train left the wind and the sand. When the car left the platform, someone was still drinking with the missing nobleman. But when the nobleman returned to the room and locked the door, no one has seen him since that time. 》

"The day after the departure, the noble companion thought that the nobleman was having a hangover, so they did not come to disturb him. But on the third day, the companions finally couldn't bear it and began to call the door. But no matter how you slap the door, there is no response inside the door. In desperation, the companions took the spare key from the conductor and opened the sleeping berth. 》

"But what I saw was nothing. The nobleman was in this airtight room, disappearing like smoke without a trace. Then, the companions began to search in the carriage. Since this train has not stopped since it left, people may still be in the train. But no matter how they searched, they couldn't find anyone. The nobleman just disappeared from the moving train. 》

Write a paragraph on Little Bread, and show a paragraph to Walnut. Seeing later, Walnut wrapped his arms around himself, and couldn't help pulling up the bedding to cover his body.

"So, did he really disappear like this?" Could a living person just disappear from the train? 》

"Obviously, impossible. Moreover, through some signs, this nobleman was not missing, but... was killed. 》

Walnut slammed her mouth, her face pale.

"You... how do you know?"

Little Bread smiled and continued to write--

"Because the noble room is very unnatural. 》

"Unnatural? Where is it?"

Walnut became nervous, and she thought she had handled things very well. All the evidence should be wiped out. In that case, where is there any unnaturalness?

"First, the bed. 》

Little Bread drew a bed on the drawing board with a smile. The quilt above is very well laid, everything is standard and orderly. There is a pair of boots in front of the bed, which is also well placed.

"This...what's wrong?"

"This bed is so neat. During that time period, there was a neat situation that shouldn't have appeared. 》

"At that time, the nobleman returned to his room drunk. Therefore, he is likely to fall on the bed. That being the case, the bed is too clean. If no outsiders have moved at all, it should be full of alcohol-smelling vomit and very messy. 》

Walnut was stunned, and then she forced a smile and said: "Then...that maybe...he didn't go to bed at all?"

"If this is the case, then how do these boots explain? 》

Bun turned over the sign, pointed to the boots in front of the bed, turned back to the sign, and continued writing.

"Boots are not like other clothing, they may be torn off casually. Moreover, this kind of high boots. They are placed so well now, that shows two points. First, the nobleman took off his boots and fell asleep. But in this way, the boots are very likely to be scattered. But now it is so neat, it means that someone put his boots in front of the bed for him when the nobleman lost consciousness. 》

"And the second point is that after someone supported the nobleman to lose consciousness, for some reason, he took the initiative to take off his boots and put it in front of the bed. 》

Walnut softened and fell backward. Although the word "Bun" is very round and cute, there are occasional spelling errors in it, and even some meaningless symbols such as love. But looking at these cold characters, she still couldn't help feeling cold.

"Then...then... can't the nobleman wake up and put his boots neatly when he is awake?"

"If this is the case, why don't the missing nobles simply put on their boots, but put them in order instead? Did he stay on the bed all the time, not moving at all? Or step on barefoot and fold the quilt on the possibly dirty floor? 》

Walnut was dumb for a moment.

"Therefore, I infer that there must be another person in the room besides the missing nobleman. After the nobleman lost consciousness, he placed his boots in front of the bed and folded the quilt. Maybe that person thinks everything is neat and tidy, then there is no problem, and it is normal to have boots in front of the bed. However, the really normal fact is "there are boots in front of the bed-there are people on the bed-the bed is messy". Or "No boots in front of the bed-no one on the bed-the bed can be neat and tidy". But it was the neat combination of these two that should not be unified with each other, and it became the evidence that there was a third person in the room at that time. 》

Walnut's face was pale, and his palms were shaking.

Little Bread looked at the walnuts, her eyes a little unbearable. However, she still has to write everything out. Sometimes, breaking down all the barriers can help solve the problem.

"Next, is the nobleman. He disappeared. But now, what kind of state is he? 》

Walnut covered her mouth and looked at the big question mark on the drawing board in horror.

"Probably, he is dead. 》

Walnut took a breath, turned her head quickly, gritted her teeth, and pressed it against the wall. Finally, she was able to slow down, facing the bread pair of eyes that also inherited extremely strong insight.

"Why... do you think... he... he already..."

"Because of the Carpet"

Little Bread raised the drawing board and turned it over—

"The carpet in the noble room is different from other rooms. Other rooms, such as the carpet in Sister Walnut's room, are fluffy and comfortable to step on. But the carpet in the noble room was hard and dark, making it uncomfortable to look at or step on. 》

"what is the reason? Are they two different carpets? 》

"Do not. 》

"Actually, these two kinds of carpets are the same kind of carpet, but they are different on the front and back. 》

Walnut took a breath and looked at the carpet under the bed.

"It turns out that the extra person who appeared was really panicked. She cut the carpet of the entire room piece by piece, then turned it over and reassembled, and re-layed it on the ground. The tool should be the knife placed in the fruit bowl in the room. So here comes the problem. Why is she in such a trouble? 》

"The reason is simple. She must have wanted to cover some indelible marks with an upside-down carpet. But what kind of traces need her to be so laborious? Ordinary filth? surely not. If this is the case, she could call the conductor to clean it. Then, the filth that can't be seen by other people is most likely the same thing. 》

"Bloodstain. 》

The walnut noodles were as gray as death, and finally she said tremblingly: " you seen the following...?"

Little Bread shook his head and raised the sign--

"I did not see. It's just a combination based on the situation at the scene to come to this conclusion. 》


"Now, I know that there is a possibility that a second person exists at the scene, and that nobleman has probably been killed. Then, I came to the third and most difficult problem. 》

"The corpse, where is it now?" When the door was opened, everyone witnessed that there was no dead body inside. But the doors and windows were locked, but no one saw anyone dragging a large piece of suspicious body through it. So, where is the body of the nobleman? 》

Walnut pulled up the quilt, wrapped it tightly, and said nothing. Facing the present little bread, she suddenly felt a little scared. Those ethereal eyes that seemed to perceive everything were no longer the little girl who could only eat chili sauce and whine. It’s a wise man who has gained an idiot, knows how to think, explore, and knows how to dig out the deepest secrets hidden in others’ hearts.




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