Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 016, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eating monster (10)

016, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (10)

"After killing the nobleman, how did that person deal with the body? Transport from outside? This will definitely not work. You know, someone will pass at any time outside the door. Even at night, there will be patrolling train personnel walking around. Dragging such a large corpse to move is definitely not a wise move. 》

"So, did you throw the body out of the car window? This seems like a good idea, but it still ran into many difficulties. First of all, the train windows in the desert must not be opened enough to hold a person fully stretched out. And another accident was fatal to that person. 》

"The windows in the noble room happened to be in disrepair for a long time, so they were locked very hard. There is no way to throw the body out. 》

"Presumably that person must be very anxious at this time. She urgently needs to disassociate herself from the corpse and distance herself from it. However, she couldn't let people discover the body. Because the dead person was a nobleman, she might be afraid of investigating at that time, and it is impossible to guarantee that the investigation will not be carried out to her. Therefore, letting him disappear is the best choice. 》

"But at the point of how to leave the room, she racked her brains, thinking hard. I don't know how long she had passed, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and noticed another hidden passage in the room. A passage that can complete the transfer of corpses even without going to the corridor"

Seeing this, Walnut raised his head. I saw Little Bread's hand quietly pointing to the closet over there, and the expression on his face... there was a kind of indifference that came from the same line as an idiot.

"This is a schematic diagram of the compartment box. 》

After drew a picture on the drawing board, the bread was placed in front of Walnut.

"I wonder if Sister Walnut noticed? The two adjacent rooms in the carriage are symmetrical. In fact, this is not for aesthetics, but for practical economic reasons. 》

"If you build a symmetrical shape, then the toilets in the two rooms can be separated from the back and share the same drain. The bathroom can also use only one pipe to transport hot water. In other words, such a design can save costs. 》

"When I noticed this problem, I suddenly thought of the three doors on the wall. Two of the doors lead to the bathroom and toilet, and the other door leads to the closet. But if you think about it carefully, the bathroom and toilet are not big, only one person can stand. In this case, how far is the closet in this room from the closet in the other room? 》

"This is a train, not a place for long-term housing. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that the designer will build a wall in the middle of this built-in closet. There is probably only a thin layer of wood between the two rooms, so as long as the wood is removed, the one in front of you may be the closet in the other room. 》

"After finding this passage, the man immediately found the conductor, made up a sleeper ticket, and bought the empty room next door. After that, she immediately removed the screws with a fruit knife, and took the noble's body through the hidden passage to the next door. Then, just press the screw up again and everything will be back to the original. 》

Walnut's body slumped. She exhaled and shook her head: "It's really bad for you... to think of so many..."

Bread shook his head and continued to write--

"Actually, this is not what I simply thought of. It was the abnormal behavior of the residents in the room next to the nobleman that made me notice that there might be such a passage here. 》


"Yes. The first thing that caught my attention was the location of the luggage in the next room. 》

"This...this...what's weird?"

"It's strange. Because I took a peek and saw that the closet in that room was almost empty, with nothing left. But by contrast, the luggage rack above the room is full of luggage. And under the bed is full. Doesn't that guest think this is crowded? 》

"But when I think if the closet is the hidden road, then everything can be explained. The murderer was afraid that when he opened and closed the closet, someone would find something strange inside. Therefore, she tried to be very careful in this regard, hoping to open the closet once less. Although, this is in her own room, she still hopes to be safe. 》

Walnut swallowed and said, " suspect that...the empty closet is useful..."

Little Bread nodded. After waiting for a while, she continued to write on the drawing board--

"However, this still cannot explain where the corpse went. But after one night, I went to the room again, wanting to see how that person was. But at this time, I noticed another change in the room. Think about another incredible move in the murderer's room the day before, and everything becomes cheerful. 》

"The night before, the suitcase placed under the sleeper in that person's room was erected. Moreover, the pile was so full that it almost filled the bottom of the bed. At that time, I was thinking, why put it upright? Isn't this very unstable? In this dangling car. 》

The walnuts are now ashen face, and can only quietly look at the words on the bread.

"But when I came back the next day and saw that the suitcases were completely flat and packed full, but no extra luggage was seen elsewhere in the room, I finally knew where the corpse was hidden. local. 》

"That day, when I entered the room to observe. Behind the erected suitcase, lies the corpse of the nobleman who has been killed? 》

Walnut stared at the small bread blankly, already wondering how to answer. Her voice trembled, as if she wanted to say something, but because of the fear, she couldn't say it...

Bun took a breath and exhaled slowly. She knew that the ensuing process was very cruel and terrifying, and she also knew that it was a nightmare memory for Walnut. However, she still had to completely sort out the matter and make it clear, without any doubt.

"Yes, last night, the body was under the bed, lying there. After driving me and Ba Ba out of the house, the murderer immediately began to find ways to dispose of the body. The way she handled the corpse was an unimaginable tragedy. 》

"It's quiet at night, no one disturbs. The murderer knew that the best way to dispose of the body was to throw it out the window. In that desert, one or two more corpses won't attract any attention. However, the windows of the vehicle are indeed designed so that they cannot be opened to allow adults to pass through. Therefore, the murderer dragged the body into the bathroom. 》

"Dismember the dead body. 》

The bun tries to make his words look cute, so the writing is more round and elegant. And there are many pictures of love and little rabbits beside it. But these things set off the cruel words, and it seemed to have a different kind of crazy feeling. Walnut couldn't help but shrank tightly in the corner, covering his head, closing his eyes, not daring to recall what happened in the bathroom last night.

"That person didn't know the structure of the human body very well, so the whole process took one night. The props for dismemberment should be the small fruit knives in the fruit basket. As long as it is cut bit by bit, it takes the entire night to separate the human body. The fruit knife was so frustrated that it looked like a blunt tool when it struck the apple. This is the reason why it was once used a lot and finally curled up. 》

"After throwing the divided corpse out of the window, the murderer took a shower, cleaned the bathroom, and washed the knife. I bet that the bathroom must be as clean as it was when I went in yesterday. 》

For the little bread, it's finished. In the end, her handwriting was no longer as smooth as before, but full of edges and corners, sharp and neat. Walnut finally finished watching all this, and finally, she took another big breath. Try to calm yourself down. Then, she slowly raised her head and said--

"Yeah... there is no corpse anymore... the corpse may be in the desert... In this case, you have no evidence, don't you? Could it be that you have to return now to search for the corpse that you don’t know where it fell. Maybe it’s been taken away by the scavenging beasts in the desert a long time ago. Besides, who says that if the bathroom is clean, you must have done dismemberment work? Could it be that you haven’t taken a bath?"

"No need to go back and find it. 》

"Because of the evidence, in the murderer's room. 》

For the last time, Little Bread finally decided to use the last resort to completely destroy all of Walnut's psychological defenses. She retracted the sign, and quickly wrote the answer on it, holding it up high.

"Even if all the evidence in the bathroom is washed away, but under the bed where the corpse was once, there will be blood stains of the dead. The body lay there for at least two hours, so even if two drops of undried blood fell, it was not surprising. On the other hand, since the bed is dim, the owner of that room probably didn't notice the blood on the floor at all. This is precisely her negligence. It is also the biggest evidence she left. 》

All of Walnut's defenses collapsed at this moment.

She leaned against the wall, looking at her bed, her eyes seemed to be looking at the dark place below through the white sheets...

There, there seemed to be a pair of staring eyes fixed on her shriveled face... pale face

And in my mind... that terrible... how I feel about donating blood...

Sweet taste...

"Sister Walnut, if you encounter any difficulties, you can tell me and Baba. 》

Little Bread stood on the bed, stretched out his hand to touch Walnut's shoulder, while holding up the handwriting to become sleek again, childish sign——

"Even if Ba Ba refuses to help you, I can help you. If I can't help, then I will act like a baby to Baba and just ask Baba to help you. Ba Ba loves me very much, so I can definitely help you~~~"

Facing the comfort of Bread, Walnut still pressed his head with both hands, shrinking in the corner in fear.

"Actually, killing is nothing. There are many different types, such as self-defense. Moreover, killing shouldn't be terrible, Baba killed a lot of people. But look at Ba Ba, he has no psychological pressure at all. It's still the poker face. Therefore, even if the murderer really killed someone, it might not be a big deal. 》

Walnut knew that bread, under the education and ears of idiots, had no fear of dead people at all. In fact, Walnut also knows that under that situation, if she doesn’t kill the Marquis, then she might end up being tragically fucked...

However, even if it were to kill, how much she wished she had stabbed the opponent to death with a knife? In this case, she might not have such a great sense of guilt. She might still be able to walk out in a fair manner and tell others that the Marquis of Goodsay wanted to violent herself, and she was forced to stabb him.

But... the fact is that she... for the blood that she desires... and threw on...

"So, Sister Walnut"

Bun stroking Walnut's back, she put down the sign and hugged the fragile sister's neck with both hands. I put my little face on it...

Next, she didn't write anything. The only thing she needs is to hold the walnut like this, and then comfort her.

She believes that what Walnut needs now is the same.

A warm, caring environment that allows her to relax completely, and...

A person who can be completely trusted...

"I didn't mean it...I really...uuuu...not deliberately..."

Walnut began to cry.

Bun did not squeak, but continued to hold the walnuts, closed her eyes, and gently stroked her hair.

"It's him... he charged me first... I don't know... I don't know anything..."

"No... I didn't do it... I didn't do it... I didn't do it"

"It's's me comfortable...really comfortable"

"How could it be comfortable? I didn't do anything, nothing happened. I don't even have the memory of that time. Why do I do it?"

Walnut gradually started to get excited, and Xiao Bao quickly hugged her harder when he saw it. However, Walnut's struggle was getting worse and worse. She pushed away the bun abruptly, her eyes opened angrily, and she began to shout hysterically--

"It's not that I haven't killed anyone. I'm just lying on the bed, sleeping under a blanket. I didn't hurt anyone? Right? No? Yes——————"

Walnut's behavior began to become mad. She picked up the pillow on the bed and threw the bun directly to the bun to block it. Watching the hysterical Walnut screamed out quickly, but now the Walnut had no reason at all, she yelled loudly. Now, pick up anything you can get around and throw it on the bun


! Most!! Small!!!!!! 6!

!New!!!! Say!!!!к!

!!! The most!!!! Net!!.!



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