Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 022, the legendary murder case of the ghost ship Blood Eater (16)

022, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (16)

I curse you...

I curse all of you

Such tragic days... I swear, I will retaliate completely on you one day

It's time for punishment...

The **** of the sea is angry

Look, isn't that madly rolling black cloud a harbinger of disaster?

Great sea god...please grant these cursed humans the highest punishment




Outside the window, violent thunder was raging.

This is really a bad morning.

The black cloud is pressed down very low, like a heavy iron plate, constantly pressing down.


A flash of thunder pierced the sky. The originally dark sky shines like daylight. Along with the burst of thunder, the downpour, accompanied by the squally wind, began to rise on this sea wave. Rolled up layer after layer of big waves.

The salty water is mixed with a heavy fishy smell.

The dark clouds and heavy rain in the sky blocked all the sunlight, and thunder flashed by, pulling out the horrible scene in front of him.

Walnut was holding an umbrella and stood blankly in front of the shaking hook. This is the hook used by the sailing boat to load and unload cargo. At this moment, I don't know who untied it.

On the hook, there was a person hanging.

Her throat was completely pierced by the iron hook, like a fish hung up. The throat was damaged, and the meat inside had been washed into white meat under the rain.

The blood has drained.

As the wind blows, this woman's originally beautiful face has been distorted. Her body was swaying in the wind, and the rain slid down her bare feet. Her body, which had lost her life, was suspended in the air, and under her feet was the sea splashed with black water...

Walnut swallowed his saliva, but the bloodshot eyes at the corners of his mouth still didn't dry up. Looking at the opened white skin, she unconsciously covered her mouth, and once again swallowed her saliva.

what should I do now?

In the storm, dawn has yet to come. She looked at the corpse swaying in the wind and rain, and at the hanged Weiqiang. Today, facing a choice.


The thunder light flickered again, and the radiant light reflected Walnut's face whiter than paper. After hesitating for a moment, she opened her mouth slightly and licked her teeth with her tongue. Finally, a decision was made.

Put away the umbrella to welcome the wind and rain. Walnut climbed up to the scaffolding that was connected with the hook in twos and threes, and then squeezed the handle firmly to turn the hook around. Then, she climbed down from the scaffolding, hugged the corpse's feet in the air, and pushed up hard...

"what are you doing."

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Walnut. Walnut was taken aback and turned back hurriedly. What can be seen is the cold, thin face of Ouge.

Ou Ge looked at Walnut and Weiss on the hook, and also stared at Walnut holding Weiss's legs. After a long silence, he turned his head and walked back to the cabin. After about two or three minutes, many people ran out of the cabin in a panic. At the forefront is Weiss’s companion, Carroll.

"Weiss? Weiss"

Carol was shocked when he witnessed Weiss's body. He rushed forward, pushed the walnut hard, grabbed her feet with both hands, and pushed her up. The rusty iron hook and her neck bone rub against each other, making a rattling sound in the wind and rain.

The idiot also rushed there, wearing his pajamas, and when he saw the walnut beside the corpse, he immediately stepped forward and pulled her away. Walnut is now like a walking dead, letting the idiot pull her aside. In his mouth, he just murmured, "I... just want to put her down... I just... want to let her... come down..."

"Who is the first discoverer?"

Taelan walked out of the crowd holding an umbrella, and said slowly.

Ou Ge did not answer, just pointed at the walnut. Walnut was slightly startled, and timidly hid behind the idiot. But even so, it still couldn't stop everyone from stealing her inquiries.

Taelan shook her head slightly, thinking about the walnuts and bowing. Then he walked to Walnut, looking like he wanted to ask questions. But at this moment, Xing Li walked out of the crowd and stopped in front of Tai Lan at the right time. He smiled and said, "The princess has experienced a big change, I am afraid I can't bear your inquiry. If possible, let me come. ?"

After thinking for a while, Taelan smiled and nodded away.

The idiot turned around and held Walnut's shoulder. Bun came over, took Walnut's hand gently, and gave her a pillar.

"Oh my God, what a serious injury."

The ship doctor also caught up with Andrew's company. He walked to the corpse tremblingly, only to glance at it and he was taken aback.

"Move the body to the cabin first. The rain here is so heavy that it is impossible to conduct a detailed inspection."

The magician Krause also wore only a short coat. His proposal naturally got the approval of many people around him. When Carol heard this, he quickly picked up Wes and put her arms into the cabin. Afterwards, he walked to Room A-8 where Wes was.

"Don't enter room A-8 after a while."

Suddenly, the idiot drank aloud. Everyone stopped immediately. Xingli also nodded and said, "It's better not to enter her room. From the point of her barefoot, the place where she was killed must not be a place where she needs to wear shoes. In that case, her room will be extremely The most likely is the scene of the incident."

Carol hugged Wes's ill-formed body and drank anxiously, "If it's not in her room, then in whose room?"


With the key in the first mate, the singer went to the door of the A-13 room and opened it. This is an empty room, no one lives. After entering the room, Ouge quickly took out a canvas from the corner of the room and spread it on the ground, and Carroll also put the body in his arms on the ground.

"It's miserable... the throat is all penetrated, who is so cruel that actually hangs a **** an iron hook?"

While examining the corpse, the ship doctor raised his own doubts. For this question, everyone looked at each other. Others heard that after seeing the death of Weiss, some female passengers couldn't bear it and fell directly to the ground.

"Is the cause of death due to a pierced throat?"

Taelan asked.

The ship doctor shook his head and said: "No. From the point of view of bloodshot eyes, the cause of death should be suffocation. Looking at this place, although the corpse's throat is severely damaged, you can still see a circle of marks here. This girl was People strangled to death should not be wrong. Moreover, I confirmed that she seems to have suffered a serious blood loss. It should have happened when she was hung up shortly after she died and the hook broke her throat."

Carlos looked at Wes with some regret, and closed his eyes after seeing that the originally pretty face was now completely pierced by the iron barb. Afterwards, he looked at everyone present and said: "I'm afraid you don't know, but the strength of my companion is recognized. Being able to strangle her, it can be seen that the other party must be someone stronger than her. Here is on the ship. , So you have nowhere to hide. Please stand up and I will use the name of a fighter in the Bucks Empire as a blockade, and I will have an open duel with you. After the duel, the winner is the king and the loser. Will not be held accountable again"

Carlos issued a formal challenge. But none of the people present could respond to him. Seeing this, Carlos fisted each other angrily and said loudly: "Why, if you have the courage to sneak attack, you don't have the courage to come forward to accept my challenge? Isn't it a fighter? Or is it just afraid of me?"

"She doesn't need to accept your challenge at all. Because even if she is not as strong as her companions, she can still be killed."

Taelan calmly took a step forward, pointed at Weiss's finger, and said, "These fingernails are clean, not broken, nor blood stained. Moreover, there is no scratch on her throat when her fingers struggle. It can be seen that this young lady was strangled in a coma, or in other situations where she could not resist. In this case, as long as you drink a bowl of soup with ***, you can easily make her give up Resistance. Killing her will be easy."

Taelan squeezed her chin and walked to the walnut over there, smiling. Walnut was startled, and quickly shrank back. Xing Li stood in front of Tailan for the first time, and said coldly: "Sir, what do you mean."

"Ah, I just put forward a possibility. When any of this happens, the first thing we have to ask is the first witness. Her Royal Highness, as the first witness, is of course an important reference person, isn't it? And, Princess, the **** water at the corner of your mouth...hehehe, presumably, I don't need to ask more."

Xingli gritted his teeth and protected the walnut. The mind quickly turned, thinking about how to refute. But at this moment...

"Princess, of course you have to ask."

An idiot's voice came next to Weiss's body. At this moment, he was lifting up Weiss’ wet pajamas and looking at the lower body of the corpse.

"It's just that as an ordinary witness. In contrast, you are the focus of our inquiry."

The idiot's words made Taelan look at her with admiration. He narrowed his eyes and smiled at the idiot, as if waiting for him to explain. Carlos beside him couldn't help but rushed forward, **** each other, ready to fight.

"Don't worry, Mr. Carroll. I haven't finished speaking yet."

The idiot continued to look inside Wes' skirt. After watching for a while, he reached out and started to fiddle with something inside.

"Not just this handsome Mr. Elf. You, including me, and all the men present, we are all suspects with major suspicions."

This idiot's words made Andrew a little confused. He walked out of the crowd, stood beside the dead body, and said, "John, why do you say that?"

"because this."

The idiot stretched out his hand, trying to lift West's skirt. But seeing this action, Carol next to him suddenly rushed up and said loudly: "What do you mean as a bastard? She is dead and you want to insult her?"

It's just that this one hasn't made three steps yet, and a spiral sword next to him has been hit and stopped in front of him.

"Please rest and be restless, guardian knight. The truth is now important, not the respect of a dead princess."


Xingli smiled, and the pajamas on her body instantly pulled out six silk threads, forming six spiral swords and aimed directly at Carroll. This trick worked, and Carroll couldn't help taking a step back. However, I don't know if the reason why he regressed was because of the shock of Xing Li's power, or her smooth and flat belly that had lost the fabric.

But anyway, this person retired. Walnut smiled slightly, walked to the side of the idiot, and whispered softly: "Didn't you just said last night that you didn't intend to care about any nosy that happened on this boat?"

The idiot did not answer. He just glanced at the white-faced walnut over there, and then lifted the corpse's skirt, revealing her nakedness.

"She didn't wear underwear. Besides..."

Then, the idiot stretched out his fingers to gently open the seam of the corpse, and put his fingers in. After a while, he pulled out some milky white liquid from the gap.

"I have reason to believe that she was assaulted before death. Therefore, the opponent should be the first to use anesthetic to faint her, and then sexually act on her. Finally, she was strangled to death and dropped on the hook."

The idiot rubbed his fingers and stared at Tailan coldly, and said: "So, the prisoner is definitely not a woman, but a man. Princess, she is definitely not the initiator of this incident."

There was always a smile on Taelan's face. He shook his head relaxedly and smiled: "Don't be so nervous, I know you are the guardian knight of the princess, and I didn't say that the princess killed it. I just want to ask. In that case, let's check everyone first. It’s an alibi."

Andrew nodded, then answered: "Ship doctor, can you tell the time of death?"

After checking for a while, the ship doctor said, "Well... it should be within four or five hours. From the perspective of Chengdu where the food in the stomach is digested..."

Carlos snapped his fingers and flicked his hand. A Heart A and Heart 2 appeared in his hand.

"It's just after six o'clock in the morning. That is to say, the time when the heroine in the tragedy died is between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning today?"

Carlos nodded, turned to the idiot, and asked, "The time to die is out. So what should I do next?"


The idiot looked around at the people looking at him, and after a moment of silence, he only said a word--

"I do not know."

After speaking, he took the bun and walnuts, turned and walked to his room. Seeing this, Xing Li followed, and a group of four people disappeared from the crowd.

The rain outside the window is still pouring.

If you don't know the time, I'm afraid you can't tell whether it's day or night at all.

The hull tossed in the wind and waves. It's like sitting on a roller coaster. But now, more violent winds and waves are blowing in people's hearts. Especially in the hearts of the four idiots.

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