Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 023, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (17)

023, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (17)

"Why didn't you continue to investigate?"

Xing Li closed the door and said the doubt in his heart.

The idiot looked at Walnut, let out a sigh of relief, and sat on the chair next to him——

"We, this is not necessary."

"Hehe, is it all right because the princess has removed the suspicion?"


Xing Li smiled twice with hands on hips. Then, she came to Walnut and took her hands. Walnut suddenly felt the warmth from Xingli's hands, and stopped talking for a moment.

"Princess, why did you appear on the deck alone this morning?"

Walnut didn't speak, she just sat in a daze. After a long time, she tremblingly said, "I...want to go out and blow the air... and as a result..."

"Then before that, have you seen any suspicious characters?"

"I... I don't have... anyone... I don't have any..."

Walnut's face was pale, she covered her face, and after an idiot thought for a while, she said, "If you don't want to say it, you can leave it alone. Anyway, our time is not precious, and it doesn't matter if we waste a bit."

Walnut froze for a while, and it seemed that after struggling for a long time, she finally said: "I...I wanted to go to relax at that time, so at half past one in the morning...I once left the room. But at this time, I saw a dark figure suddenly emerged from the girl’s room. At that time... I thought it was Carol... and her **... but I didn't expect... I didn't expect..."

Xing Li and the idiot looked at each other, and Xiao Bian held up the sign——

"What does that person look like? 》

"He... he looks like..."

Gluck, there was a knock on the door. Hearing the sound, Xing Li walked over to open the door. With a squeak, the four people walked in with each other. And when the four people came in...

"It's you, that's you. I saw the person coming out of Wes's room at 1:30 last night, it's you—"

Walnut stretched out his hand and pointed to Taelan, Andrew, Carol and Oulge who came in, shouting loudly.




Following the fingers, the idiot saw a thin face. No one else, but the gloomy first mate, Ouge? Wave chaser.

When Carol heard these words, his first reaction was to immediately press Gull Song to the ground and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, you guy dare to **** and kill our bucks woman? What a courage"

Ou Ge gritted his teeth, his head was firmly pressed to the ground. He lifted his head reluctantly, looked at the walnut in front of him, and said loudly: "Is your Royal Highness really me? Are you really sure, must it be me?"

Being so accused by Ouge, Walnut couldn't help but start to feel guilty. She hesitated, and finally, she shook her head not sure.

"I... don't know... very much like you... but... there are some places that don’t seem like... it seems to be taller than you... and it seems to be shorter than you..."

"So, in other words, our princess can't be sure at all?"

Taelan frowned slightly. After thinking about it for a while, he simply smiled and said, "No matter. Anyway, let's discuss our original purpose here."

Everyone sat down, and Carroll also let go of his hand in doubt. Ouge glared at Carroll and stood beside Andrew.

"So, in order to reassure everyone, I will reluctantly and do some small investigations for the time being. Okay, I would like to ask you, during the time that happened last night, did you have an alibi?"

Xingli glanced at Tai Lan, laughed, and said, "Why, Mr. Sorella. Are you bringing so many people here to bully us weak women?"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I was worried. Mr. Captain, Mr. Mister, and Mr. Carroll. Can you please leave first? After all, it is correct to ask one by one when interrogating."

The three looked at each other and finally nodded. Carroll was the first to go out, Gull Song was second, and Andrew was third. Before Andrew left, he looked at Taelan worriedly, and then closed the door.

"Okay, can you tell me? Miss Jacqueline. Ah, no. Mrs. Kennedy."

Xing Li smiled, she leaned against the idiot and pinched the idiot's waist with a smile. The idiot was expressionless, Walnut stared closely at Xingli's hand pinching the idiot's waist, wanting to say something, but didn't dare to say.

"Last night, could you tell me your timetable for entry and exit?"

The idiot was silent, and Xingli answered first. She said, "At night... after dinner, I went back to the room with my boyfriend. Then it was about nine o'clock in the evening, and John went out. I played cards with my sister-in-law, ah, this little girl. I played until John came back. Then, we slept together."

"Then, go straight to the morning?" Although Taelan's eyes were still smiling, she obviously didn't trust her.

"Well... I left the room for a while. It's about three or four in the morning."

"Why go out?"

"You know, I'm the princess's bodyguard. I can't let the princess be there all night without asking? So I went to the princess's room to take a look. Because the princess didn't sleep at night, I knocked Knock on the door, after getting the answer from the princess, I was relieved."

Taelan looked at Walnut and said, "Is that right?"

Walnut nodded.

"Well, what about you? Mr. Detective. Is it convenient to tell me your actions?"

The idiot looked at Taelan in front of him and was silent. After a brief confrontation, he finally decided to cooperate.

"......I, after dinner, I went back to the room with my girlfriend and sister. At about nine o'clock, I left the room and ran into Captain Andrew on the stairs. After that, I and you Played billiards. I returned to the room at ten o'clock in the evening. After that, I never left the room again until morning."

Taelan recorded, nodding constantly. After that, he closed the notebook and smiled slightly.

"So, there are a total of eight people who have no alibi."

The idiot raised his head and looked at Taelan in front of him.

"First of all, I went to the entertainment room after dinner and played a game of pool with you at about 9:30. After that, from ten o'clock until twelve o'clock, I played with Captain Andrew. But afterwards, because it was too late, I went back to the cabin without any proof."

"Then, it was Captain Andrew. The captain returned to the room after twelve o'clock, no one to prove."

"Magic Krause. He said that he had been organizing props on the stage of the restaurant. Because of the confidentiality, no one was allowed to do it with him. He said that he did not go back to the room until two o'clock in the morning. Meet anyone."

"First Mate Ouge, he said he was writing a sailing diary in the room. He fell asleep before eleven."

"Carroll said that he and Wes went back to their rooms after having dinner. At eleven o'clock, he also invited Wes to watch the sea view. But Wes said that he had fallen asleep and did not want to get up. So. I went back."

"Then you, Mr. John Kennedy. You said you were sleeping, but the only people who can prove you are your sister and your girlfriend. Such a close relationship makes this kind of alibi very unreliable. The same Yes, and you, Miss Jacqueline Bouvier, who is pregnant. Although you cannot be the perpetrator of the sex, it is hard to guarantee that you are not an accomplice."

"Finally, although I am very reluctant, I still want to include Her Royal Highness as a suspect. I hope you can forgive me, because I am also one of the suspects. We can't give anyone special treatment because of my different status."

Walnut nodded and said nothing.

"In addition to the above eight people, the other guests are a religious tourist group. They seem to gather together for a prayer from one to two midnight. So they have complete alibi. And this storm It started last night, so on this stormy night that cannot be escaped, the murderer is absolutely impossible to jump off the boat. In other words, the murderer must be among the eight people."

Walnut pursed her mouth, her face pale. The idiot lowered his head and thought about it, and said, "Wait. What about the crew? What's the matter with all the crew?"

"Ah, I forgot to say. You probably don't know? The crew accommodation area of ​​this ship is below deck C. After ten o'clock in the evening, Captain Andrew will lock the gate to deck C completely. He said that this is to keep clean. Because the crew downstairs is easy to make trouble after getting drunk at night, for fear that they will come up to make trouble."

"Last night, after Mr. Andrew had counted all the crew, he locked the gate. It didn't open until six o'clock this morning. Therefore, the only real suspects on the ship were the eight of us."

Taelan's explanation was finally approved by the idiot. Xingli looked at the idiot, and then said, "So... Mr. Sorella. Who do you think is the murderer?"

Taelan closed the notepad in her hand, smiled, and said, "Well, it's not clear. My inference ability is not too strong, so I can't confirm it. However, I already have a suspect in my heart. As for what it is. Who... Haha, there is no evidence now. Nothing can be explained yet."

"Well, if you find anything, please tell me in time. From now on, any information provided by anyone may be the basis for finding the murderer. Then, bye."

After the investigation was over, Taelan saluted the idiot and the others again and bowed. After that, he looked at the notepad in his hand and walked out of the room.

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