Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 025, the legend of the ghost ship blood-eating monster murder case (19)

025, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (19)

"The fog is very heavy. Everyone said that it was probably the friend who ran to the deck drunk at night. As a result, he fell into the sea without paying attention. This is a regrettable fact, but even now Turning around, it is impossible to find a person in the ocean who has unfortunately fallen into the sea for half a day. Therefore, the captain recorded the incident in the voyage diary and prepared to wait for the search and rescue work after reaching the shore."

"George was very sad, but he couldn't help it. The whole day, he was immersed in the pain. That is the evening of the day, the dense fog finally turned into a rainstorm and it started..."

"The waves are very strong, and the wind is very fierce. A huge lightning pierced the sky and it looked very impressive."

"However, the sailor who worked on the boat was driven out by other sailors after he put away the canvas in the rain. It was not because of other things, but because he was covered with blood. After carefully searching for the source, the sailors know……"

"The blood comes from the sky."

"It's the sky dripping blood, and it's raining blood..."

The sound of eating in the restaurant has completely stopped. Everyone is listening to Xing Li's story. At this time, the small bread accidentally smashed the soup spoon in his hand on the dishes, and the loud noise made everyone was shocked.

"The ship is cursed."

"Everyone said that."

"The crew comforted the sailors and the guests. Finally, the tourists and sailors were quiet. But wait until the next day..."

"A tourist on the boat was found dead on the bow. His head was penetrated by the barb of an iron anchor."

In the same way of death, what else can be said besides the surprise?

Xing Li's voice still remained unspeakably gloomy and terrifying. A thunderbolt suddenly struck the sky, and the huge flash of light that appeared at once illuminated the restaurant as if it was stained with a layer of hoarfrost. Everyone's face became paper-like pale.

"So... what about... next...?"

Andrew looked a little panicked. The bearded captain might be unexpectedly afraid of ghosts.

Xing Li took a breath and let herself sort out her thoughts. After that, she opened her mouth again and said slowly—

"For two consecutive days, one person disappeared and the other died. It is really hard to imagine that this is really just a simple coincidence. At the request of some tourists, the captain had to ask the ship to return. But at this time, the captain found that in the storm He has lost his way. The ship has deviated from the correct track at some point. George could see that the captain was exhausted, so he proposed as a seaman to help maneuver the ship together. He got permission."

"But, just on the third day when everyone is nervously waiting for the storm to pass..."

Xingli's voice stopped abruptly, and the sudden silence made the restaurant feel a suffocation. The candlelight swayed from side to side with the bumps of the ship's hull, and people's figures were reflected on the wall, like ghosts...

"The third day... what happened on the third day?"

Although Krause is a magician who gives others mystery, he seems obviously not able to adapt to this kind of story. He held the knife and fork tightly, looking extremely nervous.

"On the third day...Unfortunately, the third victim finally appeared."

Although they had expected it a long time ago, everyone couldn't help but breathe in air when hearing this.

"This time, it was not someone else who was killed, it was the captain of the ship. In the morning of the next day, he was found to have had a large piece of his neck bitten off by something, and he was hung upside down on the sails of the sailboat. Like the second victim, all of his blood was sucked clean..."


Andrew's hands were slapped heavily on the table, the veins on his forehead bursting, his teeth clenched. The rest of the people saw its condition and looked at it. Andrew froze for a moment, and finally sat down slowly. But even after sitting down, he took a cross from his pocket and held it tightly in his hand.

"The captain...dead? I...I am the captain of the Virgin Mary...Miss Bouvier, please...don't make such a bad joke..."

Xingli's face was very cold, and he said quietly, "I'm not kidding. It's the fact that I can't talk nonsense. That's how it is recorded in the book. If you don't believe me, I can try to find it when the ship arrives And then lend you the book."

Andrew gulped down all the drinks in the glass and stopped talking.

"So far, for three nights, one person disappeared and two died. The blood in the body of the deceased was all drained. Such a terrible way of death caused panic on the ship. Because any person may be the fourth night's sacrifice After losing the captain, this ship is very likely to float on the sea.”

"Various rumors continue one after another. Although the crew and the chief mate tried their best to appease the crowd, they still had little effect. The rumors of'the blood eater who specializes in human blood' was stationed on the ship's rumors. Even the crew themselves began to tell stories about each other. Just when this voyage lasted in a storm until the seventh day..."

Xingli paused, she swallowed her saliva and slowly said——

"On the seventh day, the storm... finally stopped."

Originally, everyone thought that Xing Li would say that everyone would die on the seventh day. Hearing her saying so abruptly, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter? So the storm has stopped?"

Krause smiled, cut off a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth. But then he noticed that the meat was already cold, and the taste in his mouth was really not good.

"Yeah... the storm has stopped. But the thick fog, I don't know when it will fill."

"The extremely thick fog makes people unable to see the front at all. The only thing that can be known is probably the only point at night. However, the storm has stopped, and the survivors on the boat cheered with joy. Before long, a lot of light appeared in front of the dense fog, and it seemed that a fleet of ships was passing by."

"Now, the passengers are more relieved. They cheered loudly, waving the silk scarves in their hands or waving the glow sticks, welcoming the approach of the fleet."

"Then... the fleet in the dense fog began to get closer and closer, getting... getting closer..."

"When the leading flagship broke through the thick fog and appeared next to the Virgin Mary, all those who were still cheering, instantly closed their mouths."

"That...not a rescue ship."

"It's a ship whose hull is in tatters, the canvas is rotten, and there are even many holes on the hull...a ship. As for the name of that ship, George remembers it very clearly."

"The Virgin... Maria."


The storm outside the window seemed to continue.

But in this deadly cabin, an invisible storm is also constantly raging...

"George used a lot of disbelief here to describe the ship. He clearly remembered the ashes on the faces of the passengers on the ship as it passed by the hull where they were sitting. "

"After this flagship passed, other ships finally sailed in from the thick fog. One...two...three...that is a fleet of nearly a hundred ships. Among these ships, there are ten most recent ships. Several years of design, there are also designs hundreds of years ago. But without exception, their names are "Virgin Mary", and they are all without exception-ghost ship."

Xing Li took a breath, speeding up her speech.

"The Virgin Mary on which George was sitting was quickly surrounded by a strange fleet. George couldn't see it, and didn't even think about it, he immediately jumped from the side of the boat with a lifebuoy. When he came out of the water again At that time, he suddenly saw that the ship he was riding on started to turn slowly and followed the fleet into the dense fog. Soon, the lights on the ship disappeared into the dense fog. Including the ship. Of the more than 700 passengers, all..."

"All disappeared."

Xing Li exhaled the breath in her chest completely, she was silent, quietly brewing this silence.

"Then... after that?"

This time it was Ouge who asked the question. He put down his knife and fork and stared at Xingli closely.

After a while, Xing Li opened his mouth again and told the end of the story.

"When all the Virgin Mary disappeared, the thick fog dissipated. George discovered that he was located less than a hundred meters from the coastline. The port was brightly lit. In other words, the Virgin Mary The number disappeared out of thin air less than 100 meters away from the shore."

"Afterwards, George reported the incident to the authorities, hoping to conduct a thorough search. The authorities naturally attached great importance to the disappearance of more than 700 people. However, after the search, apart from a few pieces of driftwood in the sea, There was nothing else. The authorities had no other actions except to conclude that the Virgin Mary was sunk in a shipwreck."

"George, of course, argued and said about the ghost ship. But after such a ridiculous thing was said, he could only be regarded as a lunatic. Everyone thought that he was probably left behind and hallucinated. Finally, even if George wanted to say, no one would believe him."

Taelan swiped his finger on the table. He thought for a while, and suddenly said, "I have a question. If there are so many Virgin Marys, of course there will be records. Couldn't we find any? Record it?"

Xingli nodded and said: "George also wrote in the book that he later checked a lot of records. He found that there were indeed many shipwrecks called the Virgin Mary in the past few hundred years. But during that voyage. Technology is still underdeveloped, and the entire sad continent sinks dozens of ships and ships almost every year. Such a thing cannot be said to be a coincidence at all. In the end, George can only record this incident in his biography. It's the one—"

"Legend of Magic Sea."

Xing Li's story finally came to an end. For a long time, people were immersed in this strange atmosphere, unable to extricate themselves.

Of course they thought of the nobleman who disappeared on the train, and of course they thought of Weiss whose throat was pierced. If you say, if you really say...

"Could it be that in the end...we will also be taken away by the ghost ship...?"

Krause pulled out two large playing cards with both hands, blocking his face. He shivered with fear, it seemed really useless. Little Bread pulled the idiot's clothes tightly and hid behind him, afraid to move.

After eating a dinner in such a silly way, after listening to Xing Li's story, not only did everyone not feel any relief, but it added a lot of psychological burden. Everyone stopped eating, but left the restaurant with their own minds.





The idiot knocked on Walnut's door, trying to see if she was good. Walnut opened the door a little, and after looking at the idiot, he slammed the door back.

The idiot didn't say anything. As long as you know that she is okay, there is no problem. In fact, the idiot is fine even if she doesn't care about her. Anyway, as long as she is alive, she must be alive.


Little Bread looked at the dark corridor, a little scared. She clung to the idiot's clothes and didn't dare to move. The idiot was so scared to see her, he shook his head and pulled her back into the room. In the room, I saw Xingli also rubbing her shoulders with both hands, walking around constantly.

"Mr. Xiaobai..."

Seeing the idiot come back, Xingli seemed to be relieved, and quickly walked up and took his hand.

"Maybe... Maybe you think I am very useless and funny. But I am really a little scared by myself... As long as I close my eyes, I seem to be able to see the plot depicted in the book and see Those ghost fleets saw a monster with fangs in their mouths rushing over, trying to **** my blood..."

The idiot glanced at the walnut room next to him, and said nothing. At this moment, a thunder-thunder bun resounded outside the window again, and he was so frightened that he screamed and dived into the idiot's arms. After the thunder passed, the little girl raised her watery eyes, and was a little bit scared to cry.

"Will there really be a ghost ship?" 》

The girl trembling, wrote this line on the writing board. Seeing her crooked handwriting, the idiot gently stroked her head, slowly shook his head.

"The ghost, if you want to appear in front of people, you can only appear in the form of the Holy Spirit."

"But after appearing, waiting for those Holy Spirits is the complete destruction of form and spirit, and will never be supernatural."

"So, it can be said that there is no ghost in this world. Everything is done by ‘human’."

Little Bread raised his head, a little unbelievable.

"It was Walnut that killed the nobleman, not the ghost. It was Walnut who dealt with the corpse. Weiss’s body showed signs of being raped, and the ghost could not do such a thing. Although I still can’t explain the blood in Wes’ body. The fact that I was completely drained, but everything is a sin committed by'people'."

"It's on this ship."

The idiot raised his head, his voice was cold--

"Among all the people who have no alibi, the real blood eater, the real ghost... are among us."

It seems that the expression of an idiot can maintain such a calm state at any time. This kind of calmness may mean rejecting people thousands of miles away, but at this time, it can bring people an incomparable sense of peace of mind.

Little Bread looked at this calm face and slowly relaxed. She lay on the idiot's chest, hooked his neck with her hands, and began to slowly rub her face against the idiot's chest, seeking protection. The idiot also stroked her hair gently, giving her the greatest sense of security.

"So, if it's really a human thing, who is the murderer?"

Xingli walked to the side of the idiot, gently pulled his sleeve, and said timidly: "Seriously, I don't know the truth of the matter, I am really a little scared... According to the legend, I am afraid I will die again tonight. One person. If...someone really died...will it be..."

The idiot stopped Xingli, not letting her say anything to irritate Little Bread. The room fell silent for a while.

Ghost Ship...Blood Eater...

Things have become very complicated. Fortunately, he hasn't gotten into this mess yet. As long as you can reach the shore safely, you can say goodbye to this situation.

Yes... as long as you can, reach the shore...

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--

Just when the idiot thought so, there was a yell from outside. Listen carefully... It's Krause's unexpectedly

The idiot immediately opened the door, leaving Little Bread and Xingli in the room. At the same time, Walnut next to it also opened the door, and the probe wanted to see what happened. The idiot immediately asked her to retract her head. After Walnut froze for a while, she quickly shrank her head and closed the door. At this time, the idiot noticed the source of the screams in this corridor.

" help"

Krauzer crawled out of his room, his clothes were full of colorful colors, apparently knocked over some paint bottle or something. His limbs trembled, and when he climbed to the gate, his limbs seemed weak and he could no longer climb.

Other doors in the corridor were opened for inspection, and some were closed and dared not to open. After the idiot looked around, he walked to Krause first, and while paying attention to the door of his room with Walnut, he asked with his eyes.

Krause saw the idiot and hugged the idiot's thigh in a panic. He pointed to his room in turn, his voice trembling violently.

"Blood...blood rain...the ghost ship...the ghost is coming...the ghost ship"

The idiot was startled and immediately looked up. I saw that Krause’s window was no longer pure rain, but blood red...

The red rain splashed on his window. In the darkness of the night, these **** waters seemed to outline a distorted face, staring at everything in the room, stubbornly, staring at...

How can this be?

In the sky, how could it really rain?

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