Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 026, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (20)

026, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (20)

Everything in front of me has completely violated the common sense of idiots, but this shocking fact appeared so clearly in front of everyone. Some people who poked their heads out heard Krause's scream and quickly closed the door in fear. at this time……

"Blood... the rain of blood is really rain of blood"

Several passengers ran out of the cabin yelling. They pointed to their windows, shaking. Andrew also ran out of his room A-1, wearing only a pair of pants on his nervous body, leaning against the door of the empty room opposite, his face pale. While looking at the rain of blood outside the window, he reached out and pinched the cross pendant on his neck, closed his eyes, and began to pray continuously.

"Could it be... there really is a curse? Impossible...impossible how could this be... curse this kind of thing... how could it happen?

In the commotion, the idiot took a closer look. Krause, a rain of blood appeared in Andrew's room. But not every room is like this. It can be seen from those rooms with closed doors that the people inside did not seem to escape because of the rain of blood. Just when the idiot gritted his teeth and planned to go outside to find out...

"do not go"

Walnut, I don't know when he has run out of the door. She pulled the idiot tightly, her hands were cold, and she felt like a dead body.

"Ah oooo"

Little Bread didn't follow the idiot's rules, and walked out with Xing Li. She held the idiot's hand nervously, not knowing what to do. It can only bark like a helpless bird.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

At this moment, Taelan finally poked her head out of her room. He looked around warily, checking for any problematic areas. Like him, although the idiot was dragged by Walnut and unable to leave, his gaze still scanned the entire corridor, and he could clearly see any corner in this straight corridor.


At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out of the stairs leading to deck B. It was a man in a cloak. With a quick glance, the idiot could only vaguely see that it was a young woman. As for what she looked like, she could not see clearly at that moment. The woman had just rushed to deck A, but when she arrived, the eyes under the cloak seemed to have seen something terrible, and immediately turned back.

This whole process only takes less than 3 seconds. For many people who are frightened by the blood rain on the windows of the room, they may not even realize that someone is on the deck.

The idiot thought for a while, but in the end, he still didn't catch up. The commotion on deck A continued, and it took about half an hour before the rain on the windows stopped being bright red. But even so, everyone still refused to go back to their room. Many people just go to the recreation room or heated swimming pool below to spend the night. Of course, got the response.

Krause. The magician was still sitting on the ground, his legs soft.

He looked at his no longer **** window, but couldn't stand up.

He was demented, and his body was shaking constantly. Because of the violent fear, he even frightened after the idiot came to him.

The idiot looked at the colorful spots on Clauser, then looked at his room. The suitcase he had been carrying had been opened, and many of the paint in it had been knocked over and scattered all over the floor.

"You are not like a painter."

The idiot stretched out his hand and pulled Krauzer up.

Krauzer's hands still pinched his magician robe, and his lips trembled. Facing the idiot, he looked a little embarrassed, and said: "I...I certainly...not a painter..."

"…………………………Today during the day, you came out of Wes’ corpse room. Then, what made you have to go to the morgue for a coward like you."

Krause's face became paler, and his neck twitched from tension. After a moment, he seemed to want to squeeze a smile, but the smile that squeezed out was even worse than crying.

"I... I'm just... curious"


"What... why? Don't I... curious?"


"I... I won't tell you... Anyway... Anyway, the murderer... It's not me"

The idiot said nothing, but Krause jumped up suddenly. His face was distorted and he was about to step into his room. But after struggling for a while, he finally gave up, dropped his shoulders in frustration, walked to deck B, and spent the night in the recreation room with others.

Looking at the back of Krause leaving, the idiot turned around until he completely disappeared at the top of the stairs. Xingli greeted the bun, and the bun threw into the idiot's arms. The idiot hugged her tightly and touched her hair.

" the room..."

Walnut's complexion was very white, with almost no bleeding. She pointed to her room, and obviously, a rain of blood appeared in her room. It is not difficult to understand why she suddenly ran out after closing the door.

Because she has always been afraid of ghosts and ghosts...

"I...I want to sleep with you..."

Walnut was almost crying. Her eyes were swollen and her eyes were cloudy. The heavy mental pressure is about to crush her.

The idiot stared at her. After a few seconds, Walnut saw that her request could not be answered. She stared at Xingli, who was far more beautiful than herself, gentler than herself, and did not have any dark secrets. After a while, she went back again. He left his room and shut the door heavily.

Xingli looked at the idiot, then looked at the door over there. She shook her head and said, "Do you...need to be so indifferent to the princess? I can see that the princess is actually..."

Xing Li did not go on. Because she realized that the idiot's eyes had been staring at the walnut door, and the darkness seemed to have completely swallowed it all.

That look... is not a nostalgia, it is not a duty, and it is not the kind of worship the subjects have for the princess. From these dark eyes, Xingli couldn't see exactly what kind of feelings the idiot had for walnut. If you really want to say...

Maybe, the word "domination" will be a little more precise...though, how inappropriate the word is.

"......Forget it, Mr. Xiaobai. I think...we'd better sleep separately."

The idiot turned his head and glanced at Xingli. Xingli gave a wry smile and said, "Although there is nothing between us, the princess's condition is still not very good? She thinks too much, I think we will sleep separately tonight. I sleep next to you A-6 Room number. Scream if you have anything and I will come to help."

After that, Xingli walked to Captain Andrew and reached out for the key. Andrew was completely panicked now, and did not refuse, pointing directly to the cabinet where the key was placed in his room. Xing Li left after finding the special key, opened the door of room A-6 next to him, smiled at an idiot, and walked in.

Captain Andrew touched the cold sweat on his head and released the cross in his hand. He smiled at the idiot and Bun, and walked into his room. Looking at his figure holding the cross, the idiot couldn't help but think of the priest Lancer who had been darkened and called Sequence Eighth, but he looked like a good old man.

(Do you know now? How important is it to bring your subordinates whenever and wherever you go out? If you bring Tolan's little bear, you might be able to make the body speak. Oh~~~ I almost forgot, even though It is impossible for the corpse to tell the truth because she is a corpse, hahaha~~~)

The idiot shook his head and looked away from Walnut's door. Now that the night was getting deeper, he went back to the room and covered the quilt for the bread again. Waiting, the end of the night...


In the corridor, it became quiet again.

People either go to the next floor or go back to their rooms and pray that nothing will happen again.

This should be a quiet night. In this kind of late night, there should be no more people appearing in this weird corridor...

Isn't it?


The door that shouldn't be opened, at this moment, opened.

In room A-9 where the door was opened, a figure slowly walked out——

Gull song? Wave chaser.

This gloomy young man glanced coldly at the empty deck, and slowly, he walked out...he walked to door A-13, before Weiss’s morgue...

The door opened.

The breath of death came over.

The chief officer stared at the girl who had become a corpse, coldly, watching... Then, he slowly walked in...


After a sound, the door closed...


early morning.

This is the third morning on the boat.

Although the storm outside the window is still raging, although the sky is still as dark as ink stained. But now... it's still early morning.

Full of blood, early morning...


The sudden scream cut through the silent corridor, causing the idiot lying on the bed to suddenly open his eyes. Because he didn't take off his clothes, he jumped out of the bed, opened the door, and rushed out.

What appeared outside the gate was a terrible sight. The door to the upper deck that was originally located next to Room A-2 was closed, and a heavy giant lock hung on it. But what is even more surprising is that the door is actually painted with a red liquid on a very huge road map?

"The Sealing Array... the imprisonment of the Great God?"

Just when the idiot was surprised at this weird road map, he was abrupt, but Krauzer who heard the exclamation and rushed to deck A unexpectedly blurted out.

Sealed Array? This road map is called the Sealed Array?

The idiot was confused, but his confusion did not last long. Because soon, his sight was attracted by another door.


There... it's Carroll's room. On the door of the room, there was also a **** road map drawn.

"Seal Array... Demon Cell... How could... how could this be?"

The screaming was a woman from a religious team. She looked at the route map on the gate in horror, and after a scream, she immediately ran back to her room and hid. At this time, many people also heard screams one after another, and walked out of the room together. Taelan seemed to have heard what Krause had just said, and immediately took a step and said--

"Seal Array? What is that? A kind of guidance road map?"

Krause shook his head quickly, pointed to the "route map" on the gate leading to the deck and Carroll and said--

"This is not a guide map at all. This is... In the true ancient magic legend, the goddess created a great seal to seal the betrayed Protoss and Demons. The pattern is these two symbols, which symbolize the absolute must not be stepped on. The place of entry is a place rejected by the Supreme God"

Idiots don't know much about religion, but he has slightly turned over the religious classic "The Covenant" in Xingli's family. Thinking about it carefully, there are indeed two, magic circle. This is the only thing the idiot knows about it as magic.

That shocking huge magic circle made many people, including idiots, stand in place. In the end, Taelan took a breath, reached out and pushed.

"Locked up. Hey Carol, are you in there? Reply"

The sound... very loud.

But inside the "sealed" gate, there was no sound.

After everyone waited for a while, Andrew finally couldn't wait any longer. He came over anxiously and said, "We will knock the door open quickly."

The idiot stepped back, and Andrew immediately took out the key to open the door on deck C below and brought the sailors over. The sailors yelled at the door and slammed into it.


"Come again"


"carry on"


The locked door was finally knocked open. As soon as the door opened, there was a strong smell of blood. At the same time, with a ding sound, a metal object fell from the door frame and fell on the floor in front of everyone.


The idiot bent down and picked up the key. But then...

A corpse with a ruptured head and a **** face was lying on the floor in a nest-like shape. That was Carroll, no doubt.

"The third... corpse...?"

Krause's pupils dilated, and he yelled and shrank behind everyone. Taelan frowned and raised his foot towards Carol's body. But he only took one step...


Taelan lowered her head abruptly, and the idiot followed his eyes. I saw a very thin fishing line tripped over Taelan's foot and broke. The thread shrank quickly and entered under Carol's body over there. The next moment, a strong white smoke quickly gushed from under the corpse, rushing toward the crowd violently

"Oops is a trap"

The broken lines, the white smoke, and the dead bodies were enough to make people scared. The people who originally planned to squeeze into the room immediately began to push out. Those white smoke quickly rushed out of the room, and the idiot who was walking at the end quickly held it. Breathe, close the door easily, and quickly evacuate.

Finally, all the smoke in the corridor disappeared. After all the smoke dispersed, everyone tried to take a breath.

"It looks like... ordinary water mist?"

Krause sniffed, and said, "It doesn't look like a poison gas? Is it the kind of smoke props that are often used on stage?"

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Afterwards, headed by Taelan and assisted by Andrew, they led the sailors to Na Carol's cabin again, and opened the door carefully...

The thick fog that has not yet dispersed, gushes out.

The crowd dispersed, allowing the mist inside to flow unimpeded. After the diffuse mist dissipates 60% to 70%...

Originally, Carol's body should be lying there, at this moment...

But it has disappeared.

In an instant, everyone was shocked.

It even includes idiots.

The corpse just now was so shocking that everyone could see clearly. But now...

Where's the corpse?

Where is Carroll's original body lying here? ? ?


Suddenly, Ou Ge, who was behind the crowd, thought of something and hurriedly said

"To the third person on the sail... the third person who died was the key to the door that was dropped on the sail... the key"

Andrew thought of the key that the idiot had just picked up, and immediately shouted at the idiot. The idiot did not refuse, and took out the key directly from his arms. Ou Ge rushed over and grabbed the key, and quickly opened the gate with the seal formation. With a click, the giant lock opened, and everyone rushed out quickly

The rain...pouring.

The wind... frantically.

The waves are like an ignorant but naughty child, tossing and torturing the cruise ship.

The huge waves slapped on the sails, and also hung the corpse with its feet upside down and a hole in its throat, which was presented in front of everyone.

The blood of the corpse was almost drained, and his pupils, which turned pale like a dead fish, were full of paleness and turbidity...

"This... is simply... a masterpiece of the devil"

Krause's frightened hands trembled, and many magic props in his arms fell out unanimously. The idiot faced the sea breeze, looking at the magic props on him. Same as him, Tai Lan, also watching.

"Maybe, this is indeed a masterpiece of the devil. It can **** human blood and turn into smoke. It can cross the distance of time and space, move the corpse away from room A-9, and then hang it here, as if to mock us Likely."

Taelan touched her face, frowning. At this time, Xing Li also rushed over from behind with Xiao Bread. When she saw the corpse being slowly put down, she shook her head—

"No, this is not a masterpiece of demons. It is a masterpiece of humans. It is a murderer who uses a magic-like technique to turn the impossible before us into possible."


As soon as the word was mentioned, everyone's eyes were aimed at Krause. Krause shook his head quickly, indicating that he knew nothing. at this time……

"Moreover, this is downright, double secret room."

Everyone turned around and looked over there. I saw the idiot's hand reaching into Krause's pocket and tore off a tough thing inside. That thing is nothing else, it is the key to room A-9.

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