Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 033, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eating monster (27)

033, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (27)

Xingli and Krause were completely stunned. They couldn't say anything except their mouths open.

Even the bun who thought he was used to seeing idiots, looked at the walnut lying in Ba Ba's arms with a paper-colored face without a trace of "alive", standing there in a daze.

The only thing still reverberating in the whole room is the cold, cruel words of the idiot...

For a long time...

Taelan couldn't help raising her hands.

However, instead of launching an attack, he applauded. In addition to admiration, there is respect in the eyes of the idiot.

"It's really unexpected that you could do such a thing. Even we discussed it for a long time before deciding whether to kill the princess. In the end, we decided not to attack the princess if nothing was discovered."

"But you, in just a minute, can you make up your mind and do this step? Great, really great."

Taelan applauded. After Andrew took a look, he couldn't help putting down the knife in his hand and began to applaud. The idiot was holding Walnut's corpse with a cold face, and he didn't even care about the blood on his body. He just said silently--

"You guys, didn't give me too much time. If you don't make a quick decision, it's me who died."

"Yes, if you don't do this right away, you will indeed die." Taelan put a finger to her lips and smiled, "But even if you know, not everyone can do it. Your courage The courage is indeed very admirable. Moreover, this kind of despicable spirit of being able to sacrifice others without hesitation in the face of danger can be regarded as my knowledge. The princess asks you to be a guard, that is really the most wrong decision."

".............................. Then, your decision."

"I'm still thinking about it. Your act of killing the princess has won me time for you to hesitate. During my hesitation, you need to use your language to convince me with all your strength, so that I can rest assured You guys."

Tyran pulled a chair and sat down. He looked at the idiot with a big smile, his gentle eyes seemed to be looking at a lover. There is no hint of killing.

The idiot hugged Walnut's body and was silent for a moment. After that, he took a breath and walked to Tailan.

"You have three reasons not to kill us."

"First, I pose no threat to you. There is no conflict of interest between us. Killing us will not give you any practical benefits."

"Second, we all have the handle on each other. Maybe you are just an illegal transaction. But I am assassinating the princess. My charge is heavier than you, so you don't need to worry about me reporting you."

"Third, kill us, then the crime of murdering the princess will naturally fall on you. This is still not good for you. But if we are still alive, then the crime is on us, and you are completely It has nothing to do. We will go to the End of the World, and you can continue to be the president of your business association."

After listening to the idiot, Taelan lowered her head, pinching her chin and thinking. At this moment, everyone is observing his every move. At this moment, everyone's lives seem to be between this person's thoughts. To live is to live, and to die to die.

at last……

"Congratulations, Mr. Kennedy. You succeeded in persuading me. You should be thankful for your success."

Taelan raised her head, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"…………………………Thank you."

"Hehe, in addition, I also want to pay tribute to your cold-blooded and calmness. I believe that you will never be a thing in the pool. I like you, are you interested in working for me?"

The idiot raised his head and stared at Tailan's smiling eyes.

"........................You are not afraid, I will turn you back."

"Hahaha, and only this stupid princess can believe that her subordinates are loyal knights. As a businessman, trust and loyalty are all bullshit. Only a solid economy is the bond that maintains the relationship between the two parties. , My subordinates will betray, which means that the master is a waste. I am a self-respecting person. I am willing to accept such challenges. And I do need a smart person to be my deputy. You, maybe that's it. A person."

The idiot is thinking. From his expression, it seems you can never tell what he is thinking. It wasn't until about ten minutes later that he lifted his head from thinking and shook his head gently.

"We are all dangerous to each other. Such a combination is definitely not a wise move. You have to defend anytime and anywhere. Will I go back to my bones? I also want to defend anytime, anywhere. Are you going to die? So. , Please allow me to refuse."

After Taelan heard what the idiot said, not only did she have no regrets, but she also laughed heartily. He laughed, stepped forward, grasped the hand of the idiot, and said, "You really are a smart person. Seriously, if you just agreed to join, then I will get rid of you if I change hands. Smart People will never need a second smart person to antagonize themselves. You and your friends are truly safe."

The idiot nodded, not expressing anything.

"Since you are very refreshing, then I should be honest and honest. Mr. Kennedy..."



"My name, idiot."

"Idiot...? You... called this name?"


"Haha, very interesting. So Mr. Idiot, can you go for a walk with me? Don't worry, I will never touch your friends. I just want to show you my'business'. It’s your honest return to me."

Looking back, looking at the bread, Xingli and Krause behind him. The idiot gently put the corpse of the walnut in his arms on the bed. Her expression looked peaceful, like a girl who had just fallen asleep. Seeing this, Little Bread hurriedly pulled a quilt over her neck, covering the terrible wound.

"Heh, I didn't expect that you still have a lot of affection?"

Taelan smiled, her tone full of mockery. The idiot ignored Taelan’s mockery and said coldly——

"I am the princess's guardian knight. It is my responsibility to make her decent in the end."

"Hehe, it makes sense. Then, please"

Taelan stepped aside, and the idiot walked directly out of the room with the hand of Bread. In the back, Krause looked at the slain walnut and then at the idiot. Although he was still timid, he still had the courage and uttered a word--



Leaving the room, Taelan led the idiot and Little Bread all the way in front. Andrew and the other sailors followed closely behind. Along the way, Taelan was like a knowledgeable noble, speaking very witty and showing excellent education. If it weren't for the scene just now, I am afraid that an idiot would really think he is a handsome boy with decent, humor and hearty.

"By the way, Mr. Idiot, you are so smart, so how do you think about one disappearance and two murders that happened along the way this time?"

Standing in front of the gate leading to deck B, Taelan asked Andrew to unlock, while he was talking to an idiot.

"……………………You know it by yourself."

Taelan smiled and said, "No, no, I don't know. There is only a small part of what I really know in these three cases. I really don't know what happened."

At this time, the door opened, revealing the dark stairs below. The idiot glanced at the dark passage and slowly grasped the small bread with his left hand. Little Bread seemed to have noticed something, and began to hold the idiot's hand, watching the depths of the invisible hand with alert and fear.


Taelan stretched out her hand, and then stepped down immediately. The idiot glanced at Andrew and the sailors behind him, and also took a step forward and walked down.

"You want to know the truth?"

The idiot said while walking along the stairs.

Taelan nodded and smiled: "Of course I want to know. Otherwise, would I not sleep?"

After the idiot thought about it, he breathed out slowly. Then he finally spoke and began to talk.

First of all, it concerns the disappearance of the Marquis on the train. The idiot didn't conceal it, and explained the process of how Walnut murdered and how to divide the body. Originally, Taelan thought she had heard it wrong, but after thinking that the princess who was killed just now had so much courage, she couldn't help but secretly wonder.

"I was almost deceived by her weak appearance."

Taelan shook her head and smiled—

"I've always heard that the Buck's Walnut Princess is a very sunny girl, and a straight belly. Who would have thought that it was so dark in her bones. Well, sure enough, people are not good-looking. Then, the second thing The murder, the death of Weiss? Strong, what happened?"

After walking the stairs, what I arrived now was the E deck two floors below. Compared with the above, the lights here are simply heaven and earth. Everywhere is full of noises from machinery running. Apart from being like a machine room, this place is more like a warehouse.

"Wes, was killed."

The idiot followed Taelan and said while walking—

"According to the situation at the scene, she should have been raped and killed. That is, the murderer first stunned her and then raped her. Finally, she was strangled to death."

Tailan smiled: "Well, according to the situation, it is true."

"However, this is just a false statement that we have preconceived."

The idiot raised his head, looked at the rusty water pipe above his head, and said slowly—

"We have always thought that she was raped and killed. But if there are no wounds and traces of resistance, wouldn't it be possible to do this with normal sex?"

Taelan was taken aback and did not speak.

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