Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 034, the legendary murder of the ghost ship blood-eater (28)

034, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (28)

"I have always been blinded by the major fact of her'death'. Seeing her dead and having sex, I take it for granted that she was raped and killed. But the real situation is probably that she was with someone. Go to bed. After it was over, she was stunned by others for some reason, and finally strangled."

Taelan frowned and said, " there any difference?"

"There is a difference. If you are raped and killed, then on this narrow ship, the location of the crime should be in her room. This is the most likely. But if it is not a rape, but an afterthought, then the location of the crime may not be her. Most likely, it’s in a male’s room."

Taelan couldn't help snapping her fingers, and smiled: "Yes, it makes sense, no wonder I didn't find anything when I searched her room. It made me depressed for a long time, right, how did you think of this? If I remember correctly, you haven't seen Vis's room once, have you?"


"Huh? Clothes?"

The idiot nodded and continued: "The clothes Weiss was wearing at the time reminded me of this."

"First of all, she didn't wear panties. Although this can be thought of as being removed by the murderer when she vented, but when I thought about this, I found that she didn't wear **** and what she was wearing. The skirt is very inconsistent."

"At the time of death, although the clothes on her body were messy, there was no wrong buttoning. The two skirts inside and outside were in proper positions whether they were sleeves, shoulders or waist. This means that they were wearing them. After dressing, the position of the clothes has been sorted slightly. If it is a rapist, although she may be dressed again afterwards, she will never wear it as well. In some places, such as whether the neckline is crooked, the sleeves of the clothes are It is not rolled up in a spiral shape, only the person wearing it can know it."

"So, judging from her neat skirt, I can be sure that the clothes on her body should be her own. And the clothes she wore, but did not wear underwear in the end, it means that she has long known that **** and underwear will be affected sooner or later. Take it off, so I didn't wear it at all and went on a date."

"The other point is her coat and skirt. If she is waiting for the man to come to her door in her room, although she may not wear underwear, she does not need to wear a coat and skirt in her room. She puts on her coat so I can be sure of her actions that night."

"That night, at some time after dinner, she took off her underwear and panties, wearing only her night skirt and outer jacket. Then, she left her room and went to a man's room and private meeting. After having **** with her, the man had a murderous intent on Wes because of one thing. So he deliberately stunned her and strangled her to death."

Taelan couldn't help applauding again, he praised, and said: "It makes sense, it makes sense to be killed in a private meeting with a lover, that's really a **** plot. Hahaha"

After thinking about it later, Andrew suddenly smiled evilly, leaned forward and said, "So...could it be that Carroll guy? Indeed, they are both in pairs. The handsome men and the beautiful women are indeed very good. It’s like a couple. I didn’t expect that Carroll killed his girlfriend? The young man’s emotional world is really complicated~~~"

The idiot just glanced at Andrew's speculation. He didn't speak until the mechanical noise around him became a little lighter.

"Carroll, not Wes' boyfriend."

"Huh??" Andrew opened his mouth, surprised.

"When a man and a woman walk together, people often think of whether they are a couple. This is a kind of habitual thinking. However, this is not a romance novel. Not every pair of men and women is that same. This kind of relationship. Carroll and Weiss are like that."

"After Wess died, Carroll looked very angry and upset. However, he didn't show much sadness or sadness for Wess body, instead he threatened to make the murderer jump out and fight him. This is not a couple. After one of them suffered an accident, the other side reacted normally. On the contrary, his expression seemed to be as if he was taking on important responsibilities for no reason because of the death of Weiss."

"Important responsibility?" Taelan asked.

"This, I don't know."

The idiot shook his head and gave up on the question.

"Hehe, in that case, has Mr. Idiot also found out the real murderer of Miss Weiss?"

"……………………I know."

After a long time, the idiot nodded.

"Oh? So, who is it?"

Tailan's expression was a little expectant, like a child anxiously waiting for the end of the story. I saw the idiot turned his head, quietly looked at Andrew behind him, and slowly said——

"It's you. Captain Andrew Hayway. You, the real murderer who killed Weiss Strong."

Andrew was taken aback, and he burst into laughter with the idiot's words. The captain put the knife in his hand against his shoulder, and said to Tailan: "Interesting, really interesting, Master. I didn't expect that Mr. Idiot's guess was really good for me."

Taelan also laughed, as if he had heard a funny joke. After laughing, he asked, "Well, Mr. Idiot, how did you know it was him? Ah, be careful here. There are many thresholds, and we have to pass many doors."

At Taelan's reminder, the idiot passed the door. He sorted out the thoughts in his mind and said: "Because, when the blood rain incident happened, the captain once ran out of the room wearing only a pair of underwear. At that time, I noticed one thing. That is, you got from your pants pocket Take out a cross and pray."

Andrew touched his scum and smiled and said, "Of course. We are asking for life at sea, so naturally we hope to get more favor from the gods. Is my prayer wrong?"

"No. There is no problem with your prayers. The problem is your cross."


"Yes. But if you just look at the cross last night, you won’t see the problem. But during the day today, when we found Carroll’s body, you took the cross from your neck. At that time, on the cross. The necklace is already on, so it can be hung around your neck."

"At that time, I was thinking, since your cross can be hung on your neck. Where did the previous necklace go? Sure, it was broken. So, when did it break?"

"There was no answer to this question. But just two hours ago, I found a small fragment of a necklace among the skeletons in the princess' room. At that time, I suddenly realized."

Coming to the first floor of the stairs, the idiot followed Tailan down and continued--

"Presumably, Weiss, who you thought was strangled to death, did not really die. Just when you came to Walnut's door holding her, knocked on his door, and wanted to blame Walnut for the murder, Weiss Wake up again. At the moment after waking up, she tore off the cross on your neck. In panic, you finally killed her completely, but for those broken necklaces, you could not recover them all. One piece was picked up by Walnut who opened the door in a daze, and stuffed it into the skull's eyes."

Andrew secretly wondered as he listened. His admiration for idiots no longer needs to be modified with more tone. Right now, he laughed loudly and rubbed his nose.

"It's true that I killed the people, but I didn't expect to find so much information from such a small piece of necklace fragments. You are really amazing."

Taelan took out the key in her arms and opened a door, after which a musty smell came. After stepping in, the idiot realized that there were countless cells on both sides. And in these cells, those young girls were detained. The eldest of them looked only twenty-three or four years old, and the youngest was in his early ten. Most of the clothes are disheveled. His body was also full of whipping scars. After seeing Taelan coming in, these women all shrank inside the cage in fear, huddling each other, shaking.

"Mr. Idiot, since you have proven Captain Andrew's murder. Can you explain why the doll was hung up? Seriously, Andrew is not a person who can do such meticulous work."

The idiot glanced at the women in the cage. They looked like items waiting for customers to choose for others to visit. Taelan looked at the girls in the cages on both sides with a warm smile, and at the same time stepped forward and walked straight to the end of the corridor.

"........................The one who does those things is me."

It took a long time for the idiot to withdraw his gaze from those girls. His left hand tightened the bun even harder, and the little girl hugged the idiot's waist tightly, her big eyes both pitiful and frightened.

"It's you?"

Taelan looked a little surprised and stopped.


"Because it's fun."

The idiot said his words blankly.

"That night, when I heard the commotion outside, I ran out to look. As a result, I saw Walnut holding Weiss sucking blood. When the princess had finished eating and went to bed, I went forward and took a look. Sniff. As a result, we found that Wes was dead. I thought, anyway, she was already dead, so I would just use it for fun. So, I took her body out of the cabin and hung her on the hook. Because I think this is really like fishing with that hook crane. It feels very generous. Very interesting."

When the idiot spoke with a cold expression, he didn't seem to feel that his behavior was abnormal at all. But Andrew and Taelan next to each other glanced at each other, and the two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

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