Demon King Dad

: Deep in the dark labyrinth

037, the last truth sealed forever in the depths of the dark labyrinth

Huh... Huh

Idiot, raise your head.

At the moment he saw Xing Li, he paused for a while.

But soon, he pulled the coffin again and came to the cemetery. After turning a corner, he could see the tombstone in front of Xing Li.

It is a simple small monument, which only occupies a small space and does not cost much. There is only a rough flat stone on the tombstone, which is in sharp contrast with the tall tombstones around it.

The tombstone has not closed yet. In the place where the ashes were stored, there was an urn. But what was inside was not ashes, but... three bunches of hair. Two of them are tied tightly to each other.


The idiot put down the rope of the coffin and looked at Xingli. At this moment, Xing Li's eyes were streaming with tears.

Seeing this, the idiot thought for a while and walked to her side. Facing the three strands of hair in the urn, he slowly bent down and knelt in front of them on one knee. Lower your head...

"......You don't ask anything?"

Xingli wiped the corners of his eyes to wipe away the tears.


"Forget are such a person..."

Xing Li sighed, bent down, took the urn in both hands, and closed it. Afterwards, she grabbed a handful of soil and gently sprinkled it on the urn...

"This world needs justice."

Slowly...Xing Li opened her mouth--

"But if there is no power, justice is just a blank word."

The idiot was silent and lowered his head.

"They are the bravest knights... They are braver than those who slay the enemy bravely on the battlefield. Their actions undoubtedly deserve the title of Guardian Knight... But now..."

"But I can only bury them in this way..."

The bun also came out from behind the coffin. She looked at Xingli and then at the idiot. After thinking for a while, she walked slowly to the tombstone and knelt on her knees. Two small hands also grabbed two handfuls of soil and covered them.

Krauzer, who was scared because he was alone, also followed the very strange idiot to the cemetery. But after seeing the three people over there kneeling, he quickly hid behind a tombstone. Hearing Xing Li's words, thinking of the terrifying killings he experienced on the ship, he couldn't help but raise his head and sighed.

"......They will forgive you."

After a long time, the idiot grabbed a handful of soil and gently sprinkled it on the urn.

"It's not their lives that you end, but their pain. They know what a huge underworld organization they are facing. They have long been aware of death."

Xing Li nodded and sobbed. Afterwards, she leaned her head gently on the idiot's shoulder, and said quietly--

"Do you... know that I killed them...?"

The idiot did not answer, but after a long time, he nodded.

For this answer, Krauzer covered his mouth and almost screamed out in surprise.

"It's a pity...I... still haven't been able to fool you..."

"......You lied."

The idiot replied coldly.

"At least at the beginning, you deceived everyone. Even now, you still deceived Taelan and them. I only realized the truth of the matter a long time later."

" did you see through it later?"

".................. There are three things in this world that you absolutely cannot believe."

"One, beauty."

"Two, smile."

"Three, coincidence."

"And you, all three at one time. Later, I began to mention myself completely outside of this incident, and after looking at the incident as a pure bystander, the only conclusion I came to was you. This is the final truth."

The final truth? ? ?

Krauzer was stunned in the dark, completely incomprehensible.

What is the truth? Hasn't the truth been revealed?

The mystery of the missing Marquis on the train, the mystery of the death of Weiss on the first night of the ship, and the mystery of Carol's hanging upside down. Haven't all the mysteries been deciphered? ? ? Moreover, even the murderer himself has already admitted, this incident can be said to be completely over?

Everything is inferred perfectly, without the slightest flaw. Under such circumstances, what kind of mystery has not been revealed? The real murderer... this star? Rooney answered? What is going on...

Krause held his breath, trying to find the answer in his thoughts. But no matter what he thought, he couldn't solve these puzzles. So, he can only wait...waiting for the idiot over there to say the final answer


Idiot, did not say.

It was as if he had refused to explain it again, and it was as if his audience had already understood everything. He never said any more. Xingli leaned on his shoulder and only smiled slightly, watching the starry sky twinkling with the Milky Way together, slowly closing his eyes...

There is no explanation...and no answer.

The idiot only left this last question and buried it in his heart. He watched the sky with Xingli, always, always...

Until tears fell from the corner of her eyes again...

Until the worms around also sang sadness and joy...





"I'm now... the mission failed... I'm leaving..."

I don't know how long it took before Xing Li lifted his head from the idiot's shoulder.

She smiled at him and said--

"Although, I am not a soldier. However, I will work hard to earn more money to fund the Bucks' combat readiness. In order to prevent such unfortunate incidents from happening in the future, I am willing to bear the sins of this time. Xiaobai Sir, will you...will support me in the future?"

After a pause, Xing Li said again—

"Even if... we can't see each other again. You... can't return to the wind and blowing sand again... back to the stag...?"

The idiot did not hesitate, but directly nodded lightly.

After that, Xing Li smiled and glanced at the coffin again. She pulled up the ribbon and retracted into the skirt. The bare-footed sin angel slowly turned around, turned his back to the idiot, and slowly...disappeared in the cemetery...


Xing Li left.

It wasn't until the moment her figure disappeared that the idiot let out a long breath.

Next, he began to wait.

Quiet, like a sculpture, etc.

When the temperature around him dropped again, Krause, who was behind the tombstone, felt that his blood was about to clot.

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