Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 038, fall...or sublimation?

Until this moment...

The two figures appeared in the corner of the cemetery, and quickly walked towards the idiot.

"His Majesty."

"the host."

Krauzer secretly poked his head out from behind the tombstone, and the scene he saw surprised him and quickly covered his mouth.

Because they appeared there, two people were kneeling at the shameless idiot who didn't seem to have any martial skills...

No, to be precise, it can't be regarded as two people.

One of the black-haired golden pupils was about fifteen or sixteen years old. But behind this ordinary human appearance, there is a pair of black bone wings slowly retracted

The other is long light blue ponytail hair. From the sound of her voice, she seems to be female. She wore a bone-shaped mask on her face, and two blue rays of light pierced through the mask's pupils, which looked terrifying.

(My god, what did I run into?)

With just a glance, Krause was scared to death. He quickly retracted his head, holding the suitcase of magician props in his hands in horror. Perhaps he thought of something, he immediately opened the suitcase, took out a black cloak from it and put it on his head, wanting to borrow some cover from the night.

"Your Majesty, after receiving your letter from the port city, the slave girl and Lord Tolan flew over. But the ship that your Majesty took did not seem to fly towards the scheduled sleet. The slave girl has been looking for a long time at sea. At noon today, I found your Majesty the Virgin Mary on the edge of the city. I’m so late, I’m really... sorry.”

Mi Li looked very guilty, she lowered her head and looked depressed. However, the idiot sitting on the tombstone did not answer. He just nodded slightly, without speaking. Seeing that the idiot didn't mean anything to blame, Mi Li finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the bun was jumping around. She knows that your majesty does not care about anything. As long as the buns are safe, then even if there was a great danger in the past, it is nothing.

Tolan also stood up. He looked at the cemetery around him, and then at the coffin beside the idiot. After thinking about it, he said, "Master... now... is there any subordinate that can help you?"

A master, a majesty? He...he he he...what is he?

Krause was shrouded in his cloak, his legs trembling constantly. Successive questions also came to my mind unanimously.


At this moment, the idiot spoke suddenly.

Tolan was taken aback for a moment, took a step quickly and said: "Subordinates are here."

"Let's see if you can manipulate this person in the coffin and stand up again."

The idiot patted the coffin and said coldly.

After thinking for a while, Tolan stared at the coffin. After a moment, he shook his head and said helplessly: "I'm sorry...Master. Although...I think there should be a dead person lying there...but..."

"But what."

"But... this deceased's body seems to have a stronger force at work. With the power of his subordinates... he is not qualified to control such a powerful force..."

Dimie snorted coldly and laughed—

(Of course, if he can control even the person cursed by my fourth prison, then he is the boss, and I will give him the position of boss)

The idiot looked up and looked up at the stars. After hearing Tolan's words, Bun walked over and took the idiot's hand.


Dark eyes, staring at the sky.

The sigh that I did not know why was slowly exhaled from the mouth of the Demon Emperor...

After a long time, he finally seemed to have made up his mind, and opened the lid of the coffin, letting the stars and moonlight project into the coffin without hindrance. It also reflects the peacefulness of the walnut, like a sleeping walnut...


Dimming out of the sheath.

Xiao Bread was a little stunned when he saw the idiot's movements. But then, as if she understood, she stepped back slightly so that the idiot could walk directly to Walnut's coffin.

"the host……"

"His Majesty."

"That guy...what does he want to do? To someone who has died...what does he want to do?"

Under the beautiful starry sky, the idiot raised his left wrist, and Dimming instantly passed. Slowly, a thin hole began to appear on his wrist, and then, a red liquid flowed out of it.

"This is a curse."

The idiot moved his wrist to Walnut's pale lips, and let his blood drip into her mouth.

"But anyone has the right to choose."

The blood is flowing...the blood filled with the breath of "devil" flows into the walnut's mouth through the wound.

Under the infusion of blood, the wound on her neck began to heal slowly. The paper-like face also gradually recovered blood.

Idiots have no continuous supply. As he said, everyone has the right to choose. If you do not give them choices, you are forcing them to betray.

Therefore, when the wound on Walnut's neck was completely healed, and after a slight movement of her eyebrows, the idiot immediately retracted her wrist and covered it with her hand. At the same time, looking at the walnuts gradually awakening in the coffin.

Slowly... slowly...

Eyelashes, open.

And the first thing that came into these little chestnut eyes was the extremely clean full moon... it exudes a light brighter than the sun.

"I... this is... where...?"

Walnut was very weak, just a little blood couldn't satisfy her at all. Just said a few words, she was so angry that she would fall asleep again when she was tired.

"Walnut Doria Frihus."

The cold voice called her name.

Walnut opened her eyes hard again, and what she saw was the indifferent face of the idiot.

He...killed me...

With that dagger... cut my...

Walnut looked at the idiot, her memory did not deviate, but because she was too tired and too tired, she was struggling to barely maintain her spirit at this moment. She really didn't have the energy to brew the feeling of "this".


However, the pain in the throat and the hunger and thirst in the abdomen still made her feel a little emotional for the man in front of her. However, her eyes were unable to express any emotions, but she couldn't see her emotions at all.

"Now, you have a choice. Before facing a choice, you have the right to know the truth."

The idiot stood and said coldly--

"Your death has been deprived of me. Your life has ceased as early as the year you were seventeen. You can call yourself immortality or you can call yourself a living dead. It makes no difference."

"And the one who made you look like this is me. In the Shoumian Empire, you have been poisoned by swords and have no cure. As a last resort, I cursed you. I bound your life to me. Together. But the price is eternal darkness and never see the sun again."

The ensuing facts made Walnut a little dazed. She listened blankly and watched blankly. She was weak, so she couldn't have more reactions.

"That time, it was a last resort. But now, you have the right to choose."

"You are very weak now. In order to recover you, you have two options."

"The first is to maintain such a state and take good care of the injury. After a period of time, your body will automatically'heal'. If this is the case, you should still be a human being'simply unable to see the sun' and continue to live. Go on. As for your narcotics, it is an obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by stress and panic. As long as there is no stress, you will return to normal in time."

The bright moon is clear, silver with a little dark luster shining on this cemetery. Shine on Walnut's face and body. How incredible does Walnut feel about everything in front of him? Apart from him, how does Krauzer over there treat the resurrection of the dead, which completely subverts common sense?

"Secondly, I will continue to provide you with blood. This will allow you to recover as quickly as possible. But, if this is the case..."

In an instant, the idiot's right eye turned bright red. The chain on the right half of his body was also raised, demonizing his right half.

"My blood is demon blood. A small amount will not cause any problems. But if a large amount of demon blood is poured in, it may cause irreversible changes to your body. Moreover, this blood is very crazy. Once you don’t control it well, you will lose your mind and fight madly. In other words, once you accept my blood and my curse, you may no longer call it a human being. But a... a demon."

At the corner of Walnut's mouth, there was still a crystal of blood hanging. She stared at the demonized idiot in the right half blankly, and she didn't know what she was thinking about now. However, leaving aside Walnut for now, Dimie shouted at the idiot's decision.

(What? Human kid, you want to give to others the demon blood that I finally exchanged for you? Do you know how precious demon blood is? What you are doing now is like awarding a nation’s highest medal of honor to one It’s just that I don’t agree with the first passer-by who is observing the traffic rules. I firmly disagree. And, after you volunteered, don’t I have to work overtime for you to replenish it? You are squeezing my surplus value. You are evil. You are a good capitalist, but I have to bear the hard work?)

The idiot ignored Dim's roar. His right body regained his *human appearance, staring at the walnut in the coffin again, and said--

"Now, choose. Whether to continue to be a human or completely abandon the identity of a human being and become a demon that everyone shouts. If you are a human, you close your eyes. If you are willing to abandon it, you blink three times. Your own future, you decide for yourself."

I'm done. Next, all he needs is to continue to wait. However, in this waiting, Walnut kept his eyes open, neither closing nor blinking. Just stay open, looking at the idiot.

After a long time...

"The Virgin... Mary..."

Maybe it's just the last remaining strength. But Walnut still opened his mouth. But what he said made Krauzer, who was avoiding eavesdropping on the side, taken aback.



The idiot decided to tell the truth. At this moment, Little Bread raised the sign--

"Sister Walnut is just acting as a used role. The real bad guys are Captain Andrew and that nice elf. They are the underworld who specializes in buying and selling women."

Turn the sign and continue to write——

"Brother Oulge, Brother Carroll, and Sister Weiss are all knights of the Sixth Knights of the Bucks. Unfortunately, they were killed by them because of the investigation of this dark organization."

Walnut looked like a gossamer. After the brief introduction of the bun, she raised her eyes again and looked at the idiot——

"You...revenge...for my...knight...haven?...sent...bad"


Idiot, shook his head.

"You............plan to......regardless of......?"

This time, the idiot nodded.

There is nothing to hesitate. Walnut took a deep breath and blinked slowly.

She knew that idiots would not do things for the justice and justice of the world. He also knew that for the sake of loyalty and enthusiasm, he would never do some dangerous things that other young people might plunge into.

Yes, the idiot is calm enough. Calm and ruthless.

But she couldn't do it with Walnut.

Trafficking in women for profit...

In order to protect the secret, and kill the members of the Knights.

Even its power has reached the level that the mayor of a city can listen to his words. This can no longer be measured by a simple underworld organization.

This is a terrorist organization.

As long as it exists, someone is destined to encounter misfortune, and someone is destined to be sad and painful because of it.

Whether you say Walnut is a silly girl, or a silly girl who only knows justice all day long. Anyway, she has such a character. She also knew that she might not be able to change her life.

Justice and axiom...what a cliché this is?

But even the cliché is what every ordinary person desires and expects most. And as their the father's daughter

She must also do such old-fashioned things.

For this... she needs a lot of effort.

The idiot nodded, since Walnut has decided, then he will give back.

Right now, he put his left wrist in front of Walnut's lips again, letting blood drip into her lips.

At this moment, the originally silver-white moonlight seemed to slowly turn bright red. The worms that were still humming loudly all around died at the same time.

Gradually, Walnut's complexion began to become more and more rosy. Her closed eyes, which were about to be sleepy, began to slowly widen.

The devil blood entered her body, not only healing her body, but also transforming her body.

Gradually, the two canine teeth in her mouth began to grow and become pointed. The original chestnut hair that was full of sunlight scent, now slowly turned into dark red.

Finally, her eyes...

Those eyes...

Little by little, with the color of blood...

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