Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 039, Blood Contract

039, Blood Contract

Today must be a nightmare for Krause.

Yes, it is the worst nightmare

In this nightmare, not only are the dead resurrected, but there is also a person who turns into a demon out of thin air, and a person with terrible wings. Skeletons will even walk around.

"Goddess... is this dreaming? I must be dreaming... right?"

Under the cloak, Krause shivered with fright, quickly took out a decorative rose from his sleeve, and began to pick up petals reluctantly.

The blood-red moonlight disappeared.

The world returned to silvery white again.

The brilliant starry sky continues to illuminate the world, bringing silence...


One hand placed the edge of the coffin.

The hand belongs to the hand of a seventeen-year-old girl. The pink nails reveal luster, and the thin fingers and wrists reveal that she is a spoiled lady.

Slowly, a young girl sat up from the coffin.

The idiot wrapped his left hand wound and stepped away. The dark pupils stared at the reborn girl expressionlessly. Her head was like red hair soaked in blood, and her pupils were dripping with blood. Also, a bloodshot dripping from the corner of her mouth, and those red lips.

The throat that was originally cut has completely recovered at this moment, and there is no trace of damage on the pink skin. She looked at the sky and sat in the coffin. After a while, the girl finally turned her head and looked at the idiot next to her.

She walked out of the coffin.

The light body and the skirt swaying in the wind make her look a little different. The slender legs occasionally exposed from under the skirt have a **** taste that has never been seen before.


Barefoot, Walnut stepped on the mossy marble and came to the idiot.

She looked at him, staring tightly with those blood-red eyes. The bun next to him looked at the two nervously, not knowing what would happen next.

Walnut stared at the idiot. at last……

She raised her hand suddenly and slapped on the idiot's face

However, at the speed of walnut, even in today's blood loss, idiots will not be hit so easily. Just raising his left arm slightly, he blocked the palm of Walnut. Then, it was almost instinctive. The idiot's right hand protruded immediately, and it got stuck in Walnut's throat.

With a bang, Hu Tao's body hit the coffin heavily. She stared, just about to wave her left hand. But before her shoulders moved, her two hands were completely controlled by the idiot. The big palm grabbed her two small arms with one hand, and the remaining right hand was stuck again. Her neck forced her to fail.

And the next moment...


Walnut, cried.

"You bullied me from before to now. You will only bully me. You have done so many nasty things to me. When you didn't say a nice word to me, you forced me to become your person. You... … Oh oh oh... you bad guy, would you still chop my neck? If I won’t die, would you still chop me down? You bad guy, big bad guy, I hate you..."

Walnut suddenly struggled and began to resist the idiot's control. But seeing her like this, a touch of relief appeared on the idiot's face. The bun next to him was also patting his chest, and took a big breath.

"Huh, I thought the princess would become different from before."

Tolan also pressed his chest and gasped.

Mi Li shrugged and said: "If Princess Walnut is not so duplicity, then she is not Princess Walnut. Even with the blood of your majesty, she didn't say that her character would definitely change."

Here, the idiot saw Walnut constantly struggling, and after thinking about it, let go of her hand. Walnut was taken aback, and immediately after she got out of trouble, she grabbed the idiot's left hand. But after seeing the wound on his left wrist, she tilted her head for a moment, then gave up and grabbed the idiot's right hand again. After that, she opened her mouth with a whimper and bit his arm directly.

The idiot did not speak either, but let her bite. Walnut bit and watched the idiot's reaction. After seeing that his face was still indifferent, he finally snorted, let go, and pushed the idiot away.

"Just now, after I paid you back, if you dare to bully me, although I can't beat you, I can bite you and scratch you. Anyway, I and you... You and my life are tied together, you I will remember everything that bullies me, and then there will be a day in the future if you find a chance to retaliate, you will remember it to me"

The idiot kept his face sullen, looking at the bite mark with two sharp holes on his arm. Reached out and rubbed it. Little Bread took a big breath and raised the sign in his hand——

"Sister Walnut, from now on, will my sister be bound to Ba Ba forever? Soul and life. 》

Walnut was too angry and excited before, so she didn't think for a while what it meant to be bound to the life of an idiot. Now that Xiao Bread emphasized once again, embarrassing scenes immediately appeared in her mind.

Life sharing? So... does that mean... not only form... but in essence, he is the only man in my life? I will...only with him...only with this this kind of thing...and that kind of thing...then...then...being...

Walnut's face grew redder and she lowered her head, her hands tightly tugging on her skirt. However, it was like a day when a volcano was suppressed for too long and finally erupted, just when Walnut poked out her head, wanting to see her bowed expression...

"Ahhhhhhhhh, hate, hate who is bound to your life? I...I'm not happy I warn you, idiot, although...Although I relied on you to save me, you also cut me , So all I owe you have been paid off. I am not allowed to miss me because of our special relationship. I... I... life is the most annoying."

In order to conceal his really red face, Walnut immediately turned around and was about to rush outside the cemetery. Seeing this scene, Tolan rushed over and stopped in front of her, saying: "Your Royal Highness, please stay. Where do you want to go?"

Walnut snorted, but didn't dare to let her blushing face face Tolan, so she said, "I...I'm going to catch the bad guys on the Virgin Mary, dare to use me to kill people, and they kill It's a villain like the knight of our country... such a villain..."

Thinking of myself on the boat, I was devastated several times. She won't be angry. Especially after knowing that in order to subvert this underworld organization, Wes was willing to dedicate her life to it again, but the handsome elves killed her and Ouge, the hard-working couple personally, and she hated her teeth. , I secretly vowed in my heart that these human traffickers and social malignant tumors must not be indulged in the continued existence of this world, and they must be pushed to the trial seat and imprisoned.

After all, Walnut didn't look back at the idiot, but rushed out of the cemetery and disappeared into the night. Mili looked at the distant walnuts and asked if she wanted to chase them, but the idiot did not respond. Instead, he dragged the coffin to the border of the cemetery.

Luck — Luck — Luck —

However, his footsteps stopped beside a tombstone. The line of sight was also aimed at an area covered by the black cloak. For a long time, staring at... No way, is it...Is it discovered? How to do? I must have been discovered

Under the cloak, Krause's hands were already shaking. This also made the cloak tremble. He shrank inside, hugged each other, and prayed nervously.

However, the idiot didn't say anything. After watching for a while, he pulled up the coffin again and moved it out of the cemetery. After that, Mili and Tolan didn't say anything, and followed. Just when Krause let out a big breath, thinking that his life was finally saved, suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder.

"Wow, **** the villain, **** the villain, and the villain shouldn’t overhear, nor should you peek, please uncle, your lord has a lot, please spare the villain”

In panic, where does this magician have any dignity? He opened his cloak and began to bow his head and worship the man behind him, begging for mercy.


However, what came in front of him was the laughter of a little girl. Krauzer was taken aback, raised his head, and saw Little Bread squatting in front of him with a smile, seemingly very useful to Krauzer's worship.

"You... are you... bread?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Bread giggled. Afterwards, she pressed her hand on the ground, and when she lifted it up, there was a sharp knife made of marble in her hand.

"Wow, ah, goddess, the goddess of mercy, the goddess of mercy, the youngest will never dare to mess with the hostess again. I am a pet in the house, a toy of yours. Please trample on me, please beat me as long as you can spare the little A life, even if you lick your toes to the owner, it can be just like before. The small ones can also be used as cushions, pillows, or even stones for the feet. The punching bag when it doesn’t go well, I beg you for forgiveness. Villain"

Bread didn't expect that just making a short knife could scare the magician into this. She froze for a moment, wrote a few pens on the sign, and held up—

"Do I look good? 》

Seeing this sign, the expression on Krause's face was beyond description. He began to kowtow desperately, bang bang bang, ping pong on the ground.

"How can you not be the master? It's the villain who is born to be small and self-sufficient. After being taught, he will be happy. The owner is completely reluctant to help the small. It is the greatest honor in this life to be able to lick the toes for the mistress. "

Bun was stunned. Seeing this magician who kept kowtow at her, she became a little scared. She lowered her head and looked at her toes. Hide it in your shoes. But when I think about it, my toes will be licked by this person...


A chill immediately rose from the back of Little Bread. She yelled, dropped the knife quickly, ran towards the idiot in fear, and threw it into his arms. Only Krause, who was frightened and faceless, was left here. He was obviously too frightened, and he didn't dare to sit up until the idiots had completely left. At that moment, he felt weird in his crotch, and he touched it with his hand...



Idiots certainly don't care about walnuts.

Regardless of her thousands of ways, it's not just stepping forward to stop her. Sometimes it is more convenient and efficient to wait in place.

Upon waking up, the first thing the idiot saw when he opened his eyes was the darkness in the room. The curtains were well drawn, and the slightest sky could not be seen. And look at the coffin placed in the center of the room, the lid that was originally opened, but it has already reconciled.

The idiot got out of bed and slowly pushed open the coffin lid. Inside, there was a scene of the walnut cart lying in it, slumbering.


Little Bread got out of bed and came to the idiot. She rubbed her eyes and screamed excitedly after seeing the walnuts inside. With this scream, Lang Ran also woke up Walnut.

"Hmm... so noisy... I dare to just start sleeping..."

Walnut was still somewhat delirious. The red hair is draped over the shoulders, and the sleeping position gives people a dreamy feeling. But soon, she remembered her situation again and quickly opened her eyes. But this time...


The idiot pushed up the lid of the coffin and shut her inside.

"Hey, open, bullied me again, you wait for me, I will never let go of your big idiot"

The idiot ignored these threats, brushing his teeth and washing his face. The bread was originally squatting next to the coffin with great interest, but it didn't take long for the idiot to come out and push the girl to brush her teeth and wash her face, ready to have breakfast. And until Xing Li came and said good morning to the idiot...

"Let me out, you idiot open the door for me"

Hearing the sound coming from the coffin, Xingli pulled open and saw the walnut suddenly sitting up inside. In the next moment, her expression was dull, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was frozen. Soon, her body softened and she fell down...




"This... it's just... incredible"

Ten minutes later, Walnut no longer knew how to express his feelings. She kept touching Walnut's hand, feeling the temperature from her palm.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? My mission...has not failed???? At that that time obviously..."

Now, the idiot is drinking porridge, and the small bread is also lowering her head to chew on her spicy cabbage. Regarding Walnut's matter, the two of them looked completely irrelevant, and they all pushed Walnut to deal with by themselves.

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