Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 040, artificial nightmare

040, artificial nightmare

Walnut was a little at a loss and didn't know how to explain it. It was impossible to tell the truth, she didn't want to make her current situation public. After rolling her eyes, she said urgently--

"That...that's just a very common trick...yes, it's like a magic trick. Me and the idiot were just teaming up to perform a magic trick."


Xingli thought for a while, and said seriously——

"What kind of magic has such a profound effect? ​​What is the principle?"

Walnut was a little anxious. Of course she knew that Xing Li was not that good, so she turned her eyes to the idiot and Bread for help. Unfortunately, these two people knew better than her how difficult it was to deceive Xing Li. So one simply buried his head in the bowl, and the other closed his eyes while chewing on the spicy cabbage, looking very enjoyable. Kick this problem back to Walnut himself.

"That... that... how can the magician's secret without comment be easily revealed?"

"Well, what happened later? Then I touched the princess's snort, but your heartbeat stopped completely. Is this also magic?"

"This, this...this is the medicine. I took a medicine that can stop the heartbeat temporarily. That is the medicine, which is similar to the fake death medicine used in the love opera of "Romi and Julie"."

Xingli sank her face, the color in her eyes clearly showed her suspicion.

"Fake death medicine? So, what is the preparation method of the prescription. Who invented it, whether there are side effects, and how did you get it."

If you tell a lie, you have to make up for it with countless lies. And those lies used to make up will lead to more lies. Finally, until out of control.

In front of Xingli, Walnut's lies could not do any good at all. After a few questions, she was thoroughly questioned. The embarrassed Walnut looked at the muffled porridge idiot next to him and the bread that was gnawing at the cabbage. Then he realized that the best way to deal with Xingli was obviously not to lie to her with words, but to tell her. Ask three questions, be dumb. In this way, although it will cause a lot of suspicion, as long as it is used well, the other party will always only stay at the initial stage of suspicion.

"You... why do you ask so much? I am a princess. Do I have to report everything to you?"

Walnut was in a hurry, and finally had no choice but to use his assassin.

However, thinking of her own princess status, she couldn't help but think of her brother. Thinking of that day, Mu Du was protecting Xing and angrily shouted "Fuck you monster" to himself.

"Yes... I am a princess... I... a princess..."

Walnut sobbed, opened his mouth, and inhaled. Two small fangs were exposed, er, white and clear, like white jade.

"Even my brother doesn't care about me... you... what qualifications do you have... to take care of me?"

Xing Li was taken aback, then lowered his head. The idiot continued to drink the porridge with his head down, as if to embed his entire face in the bowl. Little Bread looked at Xingli and Walnut hesitantly, trying to show something, but didn't dare.


"You are wrong, princess."

Tolan and Mili suddenly opened the door and walked in. It was Mili who spoke.

"On the contrary, now that the King of Bucks can't control you, only Earl Rooney can control you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Just to protect you. In order to complete the task, she killed three people with her own hands. In those terrifying five days and four nights."

Xing Li was silent, not knowing how to explain it. Walnut tilted his head, blinking those red eyes, and was puzzled.

(Dark out.)

(What did you call me suddenly?)

(Your blood seems to be of the same level as chicken blood.)

(Human kid, what do you mean)

(It is completely useless for intellectual development.)

(By stinky boy)

Regardless of the various defenses in the idiot's mind for the difference between his blood and chicken blood, let's talk about the honey pear here. Seeing Walnut's doubts, she couldn't help but gain a little advantage in her heart. Sure enough~~~ Even if you get the magic blood, walnuts are still walnuts, they can't become almonds

"Actually, after the princess escaped from Fengchuansha, do you know what happened in Fengchuansha?"

After thinking about it for a while, Walnut asked in a low voice, "Could it brother...he started looking for me with fanfare?"

"On the contrary. His Majesty Mudu did not call you, and still presides over the affairs of the state, without being affected at all."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Walnut's expression dimmed immediately. But the next sentence surprised her instantly.

"The reason why the Bucks King didn’t make any search moves was entirely because he knew everything. Knowing that you have run away, knowing that you got on the train. Knowing that you escaped the wind and blowing sand. And, he also knows that he is by your side. There is a very trustworthy warrior who will guard you at all times. It is precisely because of the presence of that warrior that King Bucks can be so relieved."

Speaking of warriors, Xing Li couldn't help turning his head to look at the idiot over there. But at this time, Mi Li came over, hugged her head, and turned her attention to another person——

Xingli? Rooney answered.

"It's you………………?"

Xing Li smiled softly. At this moment, she had nothing to hide, so she exhaled and said--

"Princess. In fact, at first I asked me to follow you and protect you secretly, it is your Majesty. Your brother..."

Walnut covered her face and couldn't believe the fact: "No... it's impossible, brother, he... he hates me because... because of me... apricot she... apricot..."

"Indeed, because of Princess Apricot's sudden blindness, Your Majesty Mu Du lost control of his emotions. Under the circumstance that no one can blame him, he will send all his grievances to you."

Xingli paused for a while, and continued--

"But in fact, you are still your majesty's sister, and your majesty still loves you."

"You also know that your Majesty is usually relatively dull. To put it ugly, he is not so clever. After the incident, your Majesty also thought about coming to apologize to you, but at that time, your various mental conditions seemed extremely Oops, this made your majesty unable to speak. However, as you are becoming more and more haggard, your majesty thought about it, and finally decided to send someone to follow you to protect you."

"After selection, Your Majesty seems to think that I am the most suitable candidate. Therefore, I was found secretly."

"Princess, maybe, you think that no one knows that you secretly left the palace and got on the magic train that night. However, I have been following you in secret. After seeing you in the car, I immediately went to report Your Majesty, let your Majesty decide. Do you know what your Majesty said at that time?"

"My brother... what did he say?"

"Your Majesty said, so far, he doesn't know what kind of face he should use to face you. So now he decided to let you leave, which is considered to go out for relaxation. And I, also in the name of relaxation, got on the car together."

Walnut opened his mouth wide, completely speechless. Regarding this incident, Xing Li smiled, looking at the idiot who had already embedded his face in the bowl and was figuring out how to pull it out, and smiled: "There are three things in this world that you cannot believe. Beautiful. People, smiles, and coincidences. Presumably, I was so'coincidentally' that day and you got in the same car with the princess, I must have been suspected long ago?"

Walnut squeezed his hands, lowered his head, and thought for a while. After that, her emotions suddenly became excited

" are responsible for protecting me? Since you are responsible for protecting me...why...why were I...when I him...where are you? "

In the room with no sunlight, only the anger of walnut came.

In response to this, Xing Li lowered his head, with a trace of apology on his face...

"Sorry, princess... After seeing you in the car, I went to report to your majesty. So during that time, you were indeed in a state of unprotected. When I came back, I saw something like that with you. At that time, I really...even suicidal."

"What's the use of suicide? If you are...if you are...I...may be able to stop me...stop me...kill him..."

Sucking blood to kill is an eternal pain in Walnut's heart. Although she has accepted the devil blood now, in her heart, she is still the walnut. The silly walnut shouting justice and love all day long.

"Do not."

Xingli's calm way--

"It was not you who killed Vivienne Goodsay. It was me."

The room became silent again. The idiot touched his face to take a bowl and kept trying to peel it off.

"After I got in the car, I came to confirm your safety as soon as possible. In order to make me appear less deliberate, I also specially asked my sister to come with me. However, when I was about to knock on the door, I planned to use the wrong room as an admission When confirming your condition, the door suddenly opened."

"Afterwards, Marquis Vivienne Goodsay appeared in front of me with a weak expression, holding his throat."

"At that time, the Marquis of Goodsay was naked. His expression looked terrified, as if he saw something terrifying. Judging from the blood on the ground, he seemed to crawl to the door and open it with difficulty. By the door."

"At the moment he saw me, Marquis Goodsay was stunned for a moment. Then, he grabbed me as if looking at a savior and pointed at his broken, speechless throat and you in the room. Following his fingers, what I saw in the room was bloody, naked you looked like you passed out. At that time, I suddenly... was in a daze. I thought of now that he was seriously injured and beside him No one else. If you say...if he just died like this..."

"So, I killed him."

"Use my silk scarf to pierce a really deadly blood hole in his throat. I admit that at that time, I lost my mind. I no longer know whether I killed the Marquis of Goodsay to avenge you... or It was purely for my own sake...until my sister...until she told me that your body was not violated, that I finally recovered and let go."

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