Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 041, the miracle of the ghost

041, the miracle of the ghost

"But what happened after that became a little troublesome. If news of the death of the Marquis of Goodsay comes out, and the princess, you are naked in the same room with him, it will definitely affect your reputation in the morning. So. , I thought about disposing of the corpse. But before I could figure out a way, the train had started. As a last resort, I could only wipe off the blood on the doorknobs and lights to annihilate him and he did not die instantly after being attacked. , But the fact that he lived for a while. Close the door again. Because it must be the princess who attacked him. If you wake up and find that the corpse is missing, it will cause you even greater panic, and you will also doubt the room There has been a third person, which makes you feel more senseless."

Walnut covered her mouth, looked at Xingli, then looked at the idiot over there. At this moment, the idiot finally took the bowl off his face. He put the bowl on the table very seriously, raised his face covered with rice grains, and looked at the walnut very seriously.

"You know the facts afterwards. Originally, I wanted to see you on the grounds of'inadvertently discovering what you did, and helping you deal with the dead body in order to protect you.' In this way, I can also intervene in a fair manner. Dealing with corpses can also give you a "companion", and the pressure of killing can be reduced a lot.

"But what I didn't expect was that you would take the lead in disposing of the corpse yourself. But in this way, I would have no reason to talk to you, and I would not be able to share the pressure you created after the murder."

Bun took a mirror and handed it to the idiot with a smile. The idiot looked at his face covered with rice grains in the mirror, and then raised his hand very seriously, and began to stuff the rice grains on his forehead into his mouth.

"The above is the first homicide. In this incident, you did not kill. At most, you just hurt. The real murder and the intention to frame you are precisely me, this unqualified protector... "

Walnut took a breath, and after thinking about it, she said blankly: "Then...then...then two incidents on the ship...what happened?"

Xing Li closed her eyes and let herself sort out her thoughts. After that, he said slowly—

"I killed the two people on the boat."

"His Royal Highness, do you remember that someone put the body in front of your cabin and knocked on the door that night?"

"I... I remember... what happened?"

"Actually, it was me who knocked on the door."

Walnut whimpered and covered her mouth again.

"Actually, there was one place that happened that night that was very unnatural. That was the way the corpse appeared. Princess, have you ever thought that if the person was really killed by Andrew or Taelan, then why did they want the corpse? Hang up and appear in such an exaggerated manner?"

Walnut looked at the idiot and saw that he was scraping rice grains on his face with a spoon. Then Walnut shook his head.

"Because of...interest?"


Xing Li shook his head--

"For the murderer above the sea, after killing a person, if there is no special purpose, then the best way to destroy the evidence is to throw the body into the sea. So that night, Andrew took advantage of the dark night, secretly holding Wei Si's body came out of the room, trying to throw the body into the sea."

"At that time, I was in the dark. When I saw Andrew carrying Weiss out, I thought it was very strange. But when I saw the mark on Weiss' neck, I knew it was not good. To verify Weiss Is it really dead? I tricked Andrew away with a little trick, and secretly checked the condition of Weiss."

"To be honest, Wes took a lot of sleeping pills at that time, and there was a little suffocation. Maybe the murderer hoped to ensure her death, so he also cut her throat. At that time, she still had a breath. , But I definitely won’t live long. But at that time, I decided to try to save it, so I knocked on the door of your princess’s room nearby, hoping to do some emergency treatment."

"However, after I knocked on the door, Andrew, who was led away by me, came back early. No way, I had to run away and pester him again. Because he is the captain, and this is the sea. All the sailors on this ship listened. He commands. Even if you are a princess, I am afraid that the emperor is far away from the sky, and now the territory of the Dark Deer Empire does not belong to the stag, and it may not be able to suppress him. Originally I thought the princess, after you opened the door and saw Wes, you would immediately think Ways to induce vomiting or artificial respiration for her. But..."

At this point, Walnut was silent.

"But...not only did I not save people...but...but...and..."

The silence lasted for a while. Xingli sighed and continued to say after the idiot scraped all the rice grains off his face.

"At that time, I got rid of Andrew and came back. But what I saw in front of me was you, who passed out because of drinking a lot of blood containing sleeping pills, and Weiss who was so angry. At that time, Weiss was definitely unable to survive. After thinking about it, I decided to send you back to the room, and then came outside the cabin with Weiss, who was about to be breathless. Then, I decided to end her pain and kill her completely."

Walnut let out a "whoop", her eyes blank.

Xingli said without expression: "After killing her, I began to think about how to deal with the corpse. But at that time I didn't know the true identity of Wes, and I didn't know why Andrew wanted to kill her. If I reported Andrew, then Whether he will attack in groups is a big question. However, I will never let him throw the body into the sea and destroy the body."

"After thinking for a while, I decided to let the corpse appear in a very strange way. It was to drop her on the hook. This way, it can serve two purposes."

"First, it can be clearly informed that someone on the ship died, and, obviously, it was a homicide. The murderer was on the ship. Let everyone be vigilant.

"Secondly, it was also to frighten Andrew. Let him know that everything he did was not unknown, and someone had witnessed everything secretly. That was to make him smarter, stop playing tricks, and walk quietly. Finish this flight."

"However, this behavior still produced two small mistakes."

"The first minor mistake was that something happened to me the night Weiss was killed."

"Maybe you don’t know the princess? Actually, there was a magic show in the restaurant that night. In the final performance, the magician invited me to come on stage. Then, in an instant, I changed into a set surrounded by flowers. The skirt made up. Then, it disappeared in an instant."

"How the magic was done, I don't know. However, I don't know if the magician's technique was too rough or too nervous. He accidentally took off the floral dress and was behind me. A small flower was left. Because the color of that small flower is very similar to the color of my Sogera dress, maybe Xiao Bao and Mr. Bai thought it was the decoration on my dress, so they ignored it. But it was this one. Xiao Hua, something went wrong with my plan."

"Because it was behind me, I never noticed it. But when I carried Weiss' body on the stormy deck outside, the little flower behind me was caught in the middle of her skirt by accident. At that time, the rain was pouring outside, and the little flower began to fade. Naturally, I didn’t notice it, so I just hung up Weiss’ body. So, the little flower faded under the rainstorm and stained Weiss’s skirt. Unnatural blood stains."

"It wasn't until the next day when we found the body of Weiss that I noticed the strangeness on her dress. I hurriedly looked at yesterday's dress and found that it was really colored. So from then on, I stopped I wear yesterday’s dress. But if I only change clothes for one day, it will be very conspicuous, so I change clothes every day these days. I changed almost all the clothes in the closet."

"That, that was the first small mistake I made. It was the fake flowers dyed red. I believe that when the fake flowers between the skirts were found when examining Wes’s body, the magician must be very panicked, right? Maybe he will steal the fake flower soon and ruin it."

Walnut swallowed her saliva, and when the idiot was rubbed with a towel while holding a towel, she said, "So...the second...wrong?"

"The second mistake is blood."

"In front of your room, Weiss's blood was splattered everywhere. I was so busy sending the body to the deck to hang it, and there was no time to eliminate the trace. So, Andrew saw it."

"Maybe Captain Andrew couldn't find the corpse at that time, he must be very alarmed. Seeing the blood on your door, you can imagine how worried he was that the corpse was in your room. However, your door was locked, and for the male Princess Deer, he can't really force it. In desperation, he can only clean the blood on the door and the floor. And I was in the corner watching him return to my room after cleaning up some of these. Just hid back."

"Because of this mistake, I'm afraid Andrew thought his murder was already known to the princess. That's why it led to the next second murder."

"Carroll was seeing the death of his companion. As a member of the Sea Lion Knights, he immediately realized that he was probably killed by Andrew, who was a criminal. So he started paying attention to Andrew during the day and was preparing to search for evidence. But Andrew more or less guessed that Carroll was an undercover agent, so he didn't do it, and he didn't stop. The two men merged at around 4pm on the third day."

"Princess, do you remember the shadows of the swords and swords when you saw Andrew rushing into the room? Maybe you were in a trance, but the other person at that time was indeed Andrew. And the moment he rushed into your room, Taelan Suddenly, he inserted a syringe into his body. I guess that the liquid should be a strong sleeping pill in a lethal dose."

"Next, you drank Carol's blood again in a daze, and you were numb at the same time. You got involved twice in a row, causing you, me, Mr. Xiaobai, and Little Bread to immediately become the next targets. . In order to divert attention, I planned an action again. I decided to overthrow their suspicions in one go."

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