Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 042, just...human

042, just... human

"I took out Carol's body when I entered the Walnut room. Of course, when the princess fell asleep and the other two were deliberately led away by me. I cut his throat and took blood. To prevent I could tell from the tooth prints that it was a woman’s tooth print, and I bit it again with a skeleton. Then, taking advantage of the heavy rain, I hung Carol’s body upside down on the main sail and brought the blood to the two cabins. Side, take out a little separately, put it in a bag, and hang it on the cabin window."

Hearing this, Walnut was suddenly shocked and cried out--

"Wait...Wait a that blood rain?"


"Then... Then say..."


Xing Li smiled--

"The book "Legend of the Demon Sea" is nowhere in the world. The adventurer George is just a fictional character. The ghost ship fleet is even more imaginary. Everything is just my lie."

"The ghost ship blood-eating incident that I mentioned in the restaurant is to move this matter closer to the supernatural incident. As time goes by, the **** bags are slowly being filled by the rainstorm outside. It began to overflow. The red liquid slid down from the glass, and it looked like it was raining blood outside. This action obviously worked, let Mr. Bai know through the cross that the murderer was Andrew. And, give it back. I created an unexpected convenience."

"Magic Krauzer's box. It is full of dyes. When he fled downstairs, the door was open, anyone could get in and out."

"Next, it's the main event. I woke up the next morning and two blood-red seal formations were firmly sealed on the door. When the door could not be opened, everyone naturally ran into Carroll's door. Everyone was panicked at that time, no one noticed who was or who was there. At that time, I was already wearing Carol's clothes, applying makeup with paint, and lying in the room."

"The door can be locked from the inside, so I don’t need a key. I put the key of the cabin door above the door and it will fall as soon as I open the door. According to my script, everyone knocked the door open, but when approaching me Triggering the mechanism, thick fog began to emit from under my body."

"It's just a small mist improvement device. It's not uncommon. After everyone exits, the only thing I have to do is to get up, then hide in the bathroom, change clothes, and wipe off. Paint. At this time, the ghost ship incident that I mentioned yesterday began to have an effect. Since the previous two incidents were the same as the story, when everyone saw the corpse disappearing from the room, they immediately thought of checking the mainsail. Then , I just have to wait until everyone has left and then come out. Walk along the opened door to the deck and pretend to be one of the people who have been found."

"So, if you didn't use the key exchange method that Mr. Xiaobai said, then only the last person who appeared at that time was the one who designed the game. Obviously, I was the last one to arrive at the time, so I It’s the layout person."

"After this incredible double secret room, I successfully transferred Andrew and Taelan’s suspicion of us on the Virgin Mary, a ghost ship that never existed. If it weren’t for the subsequent deaths of the two companions, Ouge finally endured it. Don’t stop, I start to jump out and want to say everything in front of you, princess, maybe, we can reach the shore without incident, and get off the boat safely. And you don’t need to play that scene and get wiped. One cut."

All things are finally revealed now.

In this night of killing, Walnut knew that he hadn't killed anyone. After all, it is just a chess piece used by various people to form various "games".

However, she finally didn't kill anyone...



The care of loved ones can sometimes dispel any pressure and misfortune.

When she learned that Mu Du didn't really hate herself, but used his unique way to care for herself, the long-standing pressure in Hu Tao's heart was finally dispelled, and her face was smiled again. The blood-red pupils also exude a brilliance that belongs to her

"Okay, I decided"

Walnut slapped **** the table with both hands and said loudly—

"Even if it is to repay my brother, in order to avenge the three knights, I must destroy this underworld organization that is willing to come with me, raise my hand"

Walnut is full of interest, but...

Xing Li just smiled, hands hanging down. The idiot who is stuffing the leftover porridge from the bowl into his mouth certainly won't do it. It is self-evident how Tolan and Honey Pear would make other breads.

No one answered, Walnut's raised hand just froze in the air. Her eyes looked awkward, her mouth half open, and the two small fangs now embedded in her mouth looked a little ridiculous.

"You... why don't you... have no sympathy at all? Not only do you have no compassion... even... you don't even have hatred for evil forces?"

Xing Li smiled and shook his head: "Princess, it's not that I want to say something bad. It's really not feasible. The other party's influence, scope, and power are not clear. My main task now is to protect you. , Rather than destroying the underworld. Even if you want to destroy it, you must wait until you are safe to return to the wind and sand before a dedicated knight can take charge."

"you you……"

Walnut looked at Xingli and was so speechless for a while. After a long time, she held out a sentence--

"I...I don't need protection anyway...I won't..."

Halfway through the conversation, Walnut suddenly stopped. She couldn't explain to Xingli that she would not "die" such a thing. Just subconsciously, she swallowed the last word into her stomach. But Xingli didn't care, she looked at Walnut curiously, and began to ask "Nothing?". Walnut sullen, and after looking left and right, she finally decided to throw the problem to the idiot.

"Idiot will agree with me, right? With...the relationship between the two of will...must..."

Walnut looked at the idiot and asked for help. The idiot is holding the bowl and looking at her. After hearing Walnut's help, his head swayed from side to side. then……

Once again, plunged into the bowl in his arms.

"Idiot...? Idiot"

"Mr. Xiaobai"


The shouting went away.

Accompanied by the sound of smashing dishes, the idiot's body slipped from the seat and fell to the ground.

The surrounding voices gradually disappeared, and the originally clear world became blurred at this moment.

Finally, all senses disappeared.

The world is also plunged into darkness...


how long……?

how long…………

In the gloomy darkness, idiots floated in it.

The surrounding "space" is sticky, like silence in a dark swamp.

Can't move, can't breathe.

The only thing I can feel... is the heartbeat in my chest. as well as……

The black aura that burst out suddenly in the darkness, with extremely powerful power, centered on the idiot, spread out to the surroundings.


Open your eyes.

Ordinary room, ordinary ceiling...

And yourself.


"are you awake?"

The curtains were open, and silver moonlight was cast from the window, shining on a young girl leaning against the table, peeling apples...

There was a soft halo on her body, and the slight smile at the corner of her mouth made the idiot think that she had seen the most beautiful angel in the world...

"The doctor said that you fainted suddenly because of a severe blood loss and did not pay attention to self-care. Did you know? Almost half of the blood in your body has been removed. What happened to you that caused you to suffer such a severe Blood loss?"

Xing Li stood up, walked to the bed with the peeled apple, and sat down. Her blond hair hung softly on her shoulders, and it was even more hazy when illuminated by the moonlight.

The idiot stared at Xingli, and after a moment, he turned his head and looked in his arms.

Bun is lying in his arms, chewing tears in his eyes, pulling his clothes tightly, snore. Seeing this girl, the idiot couldn't help but stretched out her hand and touched her hair lightly.

"Our iron man finally has a fragile moment~~~"

Xing Li smiled, pinched an apple with his hand, and passed it over.

The idiot didn't open his mouth, but looked at her. Xing Li pursed his lips and lay down on the bed, supporting his body and looking at the idiot. At the same time, she put the apple in her mouth and took a bite, then put him on the idiot's lips.


"Doesn't you dislike what I have eaten..."

In the moonlight, the Xingli faint tunnel almost close at hand.

Finally, the idiot opened his mouth and ate the half of the apple. Listening to the crisp rustle in the mouth, tasting the sweet taste, swallowed.

"Good boy, obedient. Come, get a piece."

Xingli picked up the apples in the basin and fed the idiot piece by piece. It wasn't until all the apples entered the idiot's mouth that she straightened up and prepared to get out of bed.



For an idiot, a word has just come out. Xing Li's fingers were already well on his lips, and he stopped all the rest of his words.

The two looked at each other, only speechless and silent.

Facing the idiot's black pupils, Xingli's golden eyes appeared pure and full of unfathomable depth. After blocking the idiot's words, her fingers slowly lifted up and shook gently. The smile in his eyes is kind. She got out of bed, picked up the fruit bowl, and just before leaving the room, she finally turned her head and smiled at the idiot—

"The princess, because of your illness, was unable to act during the day, but she rushed out to find a doctor. She was making medicine and taking your temperature. Now she is still helping you see the medicine stove. I will call them, you want Be nice to them, you know?"

After speaking, her smile bloomed again. With the tenderness left behind, she turned around and left the room...

………………In the mouth, there is still that sweet and sour refreshing.

In her nose, she seemed to be able to smell the scent of shampoo on her hair.

The idiot closed his eyes, immersed in his own dark world, meditating...

(Xingli? Rooney replied. A human who can't be guessed at all.)

In the darkness, the blood pupil slowly opened and looked at the door.

(In terms of a human level, her "excellence" can no longer be described in pure words. Moreover, even I can't even see what she is thinking.)

(I admit that human psychological concepts are indeed very interesting. Treacherous, cunning, conspiracy, trickery, deception, and frame-up, all of these can lead to negative emotions, and at the same time make the intellectual struggle between humans sublimate to a pleasing Degree. I enjoy this "watching" process. But this is the first time, but I feel that I don't appreciate humans very much.)

(Human kid, you once said that the three things of beautiful people, smiles and coincidences are the most unbelievable, right? Then I ask you, for the last straight crime of this beautiful beauty, you also believe How many of them?)


(Yes. I am sure that the book "Legend of the Demon Sea" is indeed her fiction. She did set up those institutions. But in various key plots, does she really tell the truth?)

(Vivienne Goodsey was killed. The only thing you can prove right now is that there was a third person in the room at that time. But you have no evidence that she killed Goodsey. The same, She said that in order to relieve the pain of Wes and Carroll, she personally killed them. But this is only her family's words, from beginning to end, you have no evidence to prove that all this is true.)

(From the fact that the bearded captain didn’t change his expression after seeing Xingli, he probably hadn’t seen Xingli at all in those two nights. Since he hadn’t seen it, naturally no one could prove that he was still there. What happened. Moreover, she said that she left the cabin on the stormy night and headed to the deck again and again. But...)

(You live in the same room with her, but you have never seen her soaked all over. Although it cannot be ruled out that she takes a shower and changes her clothes quickly, but she gets soaked in the rain so often, and you have never seen her once , This is too weird, right?)

(There is no evidence, no physical evidence. There is no evidence of the situation, and nothing. Only she knows whether what she did is exactly the same as what she said. Even the evidence of the flower can prove only It means that she is carrying Wes on her back. But it is impossible to explain what happened to Wes before her death. Moreover, she said that after the magic, she did not find the fake flower embedded in her skirt until after carrying the body. With her power of observation, do you really believe this?)

The idiot took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Anmie seemed to know what an idiot meant, so he could only snorted unrelentingly and pinned his eyes to the other side.

(However, even if something else happened, we wouldn’t know. She did everything very clean and very clean. She only left evidence that she could leave, so she could easily open her mouth to bear the charge. Kill the other party in the name of protecting the princess. I'm afraid, the truth of this matter can only be a mystery forever, sealed in those two stormy nights...)

Dimming, eyes lowered.

This was the first time an idiot saw that Dimie would show such frustrated eyes because of someone other than himself. However, this sword gets frustrated quickly, but gets better faster. In less than half a second, the drooping eyes opened immediately, and at the same time, he smiled at the idiot.

(………………You, do you think she……)

(No, no, don’t get me wrong, human kid. I never thought she was the **** protoss. Although she also has some smells that I hate, but this kind of smell, the former vampire gave me even more Many. But now...hehe.)

(Although the girl is still full of benevolence and morality, but soon... soon. Hehehehehehe...)


(Like I said, she can't be an angel. Besides, she can't be a demon. really just a...human?)

The idiot waited silently without speaking. However, his waiting didn't last long, and Dim Mie immediately spoke and snorted.

(Hehehe...Human kid, your blood bottle is here. What's happening now is just a lesson, so that you will dare to infuse the devil blood to others in the future, and give it so much at once.)

Having said that, Dim Mie immediately closed his eyes. At the same time, the back of the door opened instantly, and the first person who rushed in from outside was the walnut with a panic expression. Her hair was tangled, and after seeing the awake idiot, she immediately jumped up, hugged the idiot, and started crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I shouldn't drink so much of your blood so much that I'm not good huh~~~"

The noise of the walnut easily wakes the bun. She opened her eyes and raised her head. After seeing the idiot's opened eyes, she immediately cried out, crawled to the idiot's chest and hugged her tightly, and burst into tears very frankly.

The idiot stroked the little girl's back, and the little guy got up very happily, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and smirked at the idiot.

Walnut, who had recovered a little bit, sat on the side of the idiot's bed, with those red eyes, looking here and feeling there. Especially when he picked up the idiot's left hand and looked at the wound on it, he picked up his hand with pity and pressed it to his cheek. After that, she stuck out her tongue and licked twice on the idiot's wound.

"Woo...ah...that...that...I...I'm not..."

Suddenly, Walnut realized that this action was too ambiguous, she hurriedly let go of the idiot's hand, turned her head, and did not dare to look at him again. After a while, she turned her head silently, holding the idiot's hand in both hands, putting her hands on her legs.

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