Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 043, the ninth in the demons sequence

043, the ninth demon sequence

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize that giving me so much blood would make you so weak... It's really... sorry..."

The idiot's answer was of course still silent as always. Walnut touched his hair, and then touched the teeth in his mouth. The two stopped suddenly like this, and they didn't talk to each other.

A slightly elliptical moonlight shone in from the window, and Walnut raised her head boredly, looking at the perfect moonlight. Suddenly, I thought of the scene yesterday...

She is a princess... Vampire.

Because of his blood, the resurrected Scarlet Princess...

Every minute and every second of yesterday was destined to be burned in her mind forever.

She knew why she became such a physique, and she also knew that she would belong to this man forever...

Although...Although the types are different, the essence is still the same, right? I already have his flesh and blood in my stomach, right?


Walnut lowered her head, looking at this somewhat tired man, looking at his dark and bottomless pupils, silently, made a decision...


Even if...he is still so unknown...even if he still refuses to be famous, then I...and


Suddenly, Walnut stretched out his hand, panicking and nervously grabbing the collar of the idiot's chest.

" will stay with me forever...right? I too...I stay with you forever...even if we die...we will die at the same time until the last second before death, we ...We are all connected...right?"

The idiot was silent, then nodded.

"That...that...then you..."

Walnut's face began to flush, and the shyness and embarrassment filled this little face. But at the very end...

"Forget it, we'll talk later"

Walnut finally didn't say what was in her heart. Sometimes, she also blamed herself. Are those three words really difficult to export? I usually chant those lines in the opera so smoothly. I have said so many lines. How come these simple three words are so troublesome now?

No matter what, I won’t die anyway, so I’ll just go to the gangster’s lair, beat everyone down, and then go back to the idiot.

After the decision was made, Walnut turned his head and glanced at the idiot again. After seeing his indifferent face, he immediately waved his hand and rushed out angrily.

Sure enough... She still wanted the idiot to say those three words to herself. Instead of telling him to lose face

Seeing, Walnut left the room.

After knowing that the idiot was safe, Xiao Bread finally let go of his heart completely. She took the medicine soup from Mi Li's hand and passed it to the idiot. I want to reach out and pick it up, but due to my lack of physical strength, I don't even have the strength to raise my hand now. Seeing this, Little Bread quickly helped lift the idiot up, and put a pillow on his back. In this way, I picked up the bowl and fed the idiot the medicine one by one.

Seeing this scene, Mi Li and Tolan didn't dare to speak immediately, disturbing the scene of feeding medicine. The bun pulled up a spoonful and blew it in his mouth before daring to put it on the idiot's mouth. When the idiot finished eating, she began to stare at it. It wasn't until the idiot's face really didn't show the bitter color, that he took a spoonful.

Tolan took off the skull mask on his face, revealing the melon seed face. He giggled and said, "Master, the young master is afraid of the pain of medicine in life, but he has made a lot of honey and added it. I am afraid that you will feel uncomfortable eating."

The idiot listened and looked at the bun. This little girl's face was extremely serious, and every spoonful was carefully handed over her mouth, bit by bit.

(Nosy little girl. Why can't she understand that you are not afraid of hardship at all? Also, if the mortal medicine can help you quickly generate magic blood, I will simply be laid off and wait for work.)

The idiot ignored Dimie's nagging, even though he knew that he didn't need to take medicine, he only needed to rest to heal, but he still opened his mouth and ate every spoonful he passed over. The idiot nodded until all the medicine was in the bowl, and the bun also put down the bowl happily, hugged the idiot's chest with a grin.

The warm moments seem to last forever.

The idiot can continue to feel the little heartbeat in her arms, and the little girl can hear the strong heart beating in her chest. Just like this, forever...

"the host."

However, the warm time always seems to be short. While the idiot and the bread were enjoying the warmth, Tolan quietly came to the window. Looking at the situation outside by the moonlight in the sky, he called out softly.

"It's the man in the rose garden."

Under the moonlight, several big men broke into a residential house on the corner of the street. After a while, a young man holding a double whip escaped from the roof. But one of the big guys immediately chased him up, and in three or two strokes, he killed the young man who seemed to be injured. Afterwards, the house walked out of a family of three, two big men, who could not help but behead the pair of parents with the knife. The remaining little girl stared in horror at the icy corpse of her parents, her eyes widened. But before she could scream out, a big man had already chopped the back of her neck and knocked her out.


Sneer, accompanied by the smell of blood floating in the air. The big man carried the little girl who was in a coma, reached out and touched her underdeveloped breast, and squeezed it. The other two big guys came up too, one touching his buttocks and the other touching his thighs, with a tacit smile in his eyes. After that, they carried the little girl and walked towards the city hall, gradually disappearing into the night...

Bun gritted his teeth and lay on the idiot's chest. Although she couldn't see the voice outside, she could tell something from Tolan's cold face. Thinking of everything that happened on the ship, thinking of the three killed and the young girls in the lower cabin... She gritted her teeth, gritted her teeth fiercely.

"Tolan, honey pear."

Finally, the idiot opened his mouth.

After taking a look at the indifferent scene outside, Tolan sighed, closed the window, and came to the idiot. Mi Li was also squatting beside the bed, waiting.

"I want to know, what do you know about that rose sword."

Mi Li frowned and thought for a while, and said helplessly: "I'm sorry, your majesty...I...I've just been born less than seventy years... She... After giving birth to me, she doesn't care about it. Keep me as a, I have never heard of this sword..."

Mi Li didn't give an answer, but it didn't mean Tolan couldn't give it. After frowning and thinking for a long time, he finally raised his head and said, "Master, I...remembered."

"The sword of vanity-rose. If I remember correctly... it belongs to the ninth in the sequence... the big man."

Dimming secretly cut with a sound, seemingly dissatisfied.

(It’s really boring, I thought I could watch you continue to worry about it for a while. I didn’t expect you to want to ask this loyal dog? Hey, when you wrote to the harbor and asked them to come, you foresee Is it likely to meet your subordinates?)

The idiot ignored Dim Mie, but continued to say--

"Vanity...and greed...rose. What power does this sword have."

"Well..." Tolan thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "It's... I'm sorry, Master. Because of my relatively low status, the previous master gave me the order to drive me out every time I fight. With a large number of dead soldiers rushing to the forefront, they are responsible for suppressing other races except the Protoss. As for the combat effectiveness of these big men...I don't know very well...


(Hey, do you think I will tell you? Rose finally found a suitable owner, how could I tell you all about him so easily? But having said that, you should also take a lot of hands? This time. Rose is different from the big devil before, don’t forget, he has the intention of treating you as the boss from the beginning.)

The idiot lowered his head and turned a deaf ear to the words of An Mie. What exactly he is making is unknown. But precisely because it doesn't know, it has to provoke and persuade. In order to avoid the time when the Hundred Eyes and the Great Devil are all sealed, there is no error in the income account.

"……………………Tolan, honey pear."

After a long time, the idiot finally spoke.

"With the strength of the two of you, are you capable of killing him."

(Hey, hey, what do you want to do? Human kid kill? Why do you want to kill again? Do you have a habit and always like to abuse your subordinates? Or is it that you have turned your **** and started to sing about that love? With justice?)

Dimie yelled anxiously, but the idiot fixedly looked at the two of them, waiting for the answer.

Mili suddenly hesitated when she heard that she was about to attack the ninth demon. Although her fighting ability is not bad, at this stage, she has long been not enough. Then the only hope is Tolan.


Tolan blushed, rubbing his clothes with both hands hesitantly. With his embarrassment and shyness, the soft and long light blue hair was also swayed, not at all like a dead person. Instead, it is full of agility.

"I...I will work hard..."

"no need."

Judging by Tolan's attitude, the idiot knew there was nothing to play. Tolan is not a one-on-one combat type. It is used for large-scale battles. If it is one-to-one, it is hard to say whether he can get benefits from the great devil Sasha, let alone the ten swords that belong to the top level.

Back then, he had personally experienced the power of sacrificing the devil, the Hundred Eyes. In the end, it can be said to have been sealed off after nine deaths. Now, if Tolan is asked to face Rose alone, I am afraid that he will end up being dismembered. At that time, even if he was a death knight, he would probably be dead.

"That... Master, please allow your subordinates to be bold, and slightly... ask..."

Tolan pinched the corner of his clothes, bit his lower lip nervously, and said, "Excuse me...why...we want to kill him? Lord Rose is a vain demon, but the master's servant and subordinate. We...we should do not go……"

(Yes, it’s my little Toran, it’s rare that you said it right once, human kid, don’t forget who you are in here, you can’t do things like messy killers.)

The idiot took a breath and finally closed his eyes.

He began to think, began to reorganize the other side of everything in his mind. After repeatedly confirming that fact, he finally made up his mind.


Without hesitation, the idiot uttered this word.

Tolan did not dare to ask any more, and Mili closed her mouth because of this. The two of them have been with the idiot for a long time. They know very well that the idiot is definitely not a person of high spirits. It is definitely not a person who will arbitrarily decide the life or death of a wicked person for unbounded reasons such as punishing evil and promoting good.

He certainly has his own reasons. It's just that they don't even know the reason. Even if you guess, how many people can guess the mind of an idiot in this world?

At least, they are never listed.

"Three days off and set off the day after tomorrow."

Quite simply, the idiot gave the order. Although Tolan didn't know the reason, he would definitely do what the idiot asked him to do. Mili was also preparing for the battle against Tailan. And this time, the bun did not make a pleading sound, but gritted his teeth in excitement, spread his hands, and immediately raised two fireballs.

This is a battle within the demons.

It is also destined to not be a simple battle. As for the reason...

But deeply, buried in the heart of an idiot...



Under the city hall, inside the prison.

The elf girl continued to be tied to the cross, groaning in pain.

Her body was red, and her perfect and slim figure showed countless welts under the firelight.

The pain was so intense that she passed out into a coma. But before she escaped the pain in a coma, a basin of cold water awakened her again and continued to taste the physical pain.

"It's cool, isn't it? My supreme doll, my most beautiful "love wife"."

In front of the girl, there is a handsome man who can make any woman go crazy. He has long silver hair, a gentle face, and the smell of books.

The beautiful man with a fragile face threw the water basin and shook the whip in his hand. With a snap, there was another scar on the girl's body. She screamed, because of the pain and injury, her lower body began to slowly overflow with blood.

"Oh? It doesn't seem to have been hit. Look, you are bleeding again here."

Taelan smiled softly and stepped forward. The hand without the whip suddenly stretched out to the girl's lower body, directly inserted the finger into her body, and lifted it up forcefully.

"It's a pity, it seems that my plan to help you stop the bleeding here has failed again. From now on, we will do two or three shots every day, and then one day, you will definitely be pregnant with my baby, right?"

The girl lowered her head, she gritted her teeth, the tears had already flowed out, and only the pain in her lower body was attacking. The blood is flowing...

"Look at me, my cute doll."

Taelan pulled the elf girl's face, and said mildly. His voice is like talking to his lover, soft and lingering.

"I know, don't look at your aggrieved look like this. Actually, you are very fucked. Because I am like this~~~"

"Look at me, my beauty. Among human beings, no one can grow more beautiful than me. Because of this beauty, human women are almost vying to get on my bed. And I am as satisfied as possible. They. Since I am like this, you, who are the same as me, should be very sexy, right?"

After that, Taelan immediately lifted the whip upside down and suddenly stuffed the part of the handle under the elf girl. The sudden pain caused the young girl to scream loudly. She began to speak some completely incomprehensible language. Listening to these words, Taelan seemed to be more excited, thrusting the whip deeper.

"Look, you are interested, right? I know that the person who understands me the most in this world is you. The person who understands you the most is my beautiful person. We should be united. This is the most compliant with nature Thing. Then, you will give birth to more elf girls for me. When they grow up, they will all fall in love with me by appointment. At that time, we were fathers and daughters and lovers. And you, thanks to you. Your long life and unthankful beauty, so you can serve your husband with your daughter. What a glorious thing is this?"

Taelan raised her hand and gently stroked the girl's silver hair. He held up the soft hair, put it under his nose and asked, admiring the mature fragrance of the young girl. The movements on the hands are gentle, but there is absolutely no "love and pity" in the movements. It wasn't until the young girl was dying of torture that he smiled kindly, took out the whip, and threw it to the ground.

Bang bang bang.

"what's up."

Taelan stroked her right arm, and the thorny rose vine on his arm entwined a complicated and beautiful pattern on his arm. As he felt, he reacted to the knock on the door outside the cage.

"My lord, it's me, Andrew. That man...he's coming."

"that person?"

"It's... the man who calls himself an idiot. He has come to see you with two people he has never seen before."

Taelan laughed, opened the door and rushed out. He hopes to quickly rush to the reception room of the city hall to meet the person he once admired.

"Prepare the woman for me and I will entertain the big man myself"

He rushed out of the room and ordered immediately.

"You came so fast... My lord, you came so fast only the day before yesterday, but only two days ago, you came to see me, it's great... great"

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