Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 044, the meeting of the advanced demons

044, the meeting of the advanced demons

Tai Lan rushed to the reception room of the city hall. The moment he opened the door, he was truly excited.

"Big brother, idiot, big brother, you really are here"

In the reception room, the idiot sat on the sofa with a cold expression. Standing on both sides of him were honey pear and Tolan. As for the other breads, Xingli and walnuts, they were nowhere to be seen.

However, this is no problem for Taelan. He hurried over, then knelt down in front of the idiot, his attitude was extremely religious.

"Big brother, you finally came to me, great, I believe that sooner or later there will be such a day"

The other subordinates were shocked when they saw Taelan treat someone who seemed unclear with such an attitude. But Taelan didn't care about this. He saw that no one behind him knelt down, stood up quickly, and yelled: "What do you mean you didn't see our new eldest brother in the Rose Garden? Don't you kneel down soon"

Those subordinates look at me, and I look at you. Due to Taelan’s threats, they all had to kneel in front of the idiot.

Taelan was very satisfied with the actions of his subordinates. He took a breath and turned his head to face the idiot again, and said, "Ah, please forgive me, brother. Because seeing you here makes me a little excited. I know, It’s not good, it’s not good."

After taking several deep breaths, Taelan sat down on a chair beside the idiot. He clapped his hands, and the men immediately retreated. After a while, an old man who appeared to be in his fifties walked out from the side door tremblingly. Behind him, there were a dozen girls with bare clothes. They only wore a bikini-like bust on their upper body, just covering the most important point. The lower body is a long transparent skirt with a thin **** inside.

"That... that... Master Tailan... Excuse me... you..."

The old man looked very panicked, he asked the girl behind him nervously.

At this moment, Taelan finally calmed down completely. He raised his head, his face reappeared with a gentle and handsome smile, and his voice softly said: "My Lord Mayor, I really wronged you and made you have to do this kind of thing. Allow me to introduce you here. This is the person who will become the next boss of our Rose Garden. Brother, you come to get to know him, this is the mayor of this small island city, Mr. Grum."

The mayor's gaze shifted from Taelan's face to the idiot's face. For the idiot's completely indifferent and expressionless face, he just glanced at it and was scared to take a step back. This retreat also happened to step on the girl's long skirt behind him, and the mayor lost his balance for a while and fell down.

"Ah Dad"

The girl hurriedly reached out to support the mayor, raised her head, and looked at Tai Lan's eyes full of anger. But Tai Lan looked at everything in front of her with interest, and responded to the girl's angry eyes with a gentle pity.

"This is Mr. Mayor's daughter, Miss Dia. Alright, Miss Dia. Please jump up. Let's cheer for our new brother."

The girl named Dia gritted her teeth, but under the coercion of other members of the Rose Garden beside her, she had to let go of her father. At this moment, a team of musicians walked out of the reception room, and the sound of the music sounded. This noble daughter had to stand still and dance with the music with the girls behind him.

The music is beautiful and the dancing posture is excellent.

The girl's body danced a dreamlike dance under the light.

It was originally a dance step that belonged to the celebration, but at this moment, it appeared resolute due to an extra hatred. But this fortitude mixed in her dancing posture, on the contrary, made her more beautiful and more moving.

Behind the idiot, Tolan looked at the girls who were forced to dance, and finally couldn't help but closed his eyes. Fortunately, he wears a bone mask on his face, making it invisible. Mi Li was indifferent, just hanging her hands quietly, following the idiot's orders.

"By the way, brother. Didn't you refuse the day before yesterday? Why did you suddenly come today?"

Everyone brought their drinks, and Taelan gracefully picked up a glass of wine, shaking it, and taking a sip.

The idiot squinted at him for a long time, then slowly said, "It's nothing. It's just that I have some questions, I want to ask you."

Tailan was stunned for a moment. He suddenly observed the idiot and said, "Huh? Brother, how come you look so weak? Are you injured?"


"Ah, it's me who talked too much. What's the problem? The Rose Garden is now yours. I am now your subordinate. As long as it is your request, I will definitely meet it."

"........................Ah. Then......"

The idiot took a breath and said, "Why are you so sincere to me."

Taelan was taken aback, tilted his head and thought for a while. Afterwards, he chuckled, and that handsome face showed the sincerity of the boy next door: "Because you are very good, big brother. Not only did you play me in the palm of your hand, but you also acted very organized. I can recognize you. Such a person is a big brother, but it is a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes

"......Just, is that so?"

"Hehe, besides, I am also a little selfish. Because there have been many unsatisfactory things recently. Brother, how much do you know about our current Western Fang Empire?"

The name is not too strange. Although the idiot has never dealt with this country, the actions of this country in recent years have not been simple.

"Well, brother, you must know that. The Buck Empire split into two countries, and the Dark Deer Empire is on the outer layer. To the northwest of the Dark Deer Empire, which is our west, is the Fang Empire."

"As the second largest empire on the continent of Sadness, after the death-mian empire launched an aggression against the stags and failed, this country began to devour the death-mian on a large scale in the name of rescue. Although, the Crystal Ice Republic and the gem empire also have To get a share of the pie, but in terms of the area occupied, the Fangs Empire is undoubtedly the largest. Now it has become the largest country on the sad continent."

The idiot didn't interrupt and kept listening.

When Taelan said this, her fists could not help being clenched, and he snorted, and said, "Big Brother, originally, this matter has nothing to do with us. My wish is actually very simple. It is to create a world away from war, where everyone can live and work in peace. City. After years of painstaking efforts, this island city has finally become a place more beautiful than heaven. There is no poverty and no discrimination. As long as people who act according to the rules can get Happy life. But...but..."

While talking, Taelan became excited.

"But...the **** of the Fangs Empire...the drug dealers and human traffickers...suddenly rushed out while their country was expanding, disrupting several of my trade routes, those bastards...they sell drugs to make money. The huge profits... also got countless benefits from various *** and... and..."

"Those people... They don't treat girls as dolls that must be carefully maintained and used carefully, but as **** and sows that have sex"

Speaking of excitement, Taelan suddenly squeezed, crushing the cup in his hand.

The idiot glanced at him and said nothing. At this time, Mili next to her spoke: "In this case, what is the meaning of your prayers for my master to become your master."

Taelan exhaled and put down the broken glass in her hand. He glanced at the dancing girl in front of him again, and slowly stood up.

"It's a pity. Although in terms of strength, I am confident that I will never lose to the other party. But somehow, their command seems to have changed in recent years. Before, what was their commanding mind thinking? What I will do in the next step, I can guess a little bit based on my informants and intelligence. But now it’s not working. I can’t guess the intention of their command’s next step. Sometimes, even if it’s a line that I absolutely trust People bring very clear intelligence, and I will be countered by the other side after I act on the intelligence."

"That... it's really difficult. Even if the killer is sent, the killer either returns without success or is unknown. To be honest, that woman is really difficult and makes people angry."

woman……? The leader of the hostile underworld is a woman?

Seeing Taelan approaching, the dancing girls stopped in fear. But for Dia in the center, because she hated this man, she simply closed her eyes. Among the music, she was the only one, still dancing in accordance with the dance steps.

"I can't kill her, nor can I seize the other side's trade routes in various competitions, overt or covert. Instead, our business is gradually being compressed, and in the end only this city is still under my control. Within the range. I finally understood that in this world, pure power can only kill visible enemies, but can't defeat enemies who can only make small actions in the dark. Therefore, I need a good brain, a Talents who have the ability to compete with each other. It was at this time that I met you."

Having said this, Taelan suddenly reached out and grabbed Dia's hand. Dia was dancing for a moment. Before she could break free, Taelan shook her hand and threw her at the idiot. This noble daughter stumbled at the idiot, and finally carried her head into the idiot's arms.

"Doll, you should thank me for finding an absolute king for your virgin night. It seems that my plan to keep you and dedicated to some important person is correct. Brother, tonight , This woman belongs to you, please enjoy it."

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