Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 238 Star Stream and Star Shower, Sister Lords of Star Civilization!

Originally, Qin Ming didn't take those three guys seriously.

No matter what lord or boss the opponent is, in Qin Ming's view, as long as it is a red-named unit, it is only the object of his harvest.


He suddenly discovered that one of the girl lords from Xinghui Civilization actually began to speak the language of Blue Star Civilization.

"Is that the effect of the language card?

Qin Ming was a little interested.

It seems that the other party wants to communicate with him-?

So he observed it, the lord of the Xinghui civilization who began to speak the language of Longxia was named "Xingliu"

The lords of the Xinghui civilization all have a sea-blue skin.

The girl lord named Xingliu had the same dark and bright eyes as those of Long Xiaguo, and seemed very nervous at the moment.

She was dressed in a beautiful white gauze garment that resembled a long dress, and was of a graceful and slender figure, riding on a black warhorse.

She looked around, for fear of being attacked to death by the sudden appearance of a powerful being.

after all……

Just now Qin Ming's combat power in the process of killing the mythical BOSS Black Spears was really terrifying.

That means of raiding from stealth, even the sixth-order mythical level BOSS can't defend, let alone her.


Xingliu had just received the super coercive effect from the Devil's Eye, and immediately began to shout to the surrounding: "Respected senior demon lord! Please forgive us! If you kill us, you will only get more than a hundred points of merit. That's it.""

"But if you let us go, we can bring you more benefits!

After she said this, she was very nervous.

She just used the language card and chose to learn all the languages ​​of the Blue Star civilization, and wanted to communicate with Qin Ming.

Just now, she saw the message above the head of the Gorefiend Queen Mias from a distance, so she knew that Qin Ming was from the Blue Star Civilization!

Just as she was anxiously waiting for Qin Ming's response.

The figure of Killing Angel Elsa suddenly appeared not far away, behind the fifth-order epic boss.

Endless knife light blooms, instantly killing the BOSS!


The fallen angel Elsa, with those beautiful and indifferent eyes, glanced at the two girl lords, Xing Liu and Xing Yu.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of transmitted white light, which appeared in front of the two girls, Xing Liu and Xing Yu!

It was a crooked demon old man holding a demon contract. The withered demon spread out his wings and flew in front of the two women.

With a pair of expressions with evil smiles, they stared at the talking girl lord, Xing Liu!

Contract Demon Picasso!

"Sign a soul contract and dedicate your soul to our lord, the lord will consider spare your life!

Picasso said grimly.

Then he issued a soul contract directly to the two women.

In exchange for this, Qin Ming can let them live.


When their souls were taken away by Qin Ming, Qin Ming would not let them go so easily, and he would definitely have to pry more interests or information from them.

"Soul contract?"

The faces of the two sea-blue-skinned star-bright civilized girl lords changed slightly when they heard the words.

They looked at the demon old man, Picasso, who flew above their heads in front of them, and their mood became a little uneasy.

Although they had made a decision before, they were willing to satisfy Qin Ming no matter what Qin Ming wanted.


For them to sacrifice their souls to the devil, this kind of thing is really beyond their imagination!

Originally, they just wanted to give Qin Ming enough props in exchange.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ming wanted to take away their souls!

"Give you five seconds to answer."

Picasso smiled sullenly, and then the withered demon waved his wings, and the dark aura condensed around him.

Soon, a thick black mist surrounded the two young lords.

"I...we do! 35

The star stream directly replaces the star shower and answers this question together.

at the same time.

There were two sea-blue human-shaped phantoms, which were invisible souls. They flew out of them and flew towards Qin Ming, seven or eight kilometers away, and merged into Qin Ming's body!

From now on.

Qin Ming felt that he could communicate directly with the souls of the two young lords.

Before, he could also communicate with all the souls in his hands, but he had never used this function because he didn't need it.


If you want to communicate with the lords of other civilizations, this kind of soul communication is more convenient.

To know that these two girls, only one of them used the language card.

And props such as language cards are definitely not a big deal, and it is not easy to obtain them.

If you want to communicate in the future, it will be more direct to rely on the soul to communicate.

"A few questions to you.

After Qin Ming received the soul of the other party, he communicated with the two women with their souls.

"How long has it been since your Xinghui civilization entered the era of lords?"

Qin Ming asked.

The Blue Star civilization has only entered the era of lords, more than a month.

In the past month or so, Qin Ming's growth rate is extremely terrifying, but it is obviously nothing compared to his existence in the endless world who has been crawling and rolling for several years.

 …for flowers  …

At least in terms of experience, it's a lot worse.

Therefore, Qin Ming is mainly concerned. How long has the other party, Xinghui civilization, been in the lord era?

"It should be... 30 years, right?

The two girls, Xingliu and Xingyu, did not communicate with each other, but immediately answered Qin Ming's question in the form of soul communication.

This surprised them a bit.

Incredibly surprised.

Because of this mode of soul communication, they have never tried it before.

In their feelings...

Qin Ming's voice sounded like a system prompt, resounding in their minds, and it sounded like a god to them!

"More than thirty years?"

This time, it was Qin Ming's turn to be a little surprised. He didn't expect this Xinghui civilization to be such a civilization with such a long history!


In this way, the age of the two girls, Xingliu and Xingyu...

But soon, Qin Ming got an answer.

It turned out that this star stream and star shower were born in the era of lords.

They are twin sisters, and their parents are ordinary lords in the Xinghui civilization.

Even if he has been struggling for more than 30 years in the lord era, he does not have the courage to develop in the endless world, and he is still only a fourth-order lord.

It can be said that their parents met in the lord era, then met and fell in love, and then they had the twin daughters Xingliu and Xingyu.

Fortunately, Xinghui civilization has a super strong lord alliance organization.

The alliance is committed to protecting all the weak lords of the star civilization.

Therefore, the parents of the twin sisters can live in the era of lords without worrying about being invaded.

Then, Star Stream and Star Shower joined an organization of Starlight Civilization.

It was one of the countless subordinate alliances organized by the Lords Association.

As long as they join the alliance, they can get the resource support from the alliance. Since the talents of the two sisters are not bad and their heroes are also good, they won 1,000 SS-level troops from the alliance. They can grow faster in the endless world.

"Is that the case?

Qin Ming suddenly became interested.

Unexpectedly, the Xinghui civilization has already established a firm foothold in the lord era, and it is still developing here.

Star Stream and Star Shower, the sister lords, grew up directly in the lord era!

"Then how did your lord world come to be?"

"Or, did you just grow up in your parents' lord world?"

Qin Ming curiously continued to ask again.

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