Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 239 The sister's answer, the status quo of Xinghui civilization!

Soon, through inquiries, Qin Ming learned a lot about the situation.

In the lord world of Xinghui civilization, there are already many situations like the sisters of star stream and star shower.

They belonged to the second generation of the era of the lords of the star civilization.

Directly born in the era of lords.

They have never experienced the scientific and technological civilization of Xinghui civilization before the lord era. Although they have heard from their parents, they still have no concept.

They didn't think it was anything.

In the second generation of Xinghui civilization, they can only officially become lords after they reach the age of 18 and obtain their own lord world.

Until the age of 18, they can only live in their parents' lord's world.

considered to be the subordinates of their parents.

Parents can take them to other lord worlds for visits, banquets, etc.

But they cannot actively invade or be invited to other worlds, because they cannot be regarded as "zero five zero" lord individuals.

Conditional lord parents can invite some teachers who were originally teachers to come to their own world to educate their children.

But unconditional lord parents can only educate their children by themselves.

In the lord world of Xinghui civilization, the education of children is mainly divided into several aspects.

The first is culture, including language, mathematics, history and the like.

Since in the era of lords, a lot of scientific and technological knowledge was useless, so there is no need to learn too advanced knowledge, and it is enough to learn some mathematics, basic physics and the like.

The second is knowledge about the lord.

As for the lords, they can be said to have been fascinated by them since childhood.

Take Xingliu and Xingyu, the twin sisters, who have much more knowledge about the age of lords than Qin Ming.

From this aspect, Qin Ming's ability to control the souls of these two women is not a bad thing!

Although less than 200 merits.

However, more than two hundred meritorious deeds can be easily obtained.

But this is a civilized lord who has entered the lord era for more than 30 years, but it is not so easy to meet!

When Qin Ming needs some information in the future, he can ask them!


"How many lords are there in your Xinghui civilization?"

Qin Ming asked the key question he had always wanted to know.

The two sisters Xingliu and Xingyu glanced at each other, and then answered Qin Ming from the soul level: "I heard from my parents that a total of more than 20 billion people were sent to the lord era."

"More than 20 billion?"

Qin Ming was a little surprised, the number of lords who came in was more than double that of the Blue Star Civilization.

He then asked about how these lords were allocated.

in Bluestar Civilization.

There are nearly 10 million lords in each region, and each region has 99 districts, each with 100,000 lords.

There are a total of 26 districts from the A district to the Z district.

All together, there are only 200 million people!


Where did the rest go?

In this regard, Star Stream and Star Shower sisters quickly gave an answer.

"Lord Demon Lord, don't you know? 35

Sister Xingliu was a little surprised: "In the era of lords, each civilization will be divided into different areas~"

"For example, our Xinghui civilization has a total of 12 areas~"

"There are more than 1.8 billion lords in every district! 99

"For example, we and our parents belong to the third area of ​​Xinghui civilization. 35

"According to the history and culture of each civilization, each area will be divided into a certain number of large areas... Each of our areas has 24 large areas, which is determined by the cultural foundation of our civilization.

"Each region starts with 10 million lords."

"But with development, some lords die, and some lords' descendants become new lords, which will increase or decrease the number of lords in the region."

After listening to Xingliu's words, Qin Ming finally understood.

It turned out that even if they were in the same civilization, the lords between the districts were rarely able to communicate.

This is the era of lords, the "tinder" specially left for each civilization


Lest a civilization be wiped out.

But if it is divided into different areas, there is little communication between different areas.

The only possible communication is only in the endless world, and there is a very small chance of encountering lords of the same civilization in other areas.

"The size of the community is all the same.

"Each district, such as the D12 district where I am located, is the initial 100,000 people."

"If someone in this D12 area gives birth to a child in the future and raises it to the age of 18, then he will become a new lord.""

"The new lord will inherit the lord's area where the parents are. 99

"Of course, if the parents are from different lord regions, then it is up to the new lord to decide which region to stay in."

Qin Ming thought of this and suddenly thought.

In this case, very few people will be "green" to raise other people's children.

Because, once you're 18, and when the child chooses the area...

Will inherit the locale options of the respective blood parents...

For example, if the man is from zone 1 and the mother is from zone 2, the child's zone can only be chosen between zones 1 and 2.

Then if the options that the child can choose are Zone 2 and Zone 3, then obviously, the man has been green...


If the men are from the same area, this method is not very good...

Qin Ming quickly shook his head without thinking much.

This is also a thought in his mind. In fact, the matter of descendants is still relatively far away for Qin Ming.

Although there are many girls with him now.

But now Blue Star is generally in the developmental stage, so basically few lords will consider this issue.

"According to the culture, each area of ​​Blue Star is divided into 26 areas, because the English alphabet, including pinyin subtitles, is divided into 26 from A to Z."5

"But in Xinghui Civilization, each area has only 24 major areas, but the difference is not big."

In addition, Qin Ming learned from the answers of Star Stream and Star Shower.

In the past 30 years, their Xinghui civilization has connected all 12 areas together.

This formed a huge alliance.

Star Stream and Star Shower are members of the affiliated organizations of the alliance, and there are some strong people who are cultivating them.

They all have 1,000 troops from SS-level lords!

Unfortunately, these forces could not stop Qin Ming's demon army.

After all, although these troops are all fifth-order arms, they are only full-level 2.3 fifth-order.

The most important thing is that the SS-level lord, who is also the new generation of Xinghui civilization, has not developed to the stage of being too strong.

In Xinghui civilization, the descendants of civilians like Xingliu and Xingyu sisters can only have this kind of treatment at most.

This is because...

The genius of the younger generation of Starlight Civilization, after seeing their sisters, included them in the alliance.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to join the alliance.

However, after all, the system of Xinghui Civilization has been perfected. Unless they are willing, the younger generation of geniuses will not be able to do anything to them.

Qin Ming nodded at this.

For the future of the entire civilization, perfecting the system and ensuring the continuous development of new generations is the foundation of a civilization!

Then Qin Ming asked more concerned questions.


The combat power situation of some of the strongest lords in Starlight Civilization now!.

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