Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1193: Mutant Orc

"No, you've been sleeping soundly. I'm actually nervous, squinting and pretending to sleep for a long time."

Nafi held her hands on the small table in the middle of the two beds, and whispered, "But you seem to have rubbed your teeth several times in the middle of the night, and then there is no other reaction."


Tarija's ears were red, and she reached out and scratched her cheek. "I don't know I still have this habit."

"Maybe I eat less for dinner. I was hungry when dreaming? Do you remember what you dreamed?"

"I don't remember. I feel like I'm sleeping soundly. It's dawn as soon as I open my eyes."

"Really? I thought you were dreaming of something delicious-yes, I heard that there are many foods in Hollier City. Are you interested?"

Nefie was full of longing for Hollier City. Talia was obviously curious. She licked her lower lips, but she was worried: "But I heard that things are expensive, I don't have much money ..."

"I thought about it too, look at this ..."

Nefie pulls out a newspaper, flips the front page of the latest research report on "Anatomy Demon," and points out Talia's recruitment entry below the third edition: "Here!"

I took it and looked at it carefully. Talia found that it was the recruitment notice of the various research departments in the city of Hollier. There is not only one laboratory or group in each research department. Dozens of laboratories, so the recruitment of personnel is also diverse.

At the same time, in addition to these "official top departments", Hollier City has many well-known and powerful magic teachers resident. In order to keep up with the times, many of them simply rent all the laboratories in Hollier City for a long time. At the same time, he also obtained sufficient funding with his own research results.

"Are you ... planning to leave?"

Talia thought of this possibility, and she was always indifferent to a moment of resentment. But such emotions were quickly restrained, and she smiled, "Also, at your level, being an assistant all the time is a waste of talent."

"Okay, what else do the two of us tout each other? I want to say ..." Neff lowered her voice. "You'd better make some preparations. Don't panic if you have money in your hand. Although Master Ethan is a high-level master, But in places like Dragon City where the dragons are walking around, it may not be enough to see ... find a reliable mentor, make money first, and then figure out how to solve the problem. "

"So you mean it, but I don't know anything about it."

Talia was really tempted, and her gaze quickly moved on the handwriting of the newspaper.

"It is estimated that many positions in the research department are crowded to compete, and it is expected that there will be little hope-but the laboratory assistants of these magic teachers are not high in demand. You are optimistic about the management of room and board, and the salary is really not. Low ... "

Nefi pulled the discussion with Talia. They had four beds in this sleeping room, and no one else came. The speed of the train is not fast, but after five or six hours of constant speed, the surrounding scenery and gradually decreasing temperature have allowed Talia to feel the change and power brought by "industry".

Because if they follow the previous mode of transportation, they may not be able to get out even 50 kilometers.

Talia was still full of confusion, but as Nefi showed her more information about Hollier City, she became more and more excited. The two chatted for almost a night in the bed, until dawn I managed to sleep for a while-of course, she did not forget to remind Nefi to bind herself with spells.

Waking up the next day, the scenery outside the window has changed greatly. The original plain turned into a forest. The railway was next to the road. Sitting in the car and watching the caravans being thrown behind made Talia feel refreshed, but soon she raised her eyebrows and got green skin outside the car window. The tall figure was startled: "What's that ?!"

Nefie was holding the book, and heard Yan Yan glance out the window, blinked and sat upright, peered out the window and stared at it for a long time, then said, "It should be an orc."

"I read the orcs in the book. Didn't you say that thousands of orcs were captured in the last war? But why do they look like this?"

Talia gestured with her hand: "Look at the guy at the forefront, his fist is bigger than the head of the supervisor nearby!"

"Yeah ... why?"

Nai Fei is also full of question marks. She has never paid attention to the orcs before, but also knows that the orcs will not be so big. At this time, she was startled when she saw these figures working in the mines and quarries.

The orcs were even two sizes larger than humans when viewed from a distance. Under the sun, their muscles were knotted, their arms were as exaggerated as orangutans, and the stones resisted by one person were twice that of ordinary humans next to them.

"They are so strong, aren't the mines here afraid of orcs' resistance?"

"Who knows, maybe they have a way ..."

Neffi frowned, obviously worried.

Rodi, who had just arrived in Hollier City, was reading information and reports about orcs at a cabinet meeting.

"The third attack?"

"Yes, three have happened, but the scale is not large. All of them are sudden incidents of less than three people, and they will soon calm down. But the problem is that such things will happen more and more frequently, because now the orcs Both body shape and strength seem to be out of control ... "

Members of the cabinet expressed their concerns: "It is still necessary to take measures as soon as possible. Before, I thought that these orcs would lose almost after becoming labor ~ ~ But who knows that they do n’t have much exhaustion, even food Without ample supply, you can continue to have children-the most incredible thing is that the orc babies born in the environment of the labor shed have a surprisingly high survival rate ... "

Roddy pointed to the data in his hand: "Is the offending orc still alive?"

The three incidents were the orcs suddenly out of control and attacked the supervisors in the workplace, but they were quickly subdued. However, because they were wearing harnesses and were closely guarded around them, they only caused two serious injuries and six were slightly injured. No one died.

It's not a big deal, after all, as a cool orc, it's not uncommon to make trouble. At first, in order to prevent the orcs from collaborating with the riots, more than 10,000 captured prisoners were broken up and arranged into mining quarries in various regions, or construction areas of different railways and roads to separate them.

Under such circumstances, there will not be more than three hundred orcs in the same area, and even if they are assembled, there is not much power. The investigation results show that the orcs who suddenly lost control were normal before. They were all suddenly crazy, and then started like wild animals Attacking surrounding creatures is obviously somewhat unusual.


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