Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1194: Panic

"Except one of them was killed on the spot, the other seven orcs have been detained. They were originally intended to be executed, but because their state is obviously not quite right, they have not started."

Roddy nodded and arranged directly: "Pull them all to Hollier City and let the research department take over. At the same time, contact Rasiman's laboratory for demon research and share the research results to see if there are any What common. The orcs were once the vanguard of the demon's invasion plane, and their changes were often related to the devil and could not be neglected. "

This arrangement is naturally no objection, but for other orcs, the cabinet is obviously worried: "The orcs now are obviously not stable. I think it is best to deal with them as soon as possible. Now they can still have children. , When tens of thousands of orcs are born, it will be a big deal ... "

For a moment, Roddy thought about it. In fact, he also considered this option. After all, improving supervision and strengthening the armed forces of guards is a matter of greatly increasing costs. In a word, I don't know how much money and manpower will be consumed.

And if you change the order and start to execute the orcs in batches, in addition to the moral burden, it seems to be a good choice in other aspects-after all, no one knows whether these orcs will be time bombs.

"This proposal can be considered, but it will be said after the conclusion is given at the laboratory."

Roddy thought about it and asked, "How about the orcs over the Eastern Kingdoms?"

"It is still under investigation. The city where the orcs are located has just been locked, but the details will wait for one to two days ..."

"It's important to let everyone know when they come to the meeting."

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

For the time being, the orc treatment plan comes to an end, and then it comes to various business and trade agreements. After the meeting, he returned to his office and continued to approve a series of resolutions passed by the country of Esca. After the war, the aftercare of Esca has been almost the same. The reconstruction began in an orderly manner. A glance at the display state of "God Control", this time has increased with the devout prayers and accumulation of believers, the startup time above has increased to more than one minute, while the range is about 300 meters.

He approved several plans for the construction of new temples, which would consume a lot of manpower and material resources in the country of Esca. The only effect would be to increase believers and expand the influence of the "Religion" religion.

But Roddy did not build it in the Karen Kingdom because he needed to develop industrial and magical power in his "basic disk", so that he could control the lifeblood of the future. And Eska? He didn't think about making the Turks grow stronger, and it was enough to be a "charging treasure" of his skills.

The affairs of the country of Eska are not discussed by the cabinet, because the cabinet is only responsible for the interior of the Karen kingdom, and the ownership of the country of Eska on the other side of the sea directly belongs to Sally, who delegated the decision-making power directly to Roddy. So after replying to these letters, Roddy asked the attendants to take them and go directly to the library in the magic tower-these documents only became effective after Sally's final authorization.

The appearance of Rody here did not attract the attention of others in the magic tower. Many of the mages and dragons passing by were newcomers, but they could clearly recognize Roddy's presence, and they all greeted him politely.

Since the last battle, the repair of the magic tower has been going on. When Roddy walked by, he could see part of the tower in the open air. Edith's figure was busy there. When she saw Roddy passing by, she just Raising his hand to say hello, he continued to bow his head and recited the spell.

After chatting with Silvia passing by, Roddy pushed the door into the library. It is divided into several areas. The first eight areas are open to all people who enter the tower, and there are various figures on the public desk. But because everyone is busy with their thesis here, no one looks up to care about Roddy.

He continued to move forward. After seeing the royal guard's uniform, Roddy stepped forward to apply to meet Sally in accordance with the rules, and was allowed to enter this area after receiving permission. In fact, this is a form. Within the magic tower, there is no People dare to do things like attacks, after all, the high-end power here basically accounts for more than half of the entire continent.

Moving forward, Roddy saw three viper snakes lying on the ground next to them, raising their heads curiously but without further movement.

On the distant desk, Sally was holding a large book and frowning, reading the content above. Akasha was holding a quill and writing the formula of a magic circle. The high priest of the Turks, Windsor, stood honestly as a personal maid at the rear. After seeing Roddy, she quickly saluted.

After that, the "secretary" took the papers brought by Roddy and put them in front of Sally, as he did before. The latter waved his hand: "Just stamp it."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Windsor whispered, and then, as usual, stamped the seal with Sally's ring that symbolized the kingship.

And as the monarch of the kingdom, Sally stretched out and said to Roddy: "Look at you, it's hard to go back to Hollier City, and the result is a meeting all day long. I have no time to find you. Right At noon today, Kardashian is having a meal with me, as if there are any new achievements of the Strategic Weapons Research Department to be displayed. "

"Ah? She's back?"

Kardashian went to the deep mountain to test the missile again a few days ago. Roddy estimates that there has been a breakthrough in guided missile technology, so he nodded and asked Akasha to eat together. Is that guy coming to Hollier City? "

"Yeah, look at the days."

Sally heard the spirit ~ ~ Hurry up and said, "How's it? I heard it was a success?"

"You will know by then, this matter is not easy to discuss for now, we have to wait and see."

Roddy didn't answer directly, Windsor next heard it, but didn't understand what it meant-the matter about Talia was almost completely blocked. Even Sally and Akasha knew only a little vaguely, but it didn't help that they arranged for themselves, so they didn't rush to ask.

"Well, then go eat, I'm hungry! I want to eat meat!"

"Be quiet, this is not a private library."

"I know, I'm just happy-Akasha, don't laugh, haven't you been thinking about it for a long time!"

The people who walked out of the library talked and laughed lightly, but Talia, who had just stepped off the train, really felt an inexplicable panic.

Because there are too many people in front of me.


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