Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 604: Memory pieces

Sally asked, squinting her eyes, and that dangerous smile made Roddy's mouth twitched, and hurriedly stated: "I don't mean that, after all, I haven't been nurtured by aristocracy, and many things can't be appreciated ..."

"Okay, okay, look at your wood, it's funny to see you, don't you guys like to compete, horse racing, etc., but there is no such activity after the war, it will take two months to wait. "

Speaking of what Sally suddenly remembered, he said positively: "A few days ago, Bishop Benjamin wrote a letter and asked about the future impact on the parish. I haven't responded yet. What do you think is appropriate?"

Roddy thought about it, but asked instead: "Have you ever wondered ... what is the 'rose cross' for the entire rule?"

Sally was actually troubled by this problem: "In the past, the" Rose Cross "was my umbrella, which saved me a lot of trouble and solved many enemies, but now I am standing in this position, but I feel that such a mastery cannot be grasped. The power is very disturbing ... it doesn't look like a nobleman, but it is more troublesome than aristocracy. We have funded many of them, but now they are more intimidated, which makes me feel uncomfortable. "

"Religion is dead, and people are alive." Roddy took a teacup and took a sip. "In fact, when you delegate power to the cabinet, you should realize the advantages of your identity ... you are both a duke and a priest. Although 'Rose Cross' does not allow a duke to become a bishop, you have a legitimate right to reach the ruling level within the sect. What does this mean, you know? "

Sally's eyes gradually lightened, and she realized that she had gone the dead end before: It was indeed narrow-minded to always look at the problem alone as a "duke" or "priest". And Roddy's meaning is obvious. Since the "Rose Cross" may become an obstacle to the development of Everta, why not completely put this sect under his control?

When the bishop of the governor, regional bishops and clergy and military power are controlled by themselves, who is the pope?

"I think I understand ..." Sally nodded, but then made a face at Roddy: "I can't think of your wood being so deep in conspiracy research, and said, have you counted me already?"

With that said, Sally stretched out her hands to pinch Rody's neck, and Roddy shouted "Master Duke's life", only to find that she had unknowingly hung on her, and her nose was all sweet. The smell of incense, Roddy gradually stopped moving, and reached out to clear her some messy blond hair. The distance is suitable for kissing with eyes closed, and Sally obviously intends to do so ...

"Wait, someone is here."

Rorty's voice opened Sally's eyes a little bit annoyed, but then the duke realized that Rorty did not intentionally interrupt the two because it was a serious look on his face.

"Environmental keenness" made Roddy hear the slightly rushing footsteps outside the house. He gently lifted Sally up, and the two of them arbitrarily fixed their slightly wrinkled robes. When they turned their heads, the attendant hurriedly came outside Entering the hall with both hands holding the letter

"Prime Minister, urgent letter from Elson City."

Seeing the pure red envelope in the other's hand, Roddy realized that it was not a trivial matter. It was only Camilla who sent the letter, and the use of the red envelope representing the most urgent situation certainly showed that she had encountered a problem that she could not handle.

Ripped off the stationery, Roddy just glanced at her, and frowned.

He held the thumb bones of the stationery and turned pale, apparently indicating the mood was not calm at this moment. Sally came to see curiously, and was also surprised to cover her mouth with the contents of the letter "This, is this true? That Tasman's ..."

"I'll go back and deal with it immediately, and don't let others know what happened." The fire at Roddy's fingertips burned the stationery to ashes on the spot. This skillful law-control ability scared Sally. Maybe there is something more involved. "

Roddy shook her hand, knowing that she had promised to stay a few days longer, but just wanted to say something, but Sally patted him on the chest: "Come on! When you're done, don't forget Come to me. "

Answering anything like this is superfluous, and Roddy straightforwardly bids farewell with a deep kiss. When he left, Sally, who remained in the hall, finally sighed and looked lonely.

"Sylvia! Welcome to Elson, this will be the greatest city of the High Elves of the future!"

Who said this? Ah ... after graduating from the college in my hometown, the senior who greeted me said when he arrived here.

Senior ...

Oh, and mentor Khadgar.

That is a mentor with a gentle smile on his face forever. He speaks at times and is deceived, but as the greatest Arcanist who invented the "charged crystal", his profound knowledge and powerful arcane level will always be The mountains I need to look up to.

Sylvia felt that she remembered a lot of things, about Elson's various things, and details about her life here. For the first time, she broke the potion bottle in the laboratory ... It was confessed by the tall senior in the library ...

The original mottled and broken memories had an order, and the calm days were suddenly broken by distant reports of war. The advent of "war" made the atmosphere in Elsen's city dignified. The "orcs", "demons", and "occupied cities" Message after message, then ...

Here comes the enemy.

Countless orcs attacked the city frantically, the light of the floating tower kept on all night, but the enemies died one after another, and could never kill them ...


Suddenly the name came up in my mind ~ ~ reminded Silvia of the mixed look of joy and fear on his face when Khadgar instructor watched Turing controlling the city's whispering attack.

After that ...

As if all of a sudden, the picture of memory changed color. The roaring orcs, stiff humans, surrounded infected beasts, and arcane casts in their hands were mixed into a bright red picture. The scenes flashed quickly and made Sylvie. "Yah" shouted

So she finally woke up from her drowsiness.

"This is ... a nightmare?"

It seemed as if the drowning person suddenly came ashore and the suffocation remained in the consciousness. Sylvia glanced around blankly, and found that this was the laboratory she usually managed inside the Pashare Tower.

"Hoo ... the orcs haven't called in yet."

She stroked her chest and muttered subconsciously, but then stopped suddenly because she found that she didn't feel the heartbeat under her palm.

Then she found herself not breathing.

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