Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 605: Tinder of civilization


The voice of pharyngeal spit echoed in the large laboratory. In memory, there should be a lot of Arcanists back and forth lining up to use the magic array, but now they have only their lonely shadow ...

She took a few steps back with a look of consternation, and in her mind came a few speculations that she could not accept, and then rushed to the door of the laboratory, but before it could be pushed open, the door opened by herself.

Standing at the door, Camilla made Silvia suddenly stop. She felt that she saw a high elf for a while, because Camilla's appearance and high elf have very similar characteristics, but she has human blood after all. The difference in hair color and eye pupil can't be hidden. Sylvia reacted and immediately asked: "Human, this is not where you should come!"

Although her words were tough, her shaking fingers exposed her inner panic. Camilla's expression was quite complicated, and she stepped into the laboratory without any precaution and closed the door.

"If you can, sit down and talk, Master Silvia."

Cammy stretched out his hand and motioned, "You can call me Camilla. I have high elven blood on my body, and I can count as half a high elven."

The pure high-elves language and subsequent explanations solved the doubts of Sylvia. After all, humans were intentionally isolated by the high-elves seven hundred years ago. More than 99% of humans have not touched the high-elves, let alone talk Can speak high elf language. But the "semi-elf" was the only exception, so she didn't develop more disgusting emotions.

It's just that Camilla's calm but pressing momentum makes Silvia very awkward, but thinking of her full stomach, she weighed it again and again, and decided to put away the superiority and arrogance, and hesitated to sit in Cammy Opposite La: "So ... Half-elves, can you tell me what the **** is going on now? What's the size now? The orcs' attack is over?"

Camilla understands that the "orc attack" in her mouth refers to the war before the start of the "cycle of time" 700 years ago, not the group of stupid green-skinned barbarians some time ago. So she asked calmly, "Let me ask a question, Master Silvia. When is the last day you remember?"

"New Fire Moon, 21st."

Sylvia frowned and replied, remembering that she had also kept a diary that day, complaining that the tide of orcs' offensive kept on, so she had some impressions.

"So ... what year is the new fire month?"

This question made her hold back: "Which year? Uh ... Buno calendar 1302, why ask?"

Camilla blinked and watched her slowly answer: "Now it is 590 years of the Elonian calendar. If you count it according to the" Bunno calendar ", it should be 2021."

"2021? This is not 719 years behind ... this"

Her answer made Silvia struck by lightning. For more than 700 years, it was hard to believe that such a thing happened to anyone, so she didn't take Camilla's words seriously, stood up, her hands condensed in a moment. Shuguang: "Impossible! This is a scam! Where is there any Elon calendar ... you must be a half-elf spy who broke into Elson! I advise you to tell me the truth!"

Realizing that the arcane power was as comfortable as ever, Silvia was relieved a lot, but before she continued to say anything, she saw that Camilla sitting in a chair raised her hand and pressed it down. The original almost completed " Arcane Binding "burst into purple light on the spot ...

"Elements disappear! You ..."

Silvia was so scared that she had no body, and after taking several steps back, she could interrupt the cast through the air without generating magic fluctuations. This hand was already comparable to the strength of Khadgar's mentor.

She suddenly reacted and asked, shaking, "What do you ... have to do with Turing?"

"Turing was destroyed, but you're right, I'm doing the same job as Turing."

Camilla raised her finger and pointed at the chair in front of her. "Sit down and say, I'm afraid we have a lot to talk about."

"I don't ... I don't believe it ..." Silvia shook her head and backed up: "How could Turing be destroyed? That's the most satisfying work of Khadgar's instructor ... That's the hope of our high elves! It's our guardian! "

"Hope? I'm afraid that disappoints you, Master Silvia. Didn't you find yourself dead?"

Camilla calmly told the extremely cruel reality and broke through Silvia ’s last psychological line of defense: "Not only you, the high elves have perished in the war against the orcs, so far nothing has been left behind. Direct bloodline. And it's not someone else who kills you in Elson City, it's the 'guardian' Turing in your mouth. "

By this time, Silvia realized she didn't know what to say, and she looked around helplessly, finding that her chest, which was supposed to be violently undulating at this moment, was motionless, and her body was like a pool of standing water, neither breathing nor heartbeat. , Cold and desperate.

"Kadgar initiated the 'Time Loop' enchantment, which sealed the entire city of Elson for 718 years. It was not until last year that the enchantment of the city disappeared that we discovered that all the high elves in the city had died. But death was not Importantly, all the dead elves are controlled by Turing and become their puppets. We worked hard to destroy Turing, which is the completion of Master Khadgar's last wish. "

Camilla looked at the real high elf in front of her, and was quite sighed in her heart that she once called the "holy congregation" who claimed to be a descendant of the high elf and was committed to restoring the glory of the high elf arcane ... But the extreme thoughts made them so far Too many gains, where would these self-proclaimed "descendants" think that there are really survivors from the High Elf period in this world.

Although Sylvia is a "dead" in the standard sense, if she restored all the memories, it would not only be as simple as a high elven mage, but also mean the "tinder" left by the entire high elven civilization. !!

Civilization that transcends the era as if it is declining day and night ~ ~ what exactly is this? The answer may be in Silvia's memory.

Sylvia's expression was a little numb at this time. She felt that her head could not even analyze what was happening in Camilla's mouth, and with the other party's narration, she found that everything was against her previous "dream" After being reborn as an undead, she experienced several battles with her former mage companions, and this time she even faced the impact of the devil ...

No matter how paralyzed it is, it can't be compared with the instinctual analysis in the head. As a mage, Silvia is not a fool. After Camilla has told everything, she has basically confirmed that the other party has not fabricated any content. But confirmation is one thing, acceptance is another.

She hugged her head and slowly crouched against the wall, squatting to the ground, her eyes murmured in despair: "Why is this so ... why did you choose me ..."

Camilla understands that this shock may be difficult for anyone to digest: when she wakes up, she finds that the world has changed, friends and family have long gone with the wind, and everything that she is familiar with is completely unfamiliar. If you are yourself, you may be aware of your own Be suspicious. However, she was more convinced by Roddy's arrangement, so after seeing Silvia's silence, she stood up and said, "If you still don't believe me, I'll take you around."

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