Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 856: Rally

When Charles II was excited about his grand cause, the atmosphere in Hollier was obviously much more deserted.

In mid-April, the imperial city has begun to fully enter the spring, but the city of Hollier, which is located northwest of the city, is obviously slower. This place does not have a constant temperature enchantment like the city of Elson. After a few spring rains, the roads in the city are muddy and dirty, and the temperature almost drops to zero due to cold air. No one can be seen on the streets during the day, only The smoke rising from the chimney seemed to prove that the city was still "alive".

Compared with poor civilians and farmers, the aristocracy's life is naturally much better, but in this era of entertainment is limited, in addition to hunting, they prefer to find a drink in the warm room from the head. Just as this time, the younger aristocrats in the city gathered together in an earl's mansion to chat and laugh. All the young people were in their twenties and twenties. Men and women gathered together, the theme It often develops in an ambiguous direction. After singing and dancing, you can't wait to release your energy in the room upstairs. This kind of thing is naturally closed to people when you close the door, but compared to the past, a few nobles who understand the situation are obviously in a bad mood.

"I've heard that a draft order will be issued in a few days?"

The banquet hall on the first floor is a place for dancing. If you are tired of jumping, you will find a table next to it and sit down to drink and chat. At this time, the son of a Viscount is talking. He is only nineteen years old. "It's still an age full of fantasy and even expectation, so the words are vaguely excited.

"Nurak, what do you think is a good thing to fight? You do n’t know how many nobles Averta has died in the past two years? The lords on the east are even worse, and the entire territory has been slaughtered.

Baggs, carrying the wine, glanced at him and shook his head: "And what if you want to fight now? Everta is only a quarter of the size and population of the royal family. Do you think you can beat it? "

He was twenty-five years old this year, and his father, Baron Rosta, was seriously injured in the war against the orcs last year. Although he has recovered quite a lot, he can obviously no longer fight in this life. Therefore, if it is really conscripted, Bagus will be recruited to join the army instead of his father, and go to the front line to fight. It is because he knows a lot about the military that he is not as blindly optimistic as Nurak, but is completely pessimistic. Of course, the main reason is that he does not want to risk his life at all.

"What frustration to say? The war is not a simple comparison. How many orcs rushed into the Eastern Territory last year? The territory of dozens of millions of people was suffocated by the Orcs without any resistance. In the end, it was only offered to retreat. The royal family has retained its face, otherwise, what can Charles II do? "

The interjection is the little John. His name is ordinary and his family is not very good, but because he has always been the "informed" one in the circle, he can mix with this group of young aristocrats.

"Orcs are orcs. They are different from humans. My father has faced them, so I know exactly how far we are between ordinary people and orcs."

Baggs is a leader in a small group, so he is not polite, he just made a chopping action and said to John: "If the orc is face to face, just do it like this. You are wearing armor and not wearing armor. Come on, understand? So do n’t think it ’s easy for the orcs to abuse Charles II, and changing the army of Everta can still achieve the same effect. "

I took a sip of wine and pointed to Nurak: "Don't think I'm alarmist, really on the battlefield. Many times you don't die on the charge, but you die of bad food, bad weather, bad In terms of diseases, even the wounds that are worn by riding horses are not treated properly, you may lose your life ... into the forest, a random venomous spider can make you whine, you think that fighting is to show the gorgeousness with a sword Is it swordplay? "

The latter was scolded in such a way that he couldn't help but swallow his mouth. He was too young and respected the big brother of Bagus on weekdays, so he was said to be pale and whispered, "Isn't it?"

"Tell you! From the moment you go to the end of the war, from as little as half a year to as much as two years or even longer, your chance of truly wielding a sword and chopping people is often no more than five times. This is still your luck. Baggs said excitedly, took another sip of wine, and the voice was a little louder: "The rest of the time, you are on standby all day, hurrying, and then eat those garbage-like steaks? Red wine? Dream it! You You ca n’t even eat eggs and cheese. More often, you ’re hungry with black bread, and you even catch mice to improve your food. Okay? ”

With his head full of glory and blood, Nurak was splashed with cold water, and he looked at John for help: "Really, really?"

John sighed: "Actually ... it's almost like this. Or you pay for the food yourself. If you follow the lord and unified logistics, the food is often poor. Those who prepare their own food ... How to say it, often halfway What happened was then "ransacked."

These are things that have actually happened, and they are definitely not made up to scare Nurak. The young man who was so hot-blooded was shocked enough by the ruthless reality, and leaned on the back of the chair like a stinging flower.

"So if this war is to be fought, the result is not optimistic. After all, most people understand that there is no good fruit to fight with the royal family."

Baggs sighed: "But the Prime Minister doesn't know the truth at all. How can a man with scout origin cope with this complicated war?"

Although this is what Baggs said, it also represents the idea behind most nobles. When facing the orc army, Roddy's situation always depends on the city defense. This tactic is frankly without any technical content, anyone can do it. But if you fight against the royal family, from the assembly of teams to the overall planning of hundreds of kilometers of combat, the complex knowledge inside will go deeper ...

"However, if in accordance with the usual practice at the time of the war, the order for conscription should have been issued early. But the Prime Minister does not seem to be in a hurry to initiate this war, Bagus. Has your father received the order? Yes, that kind of suggestion. "

John's voice was lowered, trying to find clues about conscription, but Baggs shook his head without hesitation: "No, until now there is no news. So I don't think that such a war is a child's play. Does the Prime Minister spend only one Time to conscript and gather? How is that possible? Now the royal family faintly wants to take the initiative to attack, and really wants to make trouble, we are completely passive ... "

"What are they afraid of? Even if they hit Hollier, they can cross the wall?"

John ’s words were also comforting. In fact, if the enemy ’s troops really hit the city of Hollier, it also meant that everyone had actually reached the final moment, just like losing. But the situation is obviously not so pessimistic at the moment, he throws out a new message: "I heard that a new fleet has arrived in the south ... a lot of goods transactions have been shipped, and I heard that the total amount of transportation this time alone has topped several The great lords have annual income. "

"Is the fleet of the Kingdom of Rasiman? No one has heard of it, but no one has seen it ... the Lord Duke has delegated power to the 'cabinet', but in fact it is for Prime Minister Roddy, who knows he can toss What's going on ... Anyway, our lives are getting harder and harder. "

"Slow it down ~ ~ Don't think that no one can hear when you complain blindly."

John pulled him, because Bagus's voice was involuntarily loud after drinking too much. Fortunately, most of the young people are drunk in dreams, and each of them cares about some of them who talk seriously.

These young aristocrats more or less felt the depressive atmosphere of the city, so the banquet that used to be overnight all night ended in the early morning. If in the past, it is not unusual for everyone to drink for three days and three nights.

With the help of a housekeeper, Bagus put on a thick cloak. He was dizzy with drinking and walked out of the mansion. As he glanced across the dark street, he was hit hard by the black magic tower not far away. A spirit ...

Helsinki's Magic Tower has been standing here for more than half a month. Now it is not only the tallest and most prominent building in Hollier City, but also the place where Duke Sally lives and handles government affairs. In other words, this is Hollyer City's new "Duke's House".

This is not a big deal in itself, but then several assassins who tried to mix in the magic tower were caught and beheaded. It really made people feel that tension ...

Since the beginning of Independence, the contradictions that have to be accumulated all the time have finally come.

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