Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 857: stable

The younger nobles were worried about Roddy's "layman", but Sally, who was in the center of the vortex, did not have such concerns at all. What she was more worried about now was the internal stability of Everta.

After all, since the beginning of the orc invasion last year, the aristocratic pattern of the entire Karen kingdom has undergone a huge and dramatic change ... Charles II was seriously injured. If this continues, it will be doomed to an end. However, the sudden appearance of the Dragons allowed the royal family to integrate their nobles in a reversal and regain the power that had been separated.

This turn means that the pressure on Everta has suddenly increased.

The drastic regime change was carried out on the premise that the original vested interest groups were largely lacking and Roddy had absolute military power. At present, this situation can only be said to be "smoother", but it is definitely not smooth sailing. The cake is already so big. Any reform is to redistribute resources. How many vested interests will be happy?

Sally herself is actually the highest status existence among "lost interests", but she is very clear that although it is not difficult to continue as a duke of peace and security, but it is far from enough to face the threat from the demon plane ... Therefore, the initiation of change and war cannot be avoided, and under the current conditions, the sooner it is initiated, the greater the chance of victory.

If the royal family planted by the Dragons becomes climatic, it will be late.

But the problem now is that not everyone has this awareness.

Sally looked through the latest intelligence summary in her study in the tower, and her face became increasingly ugly. Although the cabinet finally agreed to launch the war, not all cabinet members took a positive attitude to the matter. Intelligence shows that two cabinet aristocrats have made "pessimistic" statements about excessive warfare in public, which is not a good sign for Everta who has not yet started the war.

After all, no matter how frustrated people are, it's okay to be the leader at the highest level.

"These old ghosts ..."

Sally pouted, but she could only complain in secret. Rodi must have seen the same information, so what I have to do now is to give a handling opinion as a reference to her as the Duke, who currently has the right to "veto one vote". That is, if she thinks that the various motions proposed by the cabinet are inappropriate, she can directly reject them.

This is a reservation and respect for the Duke's power, but in fact she will not use it.

Within the political structure, the right to know, the right to recommend, the veto, and the right to decision basically mean an ascending relationship of power. Now the Prime Minister of the Cabinet is basically the pinnacle of power, but what concerns Sally is that the existence of other members of the Cabinet is not as reassuring as before ...

The election of the great lord into the cabinet is naturally to prevent the unrest of the rulers at the top of Everta. When facing orcs, they are naturally obedient, because humans and orcs cannot stand together.

But now? Sally is a little bit distressed that the desire for power in the human heart, although human progress depends on this desire, but too short-sighted behavior often leads to catastrophic consequences.

Holding the last page of that information, Sally rubbed her eyebrows. At this moment there was a knock on the door, and he looked up, and found that the servant had brought her a warm drink. And Edith's phantom also appeared aside, and the great arcanist saw her face frowning and asked, "It's so late, don't you rest?"

"After reading this, I went to bed."

Sally got up and sat in the armchair aside. At first she didn't plan to enter the office of the magic tower, but after two guys mixed into the servant team were caught by Edith on the spot, Sally realized that her current position was no longer the unknown priest ... To be on the safe side, she moved into the Magic Tower at the suggestion of Roddy, and she would not go out unless she attended important events.

This is not timid, but to minimize the variables for the entire war.

During this time, Edith has been making up for the knowledge of human development. After all, as a high elf seven hundred years ago, after becoming a subordinate of Everta, she must first understand the composition and origin of this country, and then more To speculate on the degree of development of the various forces on the continent to this day, she feels that her choice is correct. Although it seems that Everta is at stake, Edith with a demigod strength can easily break the royal family. Nature.

Charles II was not even a "strong foreigner but a strong one". His current momentum is completely an illusion created by the light of the Dragons.

"Lord Edith, was there such a war during the High Elves?"

Sally was a little upset and didn't want to think about cabinet issues, so she turned to something else and wanted to relax.

"Internal warfare ... not too much, because of the development of spar energy, people in the land can have a richer life than humans now, and the royal family controls the absolute number of large arcanists and the army, only occasionally Disasters or special reasons will lead to forces trying to rebel and rebel, but the end is quickly suppressed. "

Edith briefly said a few words, and then pointed to the detailed map behind Sally: "In fact, what Prime Minister Roddy is doing now is similar to that of the high elves' royal family. I believe that in the near future, Everta will There will be a very stable situation. "


Although Sally has been in the high position of "Duke" for a long time, her eyes cannot compare with the Arcanist after all. She turned her eyes to the map, and after a moment's thinking, she said, "You mean ... these 'roads'?"

"Master Duke, where else do you think the 'road' will be used in addition to this battle?"

In this regard, Sally took a closer look at the "roads" marked by solid red lines on the map. The road from Elson City to Hollier City has been connected, and there are four territories in the middle, including eight branch lines. It leads to the main cities of various territories and the more prosperous market towns. From the two places of Parling and Elson, two parallel lines extended to the east at the same time, which was obviously prepared for the next battle.

But Edith meant that the meaning of "road" was obviously not so simple.

"Well ... with this battle, these roads will be centered on Elson and Hollier City and radiate to the entire Everta area. In this way, it seems that future trade will be more convenient."

"Cooperating with the reform of the Prime Minister, the lord's rights will be withdrawn in the future. Under the circumstances of free trade, the Parr Chamber of Commerce will gradually take control of the economy." Sally's eyes brightened: "This means that ... power is not Just the nominal concentration, the cabinet controls the lifeline of the interests of the various lords. This is the real concentration of power! "

Edith nodded. These things were all about a clever lord. Sally was qualified in this regard. However, the Arcanist has obviously experienced more. With one hand, the city areas of the lords on the map are lightly illuminated.

"The period of war is for the outside world. After the end of the war, if anyone in these places is in trouble, then the time taken by the army to pass from Parr should be within three days."

Edith's estimated time is based on the data given by Roddy. Although Sally also knows it, she still doesn't believe it because from her memory, the time between the army and the city is calculated on a monthly basis ...

"If it can really arrive within three days, it means that the Prime Minister has more direct military strike and suppression capabilities than during the High Elf period." Edith whispered: "Trust me, this ability is good for There is no substitute for ruling the country. "

Sally nodded, but still a little distrustful: "I hope so."

By the end of April, Elson was warming up.

The atmosphere before the end of the "Magic Exchange Meeting" still seems to be maintained in the city of Elson. There are a lot of people wearing robes walking on the streets and alleys. Various magazines and newspapers are scattered, but it is difficult to see "The Royal Family." The weekly figure clearly shows that Roddy deliberately blocked the sources of information that might come from the royal family, thereby allowing the wizards in the city to study the magic with peace of mind.

The wizards and apprentices who left the contract at the exchange meeting either entered the Academy of Magic or joined the "Magic Research Department". The extremely high benefits, good salary, and a positive and healthy magic environment made these wizards very satisfied ... Of course, this is when they don't know the movement of the royal family.

The public opinion in the city was tightly controlled by Roddy, so there was no sorrow of sadness as revealed by Hollier City. And the farmers living on the edge of the city are happily opening up the fields. The fields were originally limited by irrigation capacity. Farmers did n’t dare to use them even if they had land, because if they could n’t take care of them, they would waste the seeds. But now the situation has completely changed, and artificial rainfall has solved the irrigation problem ~ ~ The new simple research and development by the research department has replaced the cattle, not only can cultivate land, but also can be applied to a large range of farmland in a very short time. Fertilizer, so that the labor can be liberated for a larger area of ​​farming and get more food.

Of course, this kind of farmland expansion benefits can only be done by farmers under the Elson City, and other noble farmers or purely self-cultivated farmers need to spend money to rent or buy. Of course, Roddy has actively supported the development of farmland in recent years. The rental cost of Arcane Puppet is very low. According to the number of uses, ordinary farmers can rent it once or twice when they cultivate the land.

Therefore, compared to last year, today's Elsen grain output has doubled again. It can be said that in such a remotely located territory, under the condition of intensive cultivation and centralized control, the total grain output has reached half of the total farmland output in other territories ...

It sounds ridiculous, but under the influence of druid hybrid seeds, artificial rainfall, long-farming and fertilizer, the yield per mu has indeed reached this amazing level.

Of course, all of this must be confirmed after the autumn harvest. At present, the only theme in Elson City is development. For the "engineering team" soldier Rosiak, the dull life will soon be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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