After commenting on a few people

, Feng Yu left, for Sasaki Scarlet, Feng Yu didn't plan to say anything, his road had been arranged for him, and he didn't need to intervene too much.

Walking out of the door of the CCG building, Feng Yu let out a long breath.

"Is there something to do with me?"

"There's Matt waiting!" Feng

Yu turned his head, and what caught his eye was the white-haired Arima's noble general rising with the wind.

He wore glasses and a black coat, and stood in the sunlight when a powerful sense of oppression hit him.

Like a god of war!"

Arima Guijiang said lightly, there was no trace of expression change on his face, just like a person who saw through everything in the world, without desire or desire, nothing could make him have a ripple.

"That's fine.

Wind Feather nodded.

Then the two went to a more classic coffee shop.

The two of them were silent for a while, just quietly sipping the steaming coffee, and the gentle sunlight shone on their faces through the window.

"Chuanfeng, an exchange student from the Eastern Country,"

Arima Guisho muttered.

As the strongest man in CCG, he can easily obtain

Feng Yu's information, at this time, he looked at Feng Yu indifferently, and after looking at it for a while, he slowly said: "You are a bit like a friend I know!" "

Oh, it's really rare to be a friend of Arimat, it must be a big shot, Mr. Arima would not mind telling me his story?".

As soon as he heard Arima Guijiang say this, Feng Yu wanted to see if Arima Guijiang saw something.

"Well, it's a big guy indeed, and his strength is so strong that even I can't be amazed.

"His martial arts, his fighting skills, and his strength are all top-notch!"

"I've carefully observed your martial arts fighting skills, and they're very similar to him.

"But he's a meow, and you're a human, a real human, and there's nothing unusual about it. "

If it were an ordinary person, it is estimated that he would have begun to panic, but Feng Yu would not, according to this situation, he would have already confirmed his identity, but he didn't know that he recognized himself as the Grim Reaper or someone who knew him.

But looking at Arima Guijiang's appearance, he didn't plan to debunk Feng Yu's identity.


Feng Yu smiled.


Arima Guijiang said softly, and the air suddenly became cold.

"Hahaha, don't dare, my martial arts were learned in my country, and I've seen the previous information on that guy from the Grim Reaper, that guy is very dangerous, even more terrifying than the one-eyed owl. "

There's Matt and the others, you said that my martial arts are similar to that guy, do you think he is also from the Eastern Country?"

Arima Guijiang frowned slightly when he heard this, he stared at Feng Yu's face, wanting to see a hint of other changes in expression, but he was disappointed.

And Feng Yu's words seemed to wake him up, for the origin of the Grim Reaper, he was like a character who suddenly appeared, and there was no trace of the past to be queried.

And he has not never seen the mews from the eastern countries, and now the CCG leader has crusaded against the mews from the eastern countries.

In this way, it may be necessary to update the information for the Grim Reaper.

Still, there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

But seeing the expression on Feng Yu's face, he didn't dare to define it, after all, the future of the person in front of him was immeasurable, and his plan was still in the initial stage, and it was still a question of whether his plan would succeed, if he failed, the person in front of him might be the only hope.

After all, he himself was going to die.

Arima Gui looked at the people coming and going outside the window, and the happy smiling face hung on the face of the pedestrian, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

Feng Yu noticed the changes in Arima Guijiang's body, the last second was fine, but the next second he looked so lonely.

"Chuanfeng, what do you think of today's mew species and CCG?"

Arima Gui swept away the loneliness on his body and returned to the previous cold male god again.

"The meow species want to live in space, and the human race wants to protect its own safety, not to mention that the meow and the human race are originally the antagonists of the food chain, the meow species need to eat people, and the human race wants to resist..."

Feng Yu shook his head, pretending to be a fledgling expression.

"Have you ever thought that human beings and mew species can also coexist in this world, and every species has its own value for existence, but mew species and human beings need a turning point, or a leader who is both human and mear.

"Moreover, the mew and CCG are not as simple as you think, in this country, there is a group of people who have been silently controlling everything, they are the most powerful existence in the world, no one dares to resist, the one-eyed owl who died that day is one of them..."

I don't want to see you on the list one day..."

, Arima got up and left.

Looking at the back of General Arima's departure, Feng Yu fell into deep thought.

What does Arima Guijiang mean by this situation now, from wanting to find out his identity at the beginning, to now telling himself that there is a group of people who are controlling everything.

Feng Yu knew who the group of people Arima was talking about, but according to his words, he had been targeted by the V organization, and told himself that there might be an eyeline around the V organization that had been monitoring him.

"Are you courting me or do you want to pull me into a team..."

Feng Yu knew that the current Arima Guijun's body was not as good as before, and as a half-human, the premise of having great strength was the short life span.

In the original book, it was precisely because he sensed the gradual decay of his body that he and Izumi Takatsuki joined forces to make Kaneki the One-Eyed King to rectify all the meows to rebel against the mysterious V organization.

"V organization, I haven't looked for you yet, you guys are eyeing me first, hehe, if it weren't for the fact that I can't startle the snake now, I would have already served you in a pot..."

After a while, Wind Feather walked out of the coffee shop and disappeared into the crowd, and the man in the suit who had been watching Wind Feather from a distance disappeared without a trace.

"My lord, doppelganger number 78 has disappeared. Somewhere

at the top of the building, a man half-knelt on the ground said respectfully to the man sitting in front of him.

"I remember that No. 78 was sent to monitor Kawakaze..."

"In this way, it seems that he has already noticed something, and he will notify him to pause for a while to avoid being noticed by him. "

Yes, my lord, but now that he is qualified enough to be one of us, why don't we woo him?"

asked the kneeling man, confused.

"There's no hurry, because there's more important things to do now, and I've heard that the clowns have found One-Eye's hiding place..."



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