Another month has passed, and after the guidance of the last wind feather, the Qs class has officially begun to devote itself to the crusade against the meow species.

"This time, the name of the mew is torso, and it is an extreme partial eater. He likes to play with the torso of the human body, and he likes to play with the female body, and the heads and feet of all the murdered women are taken off and thrown away. The common denominator of the women who have been victims is that they have undergone surgery due to illness or accidents, and they have scars on their bodies.

"The initial judgment of strength is A-level!" Gua

Jiang Jiusheng looked at the information in his hand and was straight into attention, this was the first task of their Qs class, although because of Feng Yu's intervention, the relationship between several of them was more intimate than in the original book, but as soon as he thought of someone's figure in his mind, the anger in his heart ignited.

He wanted to complete this task alone, get merit, and make that person look at him differently!

Several people looked at each other, and Sasaki, as the squad leader, naturally wanted to make a good plan to ensure everyone's safety.

"Mom, it's good that you can complete this task, I'm so sleepy and hungry, I'll go back to eat and sleep, you pay attention to safety!" Mirin

Caizi's eyes were tired, and the dark circles under her eyes were imprinted, and it was obvious that last night was an all-nighter.

June Toru nodded in agreement with Sasaki Scarlet, after all, she couldn't release Katsuko, and her combat effectiveness was very weak.

I don't know that the mind looked at the bonus stated on the mission, and showed a meaningful look.

"I must make more money so that I can make enough money for my sister's medical expenses..."At

the same time, he also noticed the desire in Guajiang Jiusheng's eyes.

Several people have their own thoughts, coping with the plan made by Sasaki Saki.

After waiting for the end, Guae Hisashi looked at the location where the victim was found, and a bold inference was made in his mind.

"Maybe Torso is just a taxi driver, so that he can dump corpses in different places..."The

more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, and Gua Jiang Hisashi went to the street alone to investigate.

Unbeknownst to him, there was a man following him in the distance.

For several days, Guajiang Jiusheng didn't get good clues, which made him feel a sense of frustration.

"No, I chose the wrong time, the last time those people disappeared was in the middle of the night, and I have been investigating at the most crowded time these days, Torso definitely doesn't dare to act rashly..."

Soon, a taxi slowly stopped in front of him

, "Little brother, are you in a car?"

The window rolled down, and a middle-aged man with a simple face asked.

Guajiang Jiusheng looked at the man, slowly said "yes" and got into the car.

When the driver saw Guajiang Jiusheng getting into the car, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After getting into the car, Gua Jiang Jiusheng closed his eyes and pretended to be very tired.

Beautiful music sounded in the car, and green taxis drove slowly on the deserted streets in the middle of the night.

seemed to be a little bored, and the driver began to talk to Guajiang Jiusheng without a word.

"Little brother, did you just get off work?"

"That's really hard.

"It's not hard, but the driver, have you paid attention to a recent female homicide, I suspect that the murderer is a taxi, you say yes, Torso!"

Gua Jiang Jiusheng said lightly.

"Hahaha, how can I be a murderer, little brother, I'm a good person!" The

driver's forehead was a little cold sweat, but there was a simple smile on his face.

It's just that in the next second, what Guajiang Jiusheng said made him not calm.

"Really, late at night, from the moment you opened the window, I could smell the disgusting smell of blood on your body and the smell of disinfectant water in the car to wash the blood..."

The car stopped suddenly

, "What, are you going to start doing it to me?"

Gua Jiang Jiusheng said indifferently.

Seeing that it had been demolished, the driver did not pretend, and threatened: "You are in my car now, no one can help you, obediently become my food!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a white pigeon, but just you are a stinky brat is not qualified, obediently let me die!" The

driver launched a fierce attack again, he jumped up, and the tail behind him instantly stabbed out

, Guajiang Jiusheng also reacted instantly, Kuink's box opened, a long knife was held in his hand, and

the next moment, with a sound of blocking, the powerful force directly knocked him out a few meters.

"Boy, I'm an A-level strength, not those miscellaneous fish!" The

driver immediately sneered when he saw that Gua Jiang Jiusheng was repelled by his own attack a few meters.

And the Kuinkke long knife that Guajiang Hisashi held in his hand was also damaged in the blow he had just arrived.

He frowned slightly, but fortunately threw the long knife aside.

"Oh, are you going to give up resistance?" the

driver laughed.


Facing the driver's ridicule, Gua Jiang Jiusheng sneered, and in the next second, one of his eyes quickly turned scarlet, and his right hand also turned into a scarlet long sword.

"Wait, you... You are a mew seed!" The

driver was taken aback, after all, he had never seen a white pigeon with a mew seed

in it! But don't think about it, Guajiang Jiusheng has already taken the initiative to attack! It's just that the driver is not a vegetarian, and Guajiang Jiusheng's

strength at this time has improved a lot compared to the original book, but maybe it is because of the lack of real fighting experience, he was easily dodged by the driver, and he was also hit away in this gap.

"It doesn't matter if you're a human or a meander, give me death!" The

driver rushed to Gua Jiang Jiusheng with angry eyes, wanting to kill him immediately, but at this moment, the roar of a motorcycle sounded in the distance.

"Guajiang, it's not good for you to eat alone!" A

ghost fire motorcycle took off and crashed into the driver

, which had to keep him away from Guajiang Jiusheng and take a few steps back, but before he stopped asking, one after another Hezi cannonballs pierced the air and fell with a bang

! "Cut! I don't need your help!"

Guajiang Jiusheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately cooperated with the unknown minstrel who came over

The driver kept dodging the shells, and Gua Jiang Hisashi attacked, taking advantage of the driver's failure to react, and sliced through his bag with one blow.

"It's amazing. Looking

at the driver, who had lost his ability to fight, the minstrel sighed.

"How do you know I'm here?" Gua

Jiang Jiusheng asked suspiciously

, "Hahaha, I guessed that your kid would act alone, tell Brother Zuo about it, he is almost worried about you." The

minstrel laughed and came to the driver's side.

After questioning, it was learned that the driver was not the target they were looking for at all.

The two were a little disappointed, and the driver died quickly, and the clues that were finally obtained were interrupted.

On the other side,

Feng Yu was in an underground laboratory admiring the operation performed by Jiana in the distance.


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