"Senior Chuanfeng, you are finally back, something big happened tonight. As

soon as Feng Yu, who had restored her appearance, stepped into the CCG building, Kanamiko hurriedly ran over.

At this moment, her face was crimson, a little sweat was on her forehead, and she unbuttoned the two inch shirts on her chest in the steaming heat.

Feng Yu glanced at her and beckoned her into the elevator

, tonight's CCG was extremely lively, and the halls on the first floor were full of heavily armed guards.

The moment he saw Chuan Feng, he also made a way for him.

In the elevator, Kanamiko begins to tell about what happened tonight.

Listening to her description of the Grim Reaper, a bad taste surged in Feng Yu's heart.

If she knew that her boss was the monster in her mouth, maybe her expression would be rich.

She then went on to talk about the current situation in Kuynksban, where he was in a coma and the other members were seriously injured.

Feng Yu frowned slightly, he remembered that he didn't exert himself at that time...

The elevator was fast, but they could feel that the entire CCG personnel had arrived, which showed how much attention they were paid to the appearance of the Grim Reaper.


, the two of them came to their office, and when they got in, they saw Torishin and Mi Yi waiting for them.

"Knock knock.

Feng Yu's slender fingers snapped on the desk, and he looked out the window and felt bored.

His eyes were slightly tired, and he gave Scarlet a reincarnation nightmare tonight, and the mental power consumed was still very large.

In addition, it is late at night tonight, and sitting here feels like a worker working overtime, doing nothing and consuming time.

After a while, Marutesai called someone over to inform Feng Yu of the meeting.

Sighing helplessly, he tidied up his clothes and walked to the meeting.

"Sister Miko, did you see the boss's expression just now, how do I feel that he doesn't seem to want to go to the meeting.

Mei Yi said with a lollipop smile in her mouth.

"Hmph, it's not allowed to orchestrate Kawakaze-sama behind your back..."

Kanamiko glanced at her, then turned her head and her face was crimson.

"Just... Did Lord Chuanfeng show his impatience just now... So handsome... I like it so much..."

Torishin looked at his two teammates and could only laugh on the sidelines.

Time passed little by little, and Feng Yu looked at the solemnity on their faces, and only felt bored listening to them analyze the purpose of the appearance of the Grim Reaper.

Boredom spent a night of overtime, walking down the street, Feng Yu exhaled a breath of turbidity.

"Do you rats really think I don't have a temper?" Feng Yu's

face darkened, and in the next second, the whole person turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

After that, a bald man who had lost his breath had appeared in his hand.

The man was wearing a suit and was slightly chubby.

Wind Feather recognized it.

This is a clone of the leader of the V organization.

"It seems

that you still don't want to give up on me...", but it also reminds me that there are still some tails that have not been cleaned up, since you don't give up on me, then I will give you some gifts, I believe this little gift will make you happy.

Feng Yu sneered, then looked in a certain direction and slowly raised his right hand.

The corners of the mouth are hooked, and the middle finger is erected.

"I'll come to you.

Feng Yu opened his mouth, then ignored it, and went straight to the place where Cuinkksban usually lived.

Half an hour later

, "Chuanfeng senior, why are you here?"

said the minstrel in surprise.

"I came over to see the scarlet world.

Feng Yu replied lightly.

"Brother Zo... Zogo, he hasn't woken up yet... Senior, come with me, and I'll take you to see Brother Zuo. I

don't know that the minstrel is still wrapped in a white bandage, which makes Feng Yu's eyes feel strange.

Their injuries seem to be a little bit severe....

Passing through the living room, I came to Scarlet's room.

As soon as I came in, I saw a few people around the bed, even Mato Xiao.

Their faces were full of anxiety and worry.

"Ah, Mom, don't die, don't leave us, what will I do if you die?"

shouted Mi Lin Caizi lying on the edge of the bed.

"Talent, bah, bah, the teacher will not die, the teacher is just unconscious. "

June Tou gave Mirin a violent buckle.


Mi Lin Caizi rolled his eyes, turned his head down, and fell asleep in the next second.

June had tears in her eyes, and there was a doctor in charge of Kuynksban by her side.

"It's weird... It stands to reason that Scarlet should be able to wake up now, and his body is fine... But the brain waves are chaotic..."

, Di Xing A and B asked suspiciously.

At this time, cold sweat flowed from Scarlet Shi's forehead, his eyebrows were compact, and his face was full of pain.

Everyone was puzzled, but Feng Yu saw it clearly.

He saw that Scarlet was experiencing the plot in the original book, and he also saw his gradually awakened Kaneki consciousness.

The departure of friends one by one, the sacrifice of Ma Guijiang, to fulfill himself.

I also saw him and Kirishima Dongxiang combine together to conceive their own offspring.

And then finally fell into madness, and became a "dragon"!

This is the illusion that Feng Yu weaved for him, he can't wait, he wants to let Jin Mu return, and let the dragon come in advance.

As long as the "dragon" is harvested, then he can go back to the ghost world and go back to deal with the black fox.

The illusion ended over and over again, and it was reincarnated over and over again.

The aura of the scarlet world gradually became chaotic, and his Kazuko unexpectedly appeared out of control.

The entire bed was torn to shreds.

"Dong Xiang... Dong Xiang..."

"Don't leave me, master... Everyone...... Don't leave me..."


The names of people that Kaneki knew kept appearing in the mouth of the scarlet

world, and as the names of the people were spoken, the Kazuko of the scarlet world also began to change towards the Kazuko who used to be Kaneki.

A black hezi like a centipede makes a "zizi" sound.

"It's not good, everyone back away, it's very dangerous now!" said

Di Xing Jia Yi with a frown.

Everyone was puzzled, only Mato Xiao immediately took out his weapon.

"Mr. A and B, give Scarlet a sedative, or we will all have to face

SS-class Seed Mask!" Scarlet was still wailing in pain

, and the people of Cuynksban looked at him with distress in their hearts, but when they heard Mato say that Scarlet could become an SS-class Seed Mask, they were shocked in their hearts, and then they were puzzled.

They don't understand, it's clear that Scarlet is the same as them, and they are all transplanted Hezi to become a half-Hezi existence, and they have always thought that they are still human beings, but at this moment, when they heard Mato Xiao say that Scarlet is a mew seed.

They put themselves in their place.

A mixed wave of emotions emerged.


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