"I'll do it.

Feng Yu said lightly.

His voice was like a tranquilizer, calming everyone's impetuousness.

Seeing that their faces gradually calmed down, Feng Yu didn't say anything more, but gently pressed Scarlet with one hand.

Strangely, as Wind Feather's hand touched Scarlet's body, the pain on Scarlet's face also decreased.

Of course, this is Feng Yu's secret use of spiritual power to appease them.

A hint of strangeness flashed in Dixing Jiayi's eyes, but he didn't say anything, and took out a tranquilizer with his hands and feet and injected it into Scarlet's body.

After doing all this, Scarlet Shi also slowly calmed down, and the tense atmosphere in the room suddenly dissipated.

It's just that although Scarlet has calmed down, he hasn't woken up yet, and the reincarnation nightmare that Feng Yu cast on him is still ongoing.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Chuanfeng, if you hadn't come, I don't know what would have become of Scarlet World.

Mato Xiao sighed and said, her eyes were full of worry about Scarlet, if Scarlet was out of control, it might be the moment when she raised her knife to her friend.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

"Since Scarlet is fine, then I'll go first.

Feng Yu said lightly.

After confirming the current state of Scarlet, there is no reason for Feng Yu to continue to stay here.

Thinking that he has changed the plot, Feng Yu is also going to start paving the way for the future.

"The plot has been disrupted by me, and I must strangle the possible changes in the cradle.

Feng Yu said secretly in his heart.

Then he left, but the moment he walked out of the gate, he bumped into Arima Guisho head-on.

After a brief greeting, the two didn't stay long, and walked away directly.

Looking at Feng Yu's back, a trace of strangeness flashed in the eyes of General Arima.

"It's too much like ..."


A day later, the

summer breeze greets you, stirring up the latitude of enthusiasm.

At this time, the scarlet world has not woken up yet, and is still experiencing reincarnation nightmares.

The CCG, for its part, remains on high alert.

On the other hand, on the Bronze Tree's side, some of the meows who had been blessed by Wind Feather were extremely looking forward to waiting for the return of the "Grim Reaper" in their hearts.

Immerse yourself in joy.

Perhaps because Nishio Nishio was saved by the "Grim Reaper", they didn't say anything about the failure of his mission to bring back Torso.

Instead, Nishio Nishiki met Tatara and Takatsuki Izumi alone.

"It's amazing, Nishio-kun's strength has increased very quickly recently.

Izumi Takatsuki said in a playful tone, wrapped in bandages.

And Tatara didn't speak, but looked at Nishio Nishiki and didn't know what he was thinking.

Facing the gaze of the two leaders, Nishio Nishiki couldn't help but get nervous in his heart.

"This is all the credit of the organization, and the strength of the subordinates cannot be put on the table. "

Now, don't be too nervous, I won't eat you, I just want to ask you why he didn't come back with you."

Izumi Takatsuki leaned in front of Nishio Nishiki and said with his fingers gently hooking his chin.

The scarlet eyes looked so strange in the dim light.

Nishio Nishiki swallowed.

Holding back the fear in his heart, he said, "Lord Death said that he still has some personal matters to deal with, and he will return to the organization when he finishes dealing with them."


"Tatara, my heart hurts so much, is this the pain of being abandoned by a man, I seem to have fallen out of love.

Takatsuki Izumi said to herself, as if she was a girl abandoned by a scumbag.

Tatara still didn't speak, just remained silent on the sidelines.

"Okay, okay, Nishio-kun, you go down first, I've worked hard for you tonight, if you meet him again, remember to tell him that I miss him very much."

Izumi Takazuki jumped onto Noro's shoulder and waved his hand at Nishio Nishiki, smiling as he went out.

"I'm curious what his private affairs are..."

At this time, Feng Yu came to a bar in District 14 alone.

As soon as I entered the door, the warm and ambiguous atmosphere suddenly hit, and the crowd with music under the red lights and wine was like wolves looking for their prey.

With just a glance, Feng Yu saw the goal of this trip.

The messy and beautiful long burgundy hair is irregularly resting on the shoulders, and the eyes are pale black eyeliner, which is charming and aura. Holding the goblet elegantly with one hand, she handed it to her blood-soaked red lips, took a sip, shook her head, the lights in the bar were dim, no one could see her expression, she didn't drink anymore, just played with the wine glass, and looked at the people in the bar with interest.

Soon, she seemed to notice Feng Yu's gaze

, and when the two collided with each other, she smiled slightly and took a sip of the red wine in her hand.

"Little brother doesn't look bad, what, do you want to have a drink with me?"

said with a smile.

"As the most intelligent woman, guess what I'm here for.

Feng Yu said lightly.

"Giggles, you're really funny, it looks like you're busy again, come with me, I don't want my good store here to be ruined. Tie

Li hooked her slender and slender fingers, and

then the two of them came to a place where no one was.

"CCG's new generation has the potential to surpass Arima's noble generals... Kill SS-class mews alone... You're pretty good. "

Say, what do you want to ask me for this time?"

Tie Li sat on a chair on the side of the road and smiled happily, the sun shining on her body, for a while, it was a stunned sight.

Beautiful, it's so beautiful.

"It's worthy of the Bird of the Clown Organization, okay, it's time to get down to business, do you want to stand on the stage forever, you won't have a curtain call, and you can perform to your heart's content..."

"Oh, you're stumped me, you know I'm organized, and I have to dig into the corner, although you are very handsome, I like it too, but I'm afraid the boss won't agree, his strength is very strong."

Tie Li showed a cute expression, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

"Oh, don't you agree, it's a pity to say something like that, but I don't like accidents as a person, so your refusal makes me feel unhappy..."

"Hehe... Do you want to get your hands dirty... You men are fighting and killing day out..."

"But... Do you really think I'm so easy to take?"

said Ryoli stood up with a smile, his eyes scarlet, and his tender tongue licked his bewitching lips.

"Let my sister taste you, little brother. "


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