"Morning, uncle

...""Well, early, little

Fengyu..." got up early and gathered at the intersection of the village, Fengyu and Meixiu's father said good morning and began to check whether the goods and grain were fixed, and after a while, pull it, and bounce there.

After a short time of inspection, the two said goodbye to Mi-so and Mi-so's mother and set off.

An ox cart that delivered the goods, the two of them were one after the other, Meixiu's father led the ox in front to lead the way, and Feng Yu checked whether the goods were tied firmly in the back.

Along the way, Mi-so's father will also explain to Wind Feather about a place when he goes to a place, as well as interesting things that happen when he works with Wind Feather's father to deliver goods.

And, of course, the horror stories he heard from the town...

"Legend has it that after the sun goes down, evil spirits come out to eat people. There are also ghost hunters who kill evil ghosts and protect people..."

Mixiu's father also boasted that he had seen ghosts, but Feng Yu didn't believe it, thinking that if he saw a ghost, he wouldn't have stood here and bragged about himself.

"Uncle, didn't you say that demons eat people, and how did you survive?" asked Wind Feather.

"Hahaha, didn't you kid hear that I was bragging, I haven't seen this kind of ghost life, anyway, the person who told me this story said the same thing, I'm just stating the story, and then the story is not necessarily true, I've been born for 25 years, I haven't seen a ghost, I guess Ah is also fictional, and warns some children not to sneak out at night to play..."

It is also true that the people in many backward small villages in this world do not have good information, and even if someone sees a ghost, if it is not a member of the ghost killing team, there is no life to spread the news.

It took about three hours for the two of them to come to a small town, and to be honest, this was the first time that Feng Yu had experienced the appearance of a small town during the Taisho period (1912-1926) in Japan, which was said to be a short and relatively stable period in Japan in his previous life.

Looking at the town where people come and go, Feng Yu remembered a sentence in a foreign country...

His eyes couldn't help but darken.

I don't know what happened to my parents now, what will happen to them when they find out that I'm gone...

Meixiu's father looked at the sadness in Feng Yu's eyes who was standing still, and thought that maybe Feng Yu was thinking about his father and mother, so he said, "Wind Feather boy, go, give the grain to the vendor, and take you to eat delicious food." Soon

, Meixiu's father led Feng Yu to the merchant to settle the price of the grain.

Then the two of them wandered around the bustling street, and Mixiu's father kept talking to Wind Feather about all kinds of things that he thought Wind Feather had never seen, after all, in his memory, Wind Feather had never left the village and came to the town.

But Feng Yu just wanted to go back home quickly, and then make up for the number of swings today, and turn on the system as soon as possible to deal with the danger that could come at any time.

Although most of the things are known to the wind feather, there are still some small things that are relatively novel, and they belong to the specialties of small island countries.

The small island nations of this era have begun to have guns, and even some prosperous areas have begun to have concrete high-rise buildings.

In this way, after both of them finally bought some necessities and snacks that Meixiu's father bought for Meixiu, they took the ox cart back to the village.

The sun still sets late this season, and when the two of them get home, the sun has not yet set, and the red sunset is reflected on Feng Yu's face.

Feeling the slight breeze blowing on his face, Feng Yu felt that his body seemed to be a little different.

But Feng Yu didn't care too much, just thinking about it or maybe he missed his previous life a little...

After all, it's a foreign land....

After cleaning up, Wind Feather began to use the remaining light to practice drawing his sword.

Soon, half a year passed day by day, and in this half year, Feng Yu did not change much every day, except for cooking and practicing knife swinging by himself, as well as delivering goods once a week.

It's just that there will be a pair of small eyes looking at him every day, and he may be a little uncomfortable at first, but in the past six months, he has become Feng Yu's daily companion.

Feng Yu occasionally goes to Meixiu's house to eat, after all, the time saved by someone cooking to practice drawing a knife is still very fragrant.

In the past six months, Feng Yu has been tired of practicing every day, and anyway, his body will recover with the help of the system the next day, and the speed of drawing the knife every day is getting faster and faster, and he is becoming more and more clever.

As a result, the number of swings on the system panel has reached as much as 70W.

Now the number of swings per day is almost 1w, which shows how fast the swing speed is.

Perhaps "there is a goal in the heart, draw the sword of the natural god" is such a truth.

Moreover, after half a year, Feng Yu also seems to have discovered the difference in his body, it seems to have grown very fast, from the previous height of one meter four or five, and now it has grown to about one meter six, which is very scary, half a year, this height leap is really too big.

After all, the height of the people in the small island country is generally low, and Xiao Meixiu's family has not changed much, they should eat, drink, and live a comfortable life.

"It's fast, at the current speed, the number of swings can soon reach 100w, and then the system can be turned on.

"And why do I have a vague feeling of palpitations, it seems that something bad will happen soon..."Feng

Yu, who practiced drawing his sword in his bare shirt, frowned and looked into the distance.

"That's the direction... It makes me feel uneasy..."

The wooden knife in his hand stopped, and Meixiu asked with a puzzled expression: "Brother Feng

Yu, why did you stop, did something happen?" Feng Yu shook his head and didn't say anything, after all, this was just what he felt in his heart, maybe he came to this world for nothing.

But soon, Wind Feather's uneasiness was verified....

"Huh... Have you heard? There seems to be a man-eating beast in the next village, and several people have been missing, and I heard that they were all dragged to the mountains and eaten, and when they were found, only some meat foam and stumps and rotten clothes remained, and they were eaten very cleanly..."

Alas, I only hope that the officers and soldiers will quickly kill the damned beast so that there will be no need to die

..." "Yes, you must kill the beast quickly, otherwise if you get tired of eating the next village, it will not be good to run to our village..."

Early in the morning, some of the old people in this village will get together to chat about gossip when they are free.

Feng Yu listened to these old men, I said a word, frowning, his heart tightened, and the faint direction of uneasiness was the direction of the next village where the accident occurred...

"No wonder I'm going to face the cannibal demons of this world

so soon...", "And my body's sixth sense is so powerful..."

Feng Yu muttered quietly, but soon ran back to the house to practice wielding the knife, and at the same time put a woodcutter and axe on the side of the bed.

Although Feng Yu understands that if it is really an evil ghost, the knife and axe are useless, and only the Nihon Wheel Sword in the hands of the Demon Slayer can kill the evil spirit.

If you come, you will be safe, Feng Yu thought so, and began a day of sword swinging practice.

Soon, a week passed peacefully, and finally on the eighth day, the bad news still reached the village of Wind Feather.


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