
"What's going on?"

"It seems to be in the direction of Noita Nobita's house

...", "Quick, go and see..."


The sound of exclamation also reached Feng Yu, he frowned and said, "It can't be a demon eating people..."

"Quiet! Look at this situation, the man-eating beast from the next village has already set its sights on our village, what we need to do now is to quickly notify the officers and soldiers to come..."

"In order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy, before the arrival of the officers and soldiers, everyone must close the door at night, and at the same time..."

Feng Yu didn't listen to the old village chief again, but just stared at the rotten corpse that was eaten by the evil spirit.


" Feng Yu sighed

, "It's really strange, if I saw such a scene in my previous life, I might have vomited or started to tremble, but now I don't feel it at all..."

And according to this situation, it seems that this village and the next village have been reduced to a hunting ground for

evil ghosts...""What should I do, this ordinary weapon can't kill evil ghosts at all, and I don't know if the ghost killing team knows about the evil ghost attacks that happened here..."

At the thought that he was the main hunting target of most evil ghosts, Feng Yu felt a chill welling up in his heart.

"Hey, Windfeather Boy.

Feng Yu turned his head and saw that it was Meixiu's father

, "Stinky boy, you moved to my house before the officers and soldiers arrived, and now you are home alone, and you can't know what happened at the first time."

Mixiu's father said and pulled up Feng Yu and left the scene.

"You go back and prepare your toiletries for tonight now, and then come straight over.

Mixiu's father said in a deep voice.

Feng Yu noticed that Mixiu's father seemed to know something...

Feng Yu didn't say anything, after all, one more person means more strength, and now he is completely incapable of dealing with evil ghosts, and Meixiu's father is in the prime of life, and he is also a force stronger than himself.

"Maybe you can prepare more ropes..."

Soon night fell, and the village was quiet, but there was a hidden danger at the same time.

"Hahaha, what are you kid doing with so many ropes, don't you think that these ropes can catch man-eating beasts..."

Mi-so's father suddenly calmed down

, "You mean... This can't be, it's just fiction..."

Mixiu's father quickly shook his head, after all, that kind of thing was just hearsay, and he still believed in his heart that the big beast was the murderer.

"Why is a legend a legend, it is because someone has experienced it and witnessed it with their own eyes, it is better to believe it than to believe it, uncle, if it is really that kind of thing, I don't think these knives and axes alone can kill it, and as far as I know, that kind of thing can only be killed by sunlight..."

"I don't think I said I could kill that kind of thing if only sunlight could kill

that...", Feng Yu: "..."

Mihide and Mihide's mother watched as they had been discussing that thing, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

I had to pray in my heart.

"Okay, you two, it's late at night, let's go to bed quickly..."

Feng Yu and Meixiu's father glanced at each other, and then they didn't discuss it anymore, but they both sighed in their hearts.

The countryside at night was terrible, but Feng Yu couldn't sleep, looking at the dark beams, his heartbeat could be heard.

Time passed little by little, and Feng Yu's eyelids began to be sleepy.

At this time, Meixiu's father was already snoring.


, Feng Yu seemed to hear something.

Like the sound of human footsteps, and the sound of the door opening!

In an instant, Feng Yu's sleepiness faded, and his heartbeat began to quicken.

"Uncle, wake up, there's a situation..."

Feng Yu got up and carefully shook the sleeping father of Meixiu.

"Hmm... What's wrong with Wind Feather..."

Mixiu's father said with a low yawn.

"There seems to be someone out there..."Feng

Yu whispered.

Hearing this, Meixiu's father didn't feel sleepy, and got up and picked up the axe and knife next to him to defend himself, and Feng Yu also held a knife and rope in his hand.

"The baby daughter will be handed over to you, you hide in the cabinet first, don't make a sound..."

Before leaving, I didn't forget to tell you to pay attention to safety.

The sound of "pop pop" was getting closer and closer, and Feng Yu and Mixiu's father were standing on either side of the door, ready to wait for the demon to swing his knife and slash down as soon as he opened the door.

The "click"

door seemed to open a little bit

, and the strong stench came to my nose, and a black-green hand with sharp claws reached in.

At the same time, he muttered: "I'm here for the delicious...

"Do it!" shouted

Mixiu's father, and the weapons in their hands instantly swung down.


A demon with blood-red eyes and sharp teeth greeted him.

"Damn human, you actually made me feel pain, unforgivable, I must eat you. Evil

and greedy eyes stared at Feng Yu and Mixiu's father, and then took back the severed hand that had fallen to the ground in front of the eyes of the two of them.

"Uncle, it has a strong ability to heal itself, our knives and axes don't hurt it at all, I suggest trying to separate its head from its body, and then tie it up and wait for the sun to kill it..."

There was a loud


sound, and Meixiu's father and Feng Yu pounced into the air, and the speed of the evil ghost was very fast, and it dodged away in an instant.

It's just that soon the two of them have the upper hand, because the space of the house is relatively small, which greatly restricts the space for the evil spirit's activities.

Although the demon is not afraid of the knife and axe in the hands of Wind Feather and the others, it still feels pain, so it has been locking on to the young Wind Feather.

It's just that Feng Yu's strength is not as strong as Meixiu's father, but the knife swinging he has practiced every day for half a year has made him have a sense of proficiency in the knife in his hand, and the evil ghost has also frequently suffered from Feng Yu's knife wounds.

And Feng Yu and Meixiu's father also had some external injuries on their bodies, and it took a lot of effort for the two to deal with the evil ghost, and the evil ghost felt that the sky was about to dawn, and he couldn't help but be anxious and wanted to run out, but Feng Yu and the two blocked the door.

The two sides confronted each other like this, and suddenly, the demon seemed to sense something, and his blood-red eyes turned, and he quickly walked in the direction of the box that was hiding from the two of them.

"Oh no

, the target of this evil ghost of Wind Feather has turned to Mixiu and them!" "Damn!"

Wind Feather and the two of them were anxious, but the speed of the evil ghost was faster, and they saw that the evil ghost was about to touch the box.

The extreme sense of anger welled up in his heart, and the knife in his hand and his own familiarity reached a higher level, and before he had time to think about it, Feng Yu swung the long knife in his hand with all his strength and aimed at the demon's thigh.

Even Feng Yu didn't notice that for a moment, a large amount of air was inhaled into his lungs, and the blood flow throughout his body accelerated, making his strength several times greater than usual...


The demon fell to the ground, and the dark red blood flowed out of the floor, only to see the demon's body separate from one of his thighs.

Feng Yu and Mixiu's father's eyes widened, as if they were full of unimaginability, this actually cut off the demon's thigh.

It's just that soon the two reacted happily and rushed towards the demon, and the demon fell to the ground because one leg was broken, so he wanted to reach out and take it back, but Feng Yu and Mixiu's father had already run to the body of the demon who was holding down the ghost.

The strength of the demon is so strong, and in just an instant, Mixiu's father was thrown away by the demon.

Seeing this, Feng Yu hurriedly picked up the long knife and quickly slashed at the evil ghost.

The long knife entered the eye, and the demon instinctively resisted with both hands.


The demon's hands were broken

, and the demon didn't react, and then Feng Yu continued to swing hard, slashing at the demon's neck.

The sound of a long knife entering the flesh was heard, only this time it didn't cut the neck.

Feng Yu shouted

, "Quick, help me hard!"

Mixiu's father, who was covered in injuries, couldn't care about the pain of a broken leg bone, because if he took a slower step, everyone would die here.

Gritting his teeth, he rushed to Feng Yu's side and pressed hard.


The demon's neck is broken.

The demon's eyes were still rolling, and he didn't seem to realize that his neck had been cut off by someone who wasn't the Demon Slayer.

Then came the boundless rage, and it felt that it had been insulted, and that a mere human had cut off its neck.

"Quick, uncle, hurry up and tie up its separated limbs with

a rope..."And Mixiu's father saw that the evil ghost's neck was really broken and not dead, so he quickly picked up the rope and tied the demon's body separately.

As for Feng Yu, seeing that the demon seemed to want to control his separated body to merge, he gritted his teeth and waved the long knife in his hand and slashed at the demon's face.


is the sound of a long knife entering the flesh

, of course, this also successfully bought time for Meixiu's father, seeing that the limbs of the demon have been tied separately, Feng Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The demon couldn't move because his body was tied, so he began to curse Feng Yu.

"Damn humans, low-level creatures, why don't you obediently do your duty to make food..."

Wind Feather didn't care how ugly the evil ghost scolded, just as if he couldn't hear it, he put the demon's head in an iron box.

After doing all this, Feng Yu finally couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground gasping for breath, a feeling of soreness and weakness filled his body.

And Mixiu's father was also sitting on the floor, looking at the destroyed home and tying up the limbs of the struggling ghosts, his heart was also beating fast.

After all, all this was beyond his knowledge.

Who would have thought that the legendary creature would appear in front of him.

And he almost died.

And all thanks to the Wind Feather Boy.

After a long time, I remembered the beautiful mother and daughter who were still hiding in the box.

So he called them out.

When the two came out, Feng Yu fell to the ground, and her husband was covered in injuries, and his broken leg was already red and swollen at this time.

couldn't help but burst into tears, rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find medicinal herbs, and bandaged the wounds of the two.

Looking at the limbs of the demon that was still struggling, Mixiu's mother held back the fear in her heart and asked, "What is this...", but Mixiu's

father didn't explain much, after all, the sky is almost dawning, and when the sun comes out, then this evil ghost will be wiped out.

Talking too much will make Meixiu's mother and daughter even more afraid.

"It's okay, everything is settled..."Mixiu's

father raised his hands and stroked Mixiu's mother's cheeks, gently wiped away his tears and gently comforted him.

And while Feng Yu and the others, who were waiting for the sun to rise, they ushered in a late person at this time...

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