The old man was very happy.

"One breath of thunder and one breath of water? Well done!" Boss Xia nodded with satisfaction.

Although Shinya's personality is a bit off, probably because he was led astray by Douma, his record is very impressive.

In recent years, Shinya has killed many pillars and elite ghost hunters.

Of course, these records are just fake accounts made by Shinya for Muzan.

For the sake of rigor, he changed the appearance of the "dead" and gave it to Boss Xia.

In case Boss Xia encounters a face-matching monster one day and comes to his senses, he will be embarrassed.

Then, Muzan's face turned angry: "Shinya, I've told you many times, throw away your dirty thoughts when you see me."

Shinya was stunned, and quickly threw away those dangerous thoughts in his mind.

Muzan said: "I was going to give you some more blood, but now I'm very unhappy and I don't plan to give it to you."

Shinya: "Tsk!"

Muzan looked at the upper strings. Although there were two annoying ones, he was generally satisfied.

Especially the first four, the record is nothing to say.

Of course, he didn't know that Shinya's record was all fake. Every month, he was shown a lot of cannibalism scenes, and all of them were changed by Shinya to eat ghosts for him to watch.

Although Yuhu's record was a bit worse, he could make a lot of money from making pots, so it was useful.

Although the brother and sister of Jifu Taro have always stayed in the red-light district, Jifu Taro has good talent and he is very optimistic about it.

If there was no Daki, the burden, he would be more satisfied.

He turned his gaze to the Lower Strings, and then his good mood for the day was gone.

A bunch of useless people, this generation of Lower Strings made him understand the saying that they are never satisfied with what they eat and are not good at anything.

He thought that letting Shinya kill the Lower String Three Snow Princess was already a shame for the Lower Strings, but he didn't expect that none of the Lower Strings in this generation were more reliable than Snow Princess.

This group of Lower Strings, when they met the ghost hunters, they were so arrogant that they wanted to tell the ghost hunters about their ancestors. They would write down everything they said to them word for word, and then show off when they met the ghost hunters.

It's okay that they don't have strength, and they don't have brains.

The six Lower Strings crawled on the ground, not daring to speak at all. They could only let the scum boss examine them.

"A bunch of useless people, it seems that the Twelve Demon Moons will only keep the Upper Strings." The scum boss became more and more angry as he thought about it, and said this.

The Lower Strings were suddenly as if they were falling into an ice cellar. Are they going to lay off employees?

Shinya looked at this group of lower-ranks and thought it was a pity.

If he could swallow these lower-ranks, his strength would probably be able to rise to a higher level, and his strength should be able to truly catch up with Douma.

It's a pity that the laid-off demons, the trash boss, want to recycle the blood.

"Next, we have to select new lower-ranks." The trash boss said, looking at a pool of blood.

Kokushibo: "Yes!"

Douma: "Eh?"

Akaza: "..."

Shinya: "How cruel, the fate of the lower-ranks is also fate."

Gyoku: "As expected of Lord Muzan, so cruel, so beautiful."

Jifu Taro: "Hmm..."

Daki: "A bunch of ugly monsters, they deserve to die."

The Twelve Kizuki at this time are really full of talents.

Upper String One, the strongest of the Twelve Kizuki, the loyal partner of the trash boss Muzan, and the second largest shareholder in technology investment. He will be ugly to death in the future.

Upper String Two, the terrifyingly powerful ice demon, freezes everything with a wave of his hand. The future will be killed by two little brats because of food poisoning and unable to exert his strength.

Upper String 3, Fighting Demon, the only honest man in the Twelve Demon Moons, a great injustice. The future will die because his wife pulled the network cable.

Upper String 4, a traitor.

Upper String 5, a weird pervert, a synonym for going with the flow. The future will die because he caught the enemy and deliberately didn't kill him, and he created a big daddy for himself.

Upper String 6, a street-level strongman, but he only exploded, and didn't kill anyone. The future will die because he underestimated the protagonist's halo and brought a sister who was a burden.

Muzan looked at the upper strings in front of him and was very satisfied.

With the help of these heroes, there is no need to worry about not being able to die!

Of course, what the scum boss didn't know was that he contributed the most in the entire war.

Counting the achievements of the scum boss in the original work, in the era of the main plot alone, the scum boss killed four lower strings and one upper string in seconds.

This record is not much worse than the combined performance of all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps. It is not an exaggeration to give him the title of Demon Pillar.

He even deserves the title.


yeah!" Muzan looked at Shinye.

Shinye: "Ah?"

Muzan said: "You devoured Lower String Three last time, this time you have to find me another Lower String Three."

"Ah? Didn't you agree that I killed Lower String Three?" Shinye was shocked. He didn't expect the scumbag boss to bring up the past.

The scumbag boss smiled and said: "I agreed, but I regret it now, you have to compensate me."

"You fucking..."

"It's settled, bye!"

Without waiting for Shinye to refute, Muzan finalized the matter and left Infinite City at the speed of light.

"This old... old bastard! "Shinya looked at the place where Muzan disappeared and cursed.

But generally speaking, this is a good thing for Shinya.

Although Shinya has eaten a lot of ghosts in the past sixty years, he has eaten a lot.

And every time he eats a certain amount of ghosts, he will peek into a certain memory of Boss Xia, and sometimes he can even sense Boss Xia's existence.

And he can feel that he is getting out of Boss Xia's control little by little.

Although this process is slow, it does exist.

And now Shinya, although his strength is far from Boss Xia and Kokushibo, Boss Xia can only rely on his strength to crush him if he wants to kill him.

If he wants to control himself, Boss Xia no longer has this authority, at most it will affect his state.

And these, after being filtered by the mental substitute, Boss Xia is unaware of it.

In his perception, he can still decide the life and death of the upper strings with one word, Including Shinya.

This brings up another problem, that is, your own blood can also turn people into demons.

And the demons you turn into can maintain their lives and become stronger by eating demons, and they are not controlled by the scumbag boss.

In short, Shinya created a dual monarchy under the scumbag boss.

That is, my boss's boss is not my boss.

The demons turned into demons by Shinya's blood are only controlled by Shinya, not by the scumbag boss.

And Shinya can use the power of the mental stand-in to make the scumbag boss mistakenly believe that he can control them.

If it weren't difficult to find candidates, Shinya would even want to replace all the lower strings with his own people...his own demons.

After leaving the Infinite City, Shinya came to Tamayo's residence, but Tamayo and Yushiro were not there.

Shinya was a little curious and triggered the coordinates on Tamayo's body.

Then, his face became ugly.

Tamayo and the others were discovered by the demons.

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