The two of them were in a state of panic.

On the streets of Edo, Tamayo and another ghost were facing each other.

"How about it, Miss Tamayo, can you agree to my proposal?" The ghost dressed very decently and said politely.

Tamayo's face was solemn: "Who are you? Did Muzan send you here?"

The ghost smiled and said: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tokikawa, and it has nothing to do with finding you and Master Muzan. I just hope that we can cooperate. Recently, a very strong ghost hunter has appeared in Asakusa. If we don't eradicate him, neither you nor I will have a good life."

"Ghost hunter?" Tamayo frowned.

Shichuan said: "Yes, this man is blind and his right arm is cut off. However, he is so powerful that even the lower ranks dare not confront him head-on."

"Blind and without a right arm?"

Tamayo, who has always been dealing with humans, certainly knows how serious this disability is for humans.

However, it is such a disabled person who can make the lower ranks feel terrified.

Even though Tamayo has lived for more than 200 years and has seen many big scenes, he is still extremely shocked.

"Do you know his name?" Tamayo asked.

Shichuan shook his head: "He calls himself Hunter 11."

"Hunter 11? Not a member of the Demon Slayer Corps?"

"Although he is holding a Nichirin sword, he is definitely not a member of the Demon Slayer Corps." Shichuan said.

Tamayo frowned and said vigilantly: "How can I believe that this is not your conspiracy?"

Tokawa said: "If I have a conspiracy, I should take you directly to see Lord Muzan instead of discussing cooperation here. I have heard about your story, but we are the same kind after all. How can we be killed by humans..."

"Really? How about being killed by a human like me?"

Before he finished speaking, a young man appeared behind Tokawa.

The young man's eyes were closed, his right hand was missing, and a sun wheel sword was hanging on his waist.

Tokawa suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and shouted: "Miss Tamayo, if we don't join forces, you will be killed too."


As soon as he finished speaking, Tokawa's arm was cut off.

The pain in the broken arm woke him up, but what frightened him even more was that his recovery ability was suppressed.

The broken arm that would have taken only a few seconds to recover had not grown out yet.

Looking at the sun wheel sword of Hunter No. 11, the originally silver-white blade had now become as red as a branding iron.

The burning breath emanating from the blade was exactly the same as the burning sensation on his broken arm.

"What...what is going on?" Shi Chuan was horrified. The situation before him had never happened in the previous fight.

Hunter No. 11 pointed his knife at Shi Chuan: "I won't let you escape this time."

Although he couldn't see with his eyes, Hunter No. 11 could always find Shi Chuan's position accurately.

From beginning to end, Tamayo and Yushiro did not make a move, watching him fall into a passive position.

"Miss Tamayo, why are you just watching? Are you really going to watch him die without helping?" Shi Chuan said while being beaten.

After a while, both of Shi Chuan's hands were cut off, and there were countless wounds on his body that could not be healed because of the hot sword intent.

These wounds continued to consume Shi Chuan's physical strength, making him weaker and weaker.

"It's time to end."

Hunter No. 11 rushed towards Shi Chuan, who was no longer able to dodge, and slashed at his neck.


A hand blocked in front of Shichuan and caught the blade.

"I am really surprised. I didn't expect that there are people who hunt demons as demon hunters besides the Demon Slayer Corps, and they also have the red sword with great killing power against demons." Shinya felt the pain coming from his palm and said with some surprise.

To be honest, since he became a demon, he has been helping the Demon Slayer Corps and occasionally came forward to guide the young people of the Demon Slayer Corps.

But he has never met a member of the Demon Slayer Corps who can open the red sword, and today he actually met a demon hunter who is not a member of the Demon Slayer Corps who can open the red sword.

In Shinya's opinion, the strength of the Hunter 11 in front of him, although not as good as the Rock Pillar and Wind Pillar in the original work, is already stronger than the pillars of this era.

Hunter 11 sensed the appearance of Shinya and immediately responded, swinging his sword to slash at Shinya.

Shinya dodged sideways, took the Sun Wheel Sword of Hunter 11, and then kicked him out.


Hunter 11 was kicked to the side of a tree, and then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.


pierced his shoulder with his Sunwheel Blade and nailed him to the tree.

"You... you are, the fourth Upper String, Lord Shinye." Tokawa was very shocked by Shinye's appearance. No one expected that the high and mighty Upper String would appear in such a place.

His brain was working fast, and he quickly pointed at Tamayo and said, "I found the defector Tamayo, Lord, please catch her and give her to Lord Muzan!"

For a demon like him, although Muzan could share memories with him, Muzan simply didn't have the leisure to care about a demon of his level.

He wanted to climb up, awaken the blood demon art, become one of the Twelve Demon Moons, or even an Upper String.

All of this, if he could get more blood from Muzan, he would definitely achieve his goal faster.

Offering Tamayo to Muzan, even to an Upper String, might get a blood-granting reward.

"Really? You've worked so hard." Shinye smiled and walked in front of Tokawa and patted his shoulder.

"It's not hard, it's all for Master Muzan." Shichuan said firmly: "Then Master, quickly capture Tamayo.

"Yes, of course."

As soon as the voice fell, Shinye stretched out his hand and grabbed Shichuan's neck.

"Why... why... Master Muzan..."

"Don't shout, he can't sense your death." Shinye looked at Shichuan and said.

In Shinye's indifferent eyes, Shichuan was completely devoured by Shinye, turning into nutrients to strengthen Shinye and to reverse Tiangang.

"In fact, there is no need to kill him. It seems that he is not on the same side as Muzan." Tamayo said.

Shinye said slowly: "Just knowing your existence is enough to sentence him to death, not to mention that he has found you, and there must be no ashes left. After all, they are still controlled by Muzan."

"I know." Tamayo looked at Shinye, and she was really relieved at this time.

"Then, what about this ghost hunter? "Tamayo asked,

Shinya looked at Hunter No. 11 at this time. Because of the pain and excessive blood loss, he was already a little confused.

"What kind of existence is a demon hunter who is not from the Demon Slayer Corps?"

The strength shown by the opponent just now made Tamayo a little scared.

But Shinya's strength is really eye-catching.

An opponent who is even stronger than the pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps was killed instantly by Shinya.

Shinya walked in front of Hunter No. 11, stretched out his index finger, and revealed a sharp nail.

The nail blew directly into Hunter No. 11's neck, and Shinya's blood began to be injected into it in small quantities.

Tamayo hurriedly shouted: "What are you going to do?"

Shinya grinned: "I want to do an experiment. "

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